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Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 6:09 pm
by KonThaak
I'd caught it. I figured everyone else had, too. I just thought maybe noone else put much weight on its importance. o_O

At any rate, who called the feds? That could complicate things...

I've been trying to contact my "relatives" for info on that ritual. No luck so far, damn my broken spirit...

Will keep trying. In the meantime, Shadow, what can you tell about the seals? What would happen if we broke or released them?

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 6:17 pm
by Gothicfox
Adama? I'm the coward?

I was the first one here you stupid son of a bitch. While you ranting on this board who you wanted to kill everyone I was doing the ground work to find out whats going on.

I don't expect a gutless coward to understand what I believe. It takes a little more live by faith then it does to live by taking the easy way out. Apparently, your the one who likes the easy way, to hell with who had to die to appeal your insignificant ego.

Just because I don't believe in all the bullshit you do, doesn't make me less a person. Since I'm here trying to reconcile this WITHOUT mentioning that the whole town needs to be wiped out, which some members on this board were kicking around, whose a hypocrite and a bully?

So spare me the crap of how much more read up you, or your some called of great cosmos intergalactic deity come to judge all on this planet. I'm having a hard time believing your not just another smuck living in his mom basement.

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 6:21 pm
by Shadowstalker
I think I have located a couple of the seals. Magic is not my strong point I can see them but until I can get closer and can maybe do an object read on them I can't tell you to much. When I know I'll tell you.

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 6:38 pm
by KonThaak
Adama, you did start this. Say nothing more on the subject.

Gothic, I resent you saying that the rest of us were entertaining the idea of killing the whole town. I was having moments of weakness and doubt before, but at no point was I going to allow the entire village to be destroyed.

As for faith... Just drop it. Adama has had to work hard to maintain his faith and his humanity after what his spirit teacher did to his soul. His faith is quiet, but it's there.

And if I so much as hear the words "easy way out" from you again, in regards to that subject, I will tear you a new fucking ass, regardless of whether you aim that comment at me or not, regardless of whether you're out playing hero or not.

Adama, don't mention faith around Gothic again.

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 6:51 pm
by AdamaGeist
Don't worry KT, I won't bring up his faith any further. Instead, I'll just drop his house of cards around his head with this one sentance.

Gothic, before you even started reading this thread, I was already AT THE HOSPITAL, TALKING TO BILLY.

Before you'd even reached the town, I'd done the first investigation of the hospital, ran into a couple of the local spirits, and got so filled with their hate that I had to flee the city or risk loosing control.

Don't belive me? Of course you don't. But you know what?


So, I'm done with you, Gothic. I realy am. I've proven myself to the others before, in more than one battle. And you? You've been... Elsewhere?

I'm feeling much better now, KT. I'll come help you sort through Winder's rituals, but I'd rather we didn't use somthing like that. I don't want that Reaper coming here. I have a feeling he's about as surgical as I would be in this situation.

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 7:02 pm
by Shadowstalker
I agree with Adama, as I said before don't go playing with dark majicks KT you in particular have to much to loose.

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 7:03 pm
by KonThaak
Windner's amplifier ritual doesn't concern me. The one we saw drawn in blood back in Crystal Lake last Samhuin was only done that way because of Windner's style, and to further taint his main ritual with negativity.

The Reaper doesn't concern me half as much as he did. He's not here out of hate, and he's only interested in the justice the restless spirits are after.

The karmic backlash of allowing them to get their hands on the five who were responsible is a bit troubling...

But I've dealt with karmic backlash before. A curse can be a horrible thing, but if you're left to choose between cursing a fool and endangering their life... I've dropped a few curses in the past. You know that. One more bit of karma won't kill me...

I do want to know why the townspeople are acting the way they are. Attacking Ben and Gothic, apparently unprovoked, is what truly bothers me.

That's why I'm willing to take a risk in finding and using that ritual.

Hey, Shadow, how's it coming?

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 7:08 pm
by Shadowstalker
Working on it.

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 7:11 pm
by AdamaGeist
Sorry, Kon-Tiki. If anyone's gonna suffer the ill-effects from this thing, it should be me.

I didn't save Billy when I had the chance, before they murdered him. I owe him that much. Besides, you have a wife and child to worry about.

If we're going to do it, you worry about the amplifiers, and I'll cast the real spell.

Besides, you're still recovering from the fight, while I'm strong. I can handle this.

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 7:15 pm
by Shadowstalker
Guys depending on what I find I may be able to deal with it and neither one of you has to risk Squat.

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 7:20 pm
by Gothicfox
It was because everyone was entertaining the thought that got my blood boiling. Question my faith was the other thing, and yes, I still believe you bastards would have taken the easy way out.

Don't like it, maybe you should watch what kind of ideas you kick around here to resolve this crap?

Yeah, I don't believe you've proven yourself. Yeah I've been else where, but I'm here now. I know that doesn't mean a damn to you. You guys want to play this off, be my guest. You want to play the high road guard, go for it. It doesn't change anything.

Just because you think everyone has to play by the same rules doesn't mean its going to happen. And you people sure as hell don't foster any kind of community by playing 'holier-then-thou'.

I am killer, thats vocation in life. So rub that in my face if you want. But at least I know where to draw the damn line.

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 7:35 pm
by KonThaak
Gothic... Yet again, noone was entertaining the thought of killing everyone, save for those who were directly under the influence of enraged spirits.

The reaper asked me to summon him into our plane, to allow him to claim five souls. I didn't understand that at first, and feared he might go after the whole town. In a moment of weakness, I debated whether or not to go through with the spell, thinking that was a risk.

Ron suggested we let him have all of the townspeople who are now attacking Society members. I didn't like the idea, but granted that he had a point. Note that I didn't jump to get the spell right then, because I still had doubts.

Now I know what the reaper wants...and not only is it not the destruction of the town, but it's still something I'm reluctant to give.

But in order to help save your sorry ass and Ben's, I was willing to do it. I was going to risk fouling my own soul further than it is to try and help you.

Yeah, some horrible hypocritical monster I am.

Before you go ranting about things of which you know nothing, take a moment, take a breath, and try acting like a member of this society.

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 9:04 pm
by BraveSirRobin
Gothicfox wrote:The only thing I left out was where one fo the seals was probably located.

I sure as hell am not telling anybody here after the heartful hipocracy I just read on this board.

All this time I was thinking the people here were going to make a difference in this world against evil things and here you are contemplating giving in to the evil just because of simple human immorality.

You turn loose the forces of evil, and they are just as evil as the people who are covering this up, when does it stop? Who do you help to get revenge on next?

The death camps in germany? Ruwanda? Darfur? How about Iraq and the people me and my people are killing over there to protect your sorry asses?

Since we're playing musical morality, how about San Fran? Despire the unity of gay pride I wonder what they are hiding being closes doors since normal morality dosen't apply.

This isn't about American justice, this is about doing the right thing. IF the spirits want peace, then we find a way to give it to them. They want blood, they are just as bad as the people we're dealing with now.

We're in the protection biz kids, not providing the other side the means to kill and maim others.

Wiping out a whole town because you dont' like what they do is stupid. It makes the whole stopping the demons and bad guys from coming over here from wiping out humanity appear like so much bullshit.

But I guess, because we get to defend humantiy we can cut ourselves a little of the judgement pie and decide who gets to live and die.

More work to be done, work you don't obviously want to do it seems.

Don't come looking for me.
Whoa there, Foxy... there's got to be at least 80 steps you just skipped between killing alleged terrorists (which, as you pointed out, are already being killed by "your people") and "kill the gays."

In fact, if you really believe that "normal morality doesn't apply" bit, I can honestly say there's no set of circumstances in which I'd come looking for you... not as a friend, anyway.

edit: as to your "faith"... well... you should really read up on it.

Gothicfox wrote:Just because you think everyone has to play by the same rules doesn't mean its going to happen. And you people sure as hell don't foster any kind of community by playing 'holier-then-thou'

Only one I see trying to make sure everyone plays by his rules is you. :wink:

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 10:03 pm
by Razor
Oh yeah, I just wanted to point out a couple more things I see.

Notice that Billy's parents dropped him off in the hospital a year and a half ago. I think that might be when this whole revenge thing started. Drop the kid off, get the hell out of Dodge? Maybe.

Also, nobody stays on cruise that long without a damn lot of money... or unless they're dead. I think the latter is highly likely, as spirits should be able to find them even then, especially as powerful as this Reaper is.

Any thoughts?

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 10:28 pm
by KonThaak
Heh... Sadly, Sir Robin, the arguments of the site you cited, while true, are no more valid than those of any fundamentalist Christian.

Which is to say he's read the whole Bible, and likes to quote the things that piss him off, as opposed to the things he likes. The church is "Christian" and largely ignores the laws of the Old Testament because those laws A) only applied to Israelites, according to Deuteronomy, B) does not contain "Christ", and C) the Old Testament is, with the advent of the New Testament, only a history leading into the NT.

The devil in the works of the OT was God, or rather, in my most humble of opinions, Man putting words into the mouth of God. "We need to destroy such-and-such/kill so-and-so because...uh...God said so! YEAH!"

The devil in the NT was Paul, the "disciple" that never walked with Jesus... Paul, who had been Christianity's biggest opponent, but then "saw the light", converted, and began twisting the words of Christ.

All the disciples twisted the words of Christ, and a number of Jesus' disciples liked Paul's "beliefs" more than Jesus', because it fit with their chauvinistic and prejudiced ways. Each of the disciples, though, belonged to a different racial or social group, and skewed Jesus' teachings to those views; the Bible is one book of skewed visions after another.

Man is mortal; Man is flawed; Man is capable of great acts of good, and terrible acts of greed. There are great messages in the Bible...if you're willing to ignore the fundamentalists on every side of the argument. (And yes, there are more sides than just the fundie Christians and the fundie Atheists.)

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 12:37 am
by Shang Li

A coward, yes. Weak, perhaps. Willing to destroy a whole town over it's history, no - I would rather be remembered as a weak, cowardly fool than as the destroyer of the innicent with the guilty.

My "guest" on the otherhand, would love nothing more than to destroy humanity and all of it's works. (or at least as much of said target as it can, any time it can).

Are you willing to take my "gift" of extended life from me Gothic? Will you seal away it's hate, it's rage, it's power? If so I know others who can bind it to you, and I tired of this duty long ago.

I am sorry to anyone that takes offence to my change in demeanor, but I am tired of being forced to leave the field with demons unslain. I am tired of having to spend at least four hours a day trying to stay at "peace" so that a rage not my own does not use my flesh. I am tired of walking on mental eggshells every waking hour, for fear of what i might do to another if roused to wrath.

Since I am so twisted, and evil, I must have become no different than those I spent lifetimes fighting. I render myself up for judgement, just make sure the shackles don't slip when you take over my burden.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 1:34 am
by KonThaak
Alright, the business with Gothic notwithstanding, I've had another visitation by Death... He helped me contact my ancestors, who taught me the ritual.

Now I know it...and Adama, even if I taught it to you so you could perform it, the karma would still wash back on me. After all, I would have taught it to you with the intent for it to be cast. Don't worry, though... It'll be fine. Karmic backlash of this sort usually only results in really bad luck for a few days...

It's when something like this results in the death of innocents that I need to really worry. That's when those of us who deal with the magics we deal with need to start watching out for a shortening of our natural lifespans and such.

Death has asserted a number of times that the five he seeks are "guilty". If such is indeed true, then the karma I suffer will be relatively minor, especially if they're still causing pain, suffering, and death from wherever they are.

He's left me with yet another riddle... "Seek the sightless eyes." He said something about the eyes being portals into the soul... Destroy the portals, and the seals will be broken, allowing the spirits to leave and find their peace.

So I'm thinking, in order to fully appease the spirits, we call Death into our plane, to take care of the guilty...then we destroy the eyes of the statues of the forefathers, to release the seals and allow the spirits to leave the places where they were bound.

Knowing that these five bound the souls of all those people here on our plane makes me a little more willing to go through with this...

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 1:36 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
When I read it my first thought was "Must mean the eyes of the statue..." and then you went and beat me to saying it.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 1:37 am
by KonThaak
Great minds...

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 1:38 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
Well I can remove the eyes from the statue easily enough, just need to let me know when.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 1:49 am
by KonThaak
I'll start working on the amplification rituals. I'll let you know when I've started the main event.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 2:02 am
by Shang Li
Death is unforgiving of those that miss her appointments.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 2:04 am
by KonThaak
Death is also unforgiving of those who force others to miss said appointments, it would seem...

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 2:05 am
by Holister
Um guys, I don't mean to interject and all, but I think that you may be offbase here. I don't think its the statue that, Um, Death, is talking about.

I think that he, she, it, whatever, may be referrin' to the 300 some odd skulls I saw in the F'd up chamber under the cemetery. To me it makes sense, to keep the souls bound to this place, keep their skulls. Empty eye sockets, sightless eyes?

Just a thought..anyone got any Tylenol?

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 2:16 am
by KonThaak o_o

Druids used to use the skulls of deceased creatures and people to make contact with the spirit world. The less-morally-based druids later used skulls to bind spirits.

Ben, you're absolutely right. I had completely forgotten you'd mentioned all those skulls...

Alright... Death said...something about destroying the sightless portals... That seems logical. Crush the skull, free that which is trapped within.

So...I'll keep working on those rituals.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 2:43 am
by Holister
Thats real good there KT, glad I could help, now can I please have some Tylenol, some Advil, maybe some morphine perhaps?

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 2:45 am
by KonThaak
Ben, you okay? I didn't realize you were hurt... Dammit. I wish I could help you... Once again, my broken soul is mucking things up...

What happened? Where are you?

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 2:53 am
by Holister
Its ok KT, ol buddy, Shades little ol' medic gave me a morphine shot, after I got shot,...shucks ma'am it was only a flesh wound, Ill walk it off...whoa...I feel dizzy and so tir...(Thud)


Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 2:54 am
by KonThaak
Oh...kay, then.

Thanks, Shadow.

I think. o_O

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 2:58 am
by Shadowstalker
Ben Whats up I thought Gale took care of you. Also where are those Skulls I think I can do something about them. Oh Razor I to had the thought about Billy's parents and had someone do some looking, intrestingly they could not be found, hell my contact has not found any indication that they even left the country. So I am thinking the worst.