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Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 3:17 am
by GhostSpider
So, uh, what happened? Are we going to have to assign Shadow some protection from Bert. :?

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 3:35 am
by The Dark Voice
Oh dear, oh dear, you best be careful Shadowstalker or you might go to bed with a claymore under your pillow.

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 3:52 am
by Shadowstalker
Only if you try to put it there Voice, If Bert is still mad at me I think he would be more inclined to punch me. I admit there was perhaps some small risk, but not of anything that would do Natasha true harm. At worst Natasha would have gotten the chance to reclaim some of her youth lost to a monster in human form.
Bert you are over-reacting.

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 3:58 am
by The Dark Voice
No, no, that would be too quick. For your interference, you will die a very agonizing death, much like the one the Knyht's friend suffered.

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 4:04 am
by GhostSpider
Keep digging that pit asshole, your probably going to hit china before to long.

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 4:08 am
by Shadowstalker
No he is digging his way to hell. Try and send your demons after me, they will fail you as they did last time.

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 4:12 am
by The Dark Voice
If I send demons after you, it will be something much more powerful than gargoyles.

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 4:25 am
by Shadowstalker
So you can learn from past mistakes. Maybe you will last a little longer, but I wouldn't hold out to much hope if I were you.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 2:00 am
by fate
Bert, this may sound a bit mean spirited but just give me a moment.

How could you be so selfish? Shadow was only trying to help Natasha. I used one of those stones after Loki and I dare say it saved my life. Yes it did make me younger but that a blessing, not a curse. It gave me a chance that nobody else can have the chance to make right the wrongs of my youth. A legitimate second chance.

I feel very strongly that Natasha would try and see it in just as positive a light. I apologize for sounding rude but there is only one reason a MAN would care if a women was underage and that Bert is very shallow reason to refuse to use the stone.

Please just take this for what it is Bert. This is not and attack on you. I’m just trying to put it in perspective for you.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 2:15 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
Oh, pardon me for trying to look after someone who wasn't of sound mind. You say it is a blessing, some people want to put their past behind them. He snuck in behind my back and used some weird ass magical artifact on her that we only have one first hand experience with.

So it worked out well this time. What about next time? When time permits, these decisions need to be weighed carefully. Not done in a kneejerk fashion. I didn't hear any discussion. I didn't see anyone pulling out tomes and books and shit. Did he even try to ascertain if she would choose to take that risk or not? Did anyone consult Kolya or Sasha or any of the other people close to her to try and figure out what her wishes might be under normal circumstances?

The gaul you have sickens me. You assume I only have one thing on my mind. You didn't see her when she was in that hospital bed hooked up to tubes and shit. You didn't have to push her around in a wheelchair. You didn't have to face the dead look in her eyes.

Next time you presume to lecture me, keep your fucking mouth shut or I'll shut it for you.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 2:33 am
by Shadowstalker
Bert I talked to her about it, actually I had talked to her about this before any of this had happened. At the time she was a little unsure, actually she wanted me to save it incase someone else ended up in a bad way like Fate had.
It was bad luck that the next person who needed it was Natasha herself. When I went to see her I asked if I should use it on her now. She said yes.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 3:35 am
by fate
Well...I see Bert. If that's the way you want it, so be it. No more advise from me. None at all.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 9:09 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
Well that's all well and good to say now Shadow. Where was that bit of information a week ago? For all I know you did nothing of the kind and invented a conversation to defend yourself.

Fate, good. See that it stays that way.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 9:28 am
by Natasha
You can keep the fighting to yourselfs.

I feel very horribly now :(

I decided to use this thing because I thought it would help me. But all it did is create animosity among Society. Sorry I dared to use it. I am in deep regret for it.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 9:41 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
Oh hun, don't feel sorry that you used it. For starters, the artifact and its use are actually secondary to the entire argument.

What pisses me off, is that Shadow went behind my back. I was kept wholly out of the loop. And then fate decided to lecture me, as if he could know my mind and heart.

I am Overjoyed that you are better.

However, this entire chain of events has been stressful as hell on me, and I don't care to keep quiet about it anymore. I'm tired of taking a beating from my so called friends and allies for trying to protect you and then expressing my feelings on the subject.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 9:47 am
by Natasha
Well if I not did it none from this would happen.

All my fault.


Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 9:51 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
It is not your fault!

None of this has been your fault.

If its anyone's fault, its Shadow who executed your wishes in a profoundly bad way.

But the fault doesn't rest with you. Not for this or any of it.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 9:55 am
by Natasha
It would not be 'profoundly bad way' if I said you I ask him to make it.

It's all my fault.


I go lay down.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 9:58 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
Nothing was preventing him from telling me that himself.

Don't get too comfy, I'm coming over.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 10:42 am
by Shadowstalker
Bert Damnit, Fine I can see why you would think I acted recklessly, and maybe in a small way I did. But understand I don't like when people I care about and call friend get hurt.
Bert understand I did know how bad off Natasha was, and it was driving me crazy how long it was taking for her to recover. I knew the Item in question would work, I convinced myself that the one side effect of it would make her younger was acceptable, that not only would it heal her but also give her a chance to reclaim some of a life that had been stolen from her.
If you think such an act was selfish on my part? Very well then I am sorry for that. I think at this point of an old Adage, "The Road to Hell is paved with good intentions." I had nothing but the best intentions.
Natasha don't blame yourself.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 10:52 am
by Michael T
Gentlemen argueing and blaming one another is going to do nothing but upset Natasha more. Bert if you had the stone you very well have been tempted to use it as Shadow did, worse case I have a few tricks that could bring someone back closer to thier natural age. I would not allow anyone in the very small circle of friends I have left to be trapped in a situation like that. I ask that both Bert and Shadow step back for a little while and think about what the hash posting and glares are doing to Natasha right now.

If you wish me to butt out just say so, but I will intervene if my student is getting so stressed she is not recovering enough to start some new lessons. No threats or "pissing on the deck" just my opinion. We are friends, lets rember that please.

Michael T.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 11:23 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
Michael that's the smartest thing I've heard in the past few days.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 11:39 am
by Natasha
Everyone, sorry me please for starting such ugly storm.

I not know why I do it always..:(

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 11:45 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
This is not your fault Natasha. Please don't blalme yourself.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 11:50 am
by Ron Caliburn
Hi Natasha,

It's not your fault at all - it's bad communication skills on the part of the boys here that caused the whole problem.

Seriously, if they would pull there heads out of their backsides for a momment and talk ta each other over what was ta happen and what your wishes was, they wouldn't be havin' this fight.

I am glad ta know you have recovered, and I hope I get ta see ya soon.


PS: Boys :roll:

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 11:51 am
by Michael T
Natasha you di not start this, Dym started it when he began his crusade to destroy you and the team. The incident over the stone and your healing was Bert reacting to a danger he perceved to you, and Shadow defending his use of the stone, You have nothing to be sorry for, if Dym had not chosen you to be the focus of his attacks then someoone or something else would have done something similar. I remind you, any time we start to pull our selves up there will be higher and more diffucult challenges to face.

You have come a long way in overcoming your past, don't let Dym drag you back down. Try meditating using the methods I was teaching you, let your self feel the flow of magic, keep your defenses up and the circle I left for you to meditate in. Focus on what you want to be, if you let Dym pull you down he wins. I know it is walking through hell right now, I have done it too many time in the last few years. I have faith that you can beat Dym and the demons of your youth.

Besides we still have a trip to make, so focus and rest you mind of all the worries that you are to blame. You are not, Dym will get his soon enough.

Michael T.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 12:04 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Hmm, there's a second misattributed post, I see what Hannah ment.

Anyway - She's right guys. If you had actually communicated with each other before things happened there wouldn't be a problem.

So either shake hands and apologize, or beat the tar out of each other and apologize, but in either case get over it before you make Natasha feel worse about something that isn't her fault.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 12:40 pm
by Natasha
I should have told Bert. He cannot trust me now. I spoiled everything! dym not made to not tell Bert what I wanted. I'm just a stupid girl who spoils everything she touches.

I appreciate everyone trying to make me feel better, but I can see clearly the trouble I started. :(

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 12:58 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
Natasha, I still trust you. And you didn't cause any trouble. Shadow and I caused it because we didn't communicate and fate compounded it.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 1:51 pm
by dym
Bert_the_Turtle wrote:Natasha, I still trust you. And you didn't cause any trouble. Shadow and I caused it because we didn't communicate and fate compounded it.
And all of that only because of you, you stupid little skanky bitch. Look what you have done to your friends! You should be ashamed of yourself. Oh, wait, you already are ;)
