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Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 3:56 pm
by Holister
Thanks, but I'll pass. To be honest, if we met, I would be to compelled to break my boot off in ya' ass.

Have a Nice Day

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 3:59 pm
by Shadowstalker
I would perhaps be willing to meet with you, but I doubt I would be a good replacement for you as I already have a calling.

Don't envourage him

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 4:01 pm
by Celeste Darken
Holister wrote:Thanks, but I'll pass. To be honest, if we met, I would be to compelled to break my boot off in ya' ass.

Have a Nice Day

And you reprimad me about egging him on . . .

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 4:04 pm
by Shadowstalker
See certain comments already made. Pop

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 4:04 pm
by Holister
What? Its not like a threatened to shoot the guy. Besides, waht can I say bring out the "beast" in me. :twisted:

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 4:13 pm
by DarKnyht
I am not interested in your offer. I consider that almost as disturbing as being a vampire. However, as I stated before I would like to chat with you about your views.

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 4:33 pm
by Holister
Ok..enough is enough guys. He says he is a slayer and has done all these great things. Fine. I may not want to accept his offer, but I will listen to what he has to say.

I am trying to trun over a new leaf here, and I know I have my own problems. When confrnted so bluntly with them, I reacted poorly. I guess that it is the first sign ya' got a problem.

So Ive given up the exceesive drinking, listen, I no alcoholic, but maybe I did drink a lil' too much. And my temper ain't exactly the best either.

So I would be a hippocrit if I did not give this Az guy a fair shake. So, maybe I'll eet with you, in person, face to face. No weapons, and all hostilities aside.

You just name the place, Ill name the time.

Until then pal.

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 12:16 am
by Ron Caliburn
Ben, try and keep tuesday clear . . . I have to meet with the contractors and won't be able to help restrain you if you get possessed again.

Azreal, our opinions are similar on many things . . . but I still don't trust that which won't die.

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 12:47 am
by Holister
I was never possessed damn it!
I was brain washed and made into a meat puppet for a secret goverment organization, yes. But never was I possessed. :P

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 2:41 am
by BraveSirRobin
Regarding the current handshake...

I'm not sure I can figure out how to make an actual hand make Mike, just going from the illustration in Ron's sig... :shock:

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 10:42 am
by Ron Caliburn
Tuck your thumb and pinky under and let your three longer fingers dnagle over top.

You sortta have to do that one with a bit of a limp wrist to get the best effect.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 1:20 am
by Azrael
Holister wrote:
So I would be a hippocrit if I did not give this Az guy a fair shake. So, maybe I'll meet with you, in person, face to face. No weapons, and all hostilities aside.

You just name the place, Ill name the time.

Until then pal.

Do you know what a thrall is Mr. Holister. It is a traitor to humanity hat serves a vampyre of his own free will.

You sir fit that description.

I have seen your carnal desires for the undead whore.
You desire her embrace and will lay down your own wretched life to protect an unholy godless monster. She is a fiend, and you are her lap dog. The others here who speak for her do so out of loyalty to a friend, why do you so vehemently defend her; lust, desire, her slightest touch.

You SICKEN me Mr. Holister. I would no more meet with you than draw my sword to slay you. Defend the wretched vampyre if you wish. If our path's cross, I will slay you and your dark mistress.

Pray that our paths do not cross.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 1:46 am
by Holister
You see what I get for tryin' to be civil.

I may be a backrow bapist Az, but I sure as hell know you don't know the difference between love and lust. How I feel for Celeste is my own damn business.

So if you want to bring it, I'll take you. I have vowed on my life I would not let anyone hurt her and I mean it; be it you, Ron, or anyone else. There are those here that agree with me, Cee is no monster. And I would, no WILL, stake my life on that.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 5:49 am
by Michael T
Gentlemen let's please stop the threats and promises to one another of pain, injury and death. Holister, I am willing to allow Celeste to prove herself to be a champion of the oblivious like the rest of us. However I am going to keep in mind the very warning she has repeatedly given, she is a vampire, she does crave human blood. This does not mean I belive she is going to attack anyone just to feed, unless the situation was most dire. Survival instincts may win out over her so far iron will to not lose her soul, then again any of us would have that same concern. I am in the opinion to allow her to continue to prove herself as different, but I will watch and listen for signs she is not. A mistake is not grounds to destroy her in my opinion, we all make them, unlike us she would not recive as many allowances of said errors. Again Celeste, Holister please do not think I am attacking either of you. I am willing to allow some one to try and live a higher path, more so with the aura readings I have gotten from her and from others who have done so on her .

Azrael I understand your drive to eradicate all vampires, I admire your dedication to it. I also belive you are too narrowly focused on the goal, again No attacks ment. I belive that you are missing a brilliant chance to learn more about your foes from one who has a first hand knowledge of them. I also ask that you please not threaten other Society members with death for standing by thier beliefs, This is a ongoing issue currently that is going to become the issue that will harm the innocent we all have struggled to protect. I am a mage sir, by the religon you adhere to with such faith I am not to be tolerated either. Please do not think I am attacking you, only pointing out we all have issues in our beliefs that clash with each other. I wonder what would happen if I never wanted to be more that a father and study ancient texts for purely academian purposes, what could the Sowki we just stopped have done? How many would have been seriously injured or killed in the procese of destroying it? I am not saying I did that all alone, or even the majority of it, it was a team effort. Look at all the people who have worked together that have issues on this board, some went poorly others went well. All of them put aside thier differences to save innnocents. I am not saying you or Ron need to work with Celeste, do watch her to ensure she is not a threat that is slowly destroying the Society.

To everyone here I am asking we all put the argueing and threats away, accept we all have differences and move on to uphold the legacy Victor Lazlo left here on this world. The more we fight and bicker the less effective we are at stopping the menaces out there. Celeste is a unique case on the forums, I am not saying trust any paranormal that comes along and claims repentance, but we can see from her actions she is trying. I see the road ahead for the Society is very difficult and harsh, it always has been from the war stories here. I ask each person to do some soul searching and ask yourself two question:

Is my pride so great I am willing to see the good done by this Society crumble to a hollow shell?

How many innocents will be lost because there is no Society where hunters and investigators can call for help to stop things out of their ability to handle alone?

I am no one of any influnce in the Lazlo Society, all of this is my opinion and observations. I do not want anyone to belive I am attacking them, their religous leanings or their morale standings. I am only voiceing my opinion, and before any of the clowns of the Society say it:

"Opinions are like assholes, everyone has got one and they all stink to everyone else."

Sorry for the long winded rant, I'll retire the soap box foor awhile now.
Michael T.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 10:19 am
by Ron Caliburn
I know this will probably shock you to hear it, but I hope Celeste can regain her humanity, I really do.

But I don't think for one momment that it actually will happen.

As much as we disagree over her "treatment" several of you that I trust have put in a good word for her and tell me that you will watch her along the path and help prevent her from slipping back into old habits.

So I stay out of it and let you folks handle the situation as you see best.

But I'm still going to provide my best advice and if I think the situation has gotten out of hand I will step in to put it back under control. All of you know what will happen if I feel the need to step in with this situation and I hope you understand that I haven't yet because I trust those who have watched over her.

But if ever you folks can't or won't keep her checked, I'm coming for her, and you best not get in my way.

Azreal, Ben is a fool and seems to be prone to having his will subverted, this is true. He has, and does, continue to fight for what he beleives is right. I guess what I'm saying is, if it comes down to it, try not to kill him . . . just wound him a bit. He might be useful later.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 12:29 am
by Holister
Ya know what, maybe one you will cross the line between vigilante and murder Ron, and I hope that others are just as dedicated in their hunt of you.

This also applies to you Az, just back off and do what you came to do. Cee obviously is not the one you seek, so just stay away from her. Im sure that you have committed some horrible things over your life time, even though you ay never admitt to it.

We all have our "demons", and if we persecuted each other over them, their wouldn't be a society left.

This has gone on for way too long. Just stop thinking of her as a monster, because she isn't. Could a monster hold a lifeless child in her arms and cry over the loss. Could it feel the pain of loosing that child, and cry out in that pain. She did. Think about that. Celeste doen't have to try to be human, she already is far more human than most of us could ever hope to be.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 8:46 am
by Ron Caliburn
She's not a monster, she's a vampire.

They are undead.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 9:41 am
by fate
So much hostility as of late. I think there are a few members of the society that are past do for a vacation. Trust me sometimes taking a break is just what the nerves need. I mean at this moment I’m typing away on a PDA in a monetary in Nepal, you should all see the view from the top of the world sometime.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 10:28 am
by Kolya
Yea, at least a few deep breaths.

After returning from the weekend and seeing this... makes me a sad panda.

*tries a little humour*

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 10:31 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
Haha. Hey, it worked! For me anyhow.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 10:53 am
by Kolya

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 11:20 am
by Shang Li
I belive that all of you know my stand on the issue. If the past is to be held against us I must be slain. Let the first of you who is innocent be the one to take my head, just tell me when and where, a final payment for my past would at least give release and closure.

Yes a time to gather our minds and replenish the body would likely help on most issues. I myself tend to be less forgiving when my center is disturbed after a fight.

Azreal, let us compare pasts, compare crimes, and then compare what we belive our fate will be and why. I will tell you of hells you never imagined, wrongs that cannot be made right, of the price we will all pay over time.

Mr. Holister, take joy in the little girl's presence more, and crusade less. It will be soon enough you will wish you had spent every waking moment with the little girl you remember, as look fondly on the woman she will become. The present is the greatest gift given to us, do not squander it.

My hunt continues, Khavik is still free, that will change, or I will discover peace.

Mr. Fate we really must confer, I am intrigued by the monastic traditions throughout the Himalayas, but only have experience with some of the temples in Tibet.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 1:06 pm
by Holister
Ya know, truth be told, I would sit and shoot the breeze with Ron any day of the week , maybe even take the guy fishin' or huntin'. Take him to The Brick and buy him a round of two (strong coffee I know he don't drink). I still totally respect the guy and consider him a buddy (not always but most of the time :D). Me and him will always have differences about Cee, that's how its gonna be.

I can't be goin' round havin' all this anger inside me, it ain't healthy. So if anybody wants to discuss anything at all with me, Im always round, just drop me a line.

This applies to you too Az. I had a friend run a SupNat back ground check on you. You are all that and a sack of potatoes. Probably take me out in a heartbeat. But Im willing to talk, maybe even help if a just give me a chance.

Lets give peace a chance. :D

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 1:58 pm
by Kolya
Thanks Holister. Good job.

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 11:55 am
by Natasha
Forgot to mention that signlanguage for 'T' is same symbol of Rusisan "fig". It is much like putting up the middle finger here, but not as rude. Basically means, "move on, nothing to see here." and can be response to just about any question.

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 12:44 pm
by Kolya
Such as when I ask Galya how her day is going.

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 12:31 am
by Ron Caliburn
Interesting co-incidence

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 11:49 pm
by Kolya
We thought so..

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 10:16 am
by Ron Caliburn
It's good to see the handshake being used so much in Montanna.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 12:46 pm
by Kolya
Proven to be a life saver.