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Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 5:31 pm
by Holister
Sophoroto wrote:Mr. Holister I will be flying out tomorrow, are there any small airports near Cypress Cove?

Actually we have a small air strip just outside of town bout 10 miles out, It can handle small planes, but no big commecial jobs. Had a cesna land there last month. Funny...its still there?

Maybe I should go check that out tonight.

Ben . . . take someone with you . . .

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 5:39 pm
by Eilonwy Solstice
Ben . . . take someone with you if you do that, please. You’re still hurt, remember?

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 5:54 pm
by Holister do care. :wink: Im fine worry wort. Ill just go out there with a deputy {or two} and see whats up. Sides, if Soph needs to land I gotta make sure the runway is clear.

Ill even bring a flashlight and shotgun to make ya feel better Ei.

See you and Hanah at the BBQ....hope ya bring jam jams and toothbrush its gonna be a fun weekend.

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 6:11 pm
by Eilonwy Solstice
Holister do care. :wink: Im fine worry wort. Ill just go out there with a deputy {or two} and see whats up. Sides, if Soph needs to land I gotta make sure the runway is clear.

Ill even bring a flashlight and shotgun to make ya feel better Ei.

See you and Hanah at the BBQ....hope ya bring jam jams and toothbrush its gonna be a fun weekend.

Well of course I care, Ben. It’s just . . . oh, for pity’s sake! I don’t like the feel of this. Taking guns never makes me feel better; using them even less so. Just be careful, okay?

And . . . never mind. I’ll be there, Ben.

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 11:53 pm
by Willie Long
KonThaak wrote:Besides, it sounds like Pendragon was keeping tabs on a lot of us as well...

Of course. You're all posting on the Agency's public board, after all.

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 6:27 pm
by Razor
Holister wrote:Quiet...I like to keep it that way Logan. Specially when I have 13 ley lines converging over my head. Report it...HELL NO. I would have every spook chaser and wannabe psychic showing with cameras and god knows what else. I have enough trouble up here as it is, I don't need that grief.

That mean I'm not invited?

Ben, you and I have some discussing to do, especially when it comes to Information Security. I also thought we had a deal worked out in regards to some government related issues myself.

Logan... Just... ... I don't wanna sound rude, but stay the fuck away from me.

Also, Ben.. I still have most of the supplies you gave me a while back. Most of the armor, guns and munitions. I'll bring those to help re-stock the Annex. Sakura won't be happy, but she can suck it.

Re: Memorial BBQ & Lazlo Retreat at Cypress Cove Anex

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 11:43 pm
by Holister
Keep it. I won't be needing it anyway. I am shutting down the annex afterall. Im moving next month to Wyoming and Carter is gonna head back down to Arkham, Mass.

Gonna sell off whatever is left and put the building on the market next week.

Same with my cabin and the land.

Anyway, I hope ya'll had a good time.