MISSING: Benjamin J. Holister

A place to seek help, or to offer services, dealing with the paranormal.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

I killed war already.
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Post by AdamaGeist »

Power to the people... Well, at least to KT... Hehehe... Does it taste wierd?
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Post by KonThaak »

Creator, there is darkness filling our world... Let me be the vessel of your light, let me be the one who protects those who need it.

Gaia, there are those here who would cheat death... I ask you to collect back that which has been taken from your soils.

Ancestors, there are those here who would despoil all we have worked for... Please give us your strengths.

Angels of the light, there are those here who seek to despoil our universe, and rape it with their darkness...

Spirits of our world... Dragons of the skies, fae of the Seelie court, spirits of the world, spirits of those who have been wronged by this beast... There is a monster who seek to become eternal, and to destroy us. Let us show him that all things will come to an end.

Creature of darkness that stands before me... The body you now possess shall be your last. You are now its soul, and it is your body. You are no longer free to leave it at will, and when it dies, so, too, shall you...

In the name of Creator, I call all this to pass.

I am not A bitch...I am THE bitch. And to you, I'm MS Bitch.
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Post by AdamaGeist »

Goddamnit, KT, give me some warning before you pull somthing like that! It's fricking crowded in here, and those angels started after me at first...
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

*Slams a Syringe into the back of Dele Morte's neck, sending a cocktail of chemicals into his body*

*Takes aim of the back of Dele Morte's left knee*

Your time is coming to a close Mother Fucker.
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Post by KonThaak »

Goddamn, it's a mess in here... I dunno what happened.

The fighting's stopped, for now, at least. Give us a chance to figure out what went down before anyone posts on this thread, please... We need to figure damage control and all that.
I am not A bitch...I am THE bitch. And to you, I'm MS Bitch.
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Post by Ashikaga Hideoshi »

I know a place it will not go.
Without an aplication Power is worthless.
The Unnamable
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Post by The Unnamable »

Last edited by The Unnamable on Sun Feb 11, 2007 11:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post by GRIM »

Last edited by GRIM on Sun Feb 11, 2007 11:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
A. Pendragon
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Post by A. Pendragon »

Blah blah blah... Shut the fuck up. No one cares to hear your drivel. You are powerless.
Fear the night because the night doesn't fear YOU!!!
Something that I have learned in my life: The dead just dont stay dead.
Freedom isn't as free as we have been taught!
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Post by KonThaak »

It's taken much of the morning, but between everything, we got the hospital wing repaired, all the most vital equipment running, and all the evac'ed staff and patients are returning to their positions...

So you're all wondering what went down last night.

The place was a mess... I had a ton of protections placed on Bert, Ben, and myself... After I summoned all those light and earth spirits here, the place was insanely crowded, and I got separated from Bert. Adama was fighting from the astral, so I didn't know how he was faring.

The gist of it was, though, if you're a former human spirit, steeped in demonic energy, don't start shit in a Catholic hospital staffed by healers who care, when there's a padre and at least a small chapel in each wing on staff. It tends to give the entire area a sanctified trait, which just made the light spirits that much more powerful.

Delemorte was outnumbered and horrendously outmatched. He called for backup, and he got it... Not that it did him much good. The demons and cultists that appeared were taken down fast by those I had summoned.

I caught sight of Bert, cornered by a number of demons and cultists. There was a child-sized faerie fighting on one side of him, and a seraph cutting down demons from his flank. Bert was...making some room for the action, shall we say.

Don't worry; that wall's as good as new, now, as were the other three he took down. And he'd had the right idea; we REALLY needed the space. Our side was overpowering Delemorte's, but more and more demons and monsters kept showing up...and at that rate, the tides could've turned at any time.

The fighting went on for at least another five minutes... I felt naked with only my magic and bare hands as weapons, but with all the energy that Li-sensei and Adama had infused into me before, I had plenty of energy...and Gabriel'd had some interesting theories on how to turn my healing magics into damaging ones... Theories that are theories no more.

As I sized up the gravity of the situation, it all ended rather abruptly. That's when I made my last post.

We started cleaning up; none of us trusted the sudden calm, but none of us knew what to do. So we cleaned up the carnage and tried to deal with the damage...

After about an hour of this, there was...I don't know how to describe it. A flash of dark? A number of my spirits were destroyed (may all who lost their lives last night find peace)... Bert and I fell victim to a spell.

Delemorte couldn't beat us on holy grounds, so he'd drawn us into the darkness.

And, at risk of stating the obvious, it was dark. I mean, DARK. Delemorte's voice echoed around us, taunting us, teasing our senses...

Fortunately for us both, I'd fashionned some amulets to protect us from fatal magics, because tendrils of darkness tried to reach into our chests... We could feel the chill of DM's foul magics, even with our protections...but the tendrils were turned away by my powers.

That was when Bert just started shooting at every shadow. I remembered he'd given me some gun that looked like something out of a Bond movie, and kicked myself for forgetting it until now... Holy rounds, he'd said. I pulled it out, too, and we stood back-to-back, firing at every shadow that moved...


I need to get something to eat. Don't worry, I won't leave y'all hanging as long as Ben does.
I am not A bitch...I am THE bitch. And to you, I'm MS Bitch.
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Way to show 'em what I taught ya.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Here's the gun KT is referring to.
Sorry I haven't been able to find a better online resource about it.
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Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Compact little beauty to be sure, though the technology has advanced to give us compact automatics with great magazine capacities, improved accuracy and the ability to chamber more powerful rounds.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Well, I've never found a pistol with the same combination of features that I liked.

Its compact, *Very* easy to draw, aim, and fire in one action, and the clear polycarbonate over the magazine let's me keep easy track of what I've fired.
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Post by KonThaak »

The shadows screamed as we shot 'em, and they seemed to recede away from us...

Ron, I was thinking about you in there. I could hear your voice in my mind, from back at the shooting range. "Find your target. Line up the sight. Squeeze. Again. Target. Sight. Squeeze. Again."

I'll type out the next installment in a little while... Baby needs fed... Will post it here ASAP.
I am not A bitch...I am THE bitch. And to you, I'm MS Bitch.
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

If you ever want a refresher KT, you know where.

Bert, I won't deny it's a handy little gun. I just find myself needing to put more rounds into the target usually as well as needing a gun that will hold up if I have to smack something with it. I also find myself using 9 mm less and .40 more.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

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Post by Kolya »

It is always a good feeling when training just slides into place.
С волками жить, по-волчьи выть.
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Yes, I don't care how realistically you train, nothing is the same as hearing the action cycle, smelling the smoke, feling the push agaisnt you arm and watching the bad guy drop.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
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Post by Kolya »

Well said, Ron, well said.
С волками жить, по-волчьи выть.
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Post by KonThaak »

Bert kept me supplied with fresh clips. I know neither of us expected to get out of there alive, but we were going to make Delemorte hurt...

At some point, I told Bert "Clip". His response was "Out".

That wasn't what I'd wanted to hear right then... Bert let his gun drop the second it was empty, and reached for another weapon, but an unseen force slammed us into the ground, hard and fast. "That will be enough of that..." The black tendrils relieved Bert of his remaining weapons as we both lay pinned under darkness. I tried to cast a protective spell around us, but one of the tendrils gagged me...

It's hard to describe the taste of darkness... Acrid and sweet...? It left me wanting to throw up, I know that. I bit into it, and it was like chomping onto nothing; completely insubstantial, yet I couldn't force air through my mouth enough to speak the words of my spell...

We were lifted into the air, and turned to face a human-shaped shadow that was darker than all the others. "You are in my domain, now. ...Mr. Turtle, as they call you... I have no further need for you. Your soul will further sustain me in my path to godhood.

"Gabriel... I have a proposition for you, my friend."

He wanted Gabriel. I heard Bert grunt in pain... I couldn't see what was happening to him, but despite the pain he was enduring, he refused to so much as gasp out loud.


I started to tell him the truth, that Gabriel was me, now, and that I was Gabriel, and that for the first time in a decade, Gabriel was happy, satisfied.

Then I changed my mind, and did something Gabe would've been proud of me for, if he were still separate from me.

"Go to Hell; I got nuthin' to say to you, you goddamned pisant." I saw Bert give more of a reaction to that than he had for the pain. It was a pretty convincing performance, if I do say so myself.

"I will give you your own soul, Gabriel... So that you no longer need to remain trapped inside the druid you despise so..."

I put a nice, long pause in as I glared at him with the most hateful expression I could muster. "I'm listening."

"Submit to me, Gabriel... Lend me the incredible power I know you're capable of. You find beauty in destruction. Help me make the world...a beautiful place."

Something in Bert's body snapped. He winced, but still made no sound. "Fine. On one condition... It's his soul I get," I said, nodding as best I could towards Bert.

"Why?" he asked, sounding amused and victorious.

"Because his soul contains memories of skills I admire... Demolitions, combat, and..." I trailed off. I couldn't look at Bert... I just hoped this would work.

"And?" he prompted, as the medallions that protected us from his dark magics were snapped from our necks.

"And the tenacity to rip you a new hole, you goddamned--"

He knew he'd been duped. With a scream of rage, he slammed us both into the ground. "I will see you both suffer for your insolence! You--"

He got a rather rude interruption as a blade, glowing crimson, sprouted through his chest. "Let. My husband. Go. Now."

A second blade ripped through his chest, glowing white. Claw and Akasha went to work inside of him, demolishing his very spirit inside his body...

He was fighting it, hard, but he asn't doing too well. It's hard, when you're of one mind, to fight a battle internally and externally at the same time.

My wife stepped around to his front, grinning sadistically. "Oops! I'm supposed to say that *before* I stab you, aren't I? Tee-hee..." God, I love that woman.

There was a beam of light, as a doorway behind Delemorte, and he shrieked in rage, trying to speak, scream, and fight all at once. Adama was standing in the doorway, flexing his wings and smirking. "Hang tight you two... This'll only take a minute, if I know your wife..."

Delemorte grabbed her by the throat, snarling, spitting up black blood. "I will not be beaten...by some mortal BITCH!"

A slim blade of spiritual energy neatly sliced through his wrist as the spirit of Victoria, my wife's doll, manifested next to my wife. She frowned disdainfully... "You will not address my seamtress in such a manner, lout."

My wife smirked, and pulled a statue of a dragon from her pocket. With a roar that shook the entire domain, Cubrious appeared...and in this plane, he was physical. Very physical.

My wife spoke. "Your ass just got toasted by a girl. Deal with it, punk." I said it before, and I'll say it again... God, I love her.

Needless to say, Delemorte is no more... It was damned close, though. Adama made certain that his spirit was fully destroyed and obliterated...

We spent the rest of the morning healing each other and doing repairs (both magical and mundane) on the damaged hospital wing. Amazingly, there was a minimum of equipment that needs to be replaced.

All in all, it's been a good day.
I am not A bitch...I am THE bitch. And to you, I'm MS Bitch.
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Anything I say at this point would be an understatement.

Though I'm sure a few of us here are wondering if your wife has a sister.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

It was amazing. Thank goodness for the cavalry.

"Out." That's the first time I've been out of ammunition in a long time.

And KT is a much better actor than I would've guessed. He had me genuinely worried for a moment thee.
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

I remember the night we busted up the necromancer in the hotel.

He probably wans't all acting.
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Post by Shadowstalker »

I would have paid to have seen DeleMorte's face there at the end.
To find the darkness you have walk in the shadows.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Ouch, yeah. I remember reading about that.
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Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Shadowstalker wrote:I would have paid to have seen DeleMorte's face there at the end.

I think we need to start sending video cameras to these things.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

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Post by Kolya »

That's a great idea.

The new phase of reality television....
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Unfortunately the public wouldn't beleive it's real and miss the whole point.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

It'd be good training material for people like us though.
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