A small account of my weekend activities

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Dorian Gray
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Joined: Tue Jan 23, 2007 6:27 pm

A small account of my weekend activities

Post by Dorian Gray »

As I was off on a little escapade of my own for the last few days I seem to have missed out on some happenings here. Well there is no use worrying over that little detail now and instead show this report that I acquired from one of my acquaintances while we were off dealing with a small problem here.


We followed the vampire back to his lair in the forest. We still have no idea why he takes back the bodies of his victims to this cave now that he knows were onto him, it just gave us time to keep up, perhaps it’s for some crude monument or as Trask pointed out he might be doing this on purpose to lead us into a trap which seemed to light up Dorian’s eyes way to much.

When we reached the entrance to the lair the stench we could smell was horrid and we each knew what was causing it. Trask started setting some magical barrier in place to stop the vampire and whatever else was down there from potentially escaping before me and Dorian entered the tunnel, I left Carmen outside to make sure that no one would get the jump on the old man while he was doing his ritual or whatever it was he was doing.

Before we got to far down the tunnel though I gave Dorian a spare pistol I had, much to his dismay of course but the tunnel was too narrow for proper fighting, as he put it, so he accepted it anyway. After about 10 minutes of walking and a few turns we came upon a rather large and well furnished opening, seems this vamp was into more than just killing and stealing corpses. Of course Murphy always said if anything can go wrong it would and worst case scenario popped up there was a human living here with the dead guy which is why he was taking the corpses back we hadn’t expected a necromancer to be involved.

Within seconds of walking into there humble abode the dead were already making there way towards us I unloaded one shell from my shotgun into the closest zombie where as Dorian seemed to have chosen a more hands on approach throwing one of them into a group toppling 3 of them all over in the process before he charged straight for the bloodsucker. I’m not entirely sure what happened with Dorian though as I was rather occupied trying to finish off the living dead but after I had finished off the rather measly horde that the necromancer had made I found him and he assured me the vampire was no more.

A quick search around the now lifeless lair, not that it had much life to begin with though, we found the necromancer hiding behind an overturned table begging for his life to no one in particular, he seemed rather young compared to the ones we normally fight so I just cuffed him and took him out of the cave, well find out what he was doing with the vamp tomorrow when he’s calmed down a bit.


I am still trying to convince Rick to let me borrow a copy of the report he has explaining why the youth was helping a vampire, merely to satisfy my own curiosity of course but if he does hand a copy over is anyone here wanting to hear the boys reasons? Also I am wondering if anyone here has ever came across a case like this with a vampire helping a human in such a way that it was not benefiting humanity?
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Vampires tend to be very habitual creatures.

Dumb ones setup their lair in the midst of their hunting grounds and feed where they make their kills.

Smart ones set up their lair at soem distance from their feeding spot and that feeding spot is near but not actually in the hunting grounds.

Once they have such a spot they will typically use it for months, years or decades depending on how long they live in the area.

Though usually they will switch to a new spot if the old spot was discovered.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
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