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Post by KonThaak »

No rest for the wicked...
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

They don't rest so we can't, hehe.
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Post by Shadowstalker »

Recently I have been getting this odd feeling things may not have been as finished as I had first thought. I don't know could be some hold over from haveing dealt with that much Psychic feedback, but I find myself wondering who made the deal in the first place? Reson being you would think they would have had some kind of back up plan in case the pact was broken. This is giveing me a headache I need an asprin or 5.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

I was wondering about that myself, but with so much else going on I couldn't wait around in town for them to show up; should they even show up.
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A. Pendragon
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Post by A. Pendragon »

If help is needed, I can leave Chicago behind for a few days and lend my help, hands, guns, etc...
Shoot me a PM.
Fear the night because the night doesn't fear YOU!!!
Something that I have learned in my life: The dead just dont stay dead.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Well, if DarKyht doesn't want my help with that cult I'm gonna head over to Chicago to see how KT si holding up anyhow, so Shadow or someone else in Podunk would have to let ya know.
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Post by Holister »

Well, Im in some nice little, out of the way, redneck joint some where in "the south". I got more rebel flags hangin' round me than Lee at Richmond.

Heck, I think some of these guys are in The Clan or something.

So this good ol' boy is just drinkin' his beer and watchin' his back. If anyone else is out there, Im out by mile marker 89 one rural route 56; Pete's Roadhouse is the name of the place.

Excuse me for a sec fellas, I have to correct som ignat' hickabout modern day civility round women.

Be right back.
"Too serve and protect", somethin' bout that gets a lil' blurred when dealin' with the supernatural.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

I'd join ya but the Confederate flag puts me in a bad mood and those mother fuckers whom I choose to not even do the slightest honor by having their name pass my lips (err come out my fingers?) make my trigger finger itch, so I'll just start heading back towards home.
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Post by Shadowstalker »

I am no longer in the town tho I have not left the state yet, little issue about getting one of my people back and dealing with a dead car. I have been keeping track of the fallout of our doings. There are a lot of people who are finding themselves on the wrong end of conspiracy charges, mostly murder tho a few fruade and the like. I may take a run threw town see if I can get in touch with some of my local L.E.O. contacts and get more details If anything shows up I'll let everyone know. Oh I haven't had a chance to check did anyone recognize the name of that demon "Caleigh" I think altho I may be misspelling it?
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Post by Holister »

That ok Bert, I got these fellas, right where they want me (SMASH!) Ill talk to yall later. (CRASH)
Be right back.
"Too serve and protect", somethin' bout that gets a lil' blurred when dealin' with the supernatural.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

The name isn't familiar to me. Though i don't usually ask to stop a demon's name.
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Post by Shadowstalker »

Thats cool Bert, I don't exactlly wait to be introduced either.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Errr, stop to ask rather. Can you tell I've been pushing myself too hard lately? Hahaha.
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Post by Shadowstalker »

Well I was wondering if you were that tired or had taken some time to celebrate yourself, at this point I'm guessing tired.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Well I'm not one for drinking and I didn't have any morphine :lol:
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Post by Shadowstalker »

Yeah Holister did take that little narcotic induced nap. I haven't had any sleep yet either. I will likely try to catch a few winks here shortly, suggest you do the same there Bert later.
To find the darkness you have walk in the shadows.
Dele Morte

Post by Dele Morte »

I believe you are referring to the Celtic demoness Caleigh.
The manifestation of misery, pain, chaos, discor, and death. She is an underworld demon, ancient, and powerful. Her cult like following ceased somewhere between the 6th and 7th centuries.

The cult was known for many attrocities againgst the innocent, ranging from mass murders, to human sacrafice, to self mutilation, all to appease their goddess.

It is unclear what happened to the cult, though it was quite popular in Ireland, it simply faded into obscurity with the rise of Christianity.

The demoness's name was seldom even mentioned if at all in tomes of Celtic mythology. But as with all things, evil does not die, it simply lies dormant, and waits to be released agin. Reborn into a world of ignorance, sloth, and greed. If she were to exists still, she would rather enjoy this modern world of ours, perhaps a little too much.

It is said though, that her high priest had great power, and was known as too reach into the chests of his victims and extract their still beating hearts while they watched. Never leaving a single mark upon the bodies.

The power of life and death was his to command. I woulld figure him to be a type of shaman, or what we would all a psychic healer of sorts, but whose intentions were to spread as much death, pain, and suffering as possible.

It is said that he met his end in a battle with the hero Cuchulain. However there is another version of that tale that says only the shaman's body was slain, and that his soul survived, but was never seen or heard from again.

To concieve that such a cult could have survived, or even established such a foothold in this modern time. One could wonder what else has of vile nature has grown underfoot?

If any of this can help you good sirs, than use it with my gratification.
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Post by Holister »

Oh crap...(Break)....uh guys, I may be a little busy for a awhile. I think I went en' pissed off some Clan boys. Only five of em'(SMASH). ..make that 4 of em'.

Be right back (SHATTER) (SMASH)
"Too serve and protect", somethin' bout that gets a lil' blurred when dealin' with the supernatural.
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Post by KonThaak »

Ben, be careful. They usually pack.

Dele Morte, I wasn't aware of Calleigh, but it is probably the darker half of my religious ancestry who followed her... This high priest you speak of probably was a dark druid, judging by the time frame, the location, and the abilities of which you speak.

We put down a dark druid who idolized that period of druidic history, himself, and he, too, has been killed in body, though lives on in spirit, and is planning a grand comeback for himself.

There is every possibility that this high priest did the same thing. Do your records give this high priest a name? I'm probably whole enough to start asking my runes about him...
I am not A bitch...I am THE bitch. And to you, I'm MS Bitch.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

She could rip out someone's heart without causing any damage?

Could she do other things? Like, cause Strokes and Heart Attacks?

You thinking what I'm thinking Ben?
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Post by KonThaak »

My name's not Ben, but that's a very astute observation, and a very good possibility...and I think Dele said the high priest was a he, not a she.

Nevertheless, you're still pry right. Human sacrifice was necessary for the five to keep their youth, and the methods sound about right.

With something that dark and that frightening, it's only a small wonder so many were intimidated into staying in line...even going so far as to attack you guys to protect the five, and the secrets they kept.
I am not A bitch...I am THE bitch. And to you, I'm MS Bitch.
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Post by Holister »

Just one moment ...(CRASH)...(BOOM).....

Ah, thats better, NOW JUST STAY DOWN!

God dammed pointed headed wack jobs. Thats right...go cryin' home to ya mommas. The north just kicked yer ' asses once again.

As you were sayin' Bert

(opens a new beer)

Yeah, does sound awfully familiar.
"Too serve and protect", somethin' bout that gets a lil' blurred when dealin' with the supernatural.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Err, well KT, Ben and I are working another case and that would answer some questions for us. But, your observations are probably correct.
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Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

If I'm right, isn't that more or less pronounced like Kali, the hindu death goddess who inspired the Thugee murder cult?
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Post by Razor »

I heard somewhere else here on the boards about the whole white hankercheif killing thing... think we might have an emulator or someone from the same cult responsible?
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Ashikaga Hideoshi
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Post by Ashikaga Hideoshi »

I doubt the two are related. The one they want is able to do so withoug making a wound. The thing attacking my men leaves a wound - just a very odd one.
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Dele Morte

Post by Dele Morte »

The cul following of Caleigh (pronounced Kal-A), did not resurface again until the 11th century in Damascus and once again faded into obscurity in th 13th. Then again in the 15th century during The Black Plague in Europe.

It was during this time The Cult had grown to pover 4000 strong, all believing that God was punishing the world. Fear and mass panic were Caleigh's two greatest weapons againts the world of man. So offering them solice and santuary during these troubled and dark times. During there reign this time the high priest would walk amongst the dead and the dying to harvest
their souls. War, disease, and famine were running rampant at this time, and soon thousands of souls were gather for the demoness.

It was in the 16th century that the cult's followers all commititted mass suicide, where it is believed the cult had nearly 6000 members strong at this time from all walks of life, cultures, and origins.

Then again, the name of Caleigh the great demoness, slipped into the cracks of cult mythology.

The priest went by many names, and had many faces as an entity of some power by this time, he had gained the ability to possess the recently dead and wear them as you might don the clothing you wear now.

His named amongst countless others; Angelous, Vicktor, Killian, Vhaugn, Menekhir, Lazarus, Mordecai, Croaton. The list goes on. But each time the cult surfaced, it always ended the same way. The cult would perish and the shaman would move on.

To conceive that there would be a cult here, and now, still active, or at least was, is predominantly important. Only once was it ever recorded of a possible Caleigh cult in Mexico, a small group broke up the cult, and destroyed the temple which was located in a small Aztec pyramid.

A week later, each member of that party was found dead, next to each body a heart was found, turns out it was their own each time.

Within one month, each of the deceased's familiy were met with tragedy. It was 54 deaths related or indirectly to the party that broke up the cult.

One hell of a track record for a small cult wouldn't you agree.
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Post by AdamaGeist »

Sounds like somthing I'll have to track down later, when I have the time...
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Ok, that is so wrong and bad on so many levels.
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Post by Shadowstalker »

All the more reson to find this priest and finish him off.
To find the darkness you have walk in the shadows.
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