Bitter Memories

A place to seek help, or to offer services, dealing with the paranormal.
Celeste Darken
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Bitter Memories

Post by Celeste Darken »

I must apologize for my inconsiderate behavior at the end of last year. While I helped as best I could, I was both distracted and cold, and I am certain I came across to some as uncaring and brutal. I was keeping myself aloof because of the . . . visions I had been experiencing. While I give an explanation, I do not excuse my rudeness. It was uncouth and for that, I am sorry.

At first, I thought them nothing more than the Unnamable’s attempts to subvert me. But that was not the case. They have persisted even after the victory at Cypress Cove and they have grown more personable and disturbing.

I feel no greater temptation to do evil, but I do feel a need to discover the sources of these visions. I believe them to be memories. But I will find out more before professing half-baked theories.

Consequently, I thank you all for your kindness and concern toward me. Thank you, Mr. Holister, for the land and the money. I will put them to good use. It seems that there has been a rash of incidents during my . . . holiday wanderings. The Supernatural never sleeps. But neither do I.
Death isn’t a state of nothingness. It’s a journey. What path are you forging?
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Post by Kolya »

Good to see you are back. Good luck with your situation.
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Post by Bearshaman »

Has it been almost like something calling to your supernatural side? Inticing it? Trying to get you to give in to darker urges and desires?
Somethings man was not meant to know..others man doesn't want to know.
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Post by Holister »

Thank Ya kindly Celeste, I owe ya for all ya did. I hope that I can help ya however I can. As for your own problems, I sure hope that ya can sort out things and find what ya lookin for.
"Too serve and protect", somethin' bout that gets a lil' blurred when dealin' with the supernatural.
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Post by AdamaGeist »

It is good to hear that you are safe, Miss Celeste... I have a request of you, if I may. I would like to know exactly what has been contained in your visions. The Unnamable was just one front for a set of beings I may have delt with in the past, and if they are the ones attempting to coerce you, I may be able to help you shut them up.
Shang Li
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Post by Shang Li »

If anything i can teach will help. i had my doubts about you after Okikan saw you in maine, but those are set aside now. i offer some meditation techniques that are designed specificly for preventing outside influence.

i am curious though, about your abilities, kyuuketsuki. does your body allow you to amnipulate chi? when you rest is it a type of deep sleep, meditation or more like a topor? does it hurt (physicly)? and most importantly were you this good of a person in life?

i wish you well in all your endeavours ms. darken. i have been discussing you with some of my bhuddist friends and they seem to think that you are not on the path of "redemption" but on bhudda's path to enlightenment. we are all hoping you succeed, as it has been too long i am told since a new bodhisavatta ("enlightened one", or "ascended") has risen
Understanding, is not a thing that comes swiftly, but rather in stages, a journey that once begun, must be seen to it's end.
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

So it's still undead. What hapepend in Saginaw?
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
Celeste Darken
Posts: 373
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I really hate these kinds of memories . . .

Post by Celeste Darken »

First things first, and one question at a time.
Bearshaman wrote:Has it been almost like something calling to your supernatural side?

No. These visions consist of . . . unpleasant memories, memories that have been resurfacing when I meditate . . . harsh memories, memories I received as a vampire and forgotten at my, shall we say, freedom from bondage. Unless they are “ads” to propagate what crimes I have committed.

Shang Li wrote:i am curious though, about your abilities, kyuuketsuki. does your body allow you to amnipulate chi? when you rest is it a type of deep sleep, meditation or more like a topor? does it hurt (physicly)? and most importantly were you this good of a person in life?

I wouldn’t know about the manipulation of chi. Until recently, all I have ever felt in my undead state has been the pangs of bloodthirst and the coldness of death. To be honest . . . I do not rest. During the day, I keep out of the sun and contribute in any way I can to the efforts to save humanity, during the night, I hunt those that would harm humanity. Is it physically painful to rest, or to witness these memories? The guilt I feel upon remembering these harsh memories might as well be a silver dagger to the heart. Sadly, as a human, I was one of many typical teens: disobedient, pushing the limits to my parents’ rules and at times blatantly breaking them, and causing them no end of worry. Save my ill-fated first night as an exotic dancer, I did no real “crime.” I don’t think I was bad or good: I was selfish and inconsiderate.

Ron Caliburn wrote:So it's still undead. What hapepend in Saginaw?

Thank you for that observation, Mr. Caliburn. Yes, I am still undead. Last I checked, my heart still wasn’t beating, I still wasn’t breathing, and I am still a girl. You can read about the latest installment here.

And for the record, it seems that I have been a member of the undead forces for a longer time than I first thought. Not long enough to be beyond mortal, but long enough to understand I was under the thumb of my sire for a much greater length of time than a mere six months . . . committing crimes and feeling his perverse pleasure from them as though it had been my own. He went out of his way to have me commit as many of the atrocities as possible. In retrospect, I almost wonder if he knew I was somehow . . . different than other vampires, would become so much more.

These memories are disturbing enough I thought I had best investigate the matter. Especially if some of my suspicions hold true.

I returned to the city where I had been freed from my master. The trail was long gone cold, but I thought there might be some clues that weren’t as temporary as others.

The building had been condemned some twenty years ago. Nearly six years past, I stood in here as a vampire. Almost six years past, a little girl had been held captive by nightmares she thought only existed in her imagination . . .

The little girl was a young preadolescent. She had long brown hair and those speckled freckles on her nose that old women find so adorable. Khavik finished duct-taping her ankles to the chair legs and stepped back to survey his work. He was an unnaturally large man, with hair that was somewhere between a flattop and a short crop cut, the end effect being a look like porcupine quills combed back. As evidenced by his large frame and the creases in his leather jacket, he was a weightlifter that worked out regularly.

And physically, he was probably the strongest one among us. He was no lackey to my sire, as I was, and a quarter dozen vampires besides. There had been no battle of wills, but rather, an understanding. He was powerful enough to be a master himself, though he gave no inclination that he had Turned any humans to obey his whims. He flashed his fangs in a brief smile before turning to face Master.

“Well? Now what?” Khavik folded his arms impatiently. “We have the kid. We have the mirror. What are we waiting for?”

“Patience,” Master replied coolly. “I like the way this is playing out. Let the Deej run its course.”

Khavik growled at the snub. Then he eyed me lustily and nodded. “Who’s the bloodling?”

“She is none of your concern,” Master replied curtly.

Khavik snickered. “But she’s all yours, eh? You hafta Turn every chick you see? Got ta hand it to ya though, Boaz. You finally picked a good-looking broad.”

Master’s face puckered in a frown, though I remained neutral, on his mental command. But my sire relented.

“Khavik, meet Miss Celeste Darken. She’ll be the one to watch our little friend here.”

Khavik smirked, and I was released to act my own, with a strict command to keep aloof from the large vampire. With my will shackled, my conscience imprisoned, and my spirit dead, I advanced upon the little girl with malice in the hollow where my heart had once been.

“Hello, Kelly,” I licked the side of her neck, teasing the side of my fang along her skin. “Nice to meet you. Some night soon, I’m going to be your sister. What do you think of that?” She cried out softly and cringed as I lapped her jugular with my tongue, but kept my fangs away. The duct tape at her arms and chest kept her from moving, and the strip of duct tape against her lips kept her from creating a sound louder than a whimper.

I don’t like those kinds of memories.
Death isn’t a state of nothingness. It’s a journey. What path are you forging?
Celeste Darken
Posts: 373
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Memories . . . and thoughts

Post by Celeste Darken »

The memories continue. In fact, they have never stopped. While they bring painful guilt with them, I am glad that they come. Because I believe they may bring me that much closer to redemption; if such a thing is possible. I will say neither “yea” or “nay” on the matter.

But I’m hoping.

I raced to the meeting point, feeling my master’s rage and ire like a machete against my skin. Once there, he vented his rage upon me. “What happened?” I asked afterward.

“What happened? What HAPPENED? I’ll tell you what happened. He showed up, is what happened!”

“The vampire hunter that was following us?” I inquired.

“YES!” he shrieked. “He got the upper hand on us. The girl was freed before I could turn her. And he destroyed Vogel.”

Vogel had been a young gangster, Master had turned him before he had Turned me. “Khavik?” I probed delicately.

“He’s a sly one,” Master shook his head. “He escaped.”

“Four of us left,” I mused softly, pondering. “Velma, Tami, myself, and you, Master. Should we track down this hunter and slay him?”

“He traveled here from a distance,” Master sneered. “We will go after him when I say we go after him. Remember that,

“Yes, Master,” I bowed under forced humility.

“In the meantime, we will lay low and move out. Let the Hunter think he was dealing with a lone vampire. He was good, but I think he had help, too. He had a contact in the city. I’m certain of it.”

Master stared hard at me. “We wait and watch. When the time is right, we strike. But not until then. Not until
I say.”

I bowed obediently. But way back in the subconscious part of my mind, the part where I still had control, this was the first inclination I had that my master was weak. Weak and afraid.

Weak, of course, is all relative. Compared to Khavik, Boaz was a sorry excuse for mosquito. Compared to others I know, he was a relentless foe.
Death isn’t a state of nothingness. It’s a journey. What path are you forging?
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

So I assume Boaz was brought down eventually - considering what you've told us of your origins.

What of Khavik? Any idea on him? His whereabouts? If he's that dangerous we shouldn't let him hide in the dark somewhere.

Perhaps instead of looking for the vampire hunter you should help us find Khavik and help him get a nice tan.

For that matter what happened to the rest of your pack?
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
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Post by Holister »

Its good to see you bein' civil towards Cee Ron. I am alos curious to hear about these man sized mosquitoes.

PS: I think vampires refer to themselves as CLANS rather than packs. Makes them sound more superior. Were's are referred to in Packs, Vamps & Lupine do not mix, I know that first hand.

But again I digress, Im with Ron on this one, what happened to the rest if they are still out there would you have any 'jections to us goin' after them?
"Too serve and protect", somethin' bout that gets a lil' blurred when dealin' with the supernatural.
Celeste Darken
Posts: 373
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Location: Inside the Darkness

Dead Meat . . .

Post by Celeste Darken »

Holister wrote:PS: I think vampires refer to themselves as CLANS rather than packs.

I refer to them as dead meat. The last I recall, Tami and I were the only survivors of Boaz’s . . . “entourage.” But Khavik is most certainly still hunting. As Boaz stated: he is a sly one. If you’re asking my permission, hunt as you see fit. But from what I recall, Khavik would not be found if he didn’t wish to. He has had centuries to grow, and he is more adaptable than any other undead creature I know of.

When he is “found,” it will because he desires it. And rest assured, he will be prepared for whatever we throw at him.
Death isn’t a state of nothingness. It’s a journey. What path are you forging?
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

I am civil to Miss Darken . . . doesn't change my opinion of her, but that opinion is no excuse for bad manners.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
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Post by Holister »

Howdy again Cee...

Howdy Ron, good to see ya bein' civil to our resident Vampirella.

I got an offer, why don't you and I go find that bloodsuckin' SOB and greet him with a good ol' Stake & Bake. Come on Ron, it'll be fun. Like old times.

I know you want to, oh yes you do... :twisted:
"Too serve and protect", somethin' bout that gets a lil' blurred when dealin' with the supernatural.
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

I am in the mood too, though we both have things to get off our plates right now Ben. You have your situation down in the village there and I have my own mystery.

I think I have a rogue monster hunter loose at the momment.

He's killing monsters, but he ain't doing much to save the victims from them.

For example, I got on scene last night to find all the classic signs of a vampire attack that got interrupted. however it looks like whomever interrupted the vampire left the victim to bleed out.

No ash piles, so I think the vampire slipped away in the confusion.

I was wondering how the Blight didn't go out of control while I was gone, now I know.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
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Post by Razor »

Well, thats kind of a blessing and both a curse at the same time. Maybe you could help him out, get him straight. Part of it sounds to me like he's a young one or an amature. So... yeah. That's definately something to occupy your time.

Any updates on Asshole?
Secrets and secrets, truth and lies, but which is which? Not knowing is the way to die.
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

He's kept clear of anything obvious in my dreams. I know he's still there soemtimes, but he's hiding. He hasn't done anything with anybody else in the better part of a week either it seems.

So I think I shook him up and he's trying to find a new plan.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
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Post by Holister »

Sounds like you got a problem there Ron, a hunter with a "thrill kill" way of thinking, and has regards for collateral damage. That type of personality is not in it for saving of innocents Ro, they are in it for the thrill of the hunt, and the sake of the kill.

What were the struggle signs, and evidence you could see?
"Too serve and protect", somethin' bout that gets a lil' blurred when dealin' with the supernatural.
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Well, as usual it was a streetwalker. Those poor girls, such easy prey to these things.

This one must have realized somethign was up in time to let off a can of mace though - fat lot of good it did.

The commotion looked like it attracted the hunter and he lit off some buckshot - I found a silver pellet, so at least he knew what to carry. The shell casings are the same brand I use for my handloads too, guy obviously has a thing for quality.

Anyway, it looks like it was enough to frighen the vamp off. Hunter made no apparent move to help the vic.

She was beyond help when I got there.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
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Post by Holister »

Well, that sounds like a lead to me. If you guys have the same ammo, check with where you get yours, maybe he gets them at the same place. (or) the ther possibility you do not want to hear, could you have sold to this guy before?

PS: I was not shot down Ron, I was graciously declined, there is a diference.

Anyway...check to see the bullistics match anything you have. Might be a place to start looking.

You could have a wannabe Ron or possibly a heartless rival out your way.
"Too serve and protect", somethin' bout that gets a lil' blurred when dealin' with the supernatural.
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Post by Greydawn »

Mr. Caliburn, is it possible that it may have been the living nightmare that did it? Think about it, same ammo you use?
There is a time for life and a time for death, Find the balance.
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

I buy mine wholesale, so he could have gotten it through a few retailers.

I am going to do an inventory, just in case.

As for Not Me, he seems to be laying low lately. I think he's still smarting from the burn I laid on him.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
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Post by Greydawn »

It was just a thought.
There is a time for life and a time for death, Find the balance.
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Post by Holister »

I don't think its Not Me from what Ron described, it doesn't fit the thing's MO one bit.

As for the bullistics, can you send me a casing Ron, and a list of those suppliers. I have a few contacts at Quantico that might be able to help tell you where the bullet came from. Might help narrow down your search. Ill make sure not to mention your name.
"Too serve and protect", somethin' bout that gets a lil' blurred when dealin' with the supernatural.
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

I'm getting the cartridge case to Ted.

No offense Ben, but you're neck deep where you're at and he's just a drive up the beltway.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
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Post by Holister »

You got a point there Ron. Hell, one the cops down here actually took popshots at me, can you believe it. What ever happened to professional courtesy?
"Too serve and protect", somethin' bout that gets a lil' blurred when dealin' with the supernatural.
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

I know, people these days. Bad monster hunters, bad cops. . .
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
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Post by Holister »

Thats why its up to guys like us to keep the peace there Ron. We are all that stands between chaos and order, ruination and salvation.

The ruin of man lies just beoynd the gate and we my friend are the welcome mat.
"Too serve and protect", somethin' bout that gets a lil' blurred when dealin' with the supernatural.
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Post by Natasha »

Or make the peace...
Наташа Крылова .:. Natasha Krilova
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Post by Holister »

That is true too my dear, that is true.

PS: I like the little icon thing with the wizard's hat and magic wand.
"Too serve and protect", somethin' bout that gets a lil' blurred when dealin' with the supernatural.
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