Opperation: PURGE!

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Post by Razor »

Agreed. On that note, I'm going to see about helping boost that resistance.
Secrets and secrets, truth and lies, but which is which? Not knowing is the way to die.
Celeste Darken
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Resistance is not futile

Post by Celeste Darken »

Stephen wrote:Im sorry, I did not know that keeping the world safe fom the likes of ex-Lazlo gun crazed psychos with a thirst for carange required Lazlo Society permission.

Only when we are uncertain the “gun-crazed psychos” are acting of their own free will, Mr. Stephen, which seems unlikely, given Mr. Holister’s past posts. But if you’re so intent on laying the blame to another and then killing him or her for it, I’m certain we can frame you for a crime you may or may not have committed. I’ll gladly take up the position you have chosen as “executor without permission” and rip your throat out.


That of course, is purely hypothetical, Mr. Stephen. I don’t plan on framing you for crimes you did not commit, nor on seeking your death for another’s. You do not need Lazlo’s “permission” to do anything. Simply know that Holister has friends who wish to prove his guilt or innocence first. Now if the entire board decides Holister must die, you likely won’t have any opposition. But as long as there is at least one member who believe Holister may not be acting under his own free will, there will be resistance to any permanent solutions involving killing.

I suggest you look before you dive off a cliff.
Death isn’t a state of nothingness. It’s a journey. What path are you forging?
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

We have to be careful though. I'm worried his mind might snap if we try to use brute force to break the conditioning.
Dym, Ваша боль будет вечна
Crosshair MT
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Post by Crosshair MT »

Stephen again I have never tried to tell you how to conduct your business, Ben is a friend. I don't have a large number of them, I take care of the ones I do have. If it is determined Ben has to be killed I'll do it myself. Untill that time I will do every thing to ensure that the Society has time to help him. If that means telling you to butt out I will, again you have things you have let out of Pandora's box to deal with. We will deal with Ben, and I would say this to any member who was calling for his death so quickly. So don't think I am picking at just you Stephen.

Please deal with the virus and make sure it is never a threat to innocents, as for it's creator that is up to you. Please leave Ben to us, the people who want to help him before being forced to do some thing drastic.
There will always be a reason to fear the unknown, fear is a good way to ground yourself in reality, or at least the part of it that leaves you sane. ( Funny term for those of us that deal with the supernatural.)
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Post by Kolya »

Crosshair MT - a voice of reason. I'm just repeating what he said.

I have stayed pretty much quiet, but I think it is important to understand that Holister is not yet lost...
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Post by AdamaGeist »

Personaly, I'm more interested in finding who did this to him and when they did it. From there, we can move on to killing those who realy deserve death.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Well, I'm working on that AG.
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Post by Stephen »

Why my fine Lazlo compatriots;

I have some good new to share despite all the dark curtains that have descended across thse boards as of late. The raid on the bio-weapons plant went very smoothly. We took out his men, and the factory. We have dates, records, and sales. If anything, Savarius kept good records.

I also have some good news, the man himself is dead, leaves us on our own to find a cure though, but at least we don't have to worry about him making anymore parenovirus.

I do have one question, who killed him though? You see, he was already dead when my men stormed the complex. There was a firefight but my men prevailed...ahh nothing like a flacette to save on expensive ammo costs. However, it was to my dismay that Savarius was already dead in his private study, sitting at desk, with his heart atop of it.
No wounds what so ever on the body,
but it was his heart none the less.

So who amongst you killed him? Was it you Geist, or perhaps that vampiric pest Darken. Either way, he is dead. And we can close the dark chapter once and for all...

Wait one moment...Im getting a report.....gentlemen, we have a situation. Whoever killed Savarius,
also took two canisters of the Parenovirus V.2. So if one of you did slay Savarius, I hope youdon't open those canisters. If you did not, we have a dire situation on our hands.

Fortunately Im in Japan right now,
so sally forth, and good luck.

Adieu Gentlemen
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Post by KonThaak »

Ben... If you feel so strongly I am a traitor, come find me. I can't stand up to all four of you at once, and I can't hide from you forever.

Just promise me that my family will be looked after.
I am not A bitch...I am THE bitch. And to you, I'm MS Bitch.
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Post by Holister »

Hello all of you at Lazlo.

Mr. Holister is resting right now, along with the other Horsemen. I figured they could use a break.
We found this cozy raod side diner to stop at in Colorado. So many nice, innocent people...

By now Im sure Dr.Chase has been in contact with you all, or at least one of you. Though I have seen no posts directly, I know how that relic in a wheelchair thinks.

I suppose Im being rude, my name is Alan Shepard. Ill be blunt, I hated Victor Lazlo, I still do. He was a self righteous lunatic who believed that the paranormal should be studied, investigated, and tried to open peoples minds. He opened the mind of my son, a some blood sucking parastite vampire killed him for. David was a good boy, and now hes dead beacuse he listened to you Victor. He was in a special slayer squad sent to eliminate a particular nasty UNDEAD WHORE that we all know.

Since Lazlo is dead, his leagcy must die too. Ill be extremely blunt here; I have my playing pieces on the board, you have one hours to prepare for my demands,
if not I will have The Horsemen KILL every living person; man, woman, and CHILD in this place.
Even if Holister resists, WAR and the others will be more than happy to comply! Collateral damage is such a septic way to describe death, but this is war.

And before any of you attempt to play hereo, I possess one of the two missing canisters of Parenovirus V.2 that fool Savarius so graciously provided, and I so like to visit big cities. Get my point.

As for the second canister, its floating around somewhere.

I want my revenge deciples of Lazlo and I will not be denied!

If and when Ben wakes up, Ill have him call.
"Too serve and protect", somethin' bout that gets a lil' blurred when dealin' with the supernatural.
A. Pendragon
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Post by A. Pendragon »

Holister wrote:Hello all of you at Lazlo.

Mr. Holister is resting right now, along with the other Horsemen. I figured they could use a break.
We found this cozy raod side diner to stop at in Colorado. So many nice, innocent people...

By now Im sure Dr.Chase has been in contact with you all, or at least one of you. Though I have seen no posts directly, I know how that relic in a wheelchair thinks.

I suppose Im being rude, my name is Alan Shepard. Ill be blunt, I hated Victor Lazlo, I still do. He was a self righteous lunatic who believed that the paranormal should be studied, investigated, and tried to open peoples minds. He opened the mind of my son, a some blood sucking parastite vampire killed him for. David was a good boy, and now hes dead beacuse he listened to you Victor. He was in a special slayer squad sent to eliminate a particular nasty UNDEAD WHORE that we all know.

Since Lazlo is dead, his leagcy must die too. Ill be extremely blunt here; I have my playing pieces on the board, you have one hours to prepare for my demands,
if not I will have The Horsemen KILL every living person; man, woman, and CHILD in this place.
Even if Holister resists, WAR and the others will be more than happy to comply! Collateral damage is such a septic way to describe death, but this is war.

And before any of you attempt to play hereo, I possess one of the two missing canisters of Parenovirus V.2 that fool Savarius so graciously provided, and I so like to visit big cities. Get my point.

As for the second canister, its floating around somewhere.

I want my revenge deciples of Lazlo and I will not be denied!

If and when Ben wakes up, Ill have him call.
Bring it on bitch!
Fear the night because the night doesn't fear YOU!!!
Something that I have learned in my life: The dead just dont stay dead.
Freedom isn't as free as we have been taught!
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Post by Holister »

That little comment Pendragon, just might cost some waitress their life. WAR, cap the screamer, and ruin her face. I want her familiy to see the arrogance of Lazlo's legacy as they try to put it back together.

One bystander down, any more snide comments.

One hour people.
"Too serve and protect", somethin' bout that gets a lil' blurred when dealin' with the supernatural.
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Post by Razor »

... >_<
Secrets and secrets, truth and lies, but which is which? Not knowing is the way to die.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

So what would you trade Ben and the canister for? Ms. Darken gift wrapped and delivered?
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Post by AdamaGeist »

I can't stop laughing...

Mister Shepard, you have just proven a point I have been pressing for years. Ladies and gentlemen, this is proof positive that there is no atrocity, no horrible act that a supernatural being can do out of pure evil and malice, that is worse than what a human being can do, and justify to himself as a good act.

Which, in and of itself, raises one question... What guarntee do we have that ANY of them are still alive? You have no compunction to keep them alive, nor realy any reason to try, seeing as how you've become a monster yourself...

And finaly, when will you actualy mention these conditions?
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Post by AdamaGeist »

Stephen, is the virus vulnerable to extreme heat or cold?

A note for all... I have successfully called on one of my Brothers. It will stay as long as I need it, but I realy wish to be able to send it home as soon as possible. However, this is probably the most I'll be able to do for you today.
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Post by KonThaak »


It appears you abhor that which is paranormal, and as a mage, that makes me your enemy. You are now openly harming innocents, and that makes you an enemy of our society.

But most importantly, you have threatened not only my family, but the families of everyone here, including the family of your own Ben Holister. And for that, you are my enemy.

Know this... Lazlo is not dead. Lazlo's legacy will live on, regardless of your war. His legacy, if you bothered to try to understand it, teaches us how to fight paranormal menaces, as well as to understand the paranormal itself. Your son was killed in the line of duty. America has an astronomical list of soldiers who've died in the line of duty, defending what they thought was right. Every nation does. Do we declare war on our nations, simply because our family members have died defending a cause we may not necessarily believe in?

For this reason, you are a fool. You're not fighting because of your son... You're fighting for your own selfish reasons.

Your son died defending certain ideals. Now you're fighting to destroy those very same ideals.

You're fighting to ensure your son has died in vain.

It's people like you that make me wish I believed in a Hell...so I could damn you to it.

Those people have nothing to do with this. If you want us all dead so badly, come and find us. I'll even give you an address where you may find me. Give me a time frame, and I'll tell you where I'll be right then.
I am not A bitch...I am THE bitch. And to you, I'm MS Bitch.
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Post by Holister »

Sometimes you pagan one must kill the flock to save the heard, especially from wolves like yourself. You and those like you are an abonination in the face of Go, that is why w killed off so many you over the centuries. A druid, as blaspemous as any devil worshipper. Go to church everty now andthen and cleasne the pigs blood ovff your hands. Maybe then I will bother discussing matter of spiritual revelance with you heathan.

In the mean time, Im sure you are awar of the actions of my, ally, so to speak. Seattle will be a graveyard within 48 hours, as will the next city I so choose to set off the canister in my posession.

You see, beside Benny oy here, and the virus, I also nabbed the cure from Savarus. Enough here for everyone infected. They don't have to die, and niether does anyone else. But this is war, a war to save humanity from those like you!

I would have responded earlier, but I underestimated the will of Ben Holister. He actually attacked the other Horsemen and drew a gun on me, ON ME! After a two hour chase, we finally caught up with him. He is fortunately back under my control. The fool may have spared those in the diner, but there are other places we can go.

His conviction is very strong but I will either break him, or I will kill him.!

As for my demands, they are simple.

I want my son's killer brought to me, that was a given. But, Ive grown somewhat ond o your self righteous attitudes. So this is how this is going to play itself out.

I have the Four Horsemen, you get to have four players on the field.
I will choose them, and the our playing field as it were. The rules are simple. If you break these rules, innocents will die as a result!

You will hear back from me this evening 5 PM EST. Until then.
"Too serve and protect", somethin' bout that gets a lil' blurred when dealin' with the supernatural.
Ashikaga Hideoshi
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Post by Ashikaga Hideoshi »

Mr. Shepard. You have 24 hours to start to run. You will die tired and screaming. You have caused harm to come to one of the people i respect more than myself. You have cost us a great deal of money. You have impinged upon our honor.

In 24 hours teams will start coming for you, and they will keep coming until either you are dead or the world is out of assassins. (and dont forget you arent the only one with access to special "projects" like Apocalypse.)

the rest of you - I need for one of my specialists to have access to Ben Holister. She worked on a similar project for us untill the costs outweighed the potential for profit (property damage gets expensive fast)
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Post by Stephen »

Hello Gentlemen

Ive been watching. Children, innocent children are paying the price for this madman and his allies. Yes, I said allies this Shepard fellow dosen't cover his tracks ery well. Though I am surprised how well a man who has been dead for the past 10 years gets around so well.

Mr. Hideoshi, DO NOT provoke this situation any further. You'll only make things worse. Ive tried that route, and m men, 12 good men, paid the price. Don't make the same mistake. Plus, I don't want any more deaths attributed to the virus on my conscious.

As for the virus, I would listen to the druid Adam, it was designed for such creatures, it is not the flesh the virus attacks, but their
energy, their PPE as Lazlo so put it. Sending in any of your "friends" would only do more harm than good. As for you Adama, the same can be said for you.

The virus itself has three weaknesses that we have discovered.
1) Extreme heat of over 1200 dgrees (will kill of the virus, but cremate the host. 2) extreme cold; -200 degrees but again, the host would not survive and 3) lethal dose of raditaion; that is not even option, Seattle would become unihabitable for the next 150 years

The virus however we have aslo discovered is more parasitical in the fact it will seek out a strong host over a weeker one and leave a host in search for such, if such a host is available.

I have had several good men sacarfice themselves so that a few innocents could live.

Gentlemen, I am sorry this nightmare came about. Our attempts to protect mankind, onlyturned out to be its undoing.

(Pulls out a Gloch 19)

My ship is leaving Tokyo Bay as we speak. Mr Kon Thaak, remember what we discused. I hope you live up to your part of the bargain. Iam affraid that this will be our last communication.


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Post by KonThaak »


To use your own argument against you, you know nothing of me or mine. Pig's blood? I have no more of that staining my flesh than you, yourself do; I am making the assumption that you do, indeed, eat pork, Mr. Shepard.

Blasphemous? Talk to me about what you, yourself are doing in the name of "God", and we can talk blasphemy. Thou shalt not kill. Love thy fellow man. ALL who abide in LOVE abide in God, and God abides in them.

Devil-worshipping? That's funny, considering that I am a devout follower of Creator... I sometimes fail to take The Teachings to heart properly, but I am human and flawed. It was Christ who led me down this path, his teachings of herecy against the church.

Abomination? Well, one of us is, and I'm not the one killing innocent bystanders in droves.

Why my kind were persecuted and destroyed constantly by "Christians" thoughout history? Ignorance and misunderstandings.

The cure?

Hey, Fate... My family and I have an immunity to the virus right now. You may not have labs yourself, but I know you have contacts. Where should I send blood samples, and how much should I send to have them able to start mass-producing a vaccine?

Shepard... I may not believe in a Hell I can damn you to... I call, instead, for your own actions to destroy you. I call for your blood to waste, and your flesh to melt. I call for your eyes to lose their sight, and your ears to lose their hearing. I call for a plague of maggots to fester within you. I call the spirits of the wind to visit this curse upon you, and extract a vengence of karma on your soul.

Holister, if you can hear me, I'm arranging for transportation for Sarah, Molly, Alexis, and Julian to a safe place. May the Powers that Be protect them all...
I am not A bitch...I am THE bitch. And to you, I'm MS Bitch.
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Post by KonThaak »

Stephen... I remember.

Fate, I also need access to some professional investigators, someone I can trust to do a job even if I lose my life.

I need an old murder investigated.
I am not A bitch...I am THE bitch. And to you, I'm MS Bitch.
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Post by AdamaGeist »

Interesting note... But futile. However, thanks to Stephen, I've found a glitch, and an interesting bit of information...

Nain and his friends are by now infected by the virus.

I've contacted my Brother, and informed him as how to deal with the situation. The infection has been destroyed... Sadly, this cost some humans of their lives, but that's the price sometimes.

But thanks to that information, I can guarntee that the virus will not be able to infect others very soon. And my Brother is able to change it's temperature at will... It too is free.

Nain has been moved to a low priority. My Brother has it's new assignment. It will survive this, of course...
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Post by KonThaak »

Adama, what are you planning...?
I am not A bitch...I am THE bitch. And to you, I'm MS Bitch.
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Post by Kolya »

Let me know if you need any help with the family's physical protection.

The flight from Moscow to New York is about 9 hours, we fly soon. It will take some time - less than 24 hours - get gather my team at the safe house either for added protection or to take over completely to free up resources for other needs.
С волками жить, по-волчьи выть.

Post by GRIM »

In times gone by, I recall hordes on riders charging into a snow village. The riders butchered everyone. The raped and pillaged. They slaughted man, woman, and child. They were called Huns.
I watched from the distance. I could have helped them, but why should I aid the humans who that very day chased me away with spears and rocks. There was one amongst them, a little girld child, who gave me a flower, she said some thing that I did not understand.
She was innocent and pure. She showed me kindness...and I did nothing to stop her death.

NOT THIS TIME!! If you wish to kill innocents, then you must go through me first. If you want to slay the nocturnal goddess, than I will take her place. I have much more to account for than her. My sins and attrocities go beyond that of reason. If want tp preach of gods and devils human, I am the worst of that whole lot.

Ive watched you play God, how ironic that The Beast comes to great you. You reak of the very vile filth yu claim to purge.

I am coming for you Shepard, and I am the biggest damn wolf you will ever meet!
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Post by Holister »

It looks like the vampiric slut has sicked her pet on us. Very well monster, come to where out founding fathers can look down upon your destruction. Im sure no one human here at Lazlo will stand in the way of your demise beast.
"Too serve and protect", somethin' bout that gets a lil' blurred when dealin' with the supernatural.
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Post by KonThaak »

I doubt very much that Celeste would've sent Grim to do her work for her. Even Ron should agree to this one... If she wants something done, she goes out and gets it done.

Grim, regardless of how I may normally feel about you...good luck. And if you do get the upper hand, keep Holister alive, and bring him here.
I am not A bitch...I am THE bitch. And to you, I'm MS Bitch.
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Post by AdamaGeist »

God, how I hate saying this... You have backup there already. It was waiting and tracking while Nain ran off like a little bitch. Someone, do me a few minutes research and grab that Rifter volume he mentioned, please? Maybe the little madman wasn't lying about that.

Hope you understand that this doesn't mean I like you, Grim. But I know how the reactions will go if you die in this. You have support.
Ashikaga Hideoshi
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Post by Ashikaga Hideoshi »

I am in route. I may not have any "special" powers, but this man has caused harm to come to my teacher. He may have declared Holister's head to be sancrosanct, but he said nothing of this pathetic, honorless worm being free from retribution.

Shepard, your days are short - run now and you might get a last task finished before you die.

Many of the people here say I am a monster due to what I do. So be it. I shall help this monster kill this man, as the man is the greater monster.

VENGANCE, comes for you, Shepard. I warned you you were not the only one with access to special "projects". Watch your shadow, Shepard, you may already have an assassin hiding in it..........
Without an aplication Power is worthless.
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