Power corrupts.

Accounts of personal experiences, especially from those who hunt the supernatural. We offer this space in hopes that our members can hear about, and learn from, the exploits of others.
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Michael T
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Power corrupts.

Post by Michael T »

My story may seem cleche and for that I apoligize, my wife and I were trained by the same man. He did not aprove of our relationship in any way beyond students and friends, but he could not bare the thought of destroying the happiness we had discovered. Both Jessica and I were very competative in our lessons and in trying to one up the other. Seems this is the key to most people falling for one another. We were married and bega a new life as a team dealing with paranormal threats and find new rituals, even some lost to the passage of time.

About five years ago I was going to go to a site we both knew had a high out put of energy for a short time during a very specific time frame. Jessica was 8 months preganet and declined going, she did not want to risk anything happening to endanger our first child. I headed out leaving her to study some old texts she had found in a antique book store. Everything seemed fine till about four months after our daughter was born, Jessica became very withdrawn and some times violent. I figurede it was depression from child birth, I attempted to help her in any way I could, it only seemed to make things worse. I was out dealing with a possesing enity one night when I felt the disturbance at home. SOmething had been allowed into our world. I rushed home to find my beloved wife with a demon in conversation on how to incress her power to god-like levels.

When it saw me it stated very simply "kill him. Then all your dreams will be reality."

I was almost done in by her first attack, I have never seen her so cruel or cut throat, and now she wanted me dead. I tried to reason with her as we dueled, I stayed defensive,I did not want to risk hurting her. As the combat became more pitche dI realized my wife was no more only a shell that looked like her. I won but only barely, and the demon fled laughing about my agony. I felt a hand touch me and my wounds stopped aching, our old master stood by me and lifted me to may feet.

"You must go forward. For your daughter and to stop the demon your wife released. Mourn her soul and remember that power corupts and seduces you when you are weak."

I moved to a new state and settled in to raiseing my child. All was good till a month ago when the demon my wife summoned tried to claim my little girl claiming a pact with my wife. That demon will never harm any one again, but my libray of scrolls and books was destroyed in the prosses, I have been rebuilding it slowly. I stand ready to help anyone who needs a mage to lend a hand. I am trying to undo some of the things that thing did will I was ignoring the paranormal to be a father.

And my daughter shows signs of seeing the spirits that are around our home, I have tested this with a spell to see them and verify she does as well. I may not have a magik talented child but she can be a great help in ten to fifteen years, maybe if I can let her deal with these things.

Michael T.
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Post by Kolya »

I am the first to admit that I am not a family man, but that does not mean I am against families. I feel sorrow for what has happened to you, what you have lost, and how.

As always... stay safe and know that we are here to help you, too. We do not want that girl losing her father.
С волками жить, по-волчьи выть.
Crosshair MT
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Post by Crosshair MT »

I know the feeling I lost my wife to a dumb act of fate.
There will always be a reason to fear the unknown, fear is a good way to ground yourself in reality, or at least the part of it that leaves you sane. ( Funny term for those of us that deal with the supernatural.)
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Post by Shadowstalker »

I am niether husband nor father but I do understand family. You have offered to help do not foreget that you can ask for it as well.
To find the darkness you have walk in the shadows.
Michael T
Posts: 478
Joined: Mon Oct 30, 2006 8:26 pm
Location: South Texas

Post by Michael T »

Thank you all for the kind words. Thank you also for pointing out I may ask for help with issues, I have seen that in the various war story threads and others.

Michael T.
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