Bad Omens

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Bad Omens

Post by BraveSirRobin »

I just spent about an hour making a lovely, narrative post describing my problem... which was promptly eaten when I accidentily clicked on the Society's emblem at the top of the page while switching back to my browser window from an IM... color me vexed.

But as it is late, and as I do have work tomorrow...
does anyone here have any degree of expertise with interpreting omens?

Because it occurs to me that seeing not one, but TWO shooting stars, both seemingly headed towards your residence, within about ten minutes of midnight on the night of the solstice almost certainly qualifies as not good.

In other news, have received irritated voicemail message from my mother about not dropping in uninvited and how I scared the living daylights out of her poor husband... considering I haven't come within a mile of her house since I moved out, this is quite perplexing. Suspect doppelganger involvement... :?
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Post by BraveSirRobin »

hmmm... no news is good news I suppose...

nobody seems to have spotted me anyplace that I wasn't lately (well, there was this lady on the bus who said I looked familiar, but that's probably because I ride the bus all the time)... and nothing in particular seems to have come from my gut feeling of "oh snap!" upon seeing those rather oddly timed and directed lights in the sky. paranoia-1, me-0

would have checked in sooner, but I did get shanghaied into going to Grandma's for the holiday... sheets and a keychain were it this year, woo-freaking-hoo (and I even bought gifts for everyone else for once!).

as for the last couple of days... well... I've been busy buying myself a little holiday cheer online to make up for things... and constantly calling my mom to see if any packages have shown up at her place (there's a slight SNAFU with the bank and billing addresses... *shrug*)... and... you know what, I was bored living it, so I'll spare you all the retelling.

and hey, on the bright side of things, the keychain does have a built in light that's quite capable of inducing temporary blindness... I just have to remember not to look at it when I turn it on.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

If you're looking for a nifty keychain tool, Think Geek (you can search for it if you're interested) has a multi-tool that is not only disguised as a key but attaches to any keyring. Pretty damn useful.
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Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

I have the same sort of worry as you now Robin, apparently there is another me running around.
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Post by Kolya »

Ron Caliburn wrote:I have the same sort of worry as you now Robin, apparently there is another me running around.
I was waiting for this to happen, and always thought if done correctly it would be a good thing.

But I am worried that you are worried.
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Well apaprently it's some sort of nightmare version of me and my dad fused together and pulled from my sister's dreams.
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Post by Kolya »

Oof. I would say "not done correctly".
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Kolya wrote:Oof. I would say "not done correctly".

Understatement of the year.
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Post by BraveSirRobin »

Ron Caliburn wrote:I have the same sort of worry as you now Robin, apparently there is another me running around.
Considering mine seems to mostly just show up at odd times and spook people I know, I don't envy you your version of the problem. :?

Speaking of which: I managed to get some more details concerning my doppelganger sighting at my mom's house over the holiday, courtesy of my stepsister. Apparently, "I" somehow managed to get in with all the doors to the house locked, then get into my mother's bedroom (also locked) and told my stepfather that he should really check in on the kids. He freaked out, reached for a gun he didn't have (my mom made him get rid of quite the arsenal when he moved in... it's sad, really), and then made a beeline for the fire-poker in the living room that's served me so well Meanwhile, a "raccoon" that had been scraping around under her window went running shrieking off into the woods at the sound of the commotion. By the time Big John (yes, he's even fatter than my mom... with the exception of the pets and my half-brother, it's less a house and more a zeppelin hangar now) got back to the bedroom, "I" was nowhere to be found. No doors or windows left open... no sign of my passing at all.

Ominous... and yet... oddly beneficial. Hmmm....
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Post by Shadowstalker »

Ok that rates about a 4 on the weirdshitometer. Odd but not anything to worry about yet, but if things get stranger well time to call for some back up. Oh just a reminder if you see Ron and he doesn't respond to you walk away and get a message to Ron or myself, don't take a chance this thing is nasty.
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Post by Bearshaman »

Strange things have also been happening out here in Reno area. Some of my coworkers have asked me why I didn't respond when they tried to talk to me on the street. Which would have been difficult considering I was at work at the time. Also, several of my fellow hunters have stated that they have seen me standing outside of their windows, in both human and hybrid form. This is beginning to worry me. First I was having difficulty maintaining my human shape, now I am apparently in two places at once, or blacking out and traveling around without realizing it.

I just recently found out, one the hunters that I run with was found torn apart. When we investigated, I would swear I could smell my own scent near the body, but more acrid and with just a hint of rot.

I may need the Society to come here and take me out. Use silver and make it quick...please.
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Post by Shadowstalker »

Bearshaman chill with any ideas of self destruction. That bit about the smell particularly the smell of rot reminds me of something, I will check on it and get back to you. Hang tight and not by a noose this is why we are here to help.
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Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

If I happen to stop by, which do you prefer, head or heart?

I'll let these folks try to come up with something first of course.

But they need to work quickly.
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Post by Shadowstalker »

Ron I don't think it is that bad just yet, and you may have some issues of your own.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

It sounds like there's a rash of doppleganger activity. Best not to jump to any rash action.
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Post by Bloodbane »

The smell of rot?

Windner had a spellbook that I took when he shorted my payment... I've been perusing it at my leisure. He has in it a theory for a ritual that would allow one to make an undead copy of another person. Perhaps someone expanded on the theory, and made it a reality.

It reads like some kind of voodoo magic... The person needs a deceased relative, some of your hair and toenail clippings, and so forth.

Before you choose the Kevorkian route, check the graves of any recently deceased loved ones. If one is missing, we probably have your culprit.
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Post by Bearshaman »

Thanks for the update Bloodbane, but have to say...Undead copy..EWWW! Nearest relatives that have passed on were cremated, at least the most recent ones, have to check family archives to see about older members of family. As for blood, fur, ect. I unfortunately left quite a bit behind at a combat scence last Halloween, had gotten a very nasty chest wound from a very disguisting creature. Any suggestions on how to deal with it if it is an undead doppleganger, aside from shredding the body into pate?

Thanks for the support as well.

So far, no one else has seen "me" where I haven't been lately. Looking at the recent posts that have been showing up, seems like the new year is starting off rough, dopplegangers, dream demons and a new source of evil.

Then again if wanted something simple and safe in my life would have become a bomb squad member.
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Post by KonThaak »

Well, most undead things are taken down in a small number of ways... Silver, being a "purifying" metal, tends to work pretty well on most undead things, at least better than conventional weaponry does... I think it probably has something to do with the properties of the metal, and the way it interacts with the energies used to animate corpses.

But personal theories aside, start with conventional methods. If that fails, use silver. If all else fails, use fire.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Agreed. In my experience silver is almost universally effective against the undead. Its the exceptions that'll kill ya.
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Post by Shadowstalker »

I think Bloodbane may be right but also wrong, I think you may be dealing with something more powerful than what he is guessing be careful.
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Post by Bearshaman »

Thanks for the warnings, but to answer Bloodbanes questions, one of my ancestors graves has been disturbed, but the body is still there.

As for the silver, I tend to have an allergic reacton to that, but I will definetly keep that in mind. Just have to stock up on some Calimine lotion.

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Post by Shang Li »

bearshaman - if this is the "nightmare caliburn" make sure you start wearing some kind of armor as silver is too soft to penetrate well. (my antique suit has stopped a few silver bullets when i was mistaken for a demon)
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Silver really does have terrible penetration. I'm sure Ron or I could hook you up with something. (Ron moreso than I, but I do keep a few extra flak jackets around.)
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