To My Society Friends!

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To My Society Friends!

Post by Holister »

Well howdy everybody. Yall know me by now. I owe alot of yall somethin for helpin' me out. I don't forget favors owed, so one, Crosshairs has got a bit of a bug & dybbuk problem so Im gonna be going to help him out if he needs it. Second, Shades
and Adam good luck with that.

Finally I would like to offer a bit more substantial help to those of you out there. As stories go, its not a bad one, but its certainly got a happy ending.

Well, with all the crap that went on here in town, and here at the station. We needed toclean up and take inventory, that even meant cleaning out the basement.

Well, after a week, my one deputy comes to me this morning and tels me about a safe that was in the store room down there. Hell I never noticed it before so we had it opened. I couldn't believe what we found.

Turns out during the 20' & 30"s there used to be a whiskey mill just oustside of town and smugglers were running whiskey to and from Canada. It was also getting shipped to Chicago with guess who's signature on the receipts. Well the log books alone might be worth something, but we also found, oh get ready for this, half a dozen land titles (taken from the whiskey smugglers), half million in cash (in a leather satchel), plus 12 bars of unstamped gold, and unclaimed barers bonds. There was also an autographed Tommy Gun signed by Al himself. Go figure.

I damn near had a heart attack on the spot. Here Geraldo went and opened the wrong vault (lol).

Well of course it all belongs to us here at the station house now, it comes to about 2.5 million without the land titles. Im keepin' the tommy gun for myself. So I want to offer a lil' holiday cheer by sending the following "gifts" to the following people:

1) Bert - thanks for the grenades
and all ya help. $200,000 and a land title for 10 acres (its got itself a nice river). Ok, and the signed Tommy Gun.

2) Crosshairs, Ill be bring ya more than bee when I come to help ya out, like $200,000 and a land title.

3) To Fate, where ever ya are, thanks for the "package" without it The Unnamable may have won that one. To you I give $200,000 and a land title too. (a nice one that overlooks the lake).

4) To are the man. Since ya got a family to support, Im giving ya $500,000. Put it towards your kid's college fund.

5) to Eric...where ever you are...heres $200,000 to help you out. Maybe you can get a new car instead of that Gremlin ya got.

6) to Dante...$200,000 and your shirt back, I got it from the cleaners last Friday.

7) To Captn. Claymore (thats you Greydawn $200,000 to help ya along.

8) To Celeste, where ever you are, heres $200,000 and a land title (so you always have someplace to call home).

9) To Shades and Adamm, you guys a re pretty well off, but to each of ya I give that orb thing, and $50,000 each.

10) Finally to Ron, who I know is out there. I know you got family problems, so heres $500,000 and a land title. I know that you can use them both.

Well thats it. Im back to square one. Why give it all away, cause without you guys (& Celeste) I wouldn't have a town left. Besides, I neve had it to begin with, so not havin i now don't bother me none now either. Sides, you all deserve it. Expect your cashiers checks in the mail (so to speak) by Friday.

Happy to Help out, and keep huntin'.
"Too serve and protect", somethin' bout that gets a lil' blurred when dealin' with the supernatural.
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Post by Shadowstalker »

Thanks for the offer Holister, But Keep the Money Stash it away for Molly's education or such. As for the Orb with as much sarcasim as possible "Gee thanks" trust me I want to get rid of this thing as much as you did. I will let Adama take a look at it but if that falls through I do have a backup plan.
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Post by AdamaGeist »

Hate to say it, but I'll take Shadow's share if he won't. Like KT, I work an ordinary day job to pay my bills, and any bit of money could help alot.
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Post by Holister »

Sure thing then Adam, $100,000 it is then. Hope that it helps ya out. Don't worry bout Molly, she's gonna be well looked out for. Been savin for her college fund since she was born. *-) If can help ya out any, so be it.
"Too serve and protect", somethin' bout that gets a lil' blurred when dealin' with the supernatural.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Holy crap! Thank you so much! My first thought was "Holy shit! I wonder how much he'd part with the Tommygun for!?!?"

A stream you say? I wonder if its linked to the one where I blew up the Balrog.
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Eric Eland
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Little use

Post by Eric Eland »

Money, everyone has an obsession with money, you cant even eat it, or use it in rituals, don’t need much myself, unless something unusual comes up for sale, then its nice to have some, not many things like that though, other people need it more then me, I can find something to do with it, maybe buy coats for those people under the overpass.
The flows of magic are whimsical today, and by that I mean they kicked my butt.
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Post by Holister »

Hope ya enjoy it Bert. maybe we can get together and swap war stories and recipies some time. Kinda of figured you liked the Tommy Gun, still works too. They just don't make them like that anymore..8-)
"Too serve and protect", somethin' bout that gets a lil' blurred when dealin' with the supernatural.
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Post by Holister »

Ya know Eric, I wish more folks in the world were as thoughtful as you, so you can do whatever ya want with it.
"Too serve and protect", somethin' bout that gets a lil' blurred when dealin' with the supernatural.
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Wow, that's frighteningly generous.

I wish I could thank you properly, but I'm not sure I can.

I have some idea for what to do with the money, as for the land . . . well it will be a long time before I can ever do anything with it (though I am already forming plans, tust me) take care of it and use it as you see fit until I make my way up there to claim it.

Thank you again.
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Delta Sierra
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Post by Holister »

No problem Ron, heck you deserve it.
"Too serve and protect", somethin' bout that gets a lil' blurred when dealin' with the supernatural.
Shang Li
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Post by Shang Li »

I tip my hat to you Mr. Eland. I do wish that I were more like you in that regard.
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Post by Shadowstalker »

Eric if you want I can introduce you to some people who would put that money to good use.
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Post by KonThaak »

I'll tell you what, Ben... Put the money into CD's in a bank that's got locations in more than one state. Put the CD's into a safety deposit box, and mail us the key. The CD's gain more interest than a regular account, and that way, we know he'll have more than enough for college.

I can't thank you enough. We can't thank you enough.

Though whatever doesn't go to the kid's college...I wholeheartedly agree with Eric on it. I can't keep it. Not even for my son. And at the interest rates CD's go for, there should be plenty left over to help a good number of people.

Thank you again.
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Post by Holister »

Ok KT, you got. Damn man, yu sound like an accountant that must be what ya do isn't it. If so, I know where Im taking my taxes this year...*-)
"Too serve and protect", somethin' bout that gets a lil' blurred when dealin' with the supernatural.
Crosshair MT
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Post by Crosshair MT »

Thanks Holister, I'll take the land offer and end up donating the cash to a few charities I like helping. See you in a few.
There will always be a reason to fear the unknown, fear is a good way to ground yourself in reality, or at least the part of it that leaves you sane. ( Funny term for those of us that deal with the supernatural.)
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

I'm thinking of taking the money and land and building another small Bunker.
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Post by Holister »

Greetin's From Maine

(lol) Shoot Bert, you'ld fit in right nice next to ol'Jarvis. Ya might end up bein neighbors, start a trailer park for bunkers...*-)

Anyhow; Im headin down to help out Crosshairs, and I was goona be passin on through our way (jersey) so I figured I stop by, say hi, and see if ya wanted to come kick some Malignous & Dybuuk ass. If so, let me know.

"Too serve and protect", somethin' bout that gets a lil' blurred when dealin' with the supernatural.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Haha, well, I was thinking more of a fallback position for the community. Having that Uber Nexus there and all it couldn't hurt. Maybe get KT up there to do that voodoo he does so well.

I'm still taking care of business from when I was up in Maine all that time so I'm not really free to do anything for awhile. I gotta take care of my own backyard now.
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Shang Li
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Post by Shang Li »

Hollister - if you can get me there i will help. i have enjoyed destroying dybukk since the 1st time i saw the lair of one that had been allowed to exist for a couple years. as for the maliganous that is not one i am knowledgeable on. if it can be harmed by physical weapons i will help eliminate it as well.
Understanding, is not a thing that comes swiftly, but rather in stages, a journey that once begun, must be seen to it's end.
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Post by Holister »

Sure Shang, the more the merrier on a hunt. Ill send you the details, and a plane ticket. Im gonna swing past Bert and see if hes available.
If ya can make it, Ill pick ya up in the air port. Its in Texas....
yee haw.
"Too serve and protect", somethin' bout that gets a lil' blurred when dealin' with the supernatural.
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Post by fate »

A small cabin by the lake is something I’ve always wanted, I’ve just never had the time. Now that I’m recovering from the radiation I could use a place to relax. I’ll have a crew there by tomorrow to start construction.

Thank you Holister.
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Post by Holister »

No problem Fate, happy to make your day. Ok, that almost everybody. Anyone hear from Celeste now, shes seems to have dropped off and I haven't heard from her yet. Come to thnk about, I haven't seen her post since Maine, I hope shes ok.
"Too serve and protect", somethin' bout that gets a lil' blurred when dealin' with the supernatural.
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Post by Shadowstalker »

Celeste was keeping to herself there, even going so far as to actively shield her thoughts. She left rather soon after things resolved.
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Post by Razor »

Celeste disappears for a little bit from time to time. Not to worry.

Too bad you're probably not going to be in my area Ben, otherwise I'd have you come visit. Or I'd drop in and say hi... but whatever! *shrugs* :D
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Post by Greydawn »

Mr. Holister, my thanks to you for the offer but I would like you to put the money to good use either for you niece's education or some other charity you feel could use it. That way it is going to a good use for I am very well off and have no real use for it for the time being. Still the gesture is much appriciated. Thank you again.
There is a time for life and a time for death, Find the balance.
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