Santa was bad.

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Crosshair MT
Posts: 109
Joined: Thu Nov 30, 2006 12:19 pm
Location: North Texas, near D/FW

Santa was bad.

Post by Crosshair MT »

Well last night I had a run in with a Boogy man, the thing dressed up as santa and lead a group of four kids away from a playground to torment then eat. I was able to track one of the kids due to them jumping in every mud puddle they passed. The thing was tormenting the kids in a old barn and had them locked in a cage. I came in with a nice opening round of debate with a 12 gauge on full auto once the thing was away from the kids. The kids figured out real quick this was not santa and were yelling for me to arrest him. I guess they figured I was a officer for the local PD. I got nailed by the thing with his santa sack of bricks, the thing landed on me and tried to choke me out. My armor has a good had neck pice to prevent such a attack, I tried a little of Willie's advice and danced with the thing for a few rounds, not my idea of fast take down. I hit the thing with a little toy I've moddified to be more effective. He got a heavily jucied up tazer right to the face.

I cut the kids out and told them to run out to the road I would be there when I took care of the bad guy. The damn thing was stirring already, I put a few shotgun slugs into where I thought it's vitals would be. I drug it out back and dropped a WillyPete in it's open mouth and made sure it was well on the way to consummed and went to check on the kids. A local sherrif was already with them and his partner was coming up the old drive to check on the sit rep. Must have been a rookie because he fired 3 rounds at me with out warning. One pierced my armor at the right shoulder, I tossed a flash bang his way and bolted for my ride out.

So here I sit with a ore shoulder and a good friend who sews me together when I get hurt harping on me to stay put till I heal to their satisfaction. Thanks to Ron and Bert for the stories on their encounters with the Boogy Men before. And I still have that Malignious or however it's spelled roaming out here, some livestock are turning up dead with just the marrow sucked out of the bones.
There will always be a reason to fear the unknown, fear is a good way to ground yourself in reality, or at least the part of it that leaves you sane. ( Funny term for those of us that deal with the supernatural.)
Posts: 3002
Joined: Mon Dec 04, 2006 1:36 pm
Location: Cypress Cove, Maine, USA

Post by Holister »

Greetin's From Maine

Well, thats gotta suck. What a hell of a way to spend X-mas. Me I was home enjoyin' a cold brew and Its a Wonderful Life. Well, Ill tel ya what Crosshairs, I don't have any plans at the moment, now that Shades and Adam are taking care of some artifact thing, I can ead on down to help ya out with that Malignous thing ya got a problem with. I got some time off comin' anyways. Heck, Ill even bring a really big Bug Bomb.

"Too serve and protect", somethin' bout that gets a lil' blurred when dealin' with the supernatural.
Crosshair MT
Posts: 109
Joined: Thu Nov 30, 2006 12:19 pm
Location: North Texas, near D/FW

Post by Crosshair MT »

Thanks for the offer I guess I can get a few party favors together to hunt the Malignous. Be warned I have seen signs of a Dybbuk running around, guess one of the ones the mage had around decided to stay in the area.
There will always be a reason to fear the unknown, fear is a good way to ground yourself in reality, or at least the part of it that leaves you sane. ( Funny term for those of us that deal with the supernatural.)
Posts: 3002
Joined: Mon Dec 04, 2006 1:36 pm
Location: Cypress Cove, Maine, USA

Post by Holister »

Howdy Crosshairs, that shouldn't be a problem I can rstle up some godies of my own, and even one or two tricks for that Dybbuk. Just let me known when and where and Ill be there. Even bring a couple of Black Rabbit Brews for us when we got that son of a bitch's head on the wall.

"Too serve and protect", somethin' bout that gets a lil' blurred when dealin' with the supernatural.
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