
Notices, advisories, and questions answered by official Lazlo Agency staff.
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Joined: Thu Feb 03, 2005 9:50 pm


Post by alias »

is this just a study on the ionisphere or a secret mility weapon. Wednesday night it fired up and light up the alaskan night. Some scientists claim this satalite can fry the skin right off your body while you mow your grass.check out this link and find out: :twisted: http://www.haarp.alaska.edu/haarp/index.html
rainbow, fruit flavers
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Post by Cipher »

from my military days I know it's possible to make a directed high frequency burst that can radiated as well as heat up and move a object. Wouldn't surprise me. Specially knowning that they used a standard wide array satallite dish to accomplish this.
The Silence holds the answer

Never forget.....nature adapts
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