What is the truth?

General discussions of issues of the paranormal affecting our community. A place where you can ask questions, and others will offer answers.
Dr. Viktor Thanatos
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Dr. Viktor Thanatos »

Hello again. Ok, now my car was broken into yesterday. On frakking Christmas of all things right in the parking lot too of all places. Of course no one saw anything. Of course if not having my car broken into was bad enough, they slashed the driver's side seat. THOSE ARE REAL LEATHER!Of course the police sent someone out, they took a report, and said " that they get to it. "

Then I get a warning that someone tried hacking my computer last night. Good luck breaking through my firewall you second rate joker. They didn't get in and my "defense system" should have taken care of them by now.

But in all seriousness, I can see why my uncle is a little jumpy. This stuff is starting to creep me out big time. He has a gun here somewhere but never let me handle it. Maybe someone here has a stun gun or tazer they don't need anymore, maybe a cheap handgun lying around?

Let me know. TTYL.
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by danorviel »

Welcome to the boards, Sam. All I can offer is my best wishes in your troubles. Unfortunately I currently am dealing with a situation of my own. I hope to have it resolved soon. I've got some folks coming to help me out. Hopefully you and your uncle can find similar assistance. Good luck.
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Gotham Witch
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Gotham Witch »

I don't suppose you could trace the IP of who did that, Sam? If they were clever they'd have used a proxy.

As for tasers or whatnot, there's plenty of places you can get one that's quicker and more local. I'm not sure where you are though (and don't say it on here, either), so laws may make it difficult. Some folks on here may know places you can invest in a firearm, assuming you're of age. I don't suggest it unless you know how to use it though.

My suggestion? Find a friend who is capable of all of those things, and maybe who has a spare camera you can set up in case something happens again.
"God have mercy on a man, who doubts what he's sure of." - Bruce Springsteen
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Ron Caliburn seems to have guns

Post by Rowan »

If you’re willing to check into the Lazlo Society—perhaps invest in some time and travel, as well—you might want to try Ron Caliburn.

As Danorviel mentioned—welcome, Sam.
Dr. Viktor Thanatos
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Joined: Mon Nov 07, 2011 12:32 pm

Re: What is the truth?

Post by Dr. Viktor Thanatos »

Thanks for the advice guys and girls, I will take it under advisement. I feel a little better though now. Justin came over to help keep me sane tonight with a six pack and Papa John's. He also brought his old stungun from his security gaurd days. Its not much, but it heightens my sense of security. :D
Dr. Viktor Thanatos
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Dr. Viktor Thanatos »

Hi guys. Just letting you know that me and uncle Viktor are ok. We had some pretty unusual happenings since my last update. But in a nutshell, uncle Viktor will be getting out of the hospital tomorrow and I am all better after my close encounter with the bizzare kind.

Haven't had much time to persue the investigation, so I have some catching up to do. In the mean while....
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Hannah »

I'm glad everyone's okay. I saw what happened in the other thread.

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Gotham Witch
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Gotham Witch »

What the faerie princess said. Glad to hear you're both alright.
"God have mercy on a man, who doubts what he's sure of." - Bruce Springsteen
Eilonwy Solstice
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Did investigating disappearances lead to theirs?

Post by Eilonwy Solstice »

Has anyone heard from Dr. Thanatos or his niece since February?
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Hannah »

No. :(


PS: I hope they are alright.
I will be who I chose to be.
Gotham Witch
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Re: What is the truth?

Post by Gotham Witch »

I have not heard a thing from either of them.

Considering what was pursuing the Doctor before, I admit I'm worried.
"God have mercy on a man, who doubts what he's sure of." - Bruce Springsteen
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