Time Traveller on Film?

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Ron Caliburn
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Time Traveller on Film?

Post by Ron Caliburn »

video here

Apparently there's a person in the background of a 1928 Charlie Chaplin film talking on a cell phone.
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Re: Time Traveller on Film?

Post by Cybermancer »

It can't be a cell phone. A cell phone would require cell towers and the rest of the infrastructure to operate correctly.

Besides, time travel is quite impossible.
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Re: Time Traveller on Film?

Post by Ron Caliburn »

Well then maybe it's some kind of subspace trans-warp communicator.
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Re: Time Traveller on Film?

Post by Cybermancer »

While possible, I would hope not. Anything capable of reducing such an object to the size of a cellphone is not a thing I wish to come across. Ever. Friendly or not.

An early version hearing aid seems most likely.
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Re: Time Traveller on Film?

Post by Grace »

All I know, is that if time travel was possible, someone could make an arbitrarily high fortune first by winning the lottery and then flawlessly playing the stock market.

So if there happens to be any staggeringly rich time travellers out there, contact me! And prove it by providing the results for the lottery ahead of time!

I'll use the money for good! I promise!*

*Promise not valid on Earth.

Also, what is with this dude with what looks like a giant M on his shirt?
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Re: Time Traveller on Film?

Post by Chalice »

Doesn't look like a cell phone or a hearing aid to me.
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Re: Time Traveller on Film?

Post by Doctor Boggs »

Looks like it's probably an old ear trumpet, or she's just trying to block the glare from the sun.
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Re: Time Traveller on Film?

Post by Doctor Boggs »

Nemesis wrote:
Also, what is with this dude with what looks like a giant M on his shirt?

Well, now, I'm kinda goin out on a limb here but I think that just might be a fella with an M on his shirt.
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Re: Time Traveller on Film?

Post by RAVEN »

Whoa there, hos. Scathing sarcasm of both sides of an debate is my niche. That being said... nicely put, Boggsey.

According to Professor Stephen Hawkings, time travel through a wormhole is entirely possible. In fact, natural wormholes are very common. The trick is that to travel through a wormhole, you have to be smaller than an atom.

Anyway, thank you for the news. I have always been a fan of Charlie, and it is good to see that his fan club extends into the age of sufficiently advanced technologies.
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Re: Time Traveller on Film?

Post by Chalice »

Word, bird.
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Re: Time Traveller on Film?

Post by Robyn »

RAVEN wrote:According to Professor Stephen Hawkings, time travel through a wormhole is entirely possible. In fact, natural wormholes are very common. The trick is that to travel through a wormhole, you have to be smaller than an atom.

Prof. Hawking has not conceded that travel backwards through time is feasible. This is merely the media misrepresentating his views.

A wormhole device does not allow for travel back before it's own creation. This goes for natural wormholes as well. There is also evidence that suggests that the wormhole apetures cannot be created close enough together to effectively violate casualty.

Prof. Hawking has said that he beleives that in the future it may be possible to travel forward into time. In effect travel in time is a rate of speed. You can vary and perhaps even cease it but you can not have negative speed.

Before someone thinks that they have a clever objection, going backwards is still positive speed. In otherwords, putting your car in reverse does not allow you to travel backwards in time, only in space.

There is an interpretation of relatively that allows for faster than light travel which in turn would allow for travel backwards in time. These speeds require an infinite amount of energy to achieve.

Other theories require either the existence of exotic matter, negative energy or an as yet undiscovered loophole in physics, possibly in the unification of relativity and quantum theory. So far most suspect that any unifying theory will actually put more limitations on backwards time travel, if not prevent it all together.

What's more, even if one had the energy required and the knowledge of physics required, an apartaus for harnessing this energy and manipulating it in such a way to arrive at the desired destination (which also requires the ability to make calculations that routinely include infinity as both a solution and variable) is still required.

In short, in order to travel backwards in time you need:

1. Knowledge of physics and mathematics well beyond anything ever demonstrated in this world.

2. An aparatus that is capable of dealing with exotic matter, negative energy, faster than light travel and/or an infinite energy source.

3. A source of infinite energy.

Without all three of these, the argument is mute.
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Re: Time Traveller on Film?

Post by Hannah »

Having on a few occasions to a place where Time has a far different meaning than the one we are used to, I'd have to say it is far easier than what you propose.

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Re: Time Traveller on Film?

Post by Robyn »

Hannah wrote:Having on a few occasions to a place where Time has a far different meaning than the one we are used to, I'd have to say it is far easier than what you propose.


For starters, we are discussing time travel back in time in this world, so your experiences in other planes not withstanding, my statements remain true.

Furthermore, you have a peculiar definition of easy. Even in the realm of the fey, most time is expereinced in a forward direction although often at different rates. Nevertheless, the three requirements must still be met.

One must first understand the physics of the fey realm in order to travel from place to place or time to time. Otherwise one gets lost. This is born out in many tales about the place. Those who are able to let go of a mathematically linear concept of time are better able to navigate their way through. Hardly an easy task for most people. Indeed, by its very nature it is an understanding of physics well beyond anything demonstrated in this world.

Thought can directly influence the realm of the fey. Thus thought itself becomes the aparatus which can allow travel through time and space. The more refined and disciplined the thought, the better the control. Those who are used to having thought serving as an aparatus for manipulating reality (mages and psychics) are that much more able to mold the realm of the fey to their whim.

Even then, the mind manipulating time-space must be able to conceive of, believe in and understand a world concept where effect can preceed cause in order to travel backwards. Otherwise their subconcious mind will tend to arrange data in a familiar and linear fashion. In otherwords, even if events are happening 'backwards', most will experience or remember it going 'forwards'.

In otherwords, you need a mind that is capable of dealing with infinity.

Finally, the realm of the fey is itself infinite and by its very nature provides the power required to navigate its space-time. I suspect this may be why the realm of the fey can be percieved as 'stagnate'. Entropy, a function of change and the expenditure of energy, either does not exist or works differently there. In any case, the infinite exists and can be accessed.

So the conditions I set forth must still be met. What's more, the method you propose has additional complications attached to it. The first being who may access the fey realm. Then there are the times and places where it can be accessed which serve as additional limitations. And that is to say nothing of the native inhabitants.

However, since we have broached the rules of time on other planes, I will expand the subject a little further.

Travellers through the astral plane often experience distortions in time. These distortions are usually reported to be forward in nature, but at different rates. Nevertheless I have seen speculative research suggesting that non-linear temporal travel could be possible via the astral plane. The astral plane appears to bear some similarities to the fey realm although there are also differences. Still, it may be possible to manipulate physics in a similar fashion given the right conditions.

Furthermore there are credible psychics who describe dreams as though they are a destination, a place you can actually get to physically. If these dreams are all somehow linked in some sort of dream plane, then it is possible that this plane might also have sufficiently altered physics to allow for violation of causality.

Given what horrors lurk on the astral plane and the nightmares that are regularily generated in the minds of people, I still would not describe these potential methods as easy.
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Re: Time Traveller on Film?

Post by Hannah »

Time isn't really linear in the world of the Fey and transdimensional boundaries don't mean the same thing either.

Apparently the grown up me from the world Cyber went to saw the younger me from this world in the faerie kingdom.

So when you're in that world all times seem to exist at once.

I'm honestly not sure how come I come out in this world and this time every-time I leave that place.

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Re: Time Traveller on Film?

Post by Robyn »

Hannah wrote:Time isn't really linear in the world of the Fey and transdimensional boundaries don't mean the same thing either.

Apparently the grown up me from the world Cyber went to saw the younger me from this world in the faerie kingdom.

So when you're in that world all times seem to exist at once.

I'm honestly not sure how come I come out in this world and this time every-time I leave that place.


Nothing you say here actually disagrees with what I said previously. It is merely termed differently.

As for why you come back here time and again, it likely that some part of your mind anchors you here (and now). Which is perfectly understandable.

It would be an interesting thought experiment to see if you could come back some place (and/or when) else just by imagining and/or beleiving you would/could.


Did the other you ever mention meeting Cybermancer in the fey realm before the strike team arrived? It's just that in the narrative, it seems that the other you refers to him as Matthew when logically she should still believe his name to be Victor. It could simply be an error in the narrative, however.
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Re: Time Traveller on Film?

Post by Hannah »

I have gone other places on my own in the past, though I don't know if I travelled through the Fey Realm or through a dream.

The Lord of Greenwood did take me across the Atlantic instantaneously once too.

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Re: Time Traveller on Film?

Post by Robyn »

So you have mastered at least part of the physics required. But what about the rest?

Also, it would seem that I have added something to my previous post while you were responding to it.

Unless you prefer to blame it on chronal anomalies?

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Re: Time Traveller on Film?

Post by Hannah »

I'll blame it on the strangeness of a messageboard for the sake of Occam's shaving utensils.

As for referring to him by name . . . there isn't a specific reason given in the other me's rather copious notes to me. However I was operating under the assumption that they had become fairly close in their time together. Close enough to drop aliases in their dialogue.


PS: I don't think it can be considered mastery. In my case it was more happy accident, as most of the manifestations of my abilities were in those days. As I have developed my understanding of my gifts into a more reliable form, the extreme displays of capability have been less and less.

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