An old evil is arising again

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An old evil is arising again

Post by DarKnyht »

I have been having some recurring dreams over the past few months, and I believe that an ancient evil is stirring (or being stirred up) again. 7 years ago me and a few friends stumbled upon this weird ritual. It was taking place at an old family cemetery from the 1700's that we used walk to. Anyways, somehow we stopped the ritual and god only knows what from coming into our world.

However since that time, we have all had these weird abilities. I can sometimes dream about things that happen but before they really do happen, and now understand machines better than people. Timothy saw things that really are not there, but yet somehow are. Kevin got this weird gift with fire, and Christopher was able to always find things. But now all of us but me seems to forget our gifts, and have moved far away.

But I am getting off track here, I am posting because I think whatever it was that changed us is trying to get back to our world. I have had quite a few dreams about it, and I have even felt it's mind trying to find me once or twice. I am far from equipped to handle something like this, so I putting this out here so hopefully someone who is can do something about it.
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Post by Razor »

Can you describe more of the ritual, or this mind that you speak of?

I may possibly be seeing a paralell incident where I am at, which is in South Texas.
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Post by DarKnyht »

This is what little I can recall. There were roughly 20 robed people there, and they were all chanting in some ancient tongue. The leader of them seemed to be directing everything from a very old book. I also remember that they were gathered in a circle around one of the old worn down headstones there in the graveyard. I think there was something else there that night, but unfortunately a lot of that night is still lost behind a wall in my mind. For example I am not entirely sure what we did to stop them that night, I only know we did manage to stop them.

As for the thing, the little I saw of it on that night I think my mind has blocked for the sake of my sanity. In my dreams, I do not physically see it as much as sense it. It seems to be very overbearing, full of sorrow, pain, and hate. It always appears to be searching, trying to find me or something that I might have.

For some reason everything always starts to get a midnight blue haze or coloring to it while I am dreaming. It is like that shade of color is associated with it somehow. It always start to bleed into things slowly, first into people around me and then into the objects they touch.

I hope this helps some.
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Post by KonThaak »

It could be Baal...who, according to one of my sources, very well might be calling himself the god of night, or the lord of darkness, or something to those effects... Considering a few other things that've been going on, that's my guess.
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Curious phrasing

Post by Eric Eland »

You say Baal lord of darkness so casual, it does not sound casual, not casual at all. More like an end of the world type formal, I don’t have good enough clothes for an end of the world formal event, then again I didn’t get invited. I hope there is no end of the world formal. Maybe someone should look into this?

God of night sounds not so nice, night is a good time to look at stars, and the neighbors like to party at night, but the gods of night never want to look at stars or party do they? KonThaak knows something more perhaps, or DarKnyt dreams new bad dreams? Then maybe you tell us and we know what to look out for.
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Post by Willie Long »

Midnight blue isn't the first color I'd associate with Baal, though, KT, and DarKnyht doesn't mention any fires.
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Post by DarKnyht »

There are definitely no fires in my dreams, the feeling I get when that gaze comes close is that of a chill. It's like when the hair on the back of your neck stands up sort of chill. Also, like I said before, I feel pain, sorrow, and hate. I think the hate is directed towards me specifically though.

I have been trying to write down as much as I can remember upon waking though. Maybe over the weekend more of this will come back to me. I also am starting to look through old archives of my hometown area. I am hoping that there will be something that I will spark my memories of that time.
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Some additional information

Post by DarKnyht »

My dreams have become more vivid over the weekend. Most of it is the same thing, but there were some additional parts this time. I am now seeing the gravestone that they were gathered around in detail. It is a older stone but the name on it is still readable, "Hela". I am not sure that is the real name, but I am sure that it is an important one.

Also, I saw an old abandoned farmhouse. I don't remember ever seeing it before, but it is like I have been there once.

I am going to start researching "Hela", and see what I come up with anything more substantial.

I will keep you posted.
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Some additional information on "Hela"

Post by DarKnyht »

I did some research into the name that I saw and came up with the following:

In Norse mythology, Hel is the ruler of Helheim, the realm of the dead. She is the youngest child of the evil god Loki and the giantess Angrboda. She is usually described as a horrible hag, half alive and half dead, with a gloomy and grim expression. Her face and body are those of a living woman, but her thighs and legs are those of a corpse, mottled and moldering. She is half blue-black and half flesh-color (by which she is easily recognized), and very lowering and fierce.

The gods had abducted Hel and her brothers from Angrboda's hall. They cast her in the underworld, into which she distributes those who are sent to her; the wicked and those who died of sickness or old age. Her hall in Helheim is called Eljudnir, home of the dead. Her manservant is Ganglati and her maidservant is Ganglot (which both can be translated as "tardy").

Still am not able to find anything on that house. I could go back home over the weekend, but I do not really want to go looking without knowing more of what I am in the middle of.
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Post by Razor »

Why the hell didn't I get that reference? I've been studying Norse mythology for a while now, especially Elder Futhark (Runes as they relate to the Norse Pantheon). Damn, I feel retarded.
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Post by Willie Long »

Razor wrote:Why the Hel didn't I get that reference?

Fixed it for you. :wink:

I been researching, too. Baal was supposedly a rain god, so maybe blue isn't an odd color as I first thought.
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Update on the House

Post by DarKnyht »

I have done a few sketches over the past few mornings when I wake up of the house I have been dreaming of, and been trying to cross reference the design to hopefully get a better lead. I seem to be dreaming of a Victorian-Era Farmhouse built sometime between 1839 and 1901.

I am trying to watch for anything in the dream that will help narrow it down more, also I have contacted someone that might be able to help me remember more of the events of that day. I am hoping to meet with them over the weekend.

Razor and Willie, don't kick yourselves too hard about the connection. I would have never gotten it had it not appeared in front of my face in a dream.
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Additional Details of that night

Post by DarKnyht »

I met with a psychic lady I had contacted that was supposed to be able to help me recover the details on that night long ago. It was definitely an interesting experience.

I will give you the short version if possible, part of this was told to us right after the events by an old man with a patch and part is what I remember. I think he might have been the one responsible for the mind block I have had all these years. There are still a lot of jumbled parts of all of this.

My friends and I had stumbled upon a ritual being done by a Scandinavian family and friends. They were trying to summon the Hel, the god of the dead, in an attempt to revive their daughter that had died. What they didn't know was that Hel was going to use the gateway they were trying to open to enter our world. The old man told us that Hel is constantly looking to expand her domain.

When the gateway opened, Hel sent minions to secure the area and ensure the ritual completed. However, we messed the ritual up by hitting the man guy with a softball sized rock, causing the ritual to be broken. Everything is blurred at this point, but I think sometime around now the old man showed up.

I am fairly sure he took care of the creatures and the figures in robes (or at least most of them). He took the book and sealed it into the house. He also put what he called a watchman to keep guard of the area and ensure no one would disturb it accidentally. Finally he told us that if the watchman was defeated, it would call out to those who would be able to stop Hel from returning.

I am going to head back home over the holidays and see if I can locate the house again. I will try to let everyone know what happens.
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Willie Long
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Re: Additional Details of that night

Post by Willie Long »

DarKnyht wrote:...Finally he told us that if the watchman was defeated, it would call out to those who would be able to stop Hel from returning.

I am going to head back home over the holidays and see if I can locate the house again.

Don't go alone, Jack. Couldn't your dreams be the watchman's way of letting you know he was beaten?

Shang Li lives nearby, he might be willing to back you up.
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Post by Shang Li »

i will aid you in whatever way i may (other than a 12 hour stretch in the middle of the night on the 21st). I belive that it is time for me to leave the dojo again and become active doing that which i spent a lifetime training for (wont the enemies ever learn and just leave us in peace?). the blades of the Izumi Musashi no Kami school shall once again glint coldly as they dance the old dances.
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Post by DarKnyht »

I have considered that, but the watchman is also supposed to summon all of those that he needs for help. I am believe that I will not be there alone. I also appreciate the offers of help, but the drive was almost 9 hours from Nashville.

I left yesterday afternoon and hope to be back home after Christmas. I am preparing this morning to head out there, as I feel this sense of urgency. As a precaution I have talked with the one friend that still lives around here and he is going to come along, and we are waiting until the middle of the day to go. We are both going armed, as if we find nothing we are going to do a little normal hunting.

I will try to post tomorrow the details.
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Details of yesterday

Post by DarKnyht »

Yesterday was an experience I do not want to live anytime soon. I am battered and bruised and I think I might of sprained an ankle. My one friend is even more battered than me and the other has a very nasty gash in his leg. We are definitely all fortunate to be alive.

The short of it is that we were ambushed by what I believe was a Moth Man. I feel just a little more than stupid for walking into it and almost getting myself and friends killed for the effort. It took pride in laughing at how easily it tricked me. Now I am not sure how much of what I saw was reality and how much was something it did.

The book, if there was one, is gone. There looked to be a few different battles that took place prior to our arrival, but I am not sure if was the from watchman or if it was from the Moth Man. There was dried blood, but little other physical evidence in the house. Where I think the book would have been there were signs of multiple circles and wards, but again they were all disturbed and broken.

I am going back to get some extra rest. I will try to post later onto the War Stories of the events of yesterday afternoon.
“Whoever starts out toward the unknown must consent to venture alone.” - Andre Gide
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