Word on the street fingered Evelyn, or Evil Lynn.

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Frank Brimstone
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Word on the street fingered Evelyn, or Evil Lynn.

Post by Frank Brimstone »

There has been a rash of missing persons of late and word on the street was to keep an eye on Evelyn, or (as one street walker said) Evil Lynn.

After snooping around I got a fix on Evelyn's route and favorite spots to work the Johns. As the Sun sank into the horizon I took up a position near but not inside a dumpster that afforded me a view of her area of operations. All that was left for me was to wait for something to develop. And given that she did not look like the other whores, it wouldn't take long. She was gorgeous, young, firm, and visibly healthy, quite a departure from the older, uglier, droopier, and diseased ravaged street walkers that constituted the competition.

It was a warm night. The sweat sung as it rolled into my eyes but I could not move so as to not risk revealing my position. But it wasn't long before a John showed up in a foreign car. She leaned over, poking her head inside, one leg bent, the other straight, ass hanging all the way out of her cut off shorts. She stood up straight and got into the car. After a moment I uncovered my motorcycle and followed them to one of the hotels that charge exclusively by the hour. All the rooms are on the ground level and access to them is right off of the parking lot. A simple arrangement for simple arrangements.

As I rolled into the parking lot observing which room they were entering, the rain started. Rain wasn't in the forecast, this was an omen. As I walked up to the door and the light was switched on the thunder and lightning started. I pulled down my balaclava and goggles and mentally prepared myself for what was about to transpire. I physically prepared myself by drawing my blades. No doubt the walls of this place were too thin to afford the use of firearms. I pummeled the door with the hilt of one my blades until the John ripped open the door, clearly annoyed.

"Go home," I told him.

He told me in so many words what I could do with myself and my mother and went to slam the door. I jammed my steel toe in the way and shoved open the door. He stumbled backwards. The monster caught him as he fell backwards and helped him to his feet. He turned to the monster as a bolt of lightning crashed somewhere near by lighting up the room and revealing the monster's true visage. The John's jaw dropped to the floor and ran as hard as he could and pushing me to the side.

I hooked the door with my foot and swung it shut. The monster grinned at me. I grinned under my balaclava and nodded slowly letting the monster know that melee was soon to commence. Obviously I had hoped to make quick work of this fiend, but despite my best efforts it had the jump. The monster ran past me and self-defenestrated. I was hot on its heels. I jumped through the shattered window and as I rolled through the shards of glass on the ground they sliced through my fatigues and into my flesh, the pain reminding me of my Calling, my faith in the Most High my refuge in times of need and trouble knowing that I would not be allowed to fall or to fail. One day the righteous will look upon the earth from our heavenly abode bathing in the Most High's heavenly glory, but until then, I would be picking glass out of my flesh and toiling and laboring until my end of days.

The monster ran through the rain and unholstered my net gun but getting a shot off while running was impossible. The fiend was fast, if I stopped, I would have lost it. I had to keep running. But it was faster and more durable than my mere mortal meatware. I lost the monster to the darkness of night. I stalked and prowled, tirelessly, scouring nooks and crannies. The Most High straightens the path before me, but this night was not to be the night the fiend would be destroyed. But I was inspired and comforted by the saints before me that never failed - no Job too difficult - because of their great faith in the Most High.

After resting my mind and body and renewing my faith in the glory and wisdom of the Most High the Sun again sank behind the horizon and the lights of the city filled the warm night sky with an orange glow highlighting the darkness. In the shadows the monsters and their hunters prowled and stalked, playing the game with expert efficiency. And I was hunting Evelyn. The previous night was meant to teach me what I was hunting. This night, I felt it coursing through my soul, would end with the returning of a Lost Soul to the Shepherd thanks to the stinging slashes and slices and stabs from my swords. Just as my feet are guided by the Most High, so, too, are my blades. I focused on the lightning strike that revealed Evelyn's true visage and concentrated on the details so that I may find her sooner than later and leave the shadow of the valley of death. Her razor-sharp teeth, the slime dripping from her body. It was disgusting but soon it would be made right.

I finally picked Evelyn up and the chase was on. Once we got into an alley, however, the monster stopped running. It turned to face me after I came around the corner. There it stood, completely transformed into its grotesque natural state. We locked into a staring contest, and I could hear this Lost Soul crying for release, to be shown back to the Shepherd like my soul longs for the glory and greatness of the Most High. Here in this alley I would show this hideous beast the truth, and the truth would set it free.

I was ready mentally. I raised my blades. And I was ready mentally just as soon as I let go of myself, placing all of my trust in the Most High and none in myself. The blades danced with divine fury, they slashed, stabbed, sliced, and removed large chunks from the monster. The fiend fought back as fiercely as it could, laboring to resist the Will of the Most High as best it could.

To remind me of the glory and greatness of the Most High I was suffered several severe wounds of my own. The blood soaked my clothes and my faith was affirmed.

And then it was ended with a final stroke, a slash, removing the last life from the hideous horror. And it was done. What was once Lost, was now Found.

I sat down, laid my head back against the wall and concentrated on stopping the blood leaking from my body. I longed to be dressed in my heavenly clothes, counted among the righteous in our heavenly abodes not sewn and not constructed by human hands. But my toils were not over. My labors not finished. Slowly I stood, sheathing my blades and continued to stalk the darkness for the remainder of the night and through the twilight of early morning until the Sun had completely vanquished the Dark.

As I gave proper attention to my wounds I could count on the Most High, my tower of refuge to comfort me and give me the scarring to remind me of the glory that awaits, a glory that it is infinitely greater than the sum of all my toils and labors, from the past through the end of my days.
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Re: Word on the street fingered Evelyn, or Evil Lynn.

Post by Grace »

Quite the dark tale there, Frank.

Got any with pixies and unicorns?
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Re: Word on the street fingered Evelyn, or Evil Lynn.

Post by Cessiel »

You keep impressing me with your exploits, Mr. Brimstone.

I may have use of a man with your convictions.
I can help.
Although perhaps not in the way you would want or could imagine.
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Re: Word on the street fingered Evelyn, or Evil Lynn.

Post by Gabriel »

Really, Cessiel... A man with convictions such as him, already blind, can be easily turned against the innocent, as I have seen has already happened in another of his stories. I would think such a man could not be trusted...

Unless you, yourself, are a manipulator of men and souls, Cessiel? I know little of you, but what I have seen suggests that you may be as tainted as I.
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Re: Word on the street fingered Evelyn, or Evil Lynn.

Post by Cessiel »

Tainted? Me?

Such a thing is not possible.

In the war between Good and Evil,

Between Light and Darkness,

I am on the side of angels.
I can help.
Although perhaps not in the way you would want or could imagine.
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Re: Word on the street fingered Evelyn, or Evil Lynn.

Post by Gabriel »

Truly, you take me for a fool, just as you manipulate that man. "On the side of the angels"? You may as well say, "In World War I, I sided with the humans." There are Fallen Angels, Dark Angels, and, of course, The Lost, in addition to those that sided with the Light. I have seen Angels of Light fighting alongside faeries and dragons, yet you praise this man for slaughtering fey. You do what you can to cloud your own position.

Perhaps you seek to join me in my abode, as my guest?
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Re: Word on the street fingered Evelyn, or Evil Lynn.

Post by Cessiel »

Now who is taking whom for a fool?
I can help.
Although perhaps not in the way you would want or could imagine.
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Re: Word on the street fingered Evelyn, or Evil Lynn.

Post by Gabriel »

I note a certain failure on your part to actually respond to any of my PERTINENT points... Would you care to explain why that is?
Frank Brimstone
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Re: Word on the street fingered Evelyn, or Evil Lynn.

Post by Frank Brimstone »

The great Prophet reminded the Greeks at Corinth on several occasions that we live by faith, not by sight; that faith does not rest on men's wisdom but on the power of the Most High. Have you so easily forgotten that a kernel of faith can move a mountain?

You are in Hell, Gabriel, because you have forgotten what it means to have faith. It is you who are blind.

When it is time to find your Lost Soul, would it be that the Shepherd calls upon me to find it.
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Re: Word on the street fingered Evelyn, or Evil Lynn.

Post by Gabriel »

I am in Hell, good sir, because I knew the right path, and I chose my own path anyway...if I'm here for any reason at all. I am in Hell not because I do not know what it is to have faith, but for the many sins I have committed...again, if I am here for a reason at all, and not by some bizarre chance.

When I was but a shadow, I went to those who were criminally insane, burdens on society, and too dangerous to ever be allowed to see the light of day again. I murdered them, destroyed their bodies, and then rebuilt them to create a body for myself. They were wastes, anyway; I put them to good use.

When I was in the service of a dark druid, I slaughtered men, women, and children before him and the vampire Khavik to appease them, though I knew it was wrong.

When I was hunting another shadow, I was unable to stop it from killing innocents indiscriminately...and though others have tried to assure me that such was not my fault, it is something I blame myself for.

I brought the burdens of my own sins, good sir...but you cannot see your own. Your supposed Savior said, "Judge not the splinter in the eye of your brother ere you remove the log from your own."

I say "supposed" because you follow him about as well as a dyslexic follows directions.
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Re: Word on the street fingered Evelyn, or Evil Lynn.

Post by Cybermancer »

I happen to follow directions quite well, thank you. :P
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Re: Word on the street fingered Evelyn, or Evil Lynn.

Post by Gabriel »

...You are not helping.

Fine, then. Mr. Brimstone, you follow your supposed Messiah as well as a deaf man follows a sound... Not at all.
Frank Brimstone
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Re: Word on the street fingered Evelyn, or Evil Lynn.

Post by Frank Brimstone »

It is not my place to judge. I do not judge. I follow the path the Most High lays before me. I merely step, the Most High changes the path accordingly.

Hell is for sinners. But it is not that simple. We are all sinners. As the Prophet explained in his epistle, the wage of sin is death but the gift from the Most High is eternal life. And the Prophet explains to the Church of Ephesus that by grace of the Most High we are saved through faith, faith in the blood of the Lamb. The Lamb - the way, the truth, the light - was a sacrifice to make an atonement for the souls of the faithful.

If you have faith, then you will be saved. The message is simple. The message is clear.

You will rebut, argue, twist the Word, obscure, deflect, deny, counteraccuse, and blaspheme. It's only natural for the damned to do so for they know that they are damned. I myself have seen it hundreds of times shortly before returning their Lost Souls to the Shepherd, the Most High saw fit to open my eyes to these heinous acts so that every Lost Soul I return affirms, nay, strengthens my faith.

While I live, I will labor under my Calling, to destroy the body and flesh of the demonic and the damned who have become Lost Souls. The ones who cannot be saved because they have turned their backs on faith, renounced the gift of eternal life from the Most High. There is no judgement. There are no mistakes. All is clear when cast under the Light of the Most High.

I do not judge or trust in my mortal mind. I merely speak what what has already been said. You know it to be true. The decision is simple. Have faith or suffer the wrath.
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Re: Word on the street fingered Evelyn, or Evil Lynn.

Post by Gabriel »

Not your place to judge? You have judged me, calling me a "Lost Soul", and claiming to be eager to "reclaim it". You have judged my actions, claiming them to be sinful, and I will not argue with that statement. Nevertheless, you have judged both me and my actions... How convenient is it, therefore, that you simply do not question whether what you are following is actually the "Most High", especially when you know that demons will twist the truth to get you to do what they want you to. Slaughtering creatures who do not fight back; is that TRULY the will of God? I did such things, and look where I am now...

I am not asking you to question your relationship with God. I am asking you to question whether God would actually ask you to do the things you're doing. If you can ask yourself this, and honestly answer "yes", then your relationship with the divine will be stronger...but if you answer "no", then it is your job to open your eyes and realize that what you are following now is not what you think it is.
Frank Brimstone
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Re: Word on the street fingered Evelyn, or Evil Lynn.

Post by Frank Brimstone »

I have not judged you. You yourself said that you are where you are because of your sins. This is not judgement but simple truth. A Lost Soul is lost when it loses or abandons faith. Yes, I am eager to answer my Calling and to return the Lost Souls to the Shepherd. My Calling is to Find the Lost, and I do it eagerly. The prophets teach us that we are not saved by work. Instead, we show our faith in our work. And faith in the Blood of the Lamb is our redemption and salvation. You are Lost for one reason and one reason alone - you have no faith. Everything else is your attempts to cover, hide, twist, instill doubt, transfer blame, and blaspheme. As I predicted that you would.

The prophets indeed warned us against demons and spirits that would deceive but the defense against the wicked and trecherous is faith in the Most High, our tower of strength and refuge in times of all troubles, protection for the righteous, and the righteous will not fail and the righteous will not fall. It is written. So shall it be done.

Of course the answer is "yes". Faith is never wrong. It is always righteous. Did not the Doubter learn this lesson? Of course he did. The Doubter is a man from whom we should learn the lesson - for they that have not seen but believe are blessed.
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Re: Word on the street fingered Evelyn, or Evil Lynn.

Post by Gabriel »

Frank Brimstone wrote:You are Lost for one reason and one reason alone - you have no faith. Everything else is your attempts to cover, hide, twist, instill doubt, transfer blame, and blaspheme. As I predicted that you would.

I have not blasphemed, for I have said nothing against God. I have said I feel you are not working for the force you believe, and you will be greatly saddened when you find the answers you believe yourself to know. I have also not attempted to cover or hide my sins or myself, nor have I twisted anything to say I was not wrong. I do not blame anyone but myself for my sins.

You are repeating my mistakes, and part of me laughs at you for it, and part of me despises you for it...because you are a headstrong fool who believe you have all the answers.

But by all means, continue down your path, and perhaps once Death claims you, I shall meet you here, in the flesh. And when that happens, I shall neither laugh at you nor despise you any further, for you shall have done all of this to yourself.

Of course the answer is "yes". Faith is never wrong. It is always righteous. Did not the Doubter learn this lesson? Of course he did. The Doubter is a man from whom we should learn the lesson - for they that have not seen but believe are blessed.

When a man believes he has heard the voice of God, and he kills innocent men, women, and children, for no clear reason, you believe this is "right"? When a man wakes up one day, and hears a voice whispering in his ear, telling him it is the voice of God, that he should rise up and kill his family, he should not question, but do, simply because an unverified voice tells him to? Is this what your God wants? If so, then why am I in Hell, for culling murderous psychopaths?
Frank Brimstone
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Re: Word on the street fingered Evelyn, or Evil Lynn.

Post by Frank Brimstone »

You continue to be blind to faith and miss the point of it.

I don't have any of the answers, only the Most High has, and they are given to us by the Prophets and the Word.

I am not repeating a single mistake of yours, as my faith is strong. If I have faith, it is impossible to follow the erroneous path for the Most High does not allow the righteous to fall or to fail.

If you have faith then the Command can only come from the Most High; only those who do not have faith can be fooled by the treachery of the demonic and the evil.
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Re: Word on the street fingered Evelyn, or Evil Lynn.

Post by Hannah »

My home was a community of the faithful. Some of the most dedicated out there.

Unfortunately they'd gotten the wrong message along the way somehow.

Jesus himself questioned God's will. Maybe you should learn from his example and stop and pose a question or two every now and then.

If the people back home had . . . well maybe we'd have turned out a bit better.
I will be who I chose to be.
Frank Brimstone
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Re: Word on the street fingered Evelyn, or Evil Lynn.

Post by Frank Brimstone »

This is the opening verse from a psalm that actually exalts the Most High in time of greatest trouble. Remember what was said in the Garden to the Most High. Remember that the Most High is a shelter in the storm.
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Re: Word on the street fingered Evelyn, or Evil Lynn.

Post by Gabriel »

1 John 4... Allow me to paraphrase, to save time. If you feel I am being treacherous with my usage, feel free to quote the entire book, and attempt to point out where I am wrong.

1: "Do not trust every spirit, but test the spirits to see if they are from God". You did not.

7 and 8: "Love is of God. ... God is love, and love is God, and all who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them."

12: "If we love, then God is with us."

16: (Direct quote) "God is love."

20: "If anyone says they love God but hates their brother, they're a liar."

This from John, the Beloved Disciple. Where, sir, is your compassion for your enemies? Where, sir, is your love?

It took existing in Hell with a woman who is here voluntarily to be with me before I found love. If you do not wish to suffer the same fate, I suggest you take Miss Hannah's advice, and the advice from these passages, and truly test the spirits you consort with.
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Re: Word on the street fingered Evelyn, or Evil Lynn.

Post by Shang Li »

According to you're King James Bible, did not Jesus speak these words?
Matthew 7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
Just be certain that the fruits you are growing at the command of another are good, for it is by your fruits that you shall be judged...
Understanding, is not a thing that comes swiftly, but rather in stages, a journey that once begun, must be seen to it's end.
Frank Brimstone
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Re: Word on the street fingered Evelyn, or Evil Lynn.

Post by Frank Brimstone »

The test is my faith and it cannot fail if it is righteous. You keep pointing to your lack of faith as a reason I should lack faith and place my trust in men's wisdom rather than the Most High. Keep trying, you will fail, for you are not righteous.

My compassion and my love is deep when I Find what was Lost and return it to the Shepherd. How can you question my compassion and my love.

A good tree does not bear evil fruit, and the Most High is Good.

I remind you as the prophets reminded the churches in their epistles that we are not judged by our works, but by our faith--as the Lamb explained.
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Shang Li
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Re: Word on the street fingered Evelyn, or Evil Lynn.

Post by Shang Li »

I have never said you should abandon your faith, friend. I have said that you should examine your fruit and compare the message of the one telling you they speak for god, and the message from your god that you claim to follow.

If it troubles you to ask these questions, perhaps that is your faith telling you something is wrong with the message you are getting.

Question your faith, if it is true, it will be strengthened by the answers you find.

Would you be lead astray by a false prophet because your faith was so weak it could not stand up to your questioning?
Or do you fear to question your orders because you are afraid of the answers you think you will find?

Blind faith is weak, worthless. Faith that survives the fires of self doubt will hold true and never fail you.
Understanding, is not a thing that comes swiftly, but rather in stages, a journey that once begun, must be seen to it's end.
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Re: Word on the street fingered Evelyn, or Evil Lynn.

Post by cab312 »

Being frank, I think that Brimstone failed to separate between you and Gabriel in his reply.
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Re: Word on the street fingered Evelyn, or Evil Lynn.

Post by Ron Caliburn »

You remind me of a few people I know Frank, and someone I was.
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Re: Word on the street fingered Evelyn, or Evil Lynn.

Post by Gabriel »

Mr. Caliburn, I think we're all grateful that you've actually seen the light.
Frank Brimstone
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Re: Word on the street fingered Evelyn, or Evil Lynn.

Post by Frank Brimstone »

I have the seen the Light, the Truth, and the Way.

My soul longs for the end of my labors, the day I join the righteous looking down upon earth from our heavenly abode not constructed by human hands, basking in the Glory of the Most High, which is infinitely greater than the sum of all toils of those who have, do, and will ever live.
I come not to bring peace, but a sword.
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