Sam had a psychic fix on the monster.

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Frank Brimstone
Posts: 30
Joined: Fri Feb 05, 2010 5:00 am

Sam had a psychic fix on the monster.

Post by Frank Brimstone »

Sam had a psychic fix on the monster. For my part, I found the two-headed dog with five legs and the prehensile tail of a monkey one of the easier monsters to keep track of. As the beast went invisible I activated my goggles. The monster behaved as if it was unaware that I could see it, but it was quite aware of Sam's ability to track it. I tried not to think about it too, I did not want to give away what could be the only advantage I had going for me. We encountered this beast in the suburbs, gunplay was out of the question. This beast would almost certainly have to be taken out with hand to hand combat. Just the way I like it.

And then the beast bolted and ran like hell. I gave chase, leaving Sam behind to catch up, hopping hedges and hurdling fences. I showed no signs of exhaustion just yet but I needed to get this monster in the fight before long. I took my piece, custom made from a brother, that shoots the kind of net even the supernasty has difficulty escaping. I was becoming in tune with my surroundings. I readied the weapon with some psychic power and prepared myself for battle. After the next fence I would take my shot.

I hurdled the fence, hit the ground, rolled, come up to my feet, and pulled the trigger on the net gun. The net blasted out at warp speed and entangled the beast. I holstered the net gun and had the opportunity to blast the beast with my Hush Puppy but as I was drawing I heard a loud, "what the ...." from the porch. I whipped my head right and saw an overweight male smoking a cigarette on his porch.

"Animal control," I snapped. "Get inside, this one's quite dangerous." He dropped his cigarette, shrugged, and went inside. I saw the lights come on and the window shades open. I had an audience now. My approach would have to take a different route.

But the Most High is the lamp for my feet, the light for my path. There can be no fear when you place your faith in the Most High.

I ran to the beast and drew my blades. After taking several bites from its heads I managed to pin the monster and sever one of its head. One down, another left. But the net was starting to fade. Must act fast. As I went for the kill the beast heaved with all its might and managed to jump as the net disappeared. The momentum of the jump caused me to stumble backwards. The beast lept at me, going for the jugular. I evaded and slashed with a blade that found the soft tissue of the beast's belly. It fell to the ground, yelping like the mangy monster it was. I dropped down to my knee trying to pin the monster down, but the blood was copious and it slipped from my grip. It tried to leap the fence but I had a hand on one of its three hind paws. It made it over the fence anyway. I put my shoulder into the fence and some of the planks gave way under the force.

The monster jumped on me again, this time his jaws found my helmet but did not do any damage to me. I wrestled the beast and managed to get another leg and whirled the monster overhead slamming it head first into the pavement of the home owner's drive way. The monster was clearly stunned as I dropped down straddling it with its head between my legs. I took my blade and while whispering, "you will know the truth and the truth will set you free," I jammed the blade into the monster severing the connection between its spine and skull. The body shivered a little. I stood up. It turned to goo. I didn't stick around.

As I made my way down the street, Sam had caught up in his car. I began tending to my wounds as I only then began to realize how profusely I was bleeding.

I closed my eyes, my soul longing for the touch of the Most High like a parched tongue for a source of water.

And everything was alright.
I come not to bring peace, but a sword.
Posts: 94
Joined: Fri Jan 22, 2010 5:59 pm
Location: Wandering.

Re: Sam had a psychic fix on the monster.

Post by Cessiel »

Mr. Brimstone,

This world needs more men with your dedication.

Keep up the good work.
I can help.
Although perhaps not in the way you would want or could imagine.
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