UFO sighting.

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UFO sighting.

Post by PSC27 »

While I am in TX, would one of you join a team to investigate: http://www.weeklyworldnews.com/features ... ?printer=1 and help out a bit while there?

Contact the main office.
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Oh no, the aliens are here and they have come for our Mickey-Dees!!!!
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A. Pendragon
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Post by A. Pendragon »

Strange lights have been reported off the coast of England recently.
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Post by Silhouette »

The article is an obvious satire. I don't think WWN was even trying to convince anyone with that one.
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

The WWN throws in an article like that once in a while, just so people who aren't ready for the truth can think that the mag is just a joke.

95% of their journalism is acurate, insightful and beyond reproach.
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Delta Sierra
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Post by randy_eh? »

As an investigative reporter of things that go bump in the night, even I have to admit that I do not believe everything I read in WWN. For example, I believe "bat boy" is really part wombat, but "bat boy" is easier to pronounce than "wombat boy". Laughter is the best medecine, and yes, it helps ease the consciences of those who can't handle the truth. So, like the previous writer I believe some of what is in WWN is satire for that purpose alone. With that said, all of the articles that I've written for WWN were truthful.

Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Another great publication is the After Midnight paper. Anybody who wants a heads up on where the action's at would be adviced to get a recent copy.
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Delta Sierra
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Post by Jack »

Ok, folks, I think you've all missed an important point here. That was either a SPACESHIP or a SUBMARINE that was found on the island. How did the aliens drown if it took the authorites 6 hours to penetrate the hull with industrial grade lasers. If it was a spaceship then the entire ship should have been AIRTIGHT, and if it was a submarine then the whole ship would have been WATERTIGHT (both terms are essentially the same for this discussion). Again, how did the aliens drown? This story is either entirely a fabrication for the purpose of disinformation. Or there may be a grain of truth, if there was a ship, the aliens may be alive, since I think I've established that they could not have drowned.
Just because I'm paranoid, doesn't mean they're NOT out to get me.
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