training was fun...

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training was fun...

Post by biggie »

well, I know i just up and left for a while and none of my friends could find me ( you know who you are :wink: )

in truth, I spent the last few months in a "military" training facility somewhere in the northern parts of canada...(dreadfully cold up there in winter)...the purpose for my journey was to in fact prove that i was a journeyman and no longer a novice in the eyes of my friends( they had all these cool adventure stories and all i could tell them was stories of demons i've battled in my bathroom...not the best adventure to speak of,but i was stail.

while in the camp, i trained in the use of basic fire arms and a multitude of archaic weapons. It was only when i left camp three months ago that the trouble began(were it began again if you followed my story from my "Trouble in Georgia" post),flying low across the ice,i thought i was safe. then an arrow was cought in the back of my flight helmet.

i had no idea where it came from or why,all i knew was i had to get the hell outta there,(getting hit with an arrow set me off a little bit, i mean,who the heck hits the piolet of a plane while he's flying,in snowy weather,going 250 feet above ground...) but that was when i saw the gas gauge drop from half-full, to, please fasten your seat belts...

(i found out later that, of coarse, it was an arrow protruding out the side of the gas tank.)

but long story short,plane was crashing,i was fighting for control,and BAM...i hit the ice and broke through.

when i woke,i looked around and only saw white walls(i think they were made of ice) and a pedistile,with a small silver braclet on it.

well,never wanting to let loot go unlooted,i picked it up and put it on...every hair on my body jumped for a spit second and i found my self running up the wall,looking back below me i saw arrow after arrow hitting the wall where i just was, there was an arrow at every place on the wall where my foot touched it as well.

now aware of what i was doing i (all but gracefully :oops: ) fell to the floor...there was a nice thud sound that if i heard coming from someone elses impact with the ground,i would have laughed...but this was no laughing matter,there was someone shooting at me,and it was getting old.

as soon as i turned the perpatrator was fleeing...i followed...he jumped thirty some odd feet to the hole in the ceiling where i fell...i stood there gawking...he laughed at the top...i was stuck at the bottom...

lucky for me someone saw the plane go down and called in a search party...i was out in about two days.

but in the two days that followed i learned a few interesting things about the bracelet...let me just say its a very interesting weapon,and on top of that,as long as i where it i get this sorta spider since thing...

I LOVE IT! :wink:

but also,if anyone knows anyone with remarkable skill in archery and leap about 30 feet in the air,i'd love to talk to you about this person,oh...before i forget the arrows where very strange...they were black with red feathers,and had a scorpion on the arrow head...that and the all "poofed" out of exsitance a few days after i got out of the hole...any info is greatly appreciated...thanks :mrgreen:

in regards to my spelling (which i know is horrible)
computers in frozen huts in canada don't have spell checker...go figure :lol:
if you make brownies with white chocolate...
does that make them whities?
Joe Smith
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Re: training was fun...

Post by Joe Smith »

I am in canada and can ask around. I don't have near the contacts or experience most other the other people have though.

But I did stay in a Holiday Inn last night! (really I did!)
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Re: training was fun...

Post by biggie »

i never got to a holiday inn...
but shacks are fun for wilderness treks. :mrgreen:

i don't have any contacts here either,but i was going to get shipped back to the states now since basic training is over,something tells me i'll be followed.

it's just the way it happened,no one knew i was there (short of family and my dog), and really...who shoots you down with out cause? i know i wasn't flying over any forien air space, well, short of leaving the air field i took off at.

but if you found out anything set up a post,i try to check here daily (or as much as can be permited... :) )
if you make brownies with white chocolate...
does that make them whities?
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