problems in Georgia

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problems in Georgia

Post by biggie »

lately in Georgia,some things have been out of the ordinary...

people have been coming to my mentor and asking him if he and the ones under him(me) are ready...

for what they have never said,that is until recently.

my contact has told me that one person came to him while he was at work and asked if he was ready...

my friend was fed up with the questions with no answers and made him talk,

he told him that there is "something" that is going to happen that has everyone evolved getting prepared for a fight.

my friend was shown videos,pictures,and witnessed first hand people using super human abilities,in one case he said that one guy kicked a solid chunk out of a wall,then turn on his friend,kicked him and he didn't even budge...

my point being...
something is going on in the south,
i have no idea what it is,and i would love some advise or assistance...

thank you,


if you make brownies with white chocolate...
does that make them whities?
Willie Long
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Re: problems in Georgia

Post by Willie Long »

biggie wrote:my friend was shown videos,pictures,and witnessed first hand people using super human abilities,in one case he said that one guy kicked a solid chunk out of a wall...

Naw, that ain't superhuman -- I can do that, and I'm just this guy.

There might be something going on in the south, but I can't think of many posters that live there. I remember hearing that Razor moved back to Texas, you could ask him if he has noticed anything unusual.
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Re: problems in Georgia

Post by biggie »

i've determined it is probably more of a private issue,more than a public one...

at first i thought that people were exposing magic and the supernatural to the public...

i've come to the knowledge now that it is "probably" some-ones attempt to scare off the local practitioners of magic...

though nothing has directly happened to me or my friend yet,i am starting to take precautions and prepare my self for the worst...

although i am fairly new at this compared to my piers...

my problem is now that out of everyone i've called together,i'm the only one that can't do something like breaking concrete blocks,jumping 20 feet in the air,and stuff like that...

and the only person that could tell me how to do such thinks expects me to learn it by myself,i probably could with a year or two of practice,but something tells me that i'll need something more within the next 3 months to a year...

but so far this is a local affair...
lots of people are gathering and will be gathering until the time comes to face what ever problem is going to come...

i wouldn't want to get anyone involved in this that doesn't need to be,
but what i do need is a way to defend my self from attacks...

can anyone give me an idea how?
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Any idea how what, Mr. biggie?

Post by Clarity »

_____Any idea how what, Mr. biggie? How to jump 20 feet in the air or break through concrete? Sorry, I can’t do that, either. Maybe some of those people from Hollywood Videos can help you out, though. That’s where he got The Exorcist from when he tried to explain Kina’s behavior. It was just like the movie.
_____P.S. I never did like that movie, though if it would bring Ethan back, I’d watch it again.
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Re: problems in Georgia

Post by biggie »

the mr. part is a bit exaggerated...

i mean,i'm just not use to people say that to me,i'm younger than most on this site... :mrgreen:

the feats that have been listed can be done by anyone to a degree.

once,in anger,i cracked a concrete wall with one punch...

i've leaped over fences,and large bushes in times of crisis...

but these people can do that and better,at will...

to clear any questions that is what i wish to achieve...

because if i was attacked by one of these people while i'm with my friend,i would be useless in the confrontation...

i'm involved in this because of my practices...

i don't want an innocent person to be hurt because i got scared or couldn't stop something from happening...

as of today,i'm safe...
i'm under the protection of people far more powerful than myself,i've even been given amulets for protection....

but when i'm home again or at school,
what if one of these people goes to my school,
if i was found,and not ready to defend myself against these people or powers that be...

well,to my current knowledge no one was been killed or hospitalized...yet...

but i've been out of touch with my contact for a day or two...

if it gets worse and people are getting injured,or worse,i'll be sure to post it where...
even though i don't know any of you,i feel safer knowing that there is at least someone somewhere other than my self and my friends that want to help in matters of the anti-mundane...


if you make brownies with white chocolate...
does that make them whities?
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Re: problems in Georgia

Post by biggie »

it's like i speak about it and it happens...

to my utter regret,my best friend died this after-noon soon after my first post today... :cry:

he was with two other people in side a cave when it collapsed in on them...

my friend and i believe he was looking for something in those caves...

if he was looking for something,then he most have found it...

i don't believe in chance...

i have a feeling of foul play...

i want this to stop,but i don't know how!

can someone anyone help...

i can give more info if you pm me...

if i can't get help i'll have no choice but to fight what ever it is un-prepared...

but no matter what happens i'll never run :evil:
if you make brownies with white chocolate...
does that make them whities?
Willie Long
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Re: problems in Georgia

Post by Willie Long »

biggie wrote:the feats that have been listed can be done by anyone to a degree. ....but these people can do that and better,at will...

Keep practicing. :wink: I've been a student of Shaolin kungfu for almost thirty years.

...but no matter what happens i'll never run

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Re: problems in Georgia

Post by biggie »

after my friends passing,
i really needed words of encouragement...

i'll do my best!!! :mrgreen:

it's only hard to find a good place to...
my mother is a religious fanatic...

once she found out i was studying magic,she burned all my black clothes and cds...

but i imagine it must be a lot harder to hide these things from the public...

i'm suer if i went out telling everybody about this and my fears of whats to come,i'm sure i would be on medication in no time flat... :lol:

it is just been a great relief to have a place where i can just get all this off my chest...

and i wanted to thank everyone for hearing me out,and helping in whatever way they could...

but if anything else happens,i'll keep an update... :wink:
if you make brownies with white chocolate...
does that make them whities?
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Oh, I’m sorry. What should I call you?

Post by Clarity »

_____Oh, I’m sorry. Do you want me to just call you “biggie,” umm . . . biggie?
_____P.S. I’m sorry about your friend.
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Re: problems in Georgia

Post by biggie »

it's okay...

he is in a far better place now...

and the biggie thing,it's just a nick-name my sister gave me when i was younger... :mrgreen:

but as for updates on whats going on...
i can't really say i know anything...
i haven't talked to my contact in days,not since my friend Steven died...

not really sure what to make of it,but things seam to going normal...

which was expected after a few weeks of worry i'll admit,but not so soon...

worse case scenario,is the analogy "the calm before the storm"

but i'm still on look out just to be safe...

also,i talked to my sisters boyfriend,and he suggested i start to practice "avatar"...

i don't have a clear image of what it is exactly,cause of some stipulations he is under,and i don't have any references either...

so if anyone has info about this particular practice i would appreciate any and all help!

thank-you, :D

if you make brownies with white chocolate...
does that make them whities?
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Okay, I’ll just call you Biggie . . .

Post by Clarity »

_____Okay, I’ll just call you “Biggie,” okay? Without the quotations, though. Good luck in everything.
_____P.S. I haven’t heard of an “avatar” before. What is it?
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Lord Shakar
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Re: problems in Georgia

Post by Lord Shakar »

I have never heard of this 'avatar' thing either. What all did he tell you about it. As sometimes the same thing has many different names.
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Re: problems in Georgia

Post by biggie »

i don't have much time right now where i'm at to explain in full
(hacked out of my

but basicaly using your will to influence the things...

he said the possibilites are limitless,but it can phycicaly drain you more than other practices...
if you make brownies with white chocolate...
does that make them whities?
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Re: what i've learned so far...

Post by biggie »

"avatar" in the "text book" definition had to do with hindu gods desending to earth in the form of man(Buddha for example)...

the definition that was given to me by my sisters boyfriend was:
"to concentrate on one thing and one thing completely clear your mind of all other thought...and once focused on what you want to happen,whether it be,psychic,magical,or a physical simply will the effect into being..."

most of that was paraphrased because it was such a long discussion,

i found out later that avatar is something i have been doing for about 4 years now...i just never had a name for it... :mrgreen:

so for example:

i was in seventh grade...
i just finished seeing my girlfriend off on her way when the bell rang for bus riders...
well,needless to say were she needed to be was on the polar opposite side of the school for the buses...

so as im hurrying along down the hall way several dozen of my fellow student are walking down the hall,and heading straight for me...

i knew if i missed the bus again that my mom would kill me...

so,i pictured two invisible walls coming together in front of me to form a plow(in my mind) and proceeded down the hall,
as soon as i reached the line of kids i focus (hard) on the idea of anyone coming into contact with the plow would move to the side...

in was like parting the red sea...of seventh graders... :lol:

any questions?
if you make brownies with white chocolate...
does that make them whities?
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Did you concentrate?

Post by Clarity »

_____Was it hard?
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Re: problems in Georgia

Post by biggie »

with enough practice,like meditation,it becomes a habit really...

lately i've been practiceing again and though it is difficult to get back into the swing of things,i am starting to do it with out any pre-meditative thought...

it is also powerful if you put in alot of emotion... :mrgreen:
if you make brownies with white chocolate...
does that make them whities?
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