Hello, and Need opinion.

A place to seek help, or to offer services, dealing with the paranormal.
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Mr. Universe
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Hello, and Need opinion.

Post by Mr. Universe »

Hi, first of all, Im not The Mr. Universe.
Mr Universe is a theory, and concept I kept coming across through years of research in history and mythology, and there is always a grain of truth to mythology, if its been warped.
I'm just curious if any of you ran into links or evidence of the Mr. Universe phenomenon, but first let me explain what I have come across.

Every mythology I come across all start the same way, a powerful creator comes along and creates everything we know, then after some time he leaves, but not before placing certain safeguards in maintaining the reallity as we know it. To the Greeks it was the Gods, for Christianity it was Jesus or perhaps Lucifer. The reason for his leave of absence is always different, and can never be isolated. But another similar factor can also be found, an agent of Chaos. Pandora's Box, the Fruit of Good/Evil (aka Friut of Knowledge).
Any way, I found a group who believed that there is in fact a being they call Mr. Universe. The evidence they gathered is that Mr. Universe is in fact a Reality Anchor, or the linchpin of the universe, or as one person surmised the like a operating system, "Mr Universe is in fact the Windows of reality." Others believe that during conseption, Mr. Universe's physical being metaphysicaly collided with the OS of reality, becomeing a sentient mobile Time/Space anomally. This would make Mr. Universe the personification of Pandora's Box, if what I heard was true. He can alter this entire reality's make-up with but a thought.
So what prevents Mr Universe from controlling the universe. Perhaps he is not aware of it. That he infact runs the day-to-day operations of reality subconciously, but his fears and anxiety causes tears in space, letting extra-dimentional beings manipulate this world for a brief moment.
Or perhaps that Mr. Universe merely doles out potential energy, not by will but by function allowing this world to work?
Lord Shakar
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Re: Hello, and Need opinion.

Post by Lord Shakar »

To be honest I have never heard anything like that.
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Heather Dawes
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Re: Hello, and Need opinion.

Post by Heather Dawes »

I know of a few dictators that tthey were gods incarnate, but I've heard of nothing like that at all.

Though it sounds New Age to me.
Lord Shakar
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Re: Hello, and Need opinion.

Post by Lord Shakar »

Heather Dawes wrote:I know of a few dictators that tthey were gods incarnate, but I've heard of nothing like that at all.

Though it sounds New Age to me.

I too have known some that have lost touch with reality and thought they were gods. Most of those I have encountered I have shown the error of their ways if they still lived after I was done with them.
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Eilonwy Solstice
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If I may ask . . .

Post by Eilonwy Solstice »

If I may ask, why do you need our opinions on such a theory, Mr. Universe?
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Mr. Universe
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Re: If I may ask . . .

Post by Mr. Universe »

Eilonwy Solstice wrote:If I may ask, why do you need our opinions on such a theory, Mr. Universe?

I'm looking for him. I think he maybe able to help me with a difficult problem.
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Does “he” even exist?

Post by Eilonwy Solstice »

Is it wise to entrust the opinions of people you know little about for something so . . . vital, Mr. Universe? Are you even sure this being exists?
Sometimes the only thing to be done is to feel one’s way through the darkness.
Mr. Universe
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Re: Hello, and Need opinion.

Post by Mr. Universe »

Well, I was told you people are use to dealing with odd problems.

but the what I need to talk to THE Mr. Universe about is, how to reverse a Cascadeing Dimensional Convergence.
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Re: Hello, and Need opinion.

Post by Cybermancer »

How many dimensions?

For two dimensions I would suggest inverting the catalyst matrix in order to stabilize turbulance and fractorization.

With more than two dimensions you may require a phased, four step sequence.

Alternatively you may attempt to reduce permeability of the exterior dimensional fabric of all planes involved. Be careful with this method for if the permeability indexes of the involved planes are not compatible then the consequences can be most destructive. Most simulations indicate however, that in catastrophic collisions, the planes reform themselves although there is some transfer of properties and occasional 'whurls' that form between the newly created dimensions. Little consolation for those living in those dimensions, I'm sure.

If you lack the energy reserves, equipment, skill or knowledge to carry out any of these procedures, then you may as well pray to whatever you want to call your deities.

In any case, good luck. :?
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Mr. Universe
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Re: Hello, and Need opinion.

Post by Mr. Universe »

If only it were that easy. the convergence is occuring on all Parallel Earths. I don't know if its my doing, but due to certain actions on my part I have been made aware of it.
Heather Dawes
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Re: Hello, and Need opinion.

Post by Heather Dawes »

Yep, more and more new age.
Mr. Universe
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Re: Hello, and Need opinion.

Post by Mr. Universe »

How is this new age. If what I say is true I would be very worried on your part. However, the way I was made aware is not some sort of inner enlightenment on my part, or spiritual in nature, but it is surely fantastic in any case, and difficutl to understand.
Lord Shakar
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Re: Hello, and Need opinion.

Post by Lord Shakar »

While I know there are things that defy logic in some cases. You had best hope that you and I don't cross paths and you use those powers to alter reality too near me. It reminds me of certain creatures that I dislike extremely.
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The Councilor
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Re: Hello, and Need opinion.

Post by The Councilor »

To alter reality at will. Fascinating.

Tell me, what are the ranges of this amazing ability?
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Mr. Universe
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Re: Hello, and Need opinion.

Post by Mr. Universe »

If you have ever read the comic book, Wanted (not the rubbish movie) its along those levels. I can't alter reality, merely my self. what has occurred to me was that some fellow scientists and I have designed a device to allow me to explore my possibilities. In short, The device caused every single alternative version of my self to be at my finger tips. I can now essentially change my self, but only into a different version of my self. I removed my self from all alternate earths, to make this me. Side effects are through meditation I can see the infinite worlds, and I can even move through the alternate realities, but only to Parallel Earths. Don't think its instantaneous or willy nilly, It in fact requires concentration to get past all the Back noise, even then hopping parallels is like eating a two foot hoggie, drinking a six pack of beer and then taking a ride on the Centrifuge, I don't care to do it.. Incidentally I can somewhat perceive time as it is. But because I am still human, my mind cant comprehend all the information just bits a pieces.

Ohh and the Cascading Dimensional Convergence, well something big is gonna happen and I keep seeing the number 22 and 2098

Lord Shakar what is this creature you speak of.
Eilonwy Solstice
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Interesting . . .

Post by Eilonwy Solstice »

Well, that’s . . . interesting.
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Lord Shakar
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Re: Hello, and Need opinion.

Post by Lord Shakar »

it is good to know that your powers are nothing like these creatures to which I refer to which shall remain unnamed at this time. It means I don't have to come hunting you down.
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The Councilor
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Re: Hello, and Need opinion.

Post by The Councilor »

A device that can enable a human to explore their infinite potential...
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Re: Hello, and Need opinion.

Post by GhostSpider »

If you have ever read the comic book, Wanted (not the rubbish movie) its along those levels.

The comic was great, the movie was okay.

Still, I'm having a hard time believing that your capable of all you say.
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Mr. Universe
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Re: Hello, and Need opinion.

Post by Mr. Universe »

Well. from what I can gather, moving through parallel earths isn't as exciting as you would think. I am also rendered a permanent outsider, unable to truly be at home in any variation. The reason I am searching for The Mr. Universe or equivalent is I have encountered one before. In another Earth. Before I could talk to him at length, he was killed or at least his incarnation was killed in a most unusual manner from what I could gather the entire world was instantly rebooted or erased, and I was cast out of that Earth unable to find it again. I am hoping of finding another The Mr. Universe.

That said my abilities are severely limited, I for example can not move down or up in dimensional travels, so I can not go to a universe that lacks a Earth or travel to Hell and its celestial equivalent. I can only travel sideways to different Earths. For me to try to cross what are called Rifts is like throwing a portable hole in to a bag of holding. Because I only have a human mind am still unaware of a vast majority of my potential, and if I am killed I loose that potential me forever, skills and memories are gone forever.
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Re: Hello, and Need opinion.

Post by InTheDark »

It's interesting you recognize that you have this ability. The funny thing is, it's a natural in born talent most people are not even aware of possessing. Reaching out into the greater universe is a little complicated, good metaphore by the way. Our friend argues this is "new age" but all it really can be is another way of seeing things. As far as a "Mr Universe" goes, your looking for a universal matrix tap. Now that I can understand, as each universe has a collection of nodes that form our dimensional material plane. All that person has is an inborn connection to dimensional manipulation. It can be manipulated via an AI, in theory, but the necessary requirements of energy would be the equivalent of a very massive black hole, or more ideally a white hole. Now we're talking very advanced phisics the like of which only our future selves would be familiar with. So for now, concentrate on finding the person, and you'll do all right. Just remember, there's an infinate number of realities...squared to pi.
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Heather Dawes
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Re: Hello, and Need opinion.

Post by Heather Dawes »

I think they made a movie about this, didn't they?
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Re: Hello, and Need opinion.

Post by InTheDark »

They're always making movies about this sort of thing. Jumpers...I was disapointed in the movie. It's akin to a bad vampire meets frankestein movie, only the vampire hunter is also the bad guy. After all, Van helsing wasn't the smartest cookie the cutter ever made...and not all vampires are evil psycotic sniveling cowardly bullies either. Just most.
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Re: Hello, and Need opinion.

Post by biggie »

well in my opinion,
the whole thing sounds ify...

even if you do find the ideal reality...
that doesn't really mean that you will find "the" mr. universe...

you say that every earth has a different version of yourself...

"hypothetically"well if mr. universe was a person,and this is all just his will and thoughts,then every earth would be different...

sense there are different versions of me and you,why wouldn't there be different versions of the mr. universe...

your chances of actually fixing this matter by finding one man,among billions,that you may or may not have met in that world is astronomical...

i'm not saying your quest in impossible...
but it will be very taxing...

best of luck!!!
if you make brownies with white chocolate...
does that make them whities?
Mr. Universe
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Re: Hello, and Need opinion.

Post by Mr. Universe »

Its not as easy as I would wish, what with incursions happening on other worlds, ( critters that can be called demons are popping up all over the place) In fact just came from one with a severe Zombie infestation, not to mention another dealing with "bug" problems. Also I can't D-hop to other locations in the word I just Shift my self to the same spot in a parallel earth. I also have to deal with the fact the "Universal Matrix Tap" as InTheDark called it might not even exist on this planet, universe is a big place. Unlike you or me, the guy I'm looking for doesn't have parallels as we have, he or it has beings that might full fill the same function in the other Universes. Closest comparison I can find, is Doctor Manhattan from Watchmen, then you have a inkling of the power the individual I'm looking for has.
Deacon Ash-Shaytan
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Re: Hello, and Need opinion.

Post by Deacon Ash-Shaytan »

Beyond the weightlifting title (discontinued in 1976 I believe), I have never heard of it
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