Study illuminates star explosion from 16th century

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Study illuminates star explosion from 16th century

Post by Sheyblade »

Study illuminates star explosion from 16th century

A buddy of mine sent me this. Thoughts? New scientific discovery like it says, or some coverup?

MALCOLM RITTER, AP Science Writer wrote:NEW YORK – More than 400 years after Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe challenged established wisdom about the heavens by analyzing a strange new light in the sky, scientists say they've finally nailed down just what he saw.

It's no big surprise. Scientists have known the light came from a supernova, a huge star explosion. But what kind of supernova?

A new study confirms that, as expected, it was the common kind that involves the thermonuclear explosion of a white dwarf star with a nearby companion.

The research, which analyzed a "light echo" from the long-ago event, is presented in Thursday's issue of the journal Nature by scientists in Germany, Japan and the Netherlands.

The story of what's commonly called Tycho's supernova began on Nov. 11, 1572, when Brahe was astonished to see what he thought was a brilliant new star in the constellation Cassiopeia. The light eventually became as bright as Venus and could be seen for two weeks in broad daylight. After 16 months, it disappeared.

Working before telescopes were invented, Brahe documented with precision that unlike the moon and the planets, the light's position didn't move in relation to the stars. That meant it lay far beyond the moon. That was a shock to the contemporary view that the distant heavens were perfect and unchanging.

The event inspired Brahe to commit himself further to studying the stars, launching a career of meticulous observations that helped lay the foundations of early modern astronomy, said Michael Shank, a professor of the history of science at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.

The direct light from the supernova swept past Earth long ago. But some of it struck dust clouds in deep space, causing them to brighten. That "light echo" was still observable, and the new study was based on analyzing the wavelengths of light from that.
Heather Dawes
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Re: Study illuminates star explosion from 16th century

Post by Heather Dawes »

This begs the question: What could anyone be covering up back in the 1600's?
Eilonwy Solstice
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I have learned length and time can still be relevant . . .

Post by Eilonwy Solstice »

I don’t think I want to imagine “what,” if anything, they are hiding. It was very long ago, and very far away.

Though I have learned length and time do not irrelevance make.
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Deacon Ash-Shaytan
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Re: Study illuminates star explosion from 16th century

Post by Deacon Ash-Shaytan »

Heather Dawes wrote:This begs the question: What could anyone be covering up back in the 1600's?
"Proof" of "aliens," evidence that the world is coming to an end, and other such bunk is a possibility. The masses are for the most part, a stupid bunch. If word got out that the Aztecs were right and the world's going to end in 2012, there might be an up to do.
Someone has to man the "reality check station" around here, and it might as well be me.
Lord Shakar
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Re: I have learned length and time can still be relevant . . .

Post by Lord Shakar »

Eilonwy Solstice wrote:I don’t think I want to imagine “what,” if anything, they are hiding. It was very long ago, and very far away.

Though I have learned length and time do not irrelevance make.

I am going to agree with Mrs. Solstice on this one. I also add that I don't particularly care what if anything they covered up as it was too long ago to currently matter.
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Jackie Berry
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Re: I have learned length and time can still be relevant . . .

Post by Jackie Berry »

I am going to agree with Mrs. Solstice on this one. I also add that I don't particularly care what if anything they covered up as it was too long ago to currently matter.

Not Necessarily. Assumptions like that have a habit of coming back and biting you in the rear at the worst possible time.
Lord Shakar
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Re: Study illuminates star explosion from 16th century

Post by Lord Shakar »

I know about things biting in the ass, But some things aren't always worth stressing about.
Walking between the Shadows, you come to expect the unexpected.
From the Shadows comes Life or Death.
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