Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

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Ron Caliburn
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by Ron Caliburn »

Met with Pyopas yesterday.

As her hatchet man said earlier, I’d know the place . . . they haven’t even properly cleaned Ted’s name off the door yet.

The aforementioned hatchet man, the guy that looked like a tomato and the giant-sized guy with the problem skin were all there too, off to the side to make sure I wasn’t going to do anything stupid like go across the desk at Pyopas.

Pyopas herself was rather unimpressive. She sat there quietly working away at the papers on her desk. Hair in a tight bun, glasses, conservative blouse buttoned all the way up to her throat . . . kinda looked a bit like a librarian.

“Have a seat Mr. Grant; I’ll be with you in a moment.” The tone was pleasant, almost friendly, but she didn’t even look up.

Might sound like a pleasantry, but in reality, it was a test. She wanted to know if I was beat to the point that I was going to do whatever she told me.

I wasn’t. “No thanks, I’ll stand.”

“As you wish.” The game was on. She was just going to keep working away until I gave in and sat down.

Back on the compound, for discipline they used to make us go outside and stand at attention. Depending on the severity of the infraction, we could be there for several hours, or even a couple of days. The kids were encouraged to throw clods of dirt, sticks and small rocks at us. If we broke standing at attention, it added an hour to our time each time we did it.

But this wasn’t about who was in charge for me, this was about selling an image to Pyopas. If I gave in too soon she’d think I was just trying to play her. If I waited too long she’d know I was trouble.

I decided I’d made my point after about 10 minutes.

She decided that my point was worth another half an hour waiting for her to finish.

So, once she had properly asserted her dominance, we were ready to begin.

She put down her pen and folded her hands in front of her. “Mr. Grant, I’d like to apologize for the recent difficulties, however you have made the right decision in coming here today so we could sort this all out. Once we clear up this misunderstanding I’m sure we’ll be able to make sure your daughter is returned to you and I will make the effort to convince the hospital to remove that restraining order.”

That would be the carrot. “I would appreciate that.”

She smiled joylessly, here comes the stick. “Of course at this point we have only stopped our proceedings pending further information. What we have found at this point is of concern and should we become more so we will be forced to tae these investigations to their ultimate conclusion.’

I nodded, understanding that if I don’t co-operate I would never see Hannah or Wie again and spend the rest of my life in prison. “I suppose we’ll just have to work this all out then.”

The smile was a little more sincre this time. “Excellent Mr. Grant.” She rose and began to step around the desk. “As I said before, we have been watching you for quite some time now and have come to the conclusion that a man of your talents and your reputation would be most useful to us.”

As she cleared the edge of the desk I noticed one of the longest, leanest pair of legs I’d ever seen. They stretched upwards seemingly endlessly until they disappeared under a tight skirt barely thicker than her belt. Looking up her breasts bulged against the confines of her rather sheer blouse and her long hair rested gracefully on her shoulders. Bright green eyes sparkled at me as she sat on her desk right beside me.

“We have reason to believe that certain paranormal elements are going to interfere with the upcoming election. While we are making efforts to put a halt to this interference, we do not have the requisite freedom of action. You, on the other hand . . .” She leaned forward, her face inches from mine. The scent of her perfume was intoxicating. “have that freedom of action.”

“I also give you plausible deniability I am assuming.”

“You are a smart one.” An elegant finger traced its way along my jaw, she stepped back around the desk, her knee length skirt and plain blouse unruffled. “A man like yourself, with a history of violence, mental illness and substance abuse would make a rather uncompelling witness were anyone to attempt to go public with this.” She slid back into her chair.

“So how will I stop this . . . ‘paranormal element’?”

“We will contact you with the relevant details at the relevant time and trust that you will take the appropriate course of action.” She looked me up and down from behind her glasses. “Will you co-operate?”

There was only one answer useful to either of us. “Looks like we have an agreement, but I want my daughter back before I do anything. I will also need my weapons if I’m going to be some sort of troubleshooter for you.”

She picked up her pen, the meeting was over. “I was sure you would make the right decision. I’ll sign the release forms on some of the more unusual items my associates collected from your shop an get the process rolling on having your daughter removed from incarceration. Both should be available to you on Monday.”
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Willie Long
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by Willie Long »

Ron Caliburn wrote:Hair in a tight bun, glasses, conservative blouse buttoned all the way up to her throat . . .

...her rather sheer blouse and her long hair rested gracefully on her shoulders.

...her knee length skirt and plain blouse unruffled.

What the hell? Is this bitch Sailor Moon or something? How can she change clothes so fast?
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by Ron Caliburn »

Yeah, I don't know what was up with that. I don't thing she was messing with my mind - I got pretty familiar with that feeling when my double was messing in my brain for a year.
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by Ron Caliburn »

I've spent most of the day calling back and forth to Pyopas and the so called child wellfare people.

According to the latter, Hannah and a couple of other girls slipped out of the "care facillity" over night and haven't been seen or heard from since.

The fomer, well she just said "Such a rebellious and undisciplined child, you really should consider a sterner form of parenting Mr. Grant."

I'm going to enjoy it so much when I can turn the tables on that bitch.
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Willie Long
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by Willie Long »

Sounds like the kind of person you gotta stand in line to hate.
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by Ron Caliburn »

I hope you don't mind that I butted in ahead of you.
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by Natasha »

Revenge is unhealthy.
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by skeptic »

When she's correct...she's correct.
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Ron Caliburn
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by Ron Caliburn »

It wouldn't be revenge - it would be a preventative measure to stop anyone else from going through this crap.

I'd just enjoy it . . . a lot.
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by Natasha »

You have a dark side, Ron. You understand my concern.
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by DarKnyht »

While I agree revenge really doesn't solve anything, the fact is we all have a dark side to us.
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by Natasha »

DarKnyht wrote:While I agree revenge really doesn't solve anything, the fact is we all have a dark side to us.
Sure we do.
Наташа Крылова .:. Natasha Krilova
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by Shadowstalker »

Back to the subject. Has there been any word about how many other girls went missing, who they were, and most of all any idea if they have any relation to Hannah's going missing?
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by Grace »

Let's not be overly hasty, Shadowstalker.

Revenge happens to be something of a forte of mine. By and large, it pays my bills every month.

Now, Mr. Caliburn strikes me as the sort of person who does things because he feels they need doing. Not my own personal flavor of tea perhaps but whatever. In this particular instance, he suspects he might derrive a certain pleasure from what needs doing.

And I'll confess, I've derrived a certain proffesional satisfaction from a job well done. If a job's worth doing, it's worth doing right, right? And my clients certainly beleive my jobs are worth doing.

Of course, all of this begs some questions.

When do you go from doing what needs to be done and enjoying it to doing it because you enjoy it?

And if you start down that road, how long before you're just like me?

Finally, would Hannah approve?

But hey, I'm the last person to judge anybody. If things work out for you and you start thinking you'd like to go pro, just let me know. I'll hook you up with some clients.

Have a nice day. :D
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Ron Caliburn
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by Ron Caliburn »

Well sounds like the other missing girl is Christine . . . the third is really weird, they don't know who she is.

I don't enjoy spending my nights out in the rain and the snow protecting whores and hobos for no more thanks than some battered ribs and the occasional concusssion.

I do it because it has to happen and nobody else steps up.
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by Grace »

It sounds as though you don't even like the people you're protecting, Mr. Caliburn.

Although I suppose, if what you're concerned with is doing what's right, whether you like those people or not is irrelevant, isn't it?

Please excuse me if I sounded insulting, Mr. Caliburn. I do have a measure of respect for you. I just don't fully understand people like you yet. I will figure you out eventually though.

Good luck getting your daughter back, safe and sound.

And if you do get to turn the tables on Miss "Changes her Clothes with her mood", so much the better, huh?
Hi, I'm Darcy! :)
"Do you really think it is weakness that yields to temptation? I tell you that there are terrible temptations which it requires strength, strength and courage to yield to."
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Ron Caliburn
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by Ron Caliburn »

When you get to know them and spend time with them, they ain't bad at all. Heck I was one of them for a while.

I just get angry that I step up to help these people who obviously need it while most people walk by pretending not to notice.

I get angry because I've probably saved more lives than any cop in this city but I'm treated like filth or a psychopath.

I get angry because people don't open their eyes. I want them to see it all before it's too late.
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by GhostSpider »

Ron, they don't want to see it.

They're ostriches, and the world is filled with sand for them. Only a swift kick in the ass is ever going to get their attention. A very, very hard kick.
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by Reaper »

Last edited by Reaper on Sun Mar 28, 2010 1:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Ron Caliburn
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by Ron Caliburn »

Humankind needs to figure this all out sooner or later. Somethings coming, something big, and if we, as a species, are not ready for it . . . well we'll find out what the next dominant life form is.
Last edited by Ron Caliburn on Mon Sep 29, 2008 7:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by Hannah »

Hi Everyone!!!

Sorry I haven't written in so long, they didn't let me a the computer unsupervised, I had to sneak in. I didn't even get a chance to tell you that Clarity showed up.

So much has happened, I wish I had time to tell the whole story, but it's really late here and the tavern keeper and his family will be going to bed soon. They are nice people and are going to put me up and get me train fare to London. According to Dad, once I get to the embassy there they will be able to help me home.


PS: I don't understand something. This Pyopas woman, she's got the police working for her rght? What does she need dad for that they can't do?
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He can do a lot of stuff they can’t

Post by Clarity »

_____Hi, Hannah. Mr. Ron can do lots of stuff that they can’t do. And he generally does stuff that they won’t do, either. Like help people without wanting payment, and he’s nice to cats, and . . . huh. Neat.
_____P.S. Does anyone else think it’s an interesting coincidence how Lace Pyopas has the exact same letters as Apocalypse?
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Re: He can do a lot of stuff they can’t

Post by Sheyblade »

Clarity Grace wrote:P.S. Does anyone else think it’s an interesting coincidence how Lace Pyopas has the exact same letters as Apocalypse?

Is that the real name?
Ron Caliburn
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by Ron Caliburn »

Yes, that's the name she had on her door.
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by GhostSpider »

Konrad Andreas is at peace. I am something new.

Lord NorDeth
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by Lord NorDeth »

Mr. Caliburn...
I certainly sympathize with your plight. I see a lot of my life in the need you have to protect those who can't (or won't) protect themselves.

While I have been in and out of here for a while, I have never posted before, but your commentary on why you do what you do compelled me to assure you that you are not alone. There are those of us in other parts of the world who fight the same fight, have given all we have, and lost all we had to ensure that this world stays safe for those such as your Hannah.

As I am not yet sure of who to trust, or how secure this location is, I will not go into too much detail as to my activities or whereabouts...but some info may help (both me for talking about it, and you for hearing it).

I was once a member of the Military of a nation allied to (and very close to) the US...we had a "Special Security Division" that dealt with "unusual" situations...stuff that the Police, SWAT/ERT, even NORMAL Special Forces Branches didn't (or couldn't) deal with.
It was my job, but more than that, I KNEW that the shit that went bump in the night was REAL, and I was there to stop it...we were the best...we were the cream of the crop...and we were DAMNED FOOLS!
We had all of the latest gear, special toys, designed to combat "Specials" as we referred to them, the latest Intel, Unrestricted Access with no Red Tape, Bureaucracy, or Political BULLSHIT!
We forgot one thing...some of these "Specials" have been around for a LONG time, surviving, adapting, blending in, and for THAT they need to be smart...we overlooked that cocky, complacent. So the night the call came in from the ERT (Emergency Response Team) in an undisclosed city (which happened to be my hometown)...the team and I thought nothing of it...Rock n Roll, Business as usual, done by 2200hrs, havin' a brew by 2230.

Had I been payin more attention, I may have noticed from the back of the APC that we were rollin into my neighbourhood...had our Driver not been a rook', and a little more familiar with all of us, he would have known that the call was to respond to the street I lived on...had my 2nd been a little more solid, he might not have puked when he hit the ground and was greeted by the sight of my wife's remains strewn about the front yard...we searched the house and surrounding neighbourhood for sign of my little girl...just a note in the treehouse I had finished for her not a week before hand...6 simple works in a flowing script...You Hurt Us, We Hurt You.

That was 6 months ago...

The docs all thought it was a bad idea for me to go to work...a hearty pat on the back, thanks for all you've done...don't call us, we'll call you...all that crap. My Pension started the next day, (anyone who's ever served knows how long THAT process normally takes)...and so did the ridiculously large some of money they paid me to keep my mouth shut...that, combined with what I've invested over the years let me set up quite the operation...I hunt solo now, buts it's different...I swear, since that night, I can feel them, tell when they're near, sometimes even smell or taste their presence. And I've had a couple of REALLY whacked out ideas lately for some new gear I wanna build and try out, see if I can hurt them as much as they hurt me, and see if ANY of it will lead me to find my lil Denise...I dunno if I ever will, but I wake up everyday, look at her picture, and hope that today will be the day I find the clue that leads me to her.

Anyways, thanks for listenin to the ramblings of a broken, messed up old're not alone, there are others who fight the good fight, and if you can figure out where I am, or we ever cross paths, I'd love to raise a glass with a fellow warhorse...until then, maybe to day is the day...
There are things MUCH scarier than that which goes bump in the night. Take me for example...
Ron Caliburn
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Re: Dad's in Jail!! Please Help!!

Post by Ron Caliburn »

Well NorDeth, given the threats that have been made against my family in the past, I can surely appreciate what it felt like to find that sort of scene.

You sound like you are a good soldier and a fighter. I'm sure that you'll make sure those that think they could intimidate or punish you with such tactics only find that they unleashed something that will destroy them.
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Eilonwy Solstice
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I’m sorry for your losses, NorDeth . . .

Post by Eilonwy Solstice »

I’m sorry for your losses, NorDeth. I wish my welcome could bring you more comfort than mere well wishing, but at times, such things cannot be.
Sometimes the only thing to be done is to feel one’s way through the darkness.
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