The End of Days

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Elijah Sight
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The End of Days

Post by Elijah Sight »

Comrades. My apologies for my no-doubt conspicuous absence.

Some of you may remember my mentioning an ally of mine... A man gifted with the ability to freely wander the astral plains, as well as cursed with the inability to return to our native sphere. In an attempt to re-create the Philadelphia Experiment, he was transported to another dimension... and merged with the nuclear reactor used to power the experiment. If he were ever to return home, his atoms would react with the electromagnetic forces in our atmosphere, resulting in an uncontained nuclear chain reaction. For the past several months, I have been involved in an attempt to free him from his disability. Our attempt failed. Miserably. Not only did it result in the death of my ally, but in the destruction of an entire city.

We were preparing to use several well-documented and reliable enchantments, combined with several ingenious devices. The ultimate goal was to remove the nuclear reactor elements from my comrade's body. We selected a nigh-deserted planet in a nigh-uninhabited plane for our purposes, because of the inherent risk of such a procedure. Unfortunately, we were not as alone as we had hoped.

We were attacked by a cabal of singular entities. They can best be described as dark energy forces... Although they call themselves the Unseelie.

These creatures manipulated our dimensional transport engines, flinging us into another plane. This plane proved to be densely inhabited, and we dropped into a major population center. There, the Unseelie killed my comrade. They literally split him in two, tearing apart his atoms as they did so. The resulting blast destroyed the entire city. Only our emergency failsafes rescued my crew and I from immediate annihilation. How we returned home is another story in and of itself, a story for another time.

There is little time. The Unseelie managed to convince the people of the damaged plane that we were responsible for the explosion. They lead a massive armada composed of both pan-dimensional warships and Unseelie warriors. We cannot hope to survive the onslaught.

Our only recourse is to cut off the invasion at it's source... the Unseelie Court. Three of their greatest heroes form a tribunal from which all commands are issued. If we can destroy the Court, we can destroy the Unseelie.

Fortunately, despite their advanced technology, the Unseelie remain closely tied to the supernatural forces of our world. It is therefore possible, by the expedient of several disused and eldritch rituals, to summon the Court to Earth. Once here, they can be dispatched.

I require the aid of our bravest heroes. I need mages, gunslingers, philosophers, wheelchair-bound paralytics, anyone and everyone who can help.

This may well be the end of our world, comrades. Let us rally to arms.
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Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Good and bad to have you back.

I'm half inclined to give you a Debunker answer on this, but I know you ain't intending to steer us wrong.

What's the proposed date and location of your party? I suggest dropping the detailed specifics via PM.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
Elijah Sight
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Post by Elijah Sight »

Mr. Caliburn, I'm pleased to have you aboard. I'd hardly expected to recruit even a small minority of our intrepid little band, far-fetched as the tale seems.

The Unseelie are arrogant creatures, and would scarcely believe such an audacious action as pulling the Court to Earth could be achieved. We can speak freely here.

I believe preparations would best be made at my estate in West Cornwall. I own enough land that we can preform certain... conspicuous actions without fear of reprisal. I shall ready the wards and set up the equipment in the woods surrounding the estate.

We must make our move no later than November First. Short notice, I grant you, but any later would run an unacceptable risk. Anyone in need of transportation has only to ask.

As to armament, anything will do. Once pulled to our plane, the Court will be vulnerable to conventional weaponry. Your forte, Mr. Caliburn. Of course, any "special" weapons will also be useful. Don't bother with holy relics - only blessings from their home plane have effect. Nobody has yet been able to locate the Unseelie home plane, so that any of us possess such relics is doubtful.

Thus far, I have enlisted the aid of my old comrade Dr. Alastor Purple, and a meercenary by the name of Crowe. He is no stranger to the matters at hand, and has joined me on several past forays into the unknown.
"Only the mad destroy themselves and all that they have wrought. But only the Phoenix lives forever."
~Fredric Brown
Willie Long
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Post by Willie Long »

Elijah Sight wrote:We must make our move no later than November First.

Fuck. I'm tied up with work; Ron's hunting wherever he is; KT, Bert, Adama, and Shadow are hunting in Chi-town... I think Pendragon is in your area, Jack, have you tried him? Also try Celeste, she's been around recently.

I haven't heard from Huntress, McVay, or Traveller King in a while.
Lazlo Field Agent
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

If I remember correctly, I saw Detective McVay login today.
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Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

November 1st, West Cornwall, UK?

Thats a bit out of my reach at the momment.

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Post by KonThaak »

...The Unseelie...?

Faerie folk, vulnerable to cold-wrought iron. Any weapon will do, but ferrous metals will do the best against them.

Don't get me wrong; I understand that whatever situation this is must be grave, indeed...but this would not be the first time the Unseelie created massive havoc and major disasters in our world, and our ancestors dealt with them handily.

By all means, do whatever you can/must, but don't let yourselves get killed over this. There're a lot of people in this world who don't get involved with the supernatural their whole lives long, but who are capable of defending themselves. I'd be more worried about a small band of werewolves getting loose in downtown Chicago or New York than a massive army of Unseelie.

Which is not to say they're not dangerous; I know they are...I just also know they're usually easier to deal with.

At least Old Ironshoes is dead... I doubt that's a fluke that'll repeat itself.

Good luck, and godspeed.
I am not A bitch...I am THE bitch. And to you, I'm MS Bitch.
Elijah Sight
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Post by Elijah Sight »

All has been made ready. I hasten to remind you, KonThaak, that the Unseelie are allied with a massive fighting force from another plane of existance - Individually, we could easily dispatch either threat. But together...

The wards are set, and are being maintained with several large energy amplifiers, leaving us free to focus our entire attention on the Unseelie Court. The Great Three will be summoned in a small clearing in the woods near my estate. There are three aircraft I have chartered for the purpose of getting our US allies over - One in Maine, one in California, and one in Texas. I will relay details privatley to those who need them. Simply tell the pilots that you are here for the party, and they'll let you aboard.

We shall convene at my estate at Noon tomorrow.
"Only the mad destroy themselves and all that they have wrought. But only the Phoenix lives forever."
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Post by AdamaGeist »

I won't be coming on over physicaly, but then again, my greatest strength is striking from the astral in the first place. So just do me a favor, if you see somthing projecting in the area that doesn't look remotely human, make sure it's not one of the targets before you take a pot-shot at it. Alright?

Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Still outta my reach - best of luck to those that go fight the good fight.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

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Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

The world hasn't ended yet, I'm cautiously optimistic.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
Elijah Sight
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Post by Elijah Sight »

Your optimism is justified, Mr. Caliburn. We have succeeded in repelling the invasion.

We began the summoning at three O’clock on November the First. Despite minor technical setbacks, everything proceeded smoothly. The Unseelie Court arrived at approximately 4:30. They were taken completely by surprise. Most fortunate, as they were much more able than I had anticipated.

Two of the Court produced large bladed implements with which they engaged our fireteams. The third drew back and began to destroy our wards. Unfortunately, the assault on our wards created huge flashes of light, drawing outside attention to our little party. Despite the loss of two of our allies, we succeeded in gunning down the first of the bladesmen. This only seemed to enrage the remaining two. The last bladesman attacked the power source of the wards. Coupled with the magical assault, it was sufficient to break them completely. We were no longer able to contain the Unseelie in our clearing. The sorcerer fled into the forest, but with the aid of AdamaGeist, we were able to destroy the second bladesman.

We were unfortunately unable to track down the Unseelie Sorcerer. But cut off from the rest of the court, there is no way he could contrive to leave this plane, or even this planet for that matter. The invasion was successfully crippled.

While on the whole we have averted catastrophe, we should remain vigilant. The last of the Unseelie Court is a wily and dangerous creature. We must keep a close eye out for signs of his mischief.

The light show had drawn police attention to our little gathering. We were able to explain the corpses of our brave compatriots and the wreckage of the power sources to their atasfaction by claiming that we had come into the woods to repair a generator... which unexpectedly combusted. Two of our illusionists were most helpful in this charade.
"Only the mad destroy themselves and all that they have wrought. But only the Phoenix lives forever."
~Fredric Brown
Willie Long
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Post by Willie Long »

Elijah Sight wrote:We have succeeded in repelling the invasion.

Good job. Sounds like Lazlo went three for three this week. I'm just sorry you lost two people.

We were unfortunately unable to track down the Unseelie Sorcerer. But cut off from the rest of the court, there is no way he could contrive to leave this plane, or even this planet for that matter.

So we've got a pissed off alien magician with nothing to lose. What's this sucker look like? What can he do?
Lazlo Field Agent
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Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Yeah, details of what it's like and it's capabilities would be nice, incase it happens to pop up this side of the Pond.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
Elijah Sight
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Post by Elijah Sight »

The Unseelie sorcerer is dangerous, to be sure, but hardly overwhelmingly so. The Court's power lay in their triune nature - together they were formidable. But alone, they're merely a nasty bump in the night.

The creature can be presumed to have a good general knowledge of otherdimensional magic, making it likely that it'll use stuff you've never seen before. However, any tricks you might have will be equally confounding to it, which levels the field a little.

In its natural state, the Unseelie will resemble the outline of a humaniod upper torso wreathed in smoke. In other words, a cloud of smoke with a human-shaped clear spot in the middle. It will prove adept at disguise, but not so much as to be able to avoid an illusion-piercing spell or specialized sensor.

I suspect a rouge vampire or cheesed-off lycanthrope would give you more trouble one-on-one.

(Apologies if this post shows up twice, having some trouble with my brwoser)
"Only the mad destroy themselves and all that they have wrought. But only the Phoenix lives forever."
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Post by KonThaak »

Remember folks: Iron works best against the Unseelie, so if you see anything using really weird abilities or spells, try that first.

Lead, as I understand it, would work as well, but iron will disrupt it more. Never have frying pans been a more comedically appropriate answer to a problem...
I am not A bitch...I am THE bitch. And to you, I'm MS Bitch.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Finally a reason to break out my old Iron Cookware.
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Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

How about steel?
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
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