Not So Happy Halloween.

Accounts of personal experiences, especially from those who hunt the supernatural. We offer this space in hopes that our members can hear about, and learn from, the exploits of others.
Ron Caliburn
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Re: Not So Happy Halloween.

Post by Ron Caliburn »

Like they used to do to canditates who opposed slavery or were in favour of votes for women?

If enough fo the people get the message we're trying to send, then it won't matter what the politicos do to try to silence us, they'll be forced to act in the way the people push them
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Delta Sierra
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Re: Not So Happy Halloween.

Post by Logan »

You seem particularly well aquainted with our methods Ghostspider, I do hope that this knowledge did not come from personal experience.

Caliburn, emergency services are already stretched thin, who is going to respond to the increased volume? Right now they have to choose between sending a car to respond to deal with noise complaints and "suspicious behavior" calls or sending the same officers out to respond to rapes, murders, and armed robberies. Who do you propose will be sent to deal with the "the monster is in the closet" calls, and with what priority?
Ron Caliburn
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Re: Not So Happy Halloween.

Post by Ron Caliburn »

Well the current adminsitration seems to be able to increase spending while cutting taxes . . . so it should be possible to fund the proper training and the additional officers.

Of course since the departments that have to keep it secret would no longer be needed in that role, their personnel and their budget immediately become available.
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Re: Not So Happy Halloween.

Post by GhostSpider »

You seem particularly well aquainted with our methods Ghostspider, I do hope that this knowledge did not come from personal experience.

Its what i'd do. :twisted:

If enough fo the people get the message we're trying to send, then it won't matter what the politicos do to try to silence us, they'll be forced to act in the way the people push them

They'd stop it before it ever got this far. Too many powerful people, not just the goverment, are invested in maintaing in the status quo. The moment you even seem to start getting through, they will bury you.
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Re: Not So Happy Halloween.

Post by KonThaak »

You mean like they buried Martin Luther King, Jr?

I'm not suggesting we make martyrs of ourselves, but if a cause is worth fighting for, it's worth fighting for.
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Ron Caliburn
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Re: Not So Happy Halloween.

Post by Ron Caliburn »

What do you suggest as an alternative then GS? To sit back and watch humanity get wiped out?
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Re: Not So Happy Halloween.

Post by GhostSpider »

No, but mankind needs to be slapped in the face with this. Give them even a little wiggling room and they'll go right back to sleep. Education will never work, its too slow and too easily countered.

You want them to wake up to the supernatural, than you need to bring it right to there doorstep.
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Re: Not So Happy Halloween.

Post by KonThaak »

Are you suggesting the encouragement of paranormal activities? Are you suggesting we should've left Windner alone a bit longer, so he could've started summoning Hell to Earth, then stopped him at the last possible second? Maybe we should invite vampires and boogie-men to act more openly? Have demons go against their devious nature, and attack some poor schmuck in broad daylight at Times Square, during lunch rush?

Besides which... People are just as like to brush all that aside as being Hollywood shenanigans, as well. At least education will give them a grounding in the subject...

There is no one perfect way to bring enlightenment to the masses. The masses will always do as the masses do. We can't reach the masses. We instead reach out to individuals... Teach them, so they may become teachers.
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Sir Typhis Black
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Re: Not So Happy Halloween.

Post by Sir Typhis Black »

Gentlemen please. At times like this I am reminded of my teacher and something he once said to me;

" Only the light of truth can ever burn away the shadows of ignorance. "

I hold that statement to be true.
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Re: Not So Happy Halloween.

Post by Holister »

Good luck with that. :?
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I’ve had “Not So Happy” Halloweens before, too

Post by Rowan »

Rumors have it the otherly grows stronger during that time. There’s also talk that evil sleeps, understands that we—even if it’s not serious—are a little more attentive, more apt to believe—even if it’s for a week or less.
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Re: Not So Happy Halloween.

Post by Hannah »

Yes one of the biggest points that debunkers (and of course Debunker, who used to come around here) make is that human beings are more apt to see what they expect to see instead of what is really there.

I know it's rather odd, and until I started being exposed to some of the things discussed on this site (usually against my will) I can't say I was any more aware of spirits and creatures than anyone else. I believed in them, but I had no really powerful connection to that belief (mostly thanks to my mother).

Now, that I have had great personal interaction with spirits and fey and creatures of all kinds, I can't help but notice the signs of their presence, even if I can't directly notice them. The cold spot in the hall outside my apartment, the odd pattern in the grass at the park, the rattle of carriage wheels in the night . . . this world is very active and unless we open our eyes we will never notice.
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Re: Not So Happy Halloween.

Post by Chalice »

I can see the debunkers' point of view easily enough. They'd tell you the cold spot is probably a draft or malfunctioning air conditioner and that the patterns in the grass are from ordinary animals or something. I prolly wouldn't believe it myself if Ma didn't bring me up to believe. A tenth of her paycheck was always burned for protection against "infernals."
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Re: Not So Happy Halloween.

Post by Tms3 »

Every one has a right to live there lives as they see fit.... if that means willful ingerints that the world is both more wonderful and more tarrafiing then most of the world could ever imagination that is on them...

I do know this, once you open your eyes to what goes bump in the night there can be no going back. do we really want the world to know about the evil we fight or the powers of mind or magic that we use to fight this evil.

in the old country members of my family lie in unmarked graves or where left hanging form the gallows because of fears of what the could do. I do wish there was a way to share the wonder and the danger if what life truly is and truly means to those around us..... but not every one is ready to accept that there is no one truth..... or that god has more then one face..... I still hear of cases in which neo pagans lose there jobs and there children .... so tell me is it really so much of a stretch that those people whom fear people of other religions and denounce us as devil worshipers would really start lynching us again of the thought we truly had power?

and what good would it do use of the people that killed us where convicted of murder? we would still be dead
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Ron Caliburn
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Re: Not So Happy Halloween.

Post by Ron Caliburn »

The problem is that people are unable to defend themselves from these things that they know nothing about.

At best they get some muddled up message about glittery vampires and ultraviolet light bulbs that is more dangerous to them than ignorance.

People need to know the truth about what is out there in the shadows, watching them. People need to be able to protect themselves.

Someday we're going to find ourselves in the midst of a tide of these things. They will no longer need to hide from us, but will instead stalk and kill openly and without fear. Why? Because there will be no one left who knows how to stop them.

There's a section of town here I call The Blight. I am there most nights, walking the streets and alleys looking for signs of these things. It usually starts small, a few pets go missing. Then it goes after one of the street people. If I'm lucky, I find it and end it before it gets that far.

Usually I'm not so lucky.

I don't keep statistics on these things, since it's not my way, but what i do know is these things are making more kills all the time. Some of them I stop, some of them just move on to another hunting ground.

Why? because the predator has found a spot where large collections of easy prey can be found. That spot is our cities and unless we can turn this around they are going to become death-zones.

So people are already dying. I've seen the bodies. The question is what are we going to do about it?
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Delta Sierra
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Re: Not So Happy Halloween.

Post by Tms3 »

Ron so have I...... I saw the mangled bodies of my father and grand father....

Ron can you imagon seeing your father gutted hes intreels hung form the shrobes and trees like obscene ornaments..... I pray to all the gods known and unknown that they never have to see that... my grandfather worked for British military intelligence ageist the Nazi occult.... my father fought the same for the us in Korea and vitamin.. you cant tell me they did not now the dope...

my father and grand father should have been there when I took my oaths when I completed my training why I fight (there then getting what got dad) is so that those that don't want to know about what I fight don't have to....

maybe I am wrong I don't now but I know what goes bump in the night.... and every one that don't have to know because of what I do I count as a victory
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Ron Caliburn
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Re: Not So Happy Halloween.

Post by Ron Caliburn »

You're willing to fight, good.

But are you willing to give other people a chance by telling them what exactly is waiting for them out there and how to defend themselves?

The Society was founded with the primary goal of sharing awareness of the supernatural in our world. So far most of us seem to prefer to hide it.
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Delta Sierra
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Re: Not So Happy Halloween.

Post by Tms3 »

I see what your saying ron.... and I have wrightn some articles and books on the occult as well as some "fiction novels" hint the fiction may be made up tails about a demon hunting mage but well there are truths in them if you are savvy enough to look, now for a publisher for the novel.....
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Re: Not So Happy Halloween.

Post by Hannah »

Tms3 wrote:I see what your saying ron.... and I have wrightn some articles and books on the occult as well as some "fiction novels" hint the fiction may be made up tails about a demon hunting mage but well there are truths in them if you are savvy enough to look, now for a publisher for the novel.....

You might want to try Palladium Books. They have been very supportive of the Society in the past.

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I would make it known to as many people as I could . . .

Post by Eilonwy Solstice »

Tms3, in some ways I can understand your perspective. However, it seems detrimental in the long run. You probably don’t want to cause anyone unnecessary pain or fear. But what if in telling others, you save them from a fate you just described? For example, what if another hears of your exploits, sees similar signs you had told him or her about, and the individual manages to avoid it?

It’s true you may do nothing more than just frighten them into a nightly case of insomnia. It’s a risk. But, generally speaking, one of two things may happen to people told of the supernatural. One, they believe you, and are thus armed; eventually, the fear can weaken. Two, they think you mad and ignore you, possibly causing damage to your reputation as a result.

But have you really lost anything?

Ignorance isn’t a state of bliss; it is a blinder.

Before I forget, welcome; Tms3, Rowan, and Chalice. It may be redundant, but I will say it nonetheless, as you may have been here since my time at the asylum.
Sometimes the only thing to be done is to feel one’s way through the darkness.
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Re: Not So Happy Halloween.

Post by Tms3 »

The thing is if people would look to there own Folk lore it would tell them how to protect them selvs and how to stay out of trouble with the supernatural. but how many even rember there grand mothers stories?

now we seem to be having a partel re awaking but it seems a little knowledge is a dangers thing, how many of us have been on a job and found teen ghost hunters whom had seen to much of the ghost hunters tv show. in the way.

Still maybe it could be a way to get some good information out there with all the bad info false info and incomplete info that is already out there
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I remember them

Post by Rowan »

Tms3 wrote:The thing is if people would look to there own Folk lore it would tell them how to protect them selvs and how to stay out of trouble with the supernatural. but how many even rember there grand mothers stories?

I do, as it’s a custom at Deckerwood to tell our town’s stories on various holidays. Unfortunately, fewer people believe or just think them fanciful—or for fun.
Tms3 wrote:now we seem to be having a partel re awaking but it seems a little knowledge is a dangers thing, how many of us have been on a job and found teen ghost hunters whom had seen to much of the ghost hunters tv show. in the way.

Tms3 wrote:Still maybe it could be a way to get some good information out there with all the bad info false info and incomplete info that is already out there

Agreed—now if we could find a way to get them to know the difference between the truth/the false.
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