A streek of light

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Wolf Brutscher
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A streek of light

Post by Wolf Brutscher »

Got a call at 1am there was a car down the clif one hwy1
and I'm the only climber with a badge fun fun whene I
get there the fire Dep. has one up and two more coming
and a body at the bottom.The lady that they had up
jut ketp babling about the light some thing about red and
blue I would look in to that later no sooner did I get
the back of the bronk open whene a second call came
in a nuther car just a little over a mile away in the ditch.
I desided to let the fire Dep. do there job and go down
the rode I could make the climb in day light.
When I got to the seen of the second acsident there
was a famly with just bumps and brouses nuthin bad
there cars right frunt tire had come off.The adults were
mad but but nuthing more just trying were to put the blame.
the kid's on the outher hand were talking to each outher
about the red and blue lights that came by the car just
before it happend.Whene I asked they said they thought
they were flash lights or a cop bike but then they split
and went around the van about that time the folks came
over and got them I don't think they liked me quetsying there
kids so much.the shairif was there and going to give them a ride
back well I whated for the towe truck.After they left I took
a better look a the van the left side had 3 long scraches
in the side so did the right but whene I got to the right frunt
tire it was gone not flat but gone no a arm or any thing!
I found it about 100 yards away with a three figerd gontlet
stuck in it. When I got back the T-truck was there and
my radeo was screming at me that there was a therd crash
just abuve the fort a bad one.I love my job just not on days
like this :cry:Will finish latere got to go got a call from the lab.
Over kill is a good thing:)
Wolf Brutscher
Posts: 47
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Location: Fort Ross C.A.

Post by Wolf Brutscher »

Ok the last car this was well F-ed up and wrong when I got there they just had a tarp over the hole thing the officer on seen said the coriner was on the way looks like a multiple murder and sher as sher 4 bodys that looked like some one whent nuts with a knife.But they were all in the car with there
seatbelts on?some other things all teens all in some kind of robe there was also a locked book in the death grip of the pasigers hands.The car looked like some one had gone at it with a chop saw what I found in the trunk you don't have to know dick one about black magic to tell what the dumbys were trying to do and must have dun.As for the book it's safe for now but I don't have any one to help with it this has been a bad day and I don't think it's going to get any better any time soon.
Over kill is a good thing:)
Wolf Brutscher
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Location: Fort Ross C.A.

Post by Wolf Brutscher »

Got some news back from the lab the blood on the glove came back with a mach to one of the victoms in the therd car.That and some one came looking for the book at my office tore the place up bad got it hiden some place els still can open it can't cut the lock or the book it's that and the damb thing feel's like an ice cube all the time. On a differt note I think I have a gest a my house had a glass jupe off the counter and things have been getting moved around nuthing has been hiden from me but moved.Any way the famly that went over the cliff the other night is ok the Doctors say I can talk to them tomorrow the body that the fire Dep fond at the acsidet was not from the vehicle in quetson thugh more work for me fun fun.
Over kill is a good thing:)
Wolf Brutscher
Posts: 47
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Location: Fort Ross C.A.

Post by Wolf Brutscher »

Had a nasty message on my office door this morning looked to be writen in blood all it said was "Give it back" sent some of the stuff in for anaisis that and my hous guers havs tacken to opening and closeing doors at random. That and it seems to like shiney juck found a pile in the back of my down stairs closit :?
Over kill is a good thing:)
Eilonwy Solstice
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Will you be needing help, Wolf?

Post by Eilonwy Solstice »

Will you be needing help, Wolf?
Sometimes the only thing to be done is to feel one’s way through the darkness.
Wolf Brutscher
Posts: 47
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Location: Fort Ross C.A.

Post by Wolf Brutscher »

As of yet no.Some one has stolen the glove from the lab,the stuff on the office door was FX blood but they haven't tuched it sence I did get a note that said we whant "IT" back.The lady for the first accident was just no help she said she thought the lights were a cop and tryed to pull over to let them by and just as he was about to pass the lights split and went arund the car and she lost control she thinks she fell a sleep at the wheel and dremed the hole thing Gurrrr.Car two on the outher hand has three verey obvious rents down bouth sides just below the key holes for the langht of it.The teens in car three were all from a lowcall school can't get any thing out of any one yet about them sept the parints telling me to find who killed there babys and make them pay an dto go do my job and find the basterds.Wish I could get hold of the Prof on this one every one els is just setting on there thums.But my bad shit O meatter hasn't gone off yet the book gives me the creeps but os does my brother.What the hell was I thinking yes halp please and thank you.
Over kill is a good thing:)
Eilonwy Solstice
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That’s . . . distressing, to say the least.

Post by Eilonwy Solstice »

That’s . . . distressing, to say the least.
Sometimes the only thing to be done is to feel one’s way through the darkness.
Wolf Brutscher
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Location: Fort Ross C.A.

Post by Wolf Brutscher »

Going out on a lead tonight hoping for good news got hold of one of my better friends to help fingers crossed.
Over kill is a good thing:)
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Good luck.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
Wolf Brutscher
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Post by Wolf Brutscher »

Not a good night it was a bad lead.But whene I got home there was a messige from one of the kid's parints there going to give me her dieary her mom says there is some informashon in it that mite help.
Over kill is a good thing:)
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Post by Kolya »

Did the diary help?
С волками жить, по-волчьи выть.
Wolf Brutscher
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Post by Wolf Brutscher »

we will find out tonight I hope so some thing has to happen soon.
Over kill is a good thing:)
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Post by Kolya »

Stay safe.
С волками жить, по-волчьи выть.
Wolf Brutscher
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Post by Wolf Brutscher »

Well nuthing happed at the site it was a small cove with no rode access quite the hike.But I did find a well used spot but not mich at it there was a pentagram made of stones with a large flat rock in the middle but this wether we are having up hear was gotten rid of anything physical I could have hoped to find and I am with out a sensitive for a cupel weeks.On the way back we did find some soft ball sized burn marks on the trees they fallowed the trale all the way back to were my bronk was parked.After a small sech of the lot I found to abandoned cars down a small slope they don't look to old and one still had a plate they were both stripted the odd thing about that being the parts all looked like they were pulled off not torched or wrenched but riped apart..........
Over kill is a good thing:)
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Does it look like the damage came from one source or several competing sources?
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
Wolf Brutscher
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Post by Wolf Brutscher »

It does look to be from more than one source at lest two maybe three.
Over kill is a good thing:)
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

So something has been fighting perhaps.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
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Post by Kolya »

Calls for surveillance, if you can swing it.
С волками жить, по-волчьи выть.
Wolf Brutscher
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Post by Wolf Brutscher »

Don't have the man power to post a watch at this time but I did put hunters camras around the airea got for on the site it self 1 UV and 1 IR. the plate came from a car that went missing from the LA airea owner was reported missing 4 mounths ago nuthing more there have to keep diging.
Over kill is a good thing:)
Posts: 4847
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Post by Kolya »

Hopefully cameras will turn up something.

Some psi can disrupt them though.
С волками жить, по-волчьи выть.
Dr. Micheal Smith
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Post by Dr. Micheal Smith »

:!: *yawn* Alright, alright Wolf, I've gotten your messages and pulled my A..err.. head out of my books. Just letting you know wolf that I'm out and about again after that last incident. You know how to get into contact with me of course but I thought I'd take your suggestion to start talking to poeple here as well.
Its been over a year since I visited here so I guess i have alot of reading to catch up on :!:.
"The school was happy to pay for my early retirement ... no, i don't no anything about, what did you say happened again?"
Wolf Brutscher
Posts: 47
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Location: Fort Ross C.A.

Post by Wolf Brutscher »

Going out of town for a little bit the Doc. is going to take over the watch for me.
Over kill is a good thing:)
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