Death by Vampire

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Celeste Darken
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Death by Vampire

Post by Celeste Darken »

I have noticed many of the supernatural evils portrayed on this forum are vampires. I find no fault in that, for most of my brethren and sisters are indeed worthy of the name “vile bloodsuckers.” Unfortunately, others have noticed this view on vampires, and their bigotry is uncompromising for repentant undead like me. My lack of communication during the last week is due largely to a “cat and mouse” game a vampire hunter has initiated with me. He refuses to believe I do not feed on the innocent as well as the guilty. Perhaps I should call the hunt a “cat and cat” game. Or, bear with the literal cliché, “vampire and vampire hunter.”

We were both hunters. We were both unwilling to become the prey.

To lessen an involved story, I won through a fluke of fate. I do not know how he found me, but it was obvious he was well-acquainted with the email postings on He was also a skilled opponent, and my strength availed me little, for he often used my own momentum against me. Throughout the battle I tried to reason with him, but he refused to believe my declaration of repentance. The fight commenced. His primary weapon of choice was a large staff, sharpened at both ends in a clear simulation of a gigantic stake. Through an expertly executed feint he slid through my defenses and rammed the wooden stave through my heart. I was not sure what to expect. I had heard the rumor that vampires die instantly by “staking,” as well as the rumor that it only renders us unconscious.
But I did not die and I certainly did not lose consciousness. Having a six-foot-long pole imbedded through my heart and coming out my back was certainly uncomfortable and more than a little disconcerting, but I felt no adverse effects whatsoever. It was as painless as brushing through my hair with a comb. The vampire hunter was just as surprised as I was to see the lack of reaction on my part to a weapon that is supposedly antithesis to our existence. I took advantage of his hesitation. And though he was skilled, he was also mortal. I leaped against him and set the two-foot point sticking out of my heart into his.

Unlike me, he died instantly.

I do not ask for forgiveness for my actions. I did not start the battle. Indeed, as investigators and warriors against the supernatural, it could be said we on this forum live in a world where the rule “survival of the fittest” is golden. He may have been misguided and attacked me solely because of my vampiric nature, or he might have actually believed me, and sought to destroy me because of my betrayal of the dark. I ponder the latter course because of a strange tattoo I found on his back upon searching his body. The tattoo was a large circle with a V and an X in the middle. My attempts to render it by digital means have proven fruitless. The scent of the ink used for the tattoo spoke of blood.

And believe me on this: I know the scent of blood.

Celeste Darken
Dante Andel
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Post by Dante Andel »

This has really been playing with my mind as to how you survived a stake through the heart.

I first thought that you might of had a really old strain of vampirism but I quickly realised that was unlikely as you said somewhere on this forum that you really did turn into a vampire and went haywire so to speak and only the newer strains have this flaw.

After some digging through my grandfathers work and talking to one of the few contacts that my grandfather has that are actually useful I found out that some vampires can evolve past most of their weaknesses, thankfully they don’t normally pass on the benefits that they have received onto their victims.

Of course you could just have the Eastern strain for staking through the heart doesn’t do anything to them, but chances are you wont be able to find out unless there’s some sort of medical test that can check this up for you.

If the hunter was doing his "job" properly he would of been able to tell if you were lieing or not instead of just trying to kill you, but that tattoo you described is strangely familiar I'll have to do some research on it.
Celeste Darken
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Post by Celeste Darken »

You are not the only one, Mr. Andel. I have noticed that my powers are not completely similar to that of "ordinary" vampires. I have wondered on more than one occasion about these differences I possess. Perhaps it is because of my Betrayal of the Dark. I recall powers I used often when I was under the influence of my sire, powers I have since lost. But my memory is still hazy when dealing with my enslaved state. I feel other powers remain in dormancy within my dead bosom. I wonder, and I believe, this dissimilarity may be a side effect from the experiences I encountered with the Asia Seven Cult.

But it is of little consequence. I will address these curiosities later, when I have learned more. Mr. Andel, if you uncover anything about this strange tattoo, please let me know what you find. My instincts tell me this hunter was not alone in his work, and if my suspicions prove accurate, it won't be the last attack, nor will vampires remain the sole targets. If these hunters are allied to the Dark, there is no telling who their plans will injure.

Celeste Darken
Last edited by Celeste Darken on Tue Mar 28, 2006 7:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Dante Andel
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Post by Dante Andel »

I'm sorry I havent been able to find any information as to what the tattoo stands for or find any organisations as such that use it but I did remember why the tattoo was familiar.

The stories a bit long so I will just give the shorter version.

I was being held against my will, along with some others, by some religous fanatics the leader had the same tattoo that you described albeit he had his on the inside of his wrists, not sure if that makes any diffrence but anyways ultimatley he pretty much had the same fate as the guy in your story diffrence being he was killed by a mortal who was 80yrs old.

Now I still dont have any idea why they attacked you or if they had any proper reason for holding me and the other people that were there but I do now have a few theories swimming in my head as to who they might be and who they might be working for I will reply here again when I have it a bit more figured out though.

Could you do me one favour though Celeste, could you please stop calling me Mr. I know its polite and all but it makes me feel a good 10yrs older than I actually am.
Celeste Darken
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Post by Celeste Darken »

Very well. Dante it is. Consequently, when you were held against your will, were you in Britain? If I can trust your "whereabouts" have remained the same since your imprisonment, then I presume your contact was there. I must confess that I myself am within the USA, though that is all I will divulge at this time. I ask because I wonder if this organization, as we may very be encountering the same one, is widespread enough to have members in both countries. That would imply an even greater threat. Good luck in your hunts against evil.

Celeste Darken
Dante Andel
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Post by Dante Andel »

Yes Celeste I was still in Britian at that time, still am.

Anyways those religous fanatics I briefly mentioned are back but there not kidnapping people this time, well not that I know of, merely staying put in a church but they wont let anybody inside except for their members.

Only reason I'm mentioning this is if they are connected to the tattoo guys chances are one of them will show up sooner or later and I plan on getting some answers from him, if and when he does show up.
Celeste Darken
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Post by Celeste Darken »

Dante Andel wrote:
Anyways those religous fanatics I briefly mentioned are back but there not kidnapping people this time, well not that I know of, merely staying put in a church but they wont let anybody inside except for their members.

Sounds just as suspicious as actual actions. My immediate guess is garnering power. Is there any chance of sneaking within?
Here within the states, I noticed a group of people nosing uncomfortably close to my lair, but I have otherwise had no other contact. The group came during the day, so I could not go out to meet them; they never passed the threshold to the basement and I smelled steel and silver, so they may be suspicious of my presence. Please contact me if anything else stirs your way. I sense something . . . like a wind building up.

Celeste Darken
Last edited by Celeste Darken on Thu Apr 06, 2006 7:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by librarian »

I hope I may be of assistance I am but a humble researcher in the library of the order of light. This marking you spoke of has interested me. May I ask of you both were there any unusual origins to there wears as I have made finds to a few markings as of such and If I were to be presented with more information on the wearer of this symbol I may be able to help you in locating their plan or history.

The librarian
Dante Andel
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Post by Dante Andel »

Celeste Darken wrote:Is there any chance of sneaking within?

Already started looking into that, unfortunatly they seem well prepared for most of the unconventional styles I would utilise such as Spirits and Vampires and the 3 other ways into the church that arent the front door are heavily gaurded at all times.

dont worry though if I find out anything you will be the first to know about it.

Sorry librarian I dont know who the wearer of the symbol was and it would be kinda hard to ask him now seeing as he is buried six feet under, if you don't mind me asking though what type of resources do you have on Angels, Demons and Gods?
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Post by librarian »

My brotherhoods Library has ancient text from sumera to alaxderain scrolls on demons and angels and we have tomb upon tomb on many of the gods of diffrent religious patheons. Do you happen to have a certain one or set of them in mind

As for the Man I care not for the flesh to which the symbol ws ascribed I wish for more detail on the design if you have memory of it, and I believe Celeste Darken made mention of men with the same mark trying to acost him. Also Celeste Darken I have researched your querie into why you would seem to be immune to the stake through the heart. I will post more to you as I finish my studies on this matter
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Post by KonThaak »

Up to date, the only form of vampiric entities I know of that can withstand the stake are the Wampyrs/Dhampirs/Vompyrs/however else they're spelled/pronounced... The problem is that you were once controlled by another vampire, and so unless you had certain powers stripped upon your Betrayal, this doesn't make any sense...

Someone else mentionned "eastern strains" of vampires... I've heard of the Strigoi, also commonly referred to as the Dead Moon Vampires, but I'm not terribly familiar with them, or other strains...

As for the sounds disturbingly like a Guild marking, much like the Freemason's Guild, the so-called "True Templars", or the "Brotherhood of True Illumination"... So far as I recall, each of these guilds and brotherhoods has a symbol they rally under, much Hitler used the swastika (which was an old Germanic rune of power, before its meaning was perverted)...

Sorry, I know these are just ramblings, but maybe they'll be somewhat useful... If it is a guild or cult of some sort, they obviously have some far-reaching influence, if they're already in the States and Britain. If we could figure out who they are, I'd like to know how far into Europe and Austrailia they've gotten, as well...

Depending on what their views on the supernatural are, this could be troublesome for us all.
I am not A bitch...I am THE bitch. And to you, I'm MS Bitch.
Dante Andel
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Post by Dante Andel »

Sorry Librarian I can't remember how the tatto's design was only what it looked like altogether.

The entities symbols I am worried about is that of the Angels, if possible could you have a look through your resources for any that would have that symbol, as I highly doubt its a demon or true god as I know they despise mortals putting their sigils in circles, heck they get pissed off when anyone puts their sigils in a circle.
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Post by librarian »

Dante Andel I have taken your suggestion and looked in the tombs of angelic symbols that the brotherhood has and I fear I may have found what you seek and their plans for Celeste Darken. But I get a head of my self, First off to what I have found.

1: the symbols not symbol harkened to a thirteenth choir of angels an off shoot of the original twelve they are called the fallen their, were ten in all. I will give brief history of the two angels that I believe whose followers you have run it to and what their plan may be.

The symbol you have found is actually the Roman numerals X and V on top of each other they stand for the twin brothers X: Regulus and I: Antares. These two were committed the largest and most unforgivable sin of teaching mortals the power of magic and of the power of the mind. For this the god Thoth and A'albiel fought the brothers upon the god’s orders and placed them in a merciless dimension were they would know only turmoil to set and ponder their sin till the end battle between good and evil.

It is quoted by the prophet mizora that if the blood of a crusader, the pure at heart, the one with no heart, and the blood of the innocent were to be mixed and blessed for thirteen moons till a solstice of mars and the symbol of power were marked unto their prison that the brothers would once again be freed to the land for a door way to the gods would be open.

But I am rambling how this hypotheses is made is from the letters X and V which are their ranking in the choir of the fallen Fifth and tenth.

As for my promise my Dante, My brotherhood has studied and catalogued over our existence of many vampirism strains. I have asked one of the brotherhoods to check into your strange condition and he has found two cases of what you describe one is magical in nature the other is let us say weird.

The first is a account of a vampire in Germany in the 6th century who to keep from permanent death had his familiar cut open his chest and remover it from his chest and place it in a coffin and bury it on the grounds of the castle to which he had claimed as his home.

The second is an account from a vampire hunters diary stating to the fact on more than one occasion as he battled his query that when he would drive the stake through there chest it would have no effect. So that he started to place it through the bottom of the rib cage as they were not breathing and the lungs seized to work the heart had fallen several inches. I have confered with a colleague of mine on this matter and he has stated that on some vampire that have been brought before him that indeed it would seem that their heart had shifted in place to a minor degree. I hope this helps you both I will continue to search my materials for more info on this and the cult you two are currently battling
Celeste Darken
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Post by Celeste Darken »

If your supposition is correct, and I am one part in a ritual to free these brothers, then it is likely the situation is even more serious than I realize. Let us hope that they are a mere cult of vampire haters. However, if this be the case, then let us presume I am the one without the heart, though I will leave that interpretation for those that care. For I have a “heart,” it has stopped beating quite some time ago. But I am no innocent, nor am I pure. I keep picturing in my mind the crusader as a large, muscular man with a two-handed sword. For the sake of this topic, if it is true, how far has the cult gotten into this ritual? Do they have a crusader, an innocent, and the pure? And if this is the case, is there any chance of rescuing them, or are they already dead? But I don't think there is not enough knowledge to think along those lines, yet.
Anyway, I don’t think your hypothesis on my immunity to the stake stems from a magic ritual or my heart sinking lower. Though I have grown impervious to many forms of pain and injury, my sense of touch has not diminished in the slightest. The stave had definitely entered my heart. But I thank your for the efforts in that avenue, and I would ask you, and anyone else familiar in the matter, another favor along those. My own belief of the cause for my uniqueness is the staff I encountered at the Cult of Asia Seven. Ever since I came into contact with it, I have felt different. But to make certain of the extent of my differences, is there any who have the knowledge of vampiric powers and weaknesses? Before my transformation, I was an ordinary girl with no knowledge of the supernatural. My knowledge is limited to two things: silver is supposed to kill werewolves, and fire, a stake being pounded through the heart, and sunlight is supposed to kill vampires. I have already proven that one of those does not work on me. Please, any who have this knowledge, let me know. I would like to compare myself with others of my kind. If the information is in book form, please post it on this forum, or if it is too large, use the private messaging system and send an excerpt. I am without money to buy any books or items, and I will not resort to stealing. On to a different matter, namely, what I recall about the tattoo.
The tattoo itself was made of blood. The wearer’s blood, as though it might be some sort of initiation. I haven’t the ability to divine magic, but my sense of smell has sharpened quite above that of ordinary humans’ abilities. I was able to detect that the tattoo itself had been made in one continues flow, like a cursive letter; I am not advanced enough in the interpretation of scents yet, but I am quite certain that the “X” portion of the tattoo was created first, followed by the “V,” and lastly, the circle to encompass them. I hope this aids you in your research.

Celeste Darken
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Post by KonThaak »

As to the tattoo, I couldn't begin to guess... It sounds like it may be a bloodward of some sort, though what type, exactly is beyond my ability to say. Blood magic is a bit close to necromancy for my tastes... The fact that the "X" was made before the "V" does suggest the Roman numeral "15", a fact even my wife thought evident without me needing to point it out. Nevertheless, I still couldn't guess as to why that number is relevant...

As for the cane and your being stabbed in the chest... The cult sounds as if it were necromantic in nature. With your heart stilled, that may be enough to allow their magics to have widespread effects on you... If they were, indeed, trying to create superior forms of undead, then this may have left you with fewer vulnerabilities than average vampires. Such things...usually come at cost, however.

If you want to compare yourself with other vampires, try having someone make a ring of salt, and try to cross it... See how you handle garlic... Find out if you can approach a holy symbol being presented to you in faith... (It doesn't work if an atheist holds a cross at you, nor does it work if a Christian holds up a Star of David, etc.) Finally, I've heard that running water or holy water cause extreme discomfort or pain to vampires...

There is the possibility that you've been reduced to being a Wampyr (also known as Vompirs, Dhampirs, and a number of other things)... They're a sort of half-vampire, one who has almost none of the vulnerabilities normal vampires have, though pure sunlight still causes painful burns... If the things I've already mentionned have no effect...have you ever tried shapeshifting? Vampires are supposed to be able to take several various forms, including (but possibly not limited to) that of a wolf, bat, or fog... I'm not entirely sure how a vampire does this, but the Wampyr aren't supposed to be able to use these abilities... Can you?

I've only dealt with one vampire... The fool made the mistake of attacking me in a forest preserve. Perhaps he thought I'd make an easy meal, being alone... Maybe I'll post that story later tonight, or tomorrow, in War Stories...
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Dante Andel
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Post by Dante Andel »

Ok couple bits of news from over here, first of all the symbol or symbols don't have any sort of power that we know of so far but we haven’t made one with blood yet, which could be needed to activate any sort of magical energies it might have.

Second bit, we have one of the fanatics in holding (I wont say where in case anyone..... unsavoury is reading this). So we may not have been able to sneak into the church but we will find out what’s going on in there. Unfortunately though he seems to have been one of those responsible for my holding a while back and I really did not like the look he gave me and my Sister*, A sick look of joy and anger, Now my Grandfather's wanting both of us out of here as he isn't wanting to take any chances with these guys.

Also if I'm right in my guess about the blood offering they don’t have any of the people they need except for maybe the Crusader as I believe the guys with the Tattoos are the crusaders or at least the closest things that would be a crusader in these times, if this is the case then I don't really think he would wish to be rescued.

Celeste is probably our best bet on the one with no heart but the other two could be anyone and I really hope that that will play in our favour and I only really know of one way to find out if someone is pure of heart, trouble is if their not they would end up dieing because of it.

Anyways I'm going to have to go pack now as my Grandfather was serious when he said he didn’t want us around for the moment and I have no idea where we are going to go as these guys could be anywhere, oh and if I hear of anything that the fanatic says I'll post here immediately.

*(Please note she's not my sister through blood, she was one of the other people that was held by them but she didn't have any family to return to so she ended up staying with us and just started using our name as hers)
Celeste Darken
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I don't think I'm a "wampyr"

Post by Celeste Darken »

Salt has no effect, while garlic has a horrid smell to me, but not putrid enough that I am forced away. I would rather not touch the stuff, but I find that, if expedient, I can resist my revulsion of the scent and get by without injury. Indeed, I nearly caught a particular quarry that so far has escaped me, a group of kleptomaniacs with a creative bent. They go about vandalizing homes and stealing items from stores, both paltry and expensive; they seem to be living in some sort of imaginary land of their own make, wearing long bathrobes and Halloween cloaks. On those rare occasions I have stalked them successfully, I hear them reprimand each other to “stay in character.” I nearly caught them at one point, but a bagful of garlic thrown in my face surprised me enough they escaped my grasp. I shuddered for half a moment before I shook myself into focus and went after them.

But my hesitation had given the juvenile twits enough time to flee, shouting to one another, “She can’t be a vampire! Let’s pretend she’s the Witch Queen!”

I almost believe their escapades are interesting enough to post. If their antics hadn’t cost storeowners hundreds of dollars in lost goods and property damage, I would think them amusing. They very much remind me of a certain fool with a toilet brush that served as a +8 Mace of Slaying.

All holy symbols have so far presented a barrier to me. Since these symbols were always on the doors of shops I was about to enter, I can only presume the owners are believers. I have tried many times to shapeshift, and thus far, no results. But I wonder if that will change as I increase in age and power. Whenever I imagine myself changing into mist, while concentrating on that thought, I feel light-headed and my skin tingles like a tuning fork. Nothing happens when I repeat the action while imagining a wolf or a bat.

Celeste Darken
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Post by librarian »

I am sorry my current line of research has not helped further in aiding you. As for your powers and current situation. I have read your account of the cult you battled and from what you meantioned it sounds like what your young friend hit you in the head with was a staff of life, nercomancers use them to syphon the ligering life exenince from the recently dead to prolong there life. It may have did the same to you when you friend pardon the pun beaned you in the head. instead of taking some of your unlife from you, it transfered some true life into you. causing you to become stronger against some vampiric weaknesses.

As for your transformation powers from my talks to a few of my brothers in the research dept. They say from what they have found is vampiric powers are gained through two methods

1 is blood if your master or sire were of high enough level he could bestow them on to his prodgeny when they are sired.

2 as a vampire ages they develop new senses that will eventoul lead into being able to transform into the mythical transfomation vampires are prone to possese.

As for you becoming light headed and tingling when you concentrate. it may be that you are trying to hard.

Now as for the symbols of religion it has been found that in battles between vampire and hunters that it is a two way street. The vampire may be shoved away by the symbol of the religion but at the same time if the vampire has enough belief that the symbol will not harm them it will lessen the effect that the symbol has on them.

And my brothers in england have said if you wish you may meet with them and if you prove that you are of non demonic nature they have a gift they would like to bestow upon you. if you agree message me here privately and I will send you the information for you to use at your leasure.
Celeste Darken
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vampiric powers

Post by Celeste Darken »

Of these two methods your friends spoke of, I would think, or rather for the sake of power, I would hope, I am number two. My sire was definitely not of the "powerful" persuasion. If a vampire equal to his abilities faced me at this moment, I have no doubt in my mind I could best him in battle. As an underling, I never heightened in power. But ever since the staff, I have felt my powers growing. But I cannot say anything out of knowledge about the staff. But my opinion of it is this. I would think "true" life would have felt somehow more comforting, if the staff was indeed a Staff of Life, with a destruction of a portion of my unlife as I regained some "true" life. But the heat from the staff was enough to make me think I had found my true death by fire. The coldness from the dagger retracted all that warmth and instilled a chill ten times that of the heat. I have not felt warm since, but am growing accustomed to the chill.

I must test the theory on the religious artifacts. And thank you for your help. Narrowing down possibilities is just as important as, indeed, it is the method, of finding the truth of the matter.

Celeste Darken
Dante Andel
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Post by Dante Andel »

Ok I'm back now for the moment and now I can sort of understand as to why I was asked to leave the area for awhile with my sister, if I understand correctly whatever was happening in the church here it was at its height of power on the Saturday and even now there are still tons of Astral entities floating around, way more than there should be.

On the note of the guy that we managed to capture, he pretty much managed to kill himself and nobody is sure how he managed it as there is no drugs in his body nore is there any physical damage been done to him, so this has opened up an entirly new mystery on its own. They did manage to get one thing out of him before he died though, what's weird though is that he kept switching between languages to say it, anyway translated to english it was:

The adversaries shall fall the <Unknown language> death and destruction shall come. This world must be cleansed of <Unknown Language> only then shall perfection prevail.

Sorry but thats as accurate as I could get it and I have no idea what the Language was so I couldnt translate it to English for ya's, sorry.

Also the lot that was still hiding out in the church seemed to have left in a hurry as they ain't there anymore and the church is in a right state now according to the priest that was working there before those guys showed up. For the present moment though everything seems to have quietend down round here for the present time so thats back to work I geuss.
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