The Inhospitable Hospital

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Faerie Chaser
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The Inhospitable Hospital

Post by Faerie Chaser »

Friday...While I was in the shower my lover, Jake, was going through a box of my grandfather's uh, "collection of oddities"; he disturbed a rather powerful item and somehow activated it and it bit him. An egyptian snake staff. Not very fun trying to explain to the doctors. You try explaining how an Eqyptian asp got into your dorm room and bit your lover on the ass sometime. "Look, I know an asp when I see one." just won't cut it. Luckily the toxicology report came back quickly, and they were able to get an anti-venom there from the zoo. Also the doctor gave him some antibiotics to take, which I think is the worse thing you can give someone. So I substituted it for olive leaf exstract. Brought Jake to my house, which is 200 miles away from the college...that's why I stay at the dorms. Taking the staff and the rest of Grandfather's stuff with us, to study. I setup my ozone sauna for him. I had alread missed my make-up exam in physical anthropology, which was at 11:15 Friday morning. So, I had to do a late withdraw.

But, come to find it out...The staff grants wishes. 1 wish per person, but can only be brought to life by tantric power. When the staff came to life and asked "What do you wish of me?", his exact words were, "Well bite my ass and call me George! A talking sta-AAAAAAAA! F***!!!" It admited to being quite puzzled by Jakes request for intercorse after it bit him! But the laws of the staff is clear...only gets one request per person.

I digress, when I got back to campus, yesterday, went to class, then I went to my room and feel asleep on my futon. Anyway, I wake up, and have to go to the head. And just happen to see a glowing blue portal in my dorm when I get back, in the back of it; it looks exactly like the hospital. I cast invisibilty on myself. And over heard the man ask "Why haven't they turned yet? Are you sure you gave him the right meds." The Doctor said "Yes, I am! And at the doseage to spread to his friend. Dang it they aren't here, and the portal is closing. I tell you, this is getting on my nerves; they should have been programed and returned to me by now."

I informed my teacher of what had happened. He told me that they warned me not to go to the hospital. They think that the head doctors are vampires like creatures, who are programming people go them and get drug which only treats the symptoms for a little while and make them sicker. All the while draining the persons will power, as well as cash and other stuff to power their own ambitions.

They also think that the Pres. of the college is one of them or one of their main puppets now; thanks to me.

This is my sutale way of saying we need help! Please, help me find out all you can about Doctor Robert Headley.
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Post by PSC27 »

Accourding to the hospital records, in Oakland...Robert Scott Headley died at birth. And yet, started driving at age 23. Has a bank account in the islands, and bought human fat candles with his visa on a trip to Mexico. So, he's also a mage.
Faerie Chaser
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Post by Faerie Chaser »

PSC27 wrote:Accourding to the hospital records, in Oakland...Robert Scott Headley died at birth. And yet, started driving at age 23. Has a bank account in the islands, and bought human fat candles with his visa on a trip to Mexico. So, he's also a mage.

Okay. Anything else you can find out about him, Sir? As everyone else seams to be busy or whatever.
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Post by PSC27 »

Faerie Chaser wrote:
PSC27 wrote:Accourding to the hospital records, in Oakland...Robert Scott Headley died at birth. And yet, started driving at age 23. Has a bank account in the islands, and bought human fat candles with his visa on a trip to Mexico. So, he's also a mage.

Okay. Anything else you can find out about him, Sir? As everyone else seams to be busy or whatever.

I shall try to get more info, if I can. I am not a hacker, I just have some friends who are. And I haven't been able to contact them again.
Faerie Chaser
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Post by Faerie Chaser »

I know, Sir. I know. Thank you!
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Post by PSC27 »

I would like to report good news, Jonathon, but I have not been able to get back in touch with my friends. I am still in China.

I would advise you to go back home.
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Post by PSC27 »

Still no bloody luck in contacting them. I freaking hate this.
Faerie Chaser
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Post by Faerie Chaser »

Thank you for the info over the phone yesterday...That actually helped, Sir. I think you were right about that spell. We checked out the doctors place. We found some VERY interesting stuff. A "pet" of the "good" doctors tried to kill us. And the basement is warded.
Elijah Sight
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Post by Elijah Sight »

Warded? How so? Physical repulsion, mental repulsion, energy fields? I have a number of contacts who specialize in the breaking of magical bonds, let me know and I'll send one to you.
"Only the mad destroy themselves and all that they have wrought. But only the Phoenix lives forever."
~Fredric Brown
Faerie Chaser
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Post by Faerie Chaser »

Here's the odd thing, okay...I don't know how it is warded. I couldn't see them, but they are nevertheless there. I can feel when a spell is about to go, but this canseled my shadow cloaking spell.
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