Nathaniel's Theory Corner

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Nathaniel 'Grin' Wright
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Nathaniel's Theory Corner

Post by Nathaniel 'Grin' Wright »

Alright, I'm tossing whatever rules into the wind for the sake strengthening my own mental muscle, so to speak.

As of late, I have been growing more and more concerned with the status of the world. As silly as it might be, looking through the infamous 'chan' websites has lead me to an even stronger curiosity/worry. 2010 is a popular number it seems, either for the end of days or for a forced improvement amongst the human race. I am now looking for a board of ideas that can successfully compile a..database..of information. Religious groups are getting more and more forceful, shows based on The Son of God's death and history, as well as popular competitors such as Simon Magus. Come to this not posting experiences, but theories. I might be talking a peculiar form of jibberish, as I am known to do that strangely makes sense the more I talk. The quest has been given, and I trust that everyone here is of mature enough mind to give information that won't mislead the readers into thinking this is a joke thread.

I feel that, of course, it'll only be right if I start this thing out!

Back to the thought of 2010...

Will it be the end of days? Will it be the start of something glorious, where man can finally return to the strength it once had? Survival being based not on someone's moral belief, but of who is truly the most fit, either intellectually or physically? Who really knows. Cyanide has alluded to 2010, but that's about as far as it gets, never truly giving enough information to satisfy my always thirsty mind. As long as I am stuck in Canadian, I plan on speaking with a spiritual powerhouse about what he might think. Being in the presence of an elder, of course, I will go in respectfully, both because he considers me an equal, yet a student. He has shared with me experiences in spiritually active houses, even if he doesn't agree with my rather lax form of furthering my knowledge. I could go further into that, but I won't rant, unless of course I'm asked, haha. I'll safely sidestep the attached fantasy though and say that anything I am capable of doing is subtle in many ways, shapes, and forms.
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Post by Hannah »

Hi Grin

Where I grew up we thought that the end of the world was commin' soon and we had ta be ready ta join God's armies when tha time came.

Every now and then one of the Elders would sa that they received a sign and we'd all gather 'round fer a few days of fastin' and prayin'.


PS: World never actually ended, not ta my knowledge anyway.
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Post by KonThaak »

"There are those who say that a paradox will cause the world to be destroyed, but that this will only make way for a stranger, more bizarre world to take its place... There are others who say this has already happened."

Misquotes notwithstanding... I've heard December 23, 2012 as a rather final date from quite a few sources... The only source that mentions the number 2010, to my knowledge, is an old sci-fi movie...and that's not quite the end of the world...
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Post by DroopyDawg »

As science fiction writers from Jules Verne to Isaac Asimov have foretold things which have come to pass, the more current writers have done the same. I have read some of the authors who predict the same future, but not all that I have heard are out there. The reoccurring theme is that a union will occur between man and machine, something akin to cybernetics, which will catapult man in to the next quantum level of existence.

Admittedly 2010 does seem a little soon for things to shift so dramatically to me. I will allow though that things can happen quickly, the Wright brothers’ flight was in 1903 and the first jet aircraft was in 1939. Add on top of that the exponential increase in the growth of technology that has been seen as of late, and it maybe possible. Cybernetic implants have been used for years, though with mixed levels of success, and I am sure there are many technologies that have yet to come to the eye of the public.

I would guess that what will cause this quantum shift in consciousness will be the merging of the human mind with the computer. The human mind has near limitless potential for processing, but is disorganized and cumbersome to pull information out of. The computer is very organized and gives up data easily, but its processing power is limited by the physical limitations of the computer itself. So, it may be that if a computer is connected to a mind, this will connect the organization of the computer to the processing power of the mind. This may be what brings about this quantum shift.

Then again, who knows?

Droopy Dawg
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Post by GhostSpider »

You know, the End of the World does not necessicaraly mean that the world will be destroyed. Alot of people seem to forget that. The world as we know it may end, but not be destroyed.

Barring outside interference of course.
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Post by Razor »

Hey Nate,

We've all had the apocalyptic discussion before around the campfire back home. I would like to call attention to the Mayan Calendars and the fact that they have accurately predicted every astronomical and astrological event for the last several millenia, down to the hour and even minute. Those calendars stop in 2012, in December. The cause, as stated are unknown astronomical events. I highly doubt it has anything to do with human evolution or quantum mechanics such as pairing the human brain with computer systems.

Natasha, have you seen any other calendar systems that would support this? I know you're limited in your experiences with this world, as you are not native to it, but I do know your scholarly pursuits, as well as your single-minded dedication to learning.
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Post by KonThaak »

The Mayan calendar is what I was referring to... December 23, 2012...

And Razor, you missed one tidbit of information... The Mayan calendar is half a minute more accurate than our own calendar.
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Post by Razor »

Well yeah, but I didn't figure that exactly needed mentioning. *shrug*
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Post by KonThaak »

To some of makes a big difference... For a calendar more than 2000 years predict celestial happenings still to this day...and for it to be as accurate as it is--off by only 30 it even more credence.
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Post by Cyanide »

KonThaak wrote:To some of makes a big difference... For a calendar more than 2000 years predict celestial happenings still to this day...and for it to be as accurate as it is--off by only 30 it even more credence.

Thirty seconds might not be a big deal to some, and a huge problem to others, but what helped calculate that to begin with? The formulas used back then, now, and in between have been mix-matched, tossed into grab bags, and thrown around worse than the kender caught in the jewelry store.

Plus many aren't taking into considerations the fact that every day there are new and old jump-gates affecting our daily life, switching us from one reality to another and back again... If lucky.

The precious calendars don't matter. A mortal invention such as time is just a label to help explain a period of events held within a certain existence.

Um... And as for me alluding to 2010... Well... I get to stand back and smile because I don't worry about such trivial things. One existence ending not allowing me to see, taste, hear, feel, smell, breathe, or sense in any other way shouldn't bother anyone... For one existence will be replaced with another at some point... Existence is existence, and if you can truly disbelieve your existence then you and your disbelief never were so you couldn't do it in the first place.
Nathaniel 'Grin' Wright
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Post by Nathaniel 'Grin' Wright »

I'm figuring the more ideas I get in here, the better. Some might seem very plausible. Some think it'll be a complete wipe of intelligent society, others think it'll simply be the destruction of the whole damn planet, some will say it's going to be some sort of enlightenment (that is sorely needed, I mean, come on..Look at the stupid gazelle people out there..). Whatever happens, it can't happen too soon in my mind, simply because I hate waiting for things to come to fruition.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Stupid Gazelle People?

You mean Sheeple?
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Post by Razor »

Stupid Gazelle People - Those people that run around out there with little to no intelligence and get themselves killed, or are deserving to be killed because they lower the average IQ of the population. There is little difference between them and the animal they share name with on the African plains, often making stupid mistakes such as running smack into a tree in front of a pride of lions, knocking themselves out cold and ripe for the taking.

See Darwin Awards for further examples.
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

and its our duty to make sure there aren't so many lions running around for them to throw themslves in front of.
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Post by KonThaak »

I...I hate people, at my job... I really do...but that doesn't mean I wanna see them fall prey to monsters...
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Post by Cyanide »

We're not talking about monsters. We're not talking about people with low IQs dying. We're talking about the total annihilation of living matter on this planet. There will be no "too soon" nor any "only the strong will survive". It will be as if everyone sat down to eat a shit sandwich and died with their fat, happy, and stupid oversized mouths at the bottom of their plates.

Just because it seems like it would be "too soon" doesn't mean much. Things happen without warning all the time, but people look at it happening to others and merely state the most overused phrase on the face of this planet. "Oh well that can't happen to me"... And when something finally does surprise those that love that phrase, they just brush it off and say "What a coincidence"...


And I know this sounds like the rantings of someone who has had nothing but bad happen to them, or that sees nothing but the bad, but it isn't. I have had many good things happen and seen great things come and go in this world. But it is time for the end. So sit back, eat your popcorn, leave the shit sandwich alone, and enjoy whatever time you have instead of bullshitting your way through life acting like things can't touch you.
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

The bad things can touch me, they do touch me . . . and I hit them back as hard as I can.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

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Post by KonThaak »

I'm not acting like things can't touch me... It's just...we don't know what lies Beyond and Between...and we don't know what's going to happen... We don't know if anything will happen... There are discrepancies in dates... There are differences from one theory to the next...

We just don't know...and I don't intend to let this fear of the unknown hold me back from living my life to the best of my abilities.
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Post by Razor »

Preaching to the choir, KT.
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Post by DroopyDawg »

You can't change the past, you can't control the future, and you have next to no control over what will or will not happen. The only control you have is the choices you make in the here and now. So I wouldn't stress over what will or will not happen. Just live your life to the best of your ability and the rest will take care of itself. We don't know what waits on the other side, so don't lose sleep over it.

Droopy Dawg

P.S. Remember the question that was presented was hypothetical.
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Post by Cyanide »

KonThaak wrote:I'm not acting like things can't touch me... It's just...we don't know what lies Beyond and Between...and we don't know what's going to happen... We don't know if anything will happen... There are discrepancies in dates... There are differences from one theory to the next...

We just don't know...and I don't intend to let this fear of the unknown hold me back from living my life to the best of my abilities.

I love your outlook on it KT! There is an outlook that I wish more people around me had... Wait... I'm in a blasted void, there isn't anyone else around me... Um anywho...
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Post by GhostSpider »

Sounds like it sucks to be you right now.
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Post by Razor »

Secrets and secrets, truth and lies, but which is which? Not knowing is the way to die.
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Post by DroopyDawg »

You notice that the lions aren't particularly interested in eating the gazelle? They must not be interested in an animal that's that stupid? I mean neither one budged.

Droopy Dawg
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Post by concrete_Angel »

You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings
You never left me
You never let me
See what this feeling means

Everything that you feel
Is everything that I feel
So when we dream
We shout....
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Post by Koralth »

You all don't REALLY think the world is coming to an end on those dates, do you? I mean, how many times was the world supposed to come to an end by now? Don't we deal with enough real horrors to.... you know, not need to pay as much heed to these hoaxes?

The Mayan calender IS really damn old. It's really accurate, too, which is very impressive. What, then, because they were good at making calenders they need to also make calenders for all time until the sun explodes? I don't buy the "end of the world" theory, I think the Mayans figured they had enough of the calender finished to last them... For a little while, long enough for a few hundred generations not to have to worry about it.

As for the 2010 theory, "why?" What's causing the "end of the world" for that?

It's easy to come up with ideas for when the world's going to end, and in some respects I agree with Cyanide that the world probably doesn't work off of our calender, but we work off of the world's time, instead... So much of this stuff just doesn't make sense, and I don't think it's from my lack of understanding, hypothetical or not.

Sorry, but... well, these kinds of things really bug me.
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Post by KonThaak »

The Mayan calendar doesn't say that the world will necessarily end... I don't remember what it was, exactly, but I think it was something about the cogs of time ceasing to function, and the world will be thrown into chaos... Not necessarily "the end of the world as we know it (and I feel fine)", just that something very major is going to happen...

I said that 12-23-12 is a rather "final date" according to a lot of sources... I also said that we don't know exactly what's gonna happen, so there's no sense in worrying about it overmuch, or letting it get in our way.
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Post by DroopyDawg »

When it comes to the Mayan Calender and the end date of Dec 21, 2012 this answers a number of questions. Unfortunately even this site doesn't say what will happen on that date. Interesting reading though.

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Post by KonThaak »

Hmm... Back in '98, I was taught that it was December 23rd... Interesting. Maybe I'm just misremembering; December 21st didn't have the same meaning to me that it does now... Otherwise...maybe there's a discrepancy or a dispute somewhere...?
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Post by DroopyDawg »

A quick web search says the either may be right. This is a discrepancy cause by the fact that we are using two different time systems, neither of which is completely accurate in regards to the natural cycles. So I guess just pick the one you like the most. :)

I am not so much bothered by what I perceive, as by what my mind tells me about what I perceive.
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