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Faerie Chaser
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Post by Faerie Chaser »

We've all heard the joke about the voodoo penis...Well, you're not going to believe what we found in James Peterson's stuff. Uh, yeah. Along with a few shrunken heads, a talking skull (I made the mistake of attaching the lower jaw, the damn thing hasn't shut up since), an African mask, a huge book with an odd lock, stuff from when he was in the boy scouts, etc. A lot of stuff marked DO NOT OPEN. Would you guys at HQ please send some one to come and get the stuff marked DO NOT OPEN and put it in the vault? I don't want another mishap to happen. A friend of Micheal's named Rusty came over for his birthday party and uh...long story made short, he's going to probably have nightmares for the rest off his life about seeing a gorgons head. Luckily we were able to turn him back. And get the head back in the sack.
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Post by AdamaGeist »

A Gorgon's head? I've been looking for one of those for years!
Faerie Chaser
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Post by Faerie Chaser »

AdamaGeist wrote:A Gorgon's head? I've been looking for one of those for years!

Sorry, It's not for sale.
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Post by Holister »

Hello Mr. Chaser, I am Randolph P. Carter, of the society's Cypress Cove Anex. It so happens we have just finished installing our arcane vault and are in need to try its mystical and conventional defenses. If you would, we would like to house several of your items here at the anex for both study and safe keeping. The more dangerous items however should be destroyed if possible.

Thank You

Randolph P. Carter; co-founder Lazlo Society Anex Cypress Cove
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Post by AdamaGeist »

I'm going to be brutaly honest here. Some items, even if dangerous, are terribly important cultural and historical artifacts. Others, like a true head of a Gorgon, are still-living remnants of individuals cursed by the 'gods'.

You want to know why I've been looking for a Gorgon's head? (Preferably the head of Medusa herself, even though that one will most likely be dead, not alive.) It's because of a long-idle chain of research I started. Seeing as there is a remote possibility to truly revive one of these cursed beasts, I'd like the chance to follow it through to the end. And as I have a personal domain where they can be rendered completely non-threatening, I'd like the chance to do so.

As for other artifacts of power and danger, if you can't handle them safely, Find someone who can remove them for you. But if you destroy somthing just because you can't understand it...
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Post by Holister »

I do not wish to appear as argumentitive Mr. Geist, but in regards to any alledged dangerous artifact. I believe if we are able to deduce an item as being dangerous, we do then understand it.

For whatever the purpose, does the historical value such artifacts presents fail to compare to the possible threat they may hold. I would hope not. Afterall the road to disaster is often paved with good intentions.

Randolph P. Carter; co-founder Lazlo Society Anex Cypress Cove
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Post by KonThaak »

I...didn't think most gorgons...were dangerous, according to the Greek legends... I thought...that Medusa was the only one... Her three sisters...didn't even have eyes... Just the one, that they had to share...
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A. Pendragon
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Post by A. Pendragon »

What do we do with our dangerous criminals? We imprison them. What do we do with the most dangerous of the dangerous? We put them to death. Same should happen to these items of power. Either lock them up or destroy them. I got a few Willy Pete's if everyone is too chicken shit to do the deed.
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Post by GhostSpider »

KT-You're thinking of the Graeae, sisters of the Gorgons. They only had one eye and one tooth between the three of them. As for Medusa, she was the only one of the gorgons (Stheno and Euryale being the other two) who was mortal, hence the reason Perseus killed her. On that note, its entirely possible that Medusa's sisters are still out there. Rumor has it that the blood and hair of a gorgon have healing and protective properties.

As for whether to destroy dangerous artifacts, I'm pretty much against that. Lock them up, toss them into the sea and forget about them, but destroying them (especially without first understanding there purpose) verges on monumental idiocy. A dangerous artifact now could save the world some day. Don't repeat the sins of the past.
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Michael T
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Post by Michael T »

And sometimes destroying an artifact can be worse than the damage teh item can be used to cause. Some artifacts hold powerful creatures and are the only thing preventing them from running rampant. I would be one to recomend locking the items in a safe place out of hands of most mortals and other things. If anyone has something they are afraid to leave in circulation I will gladly lock it away in one of my vaults.

Michael T
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Post by GhostSpider »

He's got some damn good vaults too.
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A. Pendragon
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Post by A. Pendragon »

GhostSpider wrote:KT-You're thinking of the Graeae, sisters of the Gorgons. They only had one eye and one tooth between the three of them. As for Medusa, she was the only one of the gorgons (Stheno and Euryale being the other two) who was mortal, hence the reason Perseus killed her. On that note, its entirely possible that Medusa's sisters are still out there. Rumor has it that the blood and hair of a gorgon have healing and protective properties.

As for whether to destroy dangerous artifacts, I'm pretty much against that. Lock them up, toss them into the sea and forget about them, but destroying them (especially without first understanding there purpose) verges on monumental idiocy. A dangerous artifact now could save the world some day. Don't repeat the sins of the past.
Wanna volunteer your rune items for lock-up?
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Faerie Chaser
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Post by Faerie Chaser »

I've always heard them referred to as the Dryeyes, not Graeae, but hey...Learn something new every day. But, that's neither here nor there.

I am afraid I have to agree with Mr Carter on the Gorgon issue. However, I can't recommend destroying them. GhostSpider and Michael T speak true. I have seen the effects of the destruction of a major item of power. I doubt you have a safe way to destroy them. That was why I asked that they be put it in the vault. However, yes, you may study them. Just But lock up the things that are dangerous.

I am sorry, but I am keeping the voodoo penis...After all, I am not called Faerie Chaser for nothing. :wink: :lol:

As for the rumors of a gorgons hair having healing powers...how should I say this?...I AIN'T CUTTING THE BITCHES HAIR! Sorry!!! That's not happening! Come with the crew we shall give you some tree snips and a crowbar and you can try to get it yourself after we leave. Otherwise, FORGET IT!

You have Julian's address on file. When should we expect the crew?
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Post by KonThaak »

I also thought...that the blood of Medusa, as it dripped onto the sands...turned into serpents and snakes.

But I guess I was wrong about the other things...so I'll shutup, now...
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A. Pendragon
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Post by A. Pendragon »

Hey Randolph Carter, as you may know I will be moving up to the Cove to provide some of my experience to your cause. If you like, I can pick up these items from the Faerie Chaser and bring them with me back to The Cove. Let me know. Talk to Holister if you need to.
Fear the night because the night doesn't fear YOU!!!
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Post by AdamaGeist »

The problem with Myth and Legend is that they get easily confused. Unless someone does steady research, simular stories blend together.

The Gorgons were natural monsters, innocent of malice, and truely immortal. Medusa was mortal, and most tragicaly, HUMAN. She was a beautiful human woman, cursed by the gods for daring to 'seduce' Poseidon in Athena's temple. Turned from a woman into a monster, she could only find home among the Gorgons, the only creatures imune to her gaze, for she was turned into one of their kind.

So, here's the thing. One, if the snakes are alive, there's a significant chance that the head itself is alive, if only dormant. If so, there's a chance that the head can be returned to full life. Belive me, that's an interesting concept.

Second, the safest place to store things like that are in locations where they can be rendered Powerless. Like specialy created Astral Domains. Do we know of anyone who has one of those? Heh.

I'd like just the chance to examine the head in a safe environment. We can be more than certain that I'm the only person at actual risk during that examination. And as human revival techniques are actualy important to us at this moment, this is probably a very good idea, yes?
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Post by AdamaGeist »

Oh, and KT, you were right about her blood. 'the poisonous vipers of the Sahara, in the Argonautica 4.1515, Ovid's Metamorphoses 4.770 and Lucan's Pharsalia 9.820, were said to have grown from spilt drops of her blood.'

But also, her blood was given to the legendary physician Asclepius, who found the blood to either be a deadly poison, or have the power to raise the dead.

So, raising a dead body, soul-rebinding techniques available to us, and the only person I trust utterly is trapped in an inhuman body, with his own body being dead.

Gee, wonder why I'm pushing this so hard...
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Post by GhostSpider »

Adama-Damn you're a well read man Adama. About the blood, the weird thing I heard was it depended on which side of the body it was drawn from. One side was poison, the other was healing. :?

Pendragon-I've only got one rune item, and no you can't have it.

KT-Don't be so hard on yourself. I didn't even know about the blood thing until I looked up the Gorgons on Wiki.
Konrad Andreas is at peace. I am something new.

Faerie Chaser
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Post by Faerie Chaser »

Actually, Julian and I know of someone else with an astral domain. But time there is faster than time here. A minute here is an hour there. However, that is neither here nor there.

Another tale is that Asclepius' staff was made from Madusa's hair. But honestly, the Egyptians has had healing snakes for a lot longer time than any. Prehaps there is a connection to a gorgon connection there as well. Doubtful, but who knows?

I just I can't see a gorgon going up to a Stylest and saying, "I just can't do a thing with my snakes today."

If you must know, it is a metaphysical fact that the left side takes and the right gives. Thus, which side you need to snip the hair from.

Sorry, but the answer is still no on the getting the head...but you may have a hair; if you can get it. If not, too bad; so sad. And there is a time limit to the bringing back the dead that should be abided by. Because once the soul is gone...Sorry! You don't want to bring it back.
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