Our Halloween...

Accounts of personal experiences, especially from those who hunt the supernatural. We offer this space in hopes that our members can hear about, and learn from, the exploits of others.
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Our Halloween...

Post by Legacy »

Amy here. We all ended up discussing a lot about what to do about posting in regards to our Halloween night. Josh is right; we fought Windner that night, along with Malakai... Malakai escaped alive; Windner's corpse not so much. We would've posted sooner, but when we saw first Pendragon, then Michael and GhostSpider mention fighting Windner, we feared we'd lost our minds... It wasn't until Josh posted again very recently that we finally, after more discussion, decided to post our story.

We were going to sneak out and give unwarranted help to any of the five groups. We already knew where the five locations were, and we had a pretty general idea of when things were going to go down, so to speak. It was just a matter of getting there.

On the way, Shade had some "strange, bad vibes", and told us to change directions... We were driving through Crystal Lake on 14 at the time, on our way to one of the residential areas that the first house was in, and she was telling us to turn off early, to an industrial park south of 14, along the way. We've already learned the hard way that when she gets these strange feelings, she's usually right.

This was no exception. One of the buildings over there is vacant--or was, at least. It was advertised as "for sale or lease by owner", and from the look of things, had been for quite some time. Lily picked the locks, I verified that there were no alarm systems currently active, and we snuck inside.

Inside, we ended up finding Malakai, grumbling irritably to a zombie that had all the features of Elliot Windner, right down to the hole in his neck where Josh had run him through last Halloween. The only thing was, the zombie, despite the extranneous hole in its neck and the fact that it was a half-rotten zombie, was still, apparently, sentient, and Malakai called him "Windner", confirming our suspicions.

They were apparently guarding a crystal that was mystically connected to another crystal, by means of a very small portal... We weren't entirely sure of the purpose, but if Malakai and Windner were guarding it, we knew it had to be important...and that if it was important, we were going to have to destroy it.

We made sure that Mitch was completely out of sight, and had the gun that Ron gave him when we tried to help him out. Lily and I came out openly and challenged Malakai, while Shade stayed in the shadows...
In memory of Jacob Bloodbane; may his legacy live on... Protecting the innocents from evils both mundane and supernatural.

-Legacy Investigation Agency
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Post by GhostSpider »

Okay, so who faced the real Windner that night?

The one Michael and I offed was real enough, and he had a soul.
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Post by KonThaak »

I...I get the feeling there was no one single "real Windner"... I don't have all the pieces to put the puzzle together...but it is strange that everyone faced someone who looked like him that night...

...though he didn't seem the kind to monologue last year...
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Post by GhostSpider »

Well then damnit, if it wasn't him then it was a damn good copy. His soul felt like Windner's soul. Though in hindsight, if Windner had been running around in my head then...

Best not to think on that possibility.
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Post by Hannah »

Hey Josh,

The guy who held me . . . the body wasn't Windner's . . . at least I odn't think so . . . it felt . . . borrowed.

If that makes any sense.


PS I think the orgional owner of tha body was in that shadow thing I helped Willie with.
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Post by Legacy »

Mitch here, yo! (Sorry, Willie!)

So liek, I watched the whole fight. I still don't like thinking about it. Lily and Amy are tough fighters. And they kinda got their asses handed to 'em on a platter. They did last a helluvalot longer than they should've if they were ordinary folks.

Malakai looked like this monstrous reptile. Shade later said something about a borrowed body or something like that. Makes me think of like 'Revenege of the Body Snatchers' or somethign like that you know? Anyway the Windner zombie dude was doing some kinda big spell or other. And Amy and Lily took some cover and started shooting the guy. And Malakai. They were shooting both of em. They were hitting, too. But it wasn't doing a lot of good.

It was kinda scary the way Malakai moved. It was like...I dunno. He moved almost without moving sometimes. Like those martial arts movies but not quite. I think he was using his voodoo powers or somehting.

Anyway Amy and Lily were fighting him. He was doing a lot of beating on them. They still had some charms that KT gave us for protection and healng and stuff. But the lizard-kai was still banging them around pretty bad. It was like watching

(*ahem* Lily here. I think that's quite enough of THAT description. :oops: Suffice to say, Malakai was tough.)
In memory of Jacob Bloodbane; may his legacy live on... Protecting the innocents from evils both mundane and supernatural.

-Legacy Investigation Agency
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