always more than one...

Accounts of personal experiences, especially from those who hunt the supernatural. We offer this space in hopes that our members can hear about, and learn from, the exploits of others.
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Dante Andel
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always more than one...

Post by Dante Andel »

The hood had blood pouring from his nose as he spat out some blood, both his hands around my wrists trying to pull my arm from his throat as I held him against the alley wall. "WHO’S IDEA WAS THE DRIVE BY?" I yelled into his bloodied face.

"I dun no, what your talkin' bout you crazy mo-" My fist came crashing down into his face before he could finish the insult as I yelled once more "WRONG ANSWER, WHO’S IDEA WAS THE DRIVE BY?

"I tol‘ you before I dun know what your talkin‘ bout you white skinned pi-"

I smashed my fist across his face once more and I could hear something crack from this blow, causing phantom pains from where Ghostspider had hit my jaw back in Germany to flare up, but that didn’t matter right now. Raising the thug off his feet I swear I could of crushed his throat right there and then. "I was one of the people there, you were targeting one of my friends and furthermore three people are in hospital now because of you, one of those people is a child and as far as I know is fighting for their life now."

"Go on, crush his throat, you know you want to. what’s this scum going to give back to society? Least dead he can go out as a message to anyone else that tries this." Came the now familiar creepy voice of the ghost I now know as Jack, he’s one of three new spirits that seem to show up every now and then to offer their pearls of wisdom… or generally talk… whichever seems the least useful at the time.

Ignoring Jack‘s advice I manage to calm down slightly and only slightly mind you. "I doubt that you have the resources to make a rose thorn tipped bullet, so why don't you tell me who's idea it really was and I wont act on this feeling to bounce your skull along the frickin pavement, ‘kay?"

dropping the thug to his feet he instantly moved his hands to hold his neck and ease the pain as he took some deep breaths. "One person, dun know what they look like, was wearing a weird coat totally covered ‘em up." He had begun to wipe the blood from his face with his cheap £5 jacket that he most likely spent £30 on, if he even bought it, before continuing to talk. "What? if you think I'm tellin ya anymore so you can go collect the money you can think again."

"I wonder, does a skull actually bounce on concrete slabs or does it split open on the first fall?"

I could see he was trying to figure out if I was being serious or not with that threat, luck has it he did think I was crazy enough to follow through with my threat and told me everything else I needed to know to find the person who was behind this.
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Post by KonThaak »

If you need any spirits exorcised--or just spare tenants evicted--feel free to give me a call.
I am not A bitch...I am THE bitch. And to you, I'm MS Bitch.
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Post by GhostSpider »

I know all about spare tenants. Too bad they were not so easy to exorcise.
Konrad Andreas is at peace. I am something new.

Dante Andel
Posts: 64
Joined: Mon Mar 06, 2006 6:06 pm
Location: Britian

Post by Dante Andel »

Thanks for the offer KT I'll think about it, an do the memories of my grandfather count as a spare tenant or more cruise control Ghost?

I kinda feel rather small now, the week up to Halloween I beat......... I beat up a masochist in a fit of anger..... you guys went off and saved the world.


Sooooo I’m a friend now? I swear I remember you saying last time that I was an immortal jackass that you never wanted to see again… very mature I might add.” Colt was enjoying this, though that could be because he was getting to drive a new car around London whilst drinking what ever weird cocktail he had chosen to fill his canteen, probably tequila and whisky with some Coke judging by the smell, an all the while getting paid to do so. “So what’s your plan of action then, diplomacy? recon? The ever so popular lets go in their guns a blazing that you been going with lately?

Definitely the last option. Then depending on what they are I’ll continue to kick their head in till they can no longer move, stake them or continue to mush them to a pulp till I figure out what does kill them.

Look I know you don’t want to lose control again but you don’t have to go total psycho avenger on every little bad guy on this planet to prove your still able to defend yourself okay?” Colt knew he couldn’t change my mind but he had to try. “Why don’t we just pack up and drive round London some more so I can test this machine out and then go pick up… are you even listening to me now

Course I wasn’t, to busy staring out past the windscreen to the person under the streetlight not that far off. Before Colt could even grab me I was out of the car and making my way towards the person, weird coat indeed a Green lower half that was trailing along the ground with a lot of slack, pink torso, blue sleeves that went way past their hands and an orange hood covering their face to top it all off. If I wasn’t so focused on causing this person a lot of pain just then I probably would of found it rather comical.

I whistled towards the multi-coloured mess of a coat as I broke into a sprint by the time the coat could see me I was already on them and my right fist made a near perfect hit across their face causing them to stagger backwards, I wasn’t given them a chance to regain their balance though. I threw another few punches though not sure how many as I was kinda more focusing on beating the living daylights out of them than numbers at the time.

My final blow had sent the coat into a lamp-post causing the light at the top to flicker a bit before it came back on strong showing my left hand around their throat pushing them into the lamp-post. “Now you want to explain why you paid a bunch of moronic jerks to fire off some weird bullets into a crowd of people or will I just proceed to kick the crap out of you already?

I raised the coat off their feet a bit holding them a few inches off the ground as I could feel Jack around me, seems he had learnt to shut up though as he never spoke a word, along with one of the other two new spirits who remained equally silent. “Really though I’m in a real bad mood and would prefer if you went with the second option or the first option but say it in a way that I’ll take it as the second anyway.

heh today is your lucky day then child.” Despite my hand being round her throat she could still talk perfectly normal, this probably wasn’t a good sign. She raised her hands letting the sleeves fall down showing feminine hands with a light tan as she went to pull the hood down. “I want you to hit me with all you got and then some…. I want.” she paused as she pulled the orange hood down revealing her face. She looked to be about 25, dark red hair down to her shoulders and with bright purple eyes and something seemed familiar about her face. Her lips had this slightly psychotically happy smile as she spoke. “I want you to make me scream.

I like her.” Course Jack would like her, creepy sadist spectre. “You better not be waiting on advice from all of us now handsome, we already know you’re not going to listen to the sane advice here, that and Holland’s back in the carriage singing along to those male Queens that he seems to like so he wont be here for a while.” Isabelle, French streetwalker... Ex-French streetwalker and possibly the only one out of the three spirits that I like to a degree.

Come on already child, don’t disappoint me now.” The woman in the coat was really starting to annoy me, Jack with his constant begging me to hurt her was starting to annoy me, heck the moths hovering around the light above me were starting to annoy me.

Then I snapped.
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