Huntress is not alone

A place to seek help, or to offer services, dealing with the paranormal.
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Celeste Darken
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Huntress is not alone

Post by Celeste Darken »

Her story parallels mine too closely. . . well, almost. I've been looking for sites like this, and I happened to stumble here. I've been reading it closely, and I'm taking a chance. So I guess I'll start with my story.
The parallels go like this. It was to be my first gig. The propietor was estactic to have me. I was a little nervous, who wouldn't be? I was at the building, but before I could even get to the den, this fella persuaded me to go with him instead. What can I say? He was cute, and I used to be a sucker. Still am, but in a different way.
Anyway, he took me to his apartment . . . only, he was interested in more than just "me" per se. Then I noticed the fangs. The rest is kinda a blur.
That's where my path and that of Huntress's disect for a bit. I didn't get away.
I turned into one of them.
Yeah. I'm a vampire.
And for a while, I really was. I've taken out my share of men's hearts--literally. It's maddening, this thirst for the "good stuff." But I'm doing better. And I take it out on the real bad guys of human society.
So I guess I'm asking a question.
Do you guys believe in redemption of the damned? Because if you do, then I can help you out big time. And if not . . . well then, I guess I'll have to prove you wrong. Because I'm trying to be good.
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

I don't know if you're a whackjob asking for attention or what . . . but if you do come 'round my neighbourhood, you best be on your best behavoir, else I end up tracking you down.

Ain't nothin' that can't die ain't just a sig line.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
The Traveler King
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Post by The Traveler King »

This one must be watched closely. I agree with Ron. Caution will certainly have to be exercised here.
Elijah Sight
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Post by Elijah Sight »

Let none be damned but by their own hand. If we consider those assaulted by the Vampyr to have lost their souls, we take away the sacred protection of God's love. If our friend here has truly overcome the dark desires of her new sinful nature, and instead uses her power to aid the innocent, I see no reason to shun her, nor to distrust her.

That said. I have met only one vampire who renounced his ways... and he did so with his dieing breath, sacrificing himself to save another. Redemption must be earned, with true regret, pain, and repentance.

Madam, you will have my faith until you show me you should not. In addition, you would do well to contact my Research and Development teams in Westminster. They are engaged in certain... "Alternative Medicines", and have done some wonderful things with artificial blood plasma and UV blocking ointments.
"Only the mad destroy themselves and all that they have wrought. But only the Phoenix lives forever."
~Fredric Brown
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

What is it with folks around here thinking that monsters like vampires and werewolves should be protected and coddled. Haven't you all figured out that sooner or later the condistioning or restraints or whatever is going to slip and they will kill another innocent?

Yes I feel sorry for what happeend to that poor girl. But that girl is dead, what's left is a shadow, a pervision and a predator. It's my goal in life to protect people from those predators. Teaching them to be nice doesn't work. Caging them doesn't work. The only thing that garuntees protection from these predators is killing them off.

I wish some of you "smart" folks on the boards would get that through your heads and stop trying to live some sort of Anne Rice romantic fantasy.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
Celeste Darken
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Post by Celeste Darken »

Protected? Coddled? You seem to believe, Mr. Caliburn, as though vampires are some sort of demented puppy with a problem being housebroken. Let me remind you that vampires have existed as cunning predators before humanity was even capable of thought. Granted, I was a young human and now a young vampire, and circumstances beyond my control have forced me to adapt in ways that have me struggling to master my powers once more, but let me assure you, I do NOT need to be protected or "coddled."

As for Mr. Sight's offer, I thank you. However, I find feeding on the dregs of humanity I stop in the act of criminal activity as satisfactory for my needs. Over the last few days, I have fed upon a rapist, a murderer, and a supernatural terror before their crimes could be completed. As for my--

Wait. A security guard approaches. I will communicate further on my experiences . . . and circumstances . . . of the last few days as I learn more about this . . . interesting . . . city that needs relieving of supernatural evil.

Celeste Darken.
Celeste Darken
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Post by Celeste Darken »

Luckily, word of my Betrayal Against the Dark had not spread to this security officer, and he found my presence in the terminal unsurprising, as it offered protection against the sun. Again, more on my situation later. I must compile and send the happenings here, for all to read and be warned. My next e-mail shall be under the war stories link.

Celeste Darken
Zander Hill
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again seeking assistance for Xander hills PA

Post by Zander Hill »

I write to the lazlo society again pleading for assistance. After my last posting I was "detained" in some sort of hospital. Thanks to the works of Mr. Nicks Mind I was labbeled a luinatic and sent away.
It was only after my body built a tolerance to the drugs I was given did I know the severity of my situation. One afternoon while watching t.v in the recroom I saw my self on the news actaully give a press confrence about new city programs for Xander hills. Now I am well aware that I might be crazy at this point with all the drugs the hospital pumped into me. But It was not me on the t.v giving a live press confrence as the mayor of Xander hills. The orderlies moved quickly to change the chanel so I did not get verymany details of the press release. I knew what I must do. I managed an escape after months of being locked away.
I have hidden with some contacts within the Xander hills preservation society. I am now asking for any help that can be offered. The town of Xander hills is now under the controll of I know not what. If none of you investigators will help my home town then I now plead to those like Miss Darken. If you seek redemption I offer you the battlefeild of Xander Hills PA. Please contact me through the Lazlo Society or The Xander hills preservation society. My contacts & I will arrange your transport here. I wish you luck in your current "war Story" but if things go south for you please remember Xander hills.
For those debunkers and sceptics I apollogize for my unorthodox methods but with no help from the society in the past and my credibility desroyed by those who I asked for help that labled me Insane and helped with my capture. I only hope I am crazy enough to do what others dare not.
I have prayed to the heavens for help and no one answered. I hope those cast out of hell will hear my call.

~Xander hills Preservation society
Willie Long
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Re: again seeking assistance for Xander hills PA

Post by Willie Long »

This thread and the Valley of the Kings post in War Stories is seriously stressin' my weird-shit-o-meter.

Celeste Darken wrote:I turned into one of them.
Yeah. I'm a vampire.

I'm so sorry for you.

Zander Hill wrote:I write to the lazlo society again pleading for assistance....The town of Xander hills is now under the controll of I know not what.

Why would the mayor of Xander Hills impersonate you?
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Post by Bowie »

You and me both Willie you and me both. Keep me posted guys.
I'm here to kick ass and chew bubble gum and i'm all out of bubble gum
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Post by Fiera »

[quote="Ron Caliburn"][b][color=yellow]I don't know if you're a whackjob asking for attention or what . . . but if you do come 'round my neighbourhood, you best be on your best behavoir, else I end up tracking you down.

I think that being the type of people that frequent this site she is taking a big risk by posting here and I'd give her the benefit of the doubt. What else could she possibly gain by posting here? Unless it be help and information on the same thing all of us are hunting.

As long as you stay away from my juggular or prove otherwise I say we trust her as much as we trust everyone else on this site (at arms length)
"The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire"
~Marshal Ferdinand Foch
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

If you are wondering what harm could be done, I suggest you look for the threads about Ecclesia and his escapade with board regular mrloucifer.

I've allready participated in a couple of interventions on behalf of board posters. I'd like not to have to do anymore.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
The Watcher In Shadows
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Post by The Watcher In Shadows »

Elijah Sight wrote:Let none be damned but by their own hand. If we consider those assaulted by the Vampyr to have lost their souls, we take away the sacred protection of God's love. If our friend here has truly overcome the dark desires of her new sinful nature, and instead uses her power to aid the innocent, I see no reason to shun her, nor to distrust her.

That said. I have met only one vampire who renounced his ways... and he did so with his dieing breath, sacrificing himself to save another. Redemption must be earned, with true regret, pain, and repentance.

Madam, you will have my faith until you show me you should not. In addition, you would do well to contact my Research and Development teams in Westminster. They are engaged in certain... "Alternative Medicines", and have done some wonderful things with artificial blood plasma and UV blocking ointments.

I recognize and appreciate your faith father, but I have never seen a vampire that could be called truly good. I must say that I prefer the "kill first, ask questions never" approach. If they have truly earned redemption then they will be recieved into heaven anyway. I would choose that over any amount of time stuck on the mortal Earth as a blood-sucking abomination.
It is better to equip the warriors of light to fight thier own battles than to fight for them.

I ask only two things, never try to find out who I am and never ask where I get my information.
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

I look at it like this.

A vampire or a werewolf or their ilk are predators. They view us as prey. No matter how much we tame them or cage them, that fact never changes.

What's worse is that sooner or later, through inattention of their handlers or a momment of primal fury, they will escape the bonds placed upon them and run amok. With the life span of these beings, it is a certanty that it will happen, not a possibility.

Even if in that instance they only kill one innocent person, that one innocent is too much of a price to pay.

That's why I think they should be destroyed rather than tamed or caged.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
The Watcher In Shadows
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Post by The Watcher In Shadows »

Weres are a slightly different story but I agree with you. Also, not only are they predators but they're smart. As smart or even smarter than the average human. And that makes them much more dangerous than any run of the mill predator.
It is better to equip the warriors of light to fight thier own battles than to fight for them.

I ask only two things, never try to find out who I am and never ask where I get my information.
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Weres and Vamps...

Post by Bearshaman »

Yes, both are predators...and weres can be very intelligent. Intelligent enough to use a computer, to read posts placed by hunters of paranormal creatures. Just to let you know, not all things that go bump in the night are evil or hunt humans for food or sport. Then again many of them are. Just as humans can be evil, so can some of the Tribes of the Night be good. I myself prefer a nice juicy hamburger to a person. Plus I make one hell of an ally in a fight, or if you need to track some...thing down. 8)
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Post by Holister »

Greetins' From Maine

First of all...LUPINE! I don't them lupine and they sure as hell do not like me. If they diodn't change back into people when ya kill em, Im thinking fur rugs in front of my fireplace. As for little Raven Im a bloodsucker, how do like your stake? Huntress is no monster, as for Raven, she ever showed up in my town, the hunt is on. Same goes for any unwelcome beasties or baddie. You want my trust, buddy, you gotta earn it.

Happy Huntin' 8-)
"Too serve and protect", somethin' bout that gets a lil' blurred when dealin' with the supernatural.
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

I don't know why I dug this old thread up.

Maybe jsut was thinking about how some things came to be.

Maybe thinking about how some things came to not.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
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Post by KonThaak »

Ron... Gods, you can't keep doing this to yourself, man...

Please...come home tonight...
I am not A bitch...I am THE bitch. And to you, I'm MS Bitch.
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