Dante Returned

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Dante Returned

Post by Shadowstalker »

We had been playing a bit of a game of Hide and Seek with Dante, or rather Maynard, in Colditz. You would think it should have been easy, as there were 7 people looking for him. But he was more familar with the layout than we were.

It happens I was the first to find Dante. I thought that I had cornered him in what had been the Medical building in what used to be the prisoner section.
He spoke to me, telling me who he was, or rather who he used to be. He also went on to explain he understood that time had passed. The War was over, he knew about the Cold War, and it's end as well. Along with more recent events.

Seems he had been busy trying to catch up. Thou he also thanked me for not sending the women to come find him. I had to stiffle a laugh as Athena, and Rain had been just as involved in the search for him as any of us.

He then told me that he knew that he was only a memory, and that he knew why he was there. It seems he was there to protect Dante, as for some reason Dante was unable to act in any way to protect himself? He said the only way to Dante to return to control was for him to feel safe again, or to knocked unconscious. At present Dante did not seem to be anywhere near to feeling Safe, and Maynard was kind of programed to defend himself, so just Knocking him out was not going to be easy. He didn't want to fight but he would.

Well I said I understood and would try to help. I tried stunning him, and it worked, I had called the others, and they were on their way. But As I went to steady Dante and restrain him till the others got there... He threw a Powder into my face. It was a nasty combo of Pepper, Red Pepper, and a few other things. I found myself Blinded, Snezzing, and Coughing. Maynard took the opening he had made and pushed me away as he made a break.

The Chase was still on it seems. I recovered in a moment, and went after him calling the others and telling them he was on the run again.
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Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Well at least he seems to be restricting himself to less than lethal methods.

Or he hasn't found a gun yet.
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Post by GhostSpider »

No Ron, he stuck with non-lethal the entire time. Seemed to me he was just trying to get away.

I was at the front gate with Shadow's team when his call came through. I was about to head out when Shadow came back on again and told us about Maynard's trick. He asked me to stay at the gate, as it was the most direct route out of the castle. Sure enough Maynard came through the yard a little while later. (I later learned that he and TG had got into a tussle after he had downed Shadow).

Anyway, I knew we were trying to bring Dante back alive, so no using Karlash. I asked that Shadow's team remain at the gate while I went forward to deal with Maynard.
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Kei Nakamura
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Post by Kei Nakamura »

Give me a location to send a couple "toys" please. I have a new sonic emmiter that should incapacitate without doing lasting harm, and a flashlight that stobes in a frequency to do the same.
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Let us not take the violent route

Post by Eilonwy Solstice »

Well, as long as everyone is all right . . . can you get a bead on him again, Shadow? Did he ever give an indication of under what circumstances he would feel safe in? I think the less violent route would probably be best . . . Dante was a formidable opponent. And if these “alternate personalities” are as good as he is, I don’t doubt someone could get seriously injured.
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That Guy
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Post by That Guy »

Haha Dante, formidable compared to the memories oh thats a good one, I can take Dante down easily he was only a city boy who can see some spirits. Those before him though they were in a totally different league of skill, they may have still been human and most not even special in powers but there was something going on in each of their minds that set them out even before they had the trinket, they were more dangerous than Dante could ever be on his own.


I ran as fast as I could from where I was searching when I heard the call from Shadow. I knew it wasn't going to be this easy and sure enough when I turned the corner I ran straight into Maynard just as Shadows second message came through. I knew there and then I wasn't going to be walking anywhere for a while.

Within seconds he already had me in an arm lock face pressed against the wall, in an age past I may have been able to fight him on level ground but as is he knew how to fight and had enough strength to make me seem like a child in comparison. I was already at his mercy and if I didn't want to be spending some time regrowing my face, again, I wasn't going to be putting up much of a fight.

"Envelopes in my left pocket" he said "make sure that this Dante reads whats in it, okay, its important."

I sighed at this point hitting my head against the wall gently. "You know you could just give up and then he'll find it on his own, no more running, win win for everyone" I turned my head as much as I could at this point so I could just see him out the corner of my eye. "and this Dante, he's your grandson for crying out loud don't just refer to him as if he's some average guy on the street, you should be lo"

He cut me off from talking at that point as his patience ran dry and he realised I was just stalling for time.

"I can't just give up I'm a memory now, programmed to protect the current host when he can not, besides being a memory of his Grandfather does not make me his Grandfather I don't need to treat him like family. Now though you will have to forgive me, for this I don't want to do."
With that I was swung round and the next thing I felt was a severe lack of breath and a lot of pain, as Maynard had punched me in the stomach and knee'd me in a specific male area before throwing me to the ground and bolting off.

Took me a while to recover and get back on my feet again, rapid healing I can manage numbing certain pains not so much, by which point Shadow had already passed me and headed off to the main gate, after a few more seconds I managed to follow in persuit of both Maynard and Shadow.
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Post by GhostSpider »

Maynard didn't even bother speaking to me. He didn't have to, cause I think we both knew it wouldn't matter. I ran straight at him, hoping to take him off balance. Maynard was defintely not fooled, and threw a punch that would have knocked down an elephant. All it did was pass straight through my illusion. :twisted:

The real me came at him from the side, and hit him with a nasty jab to the jaw. I'm pretty sure I broke it, but it didn't seem to phase him any. He threw one right back at me, and he hit like a ton of bricks.

For the next few minutes, though it seemed longer to me, he and I traded blows. It was an even fight. He was stonger, and had stamina too match. I was faster, and could absorb a little bit more damage. (This adds to the mounting evidence against my being human anymore). We were both also holding back. I don't think he really wanted to hurt me...much, and I was totally unsure of my own abilities.

At some point towards the end of the fight, he got lucky and landed a blow to my left side. Unfortunately, this was where I had been hit by an Alu demon, in Spain. (Bastard cracked a couple of ribs with his damn warhammer). The ribs had healed (more evidence), but the spot was still tender. I went down in a haze of pain. Next thing I knew, Maynard was heading for the gate. Luckily I had one trick left up my sleeve.

I managed to concentrate through the pain long enough to pull a glass orb out of my longcoat's pocket. I had to use TK to toss it out in front of Maynard. I concentrated, and then shouted out a Word of Power. It caused the orb to go off in a blinding flash of light. (Everyone can thank some research Natasha sent me, and some stuff I picked up out of my library, for that mystic flash-bang. Anyone interested in some can contact me). After that I think I blacked out for a little while.
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Dante Andel
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Post by Dante Andel »

7 people to take 1? fun.

So I can thank Ghost for jaw pain and Colt has a letter for me seeing as I can't find it on me. So someone want to fill me in on how the old man was finally knocked out of the drivers seat?
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Post by Shadowstalker »

Ok let me pick up where I left off, and maybe I can fill in a few blanks.

As soon as I was able to see and breath clearly again I went after Dante. It took me a minute or two. I saw Colt recovering from his encounter with Dante, he seem basicly intact, if in a fair bit of pain. So I kept moving.
I made it to the entrance to the courtyard about the same time Ghost set off his magical flash bang.

As I entered the courtyard I saw Ghost looking out of it, and Dante flash blinded. My people had faired a little better than Dante dealing with the effects of Ghost's trick, but they were all still seeing spots I think.

So I raced to grab Dante, and tried to get a good hold on him. But I was still trying to not do any real damage to him. I got him into a hold, and Gil was finally able to see straight again, so he fired a Tranq dart at Dante and it hit. I had thought it was taking effect and I had started to relax my hold on Dante, but just as I had thought he was going to collapse, he dropped the ruse, and broke free of the hold I had him in.

He knocked me off balance, and made a break for the gate. Wulf took a shot with his tranq gun, I think it missed. And then Dante came up short just before he could clear the gate. Rain was in front of him, they spoke thou I couldn't hear what was said. Before he could move again to do anything Gil, and Wulf both nailed his with another tranq dart each, and I had tossed another stun look at him. He buckled and fell forward. Rain caught him before he hit the ground.

We had Dante. Rain took care of him, and healed most of his major injuries, Athena looked after Ghost who had taken a bit of a beating himself. Colt showed up a little later looking a little better than when I last saw him. So we packed everyone up and went to a more secure location, where it was hoped Dante would awake to his old self.
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Post by GhostSpider »

I hope your jaw wasn't too seriously injured. :oops:

Anyway, as to what happened after our little tussle, you'll have to ask Shadow or TG, as I was passed out at the time.
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Post by Greydawn »

It is good to see you back to yourself Mr. Andel.
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Dante Andel
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Post by Dante Andel »

Well my jaws feeling tender still and yawnings a problem part from that it's not that bad just awkward though that could just be my extreme tiredness numbing most pains from me. Hope your ribs are okay Ghost

Thanks for the rest Shadow, glad no one was serio... permanantly hurt.

An Thank you Greydawn, though would you mind dropping the Mr part, makes me feel ten years older than I am and with my Grandfathers memories running around my brain I would like to try and keep hold of as much of my youth as possible.
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Post by Greydawn »

Only trying to show respect to those that deserve it, but as you wish Dante.
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That Guy
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Post by That Guy »

Well thats great he's asleep again, seems like Dante is hardly able to keep himself awake for more than a few hours just now, ah well nothing unusual with that and probably for the best just now anyway till he's healed. He should really try and get some sunshine onto him soon though instead of just hiding in the dark and feeling sorry for himself all the time.

Has Rain said anything about what herself and Maynard were saying at the gate though? May help figure out what caused this and prevent another wild goose chase in the future.
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Post by Greydawn »

Sounds like Dante deserves a rest with what he went through.
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Post by Rain »

Dante, or Maynard rather said " Oh course it would be one with eyes like her's that would get in my way." I asked him "whose eye's?" But it was about that time he started to fall down, but as I caught him he said "Dante would be coming back now." He fell unconsious then.
That Guy
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Post by That Guy »

Sorry for the late reply, been trying to make some calls to find someone to babysit Dante and save me from all these wild goose chases across the world that may happen should the memories kick in again.

But a girl from Maynards past with eyes like Rains? not sure there's any ladies that I know of who's eyes are like that, I should go through everything I own thats related to him, see maybe if I can find out who he is talking about. I doubt I'll find much though.

Till then though I should first find where Dante went seeing as he decided to go for a midnight stroll some time ago.
Dante Andel
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Post by Dante Andel »

Long walk, short pier.

I don't need some guy following me around all day keeping tabs on me Colt.
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