the vault..

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the vault..

Post by eternaleyes »

a colleague of mine wishs to build a containment unit or vault to is design to hold some of the more dangerous items that he and his brother have acquired in the travels.. without saying, most of these items are magical in nature and most are evil in general.
he was wondering if anyone out there had any thoughts on what would be needed to build this storage unit?
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Post by Ammendment2 »

Yeah- how about don't store them- eliminate them. Inevitably, no container ever holds these things. It's just safer to destroy them in the field, not to study them, except mabey their corpses. And even then, I wouldn't get too close...
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Post by eternaleyes »

well, he would have done that if it was possible with magically enchanted items.. apparently some magic items were designed to be indestructible.. the vault is not to preserve this items but to store them until they can be dealt with.
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The Traveler King
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Post by The Traveler King »

Funny you should mention that. My employers have extensive storage facilities.
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Post by Zackariah »

I think if he wants to hold them in a vault it must have appropriate preparations just incase the old owners come to get them, first you need a cross and many other holy symbols and you need a precious metals the more precious the better line the inside and out with it also you will need a heavy metal for the base with a electric core for the ghosts and maybe get it blest by every priest you can fined.Retail cost will probably be around $200 000 000 hope that not out of your price range.

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Post by eternaleyes »

my friend who is building this is a psi-mechanic. hes going to in dow some psionics within it but it may also need magic endowed within as while.
the vaut is more to protect those from without, innocent bystanders, from anything cantained from within. in case something activates or gets loose as well as keeping unknows out.
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The Traveler King
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Post by The Traveler King »

Zackariah wrote:I think if he wants to hold them in a vault it must have appropriate preparations just incase the old owners come to get them, first you need a cross and many other holy symbols and you need a precious metals the more precious the better line the inside and out with it also you will need a heavy metal for the base with a electric core for the ghosts and maybe get it blest by every priest you can fined.Retail cost will probably be around $200 000 000 hope that not out of your price range.


We've already got something similar in place. I've been involved in this kind of work since the 1980's.
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Post by WonderingMind »

Place the items you would need to be rid of in radiation caskets, the kind you would see on a lowboy tractor trailer rig, and drop them into an oceanic tectonic subduction zone. There they would be pulled under the tectonic plate and either melted in the earth’s mantle or at very least placed out of the reach of any interested evil doer’s hands(or tentacles).
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Post by Ammendment2 »

No no no- if you hang onto these items, someone will come looking for them. I should know, I've broken into a number of these establishments to secure said items. If they have a reputation for idestructibility, toss them into a volcano, or a deep-sea trench (I've used the Marrianas myself for a few dark ritual items). otherwise, have them immersed in holy water for the Dark items, or ritually blessed to make them inert. Destroy those of convetional making. The only exception I might make would be those items of "Good" nature, like holy artifacts, but if we are collecting and destroying items of the other side, you can bet those folks opposing us are going to do the same, and any facility that collects artifacts becomes a huge target, costing lives ultimately. I cannot stess strongly enough the danger these artifacts pose for whomever has them in their possesion. Get Rid Of Them.
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Unless you can use it as a weapon, wreck it, destroy it, send the remains through a trash compactor, and incinerator and find a way to have the ashes at ground zero of the next nuclear weapons test.
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Delta Sierra
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Post by eternaleyes »

yes i under stand thast its always possible for a person to break into a vault.. however, this will not be a normal vault that one could get into. which is one of the reasons why the vault is being built by a psi-mechanic.
the items are not the type that can be destroyed, or made inert by simple rituals. it is because of all these reasons and the fact that they are in themselves evil that they also can not be simply dropped into the ocean or a valcano. the forces in the world at large are completely unknown and as is the extent of there powers.. i fear that such items as these must be watched with vigilance....
to sucure the vault and all thats held within i feel that magic of the highest calibar must be put forth as well as the conventional.

traveler king- i will check with my friends to see if they would rather have the item placed in your possession...
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Post by Ammendment2 »

Of the three facilities I have extracted items of power from, none claimed to be a normal vault. I also have the acquaintence of a certain Mr. Stieger, a self proclaimed psionic mechanic. He has helped me bypass any number of unusual security systems. And I myself am not looking to use these items. If anyone really wanted them, I don't think your unobtanium vault will stop them, no matter how well thought out or implemented. People involved in these projects talk ( I have paid them or made them on several occasions ), and when they do, you precious items will be used for the very evil you hope to shield them from. Only now, they don't have to look exta hard for have convieniently stored them for eventual pickup....
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Post by eternaleyes »

i realize that but i would appreciate it if you did not have anything to tell me of what should go it to this to make it unobtanium, or as close to that, that you would not comment at all.
beyond that point, i don't think i would believe anyone who said that they have broken in to several magical vaults and stolen stuff, but that they would not use any of them....
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Post by Ammendment2 »

Would you use a ritual object imbued with the sacrificial blood of thousands form an Aztec tomb? It was being studied by a commercial research facility because it radiated an unknown spectrum of energy, while experementing on it, strange deaths began ocurring in and around a 50 mile radius of the facility, alowing me to locate it. They had the artifact in a molebdyum-carbide cylinder, 220 ft underground in an off-the-books lab under a children's hostpital, but that didn't stop the Aztec cultists from breaking in and killing 12 scientists to get to the item. Fortunatlely, My team got the frop on them and killed them to a man, and had the artifact ritually destroyed to prevent further use of it. If you want to build tha facility, go ahead- it's obvious you will go forward anyway...but take ownership of the potential for disaster. A facility like this will need people to man it, and they will be in danger, whether you acknowledge the fact or not..
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Post by eternaleyes »

as i said before my colleagues do not and never plan to experiment on the artifacts that they ome across. as to people being in danger.. the artifact in question was sitting in a college storage closet for 50 years. it was only activated because of a under sexed college student with a taste for the arcane stumbled arossed it and deciphered the anticant runes on its sides.. then activated the item through its command words.... so as to it being activated on accident, it is very unlikely...
i am sure that those whos responciblity is to guard such things are going to know before had what they are watching, therefore willingly accepting the danger.... unlike sucerity guards of a reseach center.
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Post by GhostSpider »

Sorry Ammendment, Ron, but I think that just arbitrarily destroying an evil artifact, with no knowledge of what it is, is insanely stupid.

After, i've come to truly appreciate the need to ascertain the purpose of such items before destroying them. Its all well and good to burn an evil grimoire, but what if that grimoire were not in itself evil, but contained something evil. By destroying it you have just released that evil into the world.

Don't get me wrong, i'm all for purging evil items from the world (as impossible a task as that may be). Still, some evil items simply can not be destroyed. To do so could be catastophic to the world at large.

I now step down from my soapbox.
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Post by eternaleyes »

traveler- i have spoken with my friend and he is worried about who you are, becuase as we all know anyone can and do come to this boards. some of those people are not like ourselves, we who fight on the side of good. my friend is suspicious.
i have stood here for ages and will stand ages still.
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