Possible proof of aliens at Area 51

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Possible proof of aliens at Area 51

Post by DarKnyht »

Just came across this interview with an ex-AFOSI insider. He claims that one of the "visitors" got loose. Check out the story.

Alien 'visitor' shot at Area 51
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Post by Hannah »

Hi DarKnyt,

I'd say that that's preposterous - seein' as it described the alien as a prisoner an' all.

Afterall, the Aliens are in charge.


PS: Oh and they are in Washington, Area 51 is a cover.
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Post by DarKnyht »

Well there are numerous ways that it could still be true. There is always the chance there are two groups of aliens, the ones that are in charge and the ones they have captive at Area 51.

If you look back into the history of UFOs and ETs over the years different types of aliens have all been described by witnesses of such events. But then I am far from an expert on these things, so I could just as easily be wrong.
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Post by Kolya »

Extra terrestrials are as certain as I am sitting here typing this. There is no 0% chance of error in that assertion.
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

If there are aliens, they ain't in area 51 - at least not the important ones.
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Post by KonThaak »

Mr. Ransom wrote:
Kolya wrote:Extra terrestrials are as certain as I am sitting here typing this. There is no 0% chance of error in that assertion.


That is completely wrong.

So-called extraterrestrials are really supernatural beings, as I noted above.

Extra: Beyond
Terrestrial: World

An "extraterrestrial" is a creature that comes from beyond our world...

Super: More than
Natural: Existing within the laws of the known universe

Meta: Beyond
Physical: Having or being bound by a form that can interact within our universe

I don't believe in the supernatural, Mr. Ransom, but I do believe in the metaphysical (also referred to as "paranormal")... You may see this as semantic BS, but to me, there's a very important distinction.

Even so, your statement falsifies itself... There is no such thing as the "supernatural", so if extraterrestrials were supernatural (ignoring, for the moment, that this fact would negate their existence altogether), they would not be of our earth, and would therefor still be "extraterrestrial"; hence, they exist.

Even arguing in the case of the metaphysical/paranormal... Paranormal creatures are entities that don't have a place in our world's ecosystem. That being the case, they are still not of our earth, and are therefor still "extraterrestrials".

A more correct statement would've been "all paranormals are extraterrestrials -- but not the kind of ET's the UFOlogists believe in".

That's a completely different statement, one I can't dispute... Kolya most probably could, so I'll let him do it for me.
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

See, I let folks like KT do the thinking about all that stuff, I just find them and kill them.
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Post by Rain »

You seem to be getting awfully hung up on semantics here Ransome.
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

WHy not just call them Aliens and send them back where they came from?
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Post by KonThaak »

Just because I greatly respect Dr. Lazlo's work doesn't mean I agree with every little thing he said and did.

Usage of the term "supernatural" is one of those things on which we disagree. Not vehemently, though it is somewhat important to me.

Since you seemed caught on terming "extraterrestrials" as "supernatural", you were already playing the semantics card... As such, I felt no qualms about playing it as well, especially since we were both splitting semantics on something that was fairly important to us.

What's more, I tried to do so without being too demeaning or insulting, but attempted to reason out what I was trying to say. I apologize that you took offense to reason. If you found offense in what I was saying, you were obviously reading way too damned much into it.

As for "ultraterrestrials", this is an extraneous term to me. "Extra-" sums up all of our unearthly visitors fairly well. From there, those of us who care to do so simply break them down into further categories. If we're going to be labeling the creatures that aren't from our world, it seems rather pointless to break down the distinction between "not of our world" vs "not of our dimension"... Most of the time, it'll be fairly obvious, as most of the latter are either of completely alien biologies, or can't even exist within our physical plane.
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Post by Prof. Rosecrest »

Let me try a question here if I may? Do you allow for the idea that both theories could be right?
Reason I ask is because I have found evidence to support the existance of, and activity by both Extraterrestrials, and what you call Ultraterrestrials.
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Post by DarKnyht »

Um, it is starting to get a little toasty in this thread. Before we start throwing things at each other I would like to ask one question.

"Can you two explain anything that was said in the last two days in plain English for those of us that don't have a Masters Degree? (and without being at each other's throats)"

I mean is a Ultraterrestrial like the next power level of a Extraterrestrial which is the upgrade from a Superterrestrial? If so I don't want to face any Ultraterrestrials until I can find me a government with a nuke or two to back me. :D

All joking aside, we are all on the same side here. And as Ron said, what does it matter what the average joe calls them? Call a 'non-human creature that may or may not be from outer space' by any name you would like, I will still do my best to find it and kill it.
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Post by KonThaak »

Mr. Ransom wrote:I don't exclude the possibility.


Mr. Ransom wrote:That is completely wrong.

So-called extraterrestrials are really supernatural beings, as I noted above.

I was being polite, Mr. Ransom. I'm now telling you to fuck off, preferrably with a nice 6-foot-long cement dildo ripping from your ass to your gut.

If you would be so kind as to re-read my first post, asswipe, you'd find no trace of intended rudeness or offense. You were making a distinction important to you; so was I. I said as much several times.

Before you go calling my fucking LIFE PHILOSOPHY a goddamned standup routine, lemme just say, I couldn't give a shit if you were using Fortean terminology or fucking Martian terminology. I fucking told you I wasn't cutting semantics. What did you think I meant by:

me wrote:I don't believe in the supernatural, Mr. Ransom, but I do believe in the metaphysical (also referred to as "paranormal")... You may see this as semantic BS, but to me, there's a very important distinction.

I told you I disagreed with Dr. Lazlo on a few points. You completely dismissed that by calling me a "troll". So for as long as you insist on being the dick in this argument, fucking dry up and die, bitch.


If the only way you can counter my arguments is by being some prick, then you obviously either don't have a lot of belief in your own arguments, or you know your arguments don't hold a fucking drop of water. So until you have something better to say, siddown and shut the goddamned fuck up.
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Post by Shadowstalker »

Caution Pissed off Druid Venting, Annoy at your own risk. :shock:
Feeling better KT, I am not poking fun at you so much as making an observation. Also I tend to be on your side here as Ransom seemed to be the one getting into Semantics.
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Post by KonThaak »

Thanks, Shadow... My primary annoyance is with Ransom, who, when his arguments were met with arguments, he got pissy and rude. Rather than arguing his point, he acted like he was the only person with a valid opinion, dismissed my arguments off-handedly, presented statements that seemed to counter themselves, and was, for all intents and purposes, nothing more than a goddamned jackass... He was, in short, for one, the kind of troll he accused me of being, and for two, the kind of philosophical fundamentalist that I absolutely loathe and despise.

If he bothers to respond with an actual argument, I'll pursue it with him then. Until then, I'm done with the insipid, ignorant little cocksucker.
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Post by AdamaGeist »

Let's see, where do I start...

First, there's this.

Proven Extraterrestrial life.

And secondly, as a proud 'Ultra-terrestrial', I have this to say to you, Mister Ransom.

You are the most idiotic, pretentious, asinine sack of crap I've seen in a long time, and that's including some of the idiots that track us down to Lazlo and harass us here.

I have to say that I'm sick and tired of Ivory-tower armchair philosophers like you. Throwing around needless semantics and pointless terms to prop up your petty theories... It only goes to prove the basic hollow nature of your ideas. You're arguing over the validity of terms with someone who actually has non-physical entities living in his house, and now with someone who quite literally does not live in your dimension.

You're a petty, small-thinking modo, defending your vain little theories with the words of wiser men. When it comes down to the final call, Ron, with his rather limited grasp of the subject, has a much better viewpoint and much more reasonable stand.

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Post by Kei Nakamura »

Does it lessen what we can learn from or about them?
As far as I am concerned call them what you will, although the ultra/extra terrestrieal terminology has crept into my research, normaly just to designate what has/doesn't leave dna evidence.
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Post by Logos »

I don't care one way or another, semantics don't mean anything to me, but Mr. Ransom, you are clearly in the wrong here. Quit being a dick and pull your head outta your ass.
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Post by DarKnyht »

A new twist on the UFO story that passed by while I was in OH.

click here to read it
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Post by concrete_Angel »

So much for semantics-boy's theory, huh?
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

I don't trust documents that the author is not alive to confirm or deny until they can be independantly and objectively verified.
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Post by Kolya »

Sounds fair to me.

Even then I don't believe everything I read.
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Post by concrete_Angel »

Well, at least Ransom shut up, which makes everyone else happy. Besides, what would a dead guy have to gain, anyway?

(oops, sorry Will.)
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Post by Kolya »

Potentially a lot. I know I have killed a few guys more than once.
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Post by Sasha »

Rarely Kolya makes good points.

This would be one of them.
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Post by DarKnyht »

If memory serves the guy owned a alien museum. So I would take this with a grain of salt.

Somehow I doubt this issue will ever be definitively solved.
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Post by Kolya »

Or we may never know if it is.
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Not while people still have soemthign to gain from it being kept quiet.
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Post by Kolya »

Follow the money.
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Post by Natasha »

At least it's a good start. Some things do not leave money trails though.
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