Toe to Toe with a...

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Post by Ellie »

I'm not too familiar with the magic end of things, but that sounds like some kind of golum to me. Perhaps your little cult left it there as a watch dog?
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Post by mrloucifer »

Ellie wrote:I'm not too familiar with the magic end of things, but that sounds like some kind of golum to me. Perhaps your little cult left it there as a watch dog?

Being spell slinger meself, I would say it was indeed a bleedin golum and would probrably be guarding the area for one reason or another. Bloody cult yuppie kids.
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Post by Ellie »

Mr. Ransom wrote:A golem? Damn, how do you fight that?

A jackhammer and C4? Carpet bombing?
(this one is kinda outside my field)
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Post by Shadowstalker »

Sounds more like an earth spirit or elemental from the way you describe it. If and I do mean If because I'm no expert on such things, if it was a spirit /elemental it was perchance being reserved in it's attack on you they are very dangerous and hard to deal with but they can be banished . Oh the reson I make this suggestion you said the teens might have summoned something easeier to summon an elemental than a Golem. Or we are all overthinking this and it is a simple "right!!" Tectonic entity in witch case major firepower should do the trick but whatever it is good luck.
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Joseph Darkhold
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Post by Joseph Darkhold »

If it's a golem, I would recommend a rocket laucher if you can get one, failing that, try a bulldozer and TNT, might do the trick...and make sure you remove and destroy it's heart. If you don't then it'll reform in about 24 hours after its destruction.
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Post by mrloucifer »

Mr. Ransom wrote:I went back to the dump, against my own good judgement as I went there alone.

Nothing changed this time around, with the scene appearing just as it did on my last visit. Infact it looked exactly like it did on my last one had ventured into that place since I did.

It now appears that either the cult has moved on, was destroyed or is laying low for awhile.

This mystery is, for the moment at least, unsolved.

I really need a team.

Bloody hell mate!!!! You've got some bulldogs balls dangling in your nickers bloke, I'll give ya that. But ya should have held off until your had some bleedin backup. Had you faced that bugger again it may have taken your bloody head off!

As far as a team goes, I'd join in the fun with ya but I'm a free spirit me. Not the best for teamwork, sorry mate.
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Post by concrete_Angel »

Actually, the team sounds like it would be good. Maybe I could join. Will says it's good to get out and have a little more experience. Not even he could object to that!
You traded in your wings
For everything freedom brings
You never left me
You never let me
See what this feeling means

Everything that you feel
Is everything that I feel
So when we dream
We shout....
Elijah Sight
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Post by Elijah Sight »

Ah, another of my pet projects. Homonculi, artificial humans. This sounds to me more like a golem, because of the glowing eyes. If it is, indeed, a golem, then there is a simple formula for its destruction. Upon its forhead should be written the Hebrew word Amet, or "Life." By erasing the first character, you change it to spell out met, or "death." This will render the creature back to its original state, in this case, earth.

Now heed this: It is only if it is an authentic Jewish Golem, made by spells from the Caballa, hebrew magic of the Word of God. If it is NOT hebrew, and we are merely using "Golem" to mean any and all artificial monstosities, then i would agree with Joseph Darkhold. Bring as much firepower as humanly possible. And if you have any INHUMAN help, so much the better.
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Post by Heretic »

An interesting tid-bit I've picked up from Hebrew lore involved writing the word "Truth" on a golem's forehead to activate it (in Hebrew, of course). Scratch out one line in the text and it becomes "Death", turning the golem lifeless. Of course, this is something straight out of the back shelves of the library's Religion section, so I'm not sure how useful it is. Still, in our line of work, every bit helps.

If that fails, I recommend something with the words "armor-piercing" in front of it.
"The pious pretense that evil does not exist only makes it vague, enormous and menacing."
-Aleister Crowley
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