Mary, who saw too much

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Elijah Sight
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Mary, who saw too much

Post by Elijah Sight »

I recently recalled an alarming and disturbing incident from my youth. When I entered high school, I enrolled in an Honors English course. Among my classmates was a decidedly brilliant young lady by name of Mar. May was an odd duck. She claimed that the air told her things. Disturbing things. I will not relate some of the things she said, but she was certainly hearing something.

The next year, upon entering Honors II, I again saw dear Mary. She was in a wheelchair. Her head hung at an odd angle. She babbles slightly, and talked with a lisp. When asked what had happened, she muttered, "They took it from me." Our teachers maintained that she was suffering "Latent mental Retardation." I have never heard of such foolishness.

The next year, Junior year, Mary was no longer in the Honors course. She had been moved to Special Education. She was now in a state of near total mental retardation. None of us could pry any further information out of our teachers.

Senior year, Mary was nowhere to be found. She had been moved to a Secure Institution for the Developmentally Retarded.

I leave this as it stands. It left a deep wound on my mind, I had been close to Mary in my childhood. For the first Fourteen years of her life, she was one of the most intelligent children I have ever known. Then... nothing. Please, offer any thoughts you may have as to the cause of the fate of Mary.
"Only the mad destroy themselves and all that they have wrought. But only the Phoenix lives forever."
~Fredric Brown
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

having spent my time in aninstitution myself, I ahev some idea of the hell she's in about now. PM me and I'll see if I remember something.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
Jake E.B.
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Post by Jake E.B. »

The workings of the human brain are very complex. How the brain makes its connections by experiencing different things.
I know this woman who a week after her 21st birthday suffered major brain damage something called a arteryel vascular malformation. Basically and moll grew from inside her head and claspet off some veines in the frontal lobe. The veines exploded she had one million and half-dollar surgery overnight. Thay took about 45% of her brain out. She spent six days in a coma. Before the incident she was brilliant the moll having stimulated the mathematical part of the brain. After the surgery and coma she woke up and pulldown the feding tobe cousing her to get neumonia. She spent eight years in rehabilitation. Even in her coma the brain was reworking itself throw proper stimulation relearn what she had lost though she'll never be the math genius she once was. She was able to finish college and whent into the medical field so that she could help others as she was helped.
I suspect that Mary had damaged her brain somehow. Such as ingesting chemicals such as lead, Mercury or a plethora of other chemicals that are nerotoxins like gold chloride. The human body is a delicate chemistry set. what you put it affects that chemistry. If those things can get out permanent damage occurs.
There's absolutely no inevitability as long as there's a willingness to contemplate what is happening.
Elijah Sight
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Post by Elijah Sight »

I do not argue that fact that she suffered immense brain damage through some unknown agent. I merely wish to know why. I hold no doubt that it was no accidental damage, that is was a "Latent effect." That is foolishness. I wish to know who is responsible for this travesty, and what Mary was hearing.

I have my own means of dispensing Justice, have you no doubt of that. But I have to wish to bring my wrath to bear on an innocent. Before I take any action, (On my own or as part of a Lazlo-organised coalition) I wish to know that I am... acting upon the right people.
"Only the mad destroy themselves and all that they have wrought. But only the Phoenix lives forever."
~Fredric Brown
Jake E.B.
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Post by Jake E.B. »

I'm sorry in my first explanation to marry tragedy was in the Mondan relm. you say she complained that the air tolder her things and that's as good as saying that she was bordering on astral plan. In that place there is as many bad things as their are good. Unless you can astral travel I don't think there would be any vengeance for you.
There's absolutely no inevitability as long as there's a willingness to contemplate what is happening.
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

I do have some contacts on the "inside" of some of these places. If you want, I could try to find her at least.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
Elijah Sight
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Post by Elijah Sight »

Astral travel is well within my influence. I thank you for your input. Mr Caliburn, if you could locate Mary... I would indeed be indebted to you. Merely locate her for me, and I will deal with the rest.
"Only the mad destroy themselves and all that they have wrought. But only the Phoenix lives forever."
~Fredric Brown
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

PM me the relevant details and I'll have a looksee what I can find.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
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