Who is your personal thorn in your side?

Accounts of personal experiences, especially from those who hunt the supernatural. We offer this space in hopes that our members can hear about, and learn from, the exploits of others.
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Cowardly Leon
Posts: 26
Joined: Wed Jun 29, 2005 10:09 pm

Who is your personal thorn in your side?

Post by Cowardly Leon »

Sorry I haven't written anything in a while but my friends and I have been pretty busy lately doing the road trip thing. Unfortunately one of our destinations had us once again cross paths with a group that has been a real pain to us in the past.

I don't know how many of you read that national rag "Mysterious Ink News" or watch it's television counterpart on the sattelite station "The Spooky Channel", but their star 'reporters' (and I use that title very loosely) are despite their popularity the most egotistical, manipulative and unethical human beings we have met yet.

Franklin Ascott and Debbie Vayne head up their little band as the public faces. Frankie is a former Olympic Triathalon Hopeful who was diverted into 'journalism' as a result of a knee injury. Debbie was very near to being a Miss America if it hadn't come forward that she had gotten implants of a salene variety when she was younger. Thelma Svetter, the techno geek (yeah, I should talk), spends most of her time manning and maintaining the electrical equipment while the Camera man, Harry Stoner, operates it all, as well as drives the company van, lugs the luggage and keeps a tight reign on their mascot... This really vicious attack dog that keeps the curious out of their stuff when they're out 'getting the scoop'.

Now the real kicker is that they have gotten this reputation as a batch of debunkers. No matter where they go, they find a monster on the loose... and it's always conveniantly some local who has an axe to grind and is using hokum to cover up his or her real plot. Usually something that's really illegal.

My friends and I have however are a bit suspicious about this and have done some discrete digging. It seems that most of the mysteries these people have 'solved' always seems to involve a great quantity of wealth and more often than not, a fair sum of it has gone missing after the 'perp' has been unmasked. The Mysterious Ink News crew's explanations seem hastily put together, the villian's schemes appear half-baked and long after the fact the criminals seem to be confused about why they thought that dressing up like a monster was such a great idea at the time.

My bet is that these kids are somehow meddling with the minds and memories of these people (probably through plain old hypnosis) and taking advantage of them and their disgruntled natures.

In short we've done our best to keep under their radar... We really prefer to not be put in the media and for the meantime we're gonna collect what evidence we can on them and my friends asked me to put you guys on your guard.

If you meet the Mysterious Ink News crew, I'd advise you keep low, do not engage and keep a careful eye on their activities.
I do believe in spooks... I do I do I do beleive in spooks. ...Then again I also believe in superior firepower, advanced tactics and the insidiously inventive cleverness of mankind.
Posts: 70
Joined: Wed Jan 19, 2005 7:46 pm
Location: Travelling the Midwest... oh, and Seattle.

Post by mrloucifer »

Well mate, I've not had this kinda problem. No, my luck is just so that demon posessed people kidnap me arse and torture it at their bleedin leisure. But we all know what became of that bastard now tho dont we? :)
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