A monsterous Dead-end.

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Cowardly Leon
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A monsterous Dead-end.

Post by Cowardly Leon »

An odd case started late last fall when I was working in my garage pounding out the dents in a Police Cruiser. (The local authorities and I have an understanding. They look the other way when give cars the specs of street racers and I give them discounts in repair work with their own cars.) And in walks Bernie.

You people wouldn't give Bernie a second glance if you walked past him, But if he opens his mouth every last one of you would recognise him in a heartbeat. He's a voice actor, and does a buttload of stuff. Commercials, cartoons, narratives and even translated versions of forigen films. If any of you have seen that new Cartoon " The Palladium of Desires" he mainly does the voices of the Joker, Lord Itomas and Gorgul Olbai the Necromancer of Bennu.

Anyways he tells me he and the others think that a rash of brutal deaths in the north end are supernaturally related. They already checked it out and tracked some 'inhuman' trails to the city limits but they vanish into a sewer.

I ask why he's telling me all of this. Did they need weapons, equipment, or something... and he agrees on the 'something' part.

then I realise it... they want Cyrano.

You see... for some time I've been part of a sort of street-level version of battlebots and Cyrano is my personal little fighter (Although I have a few others). I found a book at the local bookstore that practically walks you through the whole process but sometimes the gang ask me to load him up with sensory gear and send him ahead as a scout. You know... like in Sci-Factor.

Anyways it takes all of Bernie's persuasiveness to convince me to send Cyrano into the sewer. I mean I just put him back together from the last Robot Melee at the old Quarry, but Bernie's got a gift for shoozing and next thing I know I'm watching Cyrano's progress in the sewers thorugh a remote camera.

Anyways Cyrano's doing fine until something jumps him. I'm seeign flashes of fur and hearing all manner of sounds from the monitor. Now fortunately there are two things about cyrano I should ention. One is that he's fot some pretty thick armor, two is that even when he's working as a probe I leave him with some 'arms' for manipulating materials. So I rerout power to the arms and rev up the circular saw and try my best to help my little buddy defend himself.

Well, in the end the things were killed and Cyrano was gonna spend a few weeks in the shop for a total refit.

Turns out that several months before, a local pharmeceutical manufacturer was testing an experimental steroid on some monkeys when two escaped. They were like Pit-bulls with hands and worse yet, were a mated pair.
Once we turned the corpses over to the authorities and charges were laid against the company for neglegence we let the local Animal control know to keep an eye out for any steroid-enhanced babies.

I don't know whether to say this was a success or a failure.

What do you people say?
I do believe in spooks... I do I do I do beleive in spooks. ...Then again I also believe in superior firepower, advanced tactics and the insidiously inventive cleverness of mankind.
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Post by Debunker »

You know what I'd say, but I know you'd have no interest in hearing it.
Elliott James Tobias III
AKA: Debunker

"The truth is indeed out there...science has been pointing it out for centuries."
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Post by Shadowstalker »

I for one have seen such things and far worse done in the name of progress, though how they further things I don't understand save that it is something new trying to kill us when things exist already more than willing to do the job,don't need some lab made horrors adding to the mix.
To find the darkness you have walk in the shadows.
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Post by Shadowstalker »

Apologies for last post still dealing with some issues from a recent job had to clean up someone elses mess and it was BAD!! I'll post and explain later sorry.
To find the darkness you have walk in the shadows.
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