Speed Demon

Accounts of personal experiences, especially from those who hunt the supernatural. We offer this space in hopes that our members can hear about, and learn from, the exploits of others.
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Cowardly Leon
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Speed Demon

Post by Cowardly Leon »

Hi again.
Beginning to feel more comfortable about posting now and wanted to share an earlier adventure with you people.

Last year our team went to check out some strange stories about a solitary figure terrorising a small Saskatchewan cattle town.

The official tale was that some clown in a halloween costume was spooking the cattle and in general assualting the ranch owners. They jokingly dubbed him "Coyoteman" because of his angular facial features but those who have been assualted claim he breathes blue and white fire.

So we headded out and interviewed victims, took casts of footprints and the usual stuff. Then it was time for the stakeouts.

Six days of camping out in the pastures with nightvision goggles yeilded nothing... but the seventh day a stanger came to our camp dressed in a black slicker and Cowboy hat. He stood at the edge of the campfirelight asking what we were up to.

We told him were were camping out in Canada's wonderful Cowboy country when he called us liars and flung his slicker over the fire, all but smothering it.

By the light of the moon it looked like his eyes were glowing with a light of their own. He had this pair of horns that clung close to his head like a crash helmet and his skin was this bizzarre hue like dull leather. And yes... it did look like he exhaling blue flames.

Immediately several members of the team tried to tackle him but this scarecrow of a man flung them off as easily as I could toss my bedsheet off my bed. He then lept to the top of the trailer, mocked us from his perch before leaping off the other side and onto the highway.

Instantly I was volenteered to drive my car after him with three of my companions.
He was pretty fast too. He was doing 60 MPH when we managed to catch up. He let us drive up beside him and he took one look at my '75 Gremlin and brayed ou a laugh I could hear through the car window before speeding up to around 90.

To be honest, this irked me a bit so... I hit the panic button.

You see folks, I make my money as a mechanic, but not the average greasemonkey over at the shell station but the kind that does custom work for people who do street racing and enjoy the concept of 'Pimping their rides' but lack the know-how.

My Gremlin may be Pea-Soup green but the rust is a faked-up compound with some careful airbrushing to complete the illusion and under the hood is a 200 MPH Monster that I've lovingly crafted to fit in that compact space.

So the blowers pop out of concealment and the odometer begins to purr like a kitten as the numbers scroll by... and the Speed Demon gets this incredelous look on his face as I keep pace with him.

So there I am... drag racing with a demon on the highway. For the first time since I ever got mixed up in this supernatural crap I finally feel in my element. Two lanes of blacktop, my green machine aganst this guy who has to be a speed demon in every sense of the word.
I hate to say it but I felt ten feet tall and bulletproof.

He and I wound up looking at at each other more than the road than we should've and suddenly we hear a horn blast a moment before my opponant looks away from my eyes long enough to scream before he's hit from the opposite direction by a Mack Truck.

There was just this.... sudden burst of Blue fire, and all that was left of him was a carbon silouette on the front grill. The poor driver was badly shaken but managed to bring the truck to a stop without crashing.

We bought him some coffee and pie at a nearby truckstop, took his statement and some photographs and soot samples of his front grill before headding home.

Has anyone else ever experienced anything quite like this creature?
I do believe in spooks... I do I do I do beleive in spooks. ...Then again I also believe in superior firepower, advanced tactics and the insidiously inventive cleverness of mankind.
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Post by Kolya »

I've seen fast, but nothing like you described.

Thanks for sharing!
С волками жить, по-волчьи выть.
The Traveler King
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Post by The Traveler King »

You know, this is the second time I've seen an AMC Gremlin that was involved with the supernatural. When I get back from training, I'll have to tell you about Frankie. He's an interesting individual in his own right.
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Post by Debunker »

There seems to be a psychological correlation to those fascinated with supernatural fantasies and who also own Gremlins. Perhaps the title of the car triggers subconscious the interests of their creative nature?

Or perhaps the inferiority complex of owning such a ridiculed vehicle creates the need to tell tall tale to make them fell bigger than they really are? I should study into this more when I have time.
Elliott James Tobias III
AKA: Debunker

"The truth is indeed out there...science has been pointing it out for centuries."
The Traveler King
Posts: 250
Joined: Sun Mar 13, 2005 5:13 am

Post by The Traveler King »

Debunker wrote:There seems to be a psychological correlation to those fascinated with supernatural fantasies and who also own Gremlins. Perhaps the title of the car triggers subconscious the interests of their creative nature?

Or perhaps the inferiority complex of owning such a ridiculed vehicle creates the need to tell tall tale to make them fell bigger than they really are? I should study into this more when I have time.


One of these days, Debunker, you're going to be in a situation where all the Panzaism in the world won't save you.
Cowardly Leon
Posts: 26
Joined: Wed Jun 29, 2005 10:09 pm

Post by Cowardly Leon »

I just love to take much-underestimated vehicles and boost their performances as much as I can.

And if you think my Green Machine is something special, you should see what my VW Beetle can do.

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Post by BraveSirRobin »

do anything with a yellow Fiat, and I'm afraid I'll be forced to call you Lupin... :P
I'm not dead yet.
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