Police "Dark Rooms"

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Police "Dark Rooms"

Post by RJM-84 »

This report is FYI. It is not intended to spark controversy, government conspiracy theories or paranoia about our hardworking police departments. Police across the United States of America put their lives on the line each and every day, and should be respected for that. However, I have recently received a disturbing bit of conjecture. Truth be told, when I first got this e-mail I found it rather unbelievable. I would have dismissed it as one of the hundreds of paranoid, crank e-mails we get every month. I post it here, on our website, because it comes from a reliable and long-time friend of the Lazlo Agency. A police officer with 18 years experience. To punctuate the matter, three days after receiving this message, our friend disappeared. I am told the authorities found him wandering the streets a few days later, suffering from paranoid delusions and subsequently hospitalized for observation and treatment, where he remains.

Only family are allowed to see him at this time, so I leave it to you to decide whether this is the ranting of a crazy man or a cover-up of the truth. My own experience with this man (whose identity I leave out in sympathy for his family) has been that he is eminently sane and reliable. That said, I think we all know that circumstance and the sudden onset of mental illness can change a person overnight.

– RJM-84

I know it’s a popular belief that the authorities are in cahoots to disregard and ignore anything unexplained or paranormal. It’s true that the general level of disbelief is high on the job, but I never knew about any conspiracy. That being said, I knew even the strangest stuff needs to be written up, documented and filed away. Our government’s not so blind or that entrenched in denial to turn a complete blind eye to the inexplicable. That means reports of UFOs, vampires, monsters, magic and you name it usually gets written up by the officer who takes the report. That’s no big deal, even if there are dozens of alleged eyewitnesses. What is a big deal is when a police officer has an encounter with the unexplained.

I only know about this because I recently had an incident involving a creature my debriefers referred to as the Woodcarver and a Wooden Man. Do a little checking of your own, the Woodcarver is covered in Lazlo Agency files, though there’s not a lot of data on this thing: A homicidal maniac, possibly a demon or some type of unknown Tectonic Entity. It appears in human form and commands 1-6 human-sized puppets with blades for fingers. It first appeared on the scene in 1957, and its main range of activity seems to be Maine to Minnesota and southern Canada. No one knows why, but the thing seems to disappear for several years at a time, the last sighting being Mississauga, Ontario, 2001, and prior to that, Michigan and Ohio in 1984. But this is all after the fact research. At the time, I thought I was dealing with a serial killer, until I caught one of the Wooden Men eviscerating a victim with the Woodcarver watching a few feet away. He’s one ugly S.O.B., too. I’m told I may be the only person to ever get a good look at the Woodcarver. I guess that’s why the FBI was all over me for debriefing. Thing is, I’ve worked with Federal Agents, and these guys struck me as spooks; CIA or NSA, maybe. Not that it really matters.

What bothered me is my report went on a form I’d never seen or heard of before, a DR-1313 Form. I also heard it referred to as a Dark Room file. I did a little digging and this what I found out.

Word is the FBI, maybe even the CIA or NSA, wants to know about weird and unexplained incidents, especially those involving creatures and law enforcement. I suspect this is because law enforcement is trained to take note of details and report what they saw clearly, concisely and without bias. The officer involved in said incident is told to write it up in as much detail as possible, no matter how strange and outlandish it may sound. Leave nothing out. You write it up on this DR-1313 incident report, and you don’t talk about it again. Not ever. If it really shook you up, they’ll send you to tell someone and he writes the report based on your verbal account. And when an officer gets killed under really weird circumstances, someone still writes a report. One report that talks about “died under unusual circumstances” or with some plausible cover story, and a separate DR-1313 report with all the actual weird stuff and monsters. The document is then given to the station captain who makes a copy for the Feds, marks it restricted, and files it in what is called the “Dark Room.” Once it is secured in the Dark Room, no one outside of the station can ask to see it, regular civilians, media, politicians and police included. Once it enters the Dark Room, it is sealed and unavailable except to, I don’t know who. Federal Agents? When I asked about it, I was told to forget I ever made the report, ever saw them, and to keep my nose out of affairs that didn’t concern me.

I’ve learned the Dark Room is usually an old, out of the way, supply closet without a doorknob and secured by a deadbolt lock. Who has the key, I don’t know. The captain and the Feds I assume. The door is usually blocked/concealed by a large piece of furniture, like a file cabinet or shelves, but easy enough to get to when it is needed. If the files outgrow this storage area, they’re relocated to a larger room.

The reports themselves look pretty average: a plain folder with a case number and date on the outside. Some are thin, most are about ten or so pages, but others can be 40 or more. There are always multiple sets of initials on the inside front cover. The strange part is the pages of all of the reports have unusual markings on them. Sometimes a series of letters or numbers or both, or even strange words. The smaller reports usually have pages with notations like “nut case,” “known drunk,” “unreliable,” “not confirmed,” “refer to G,” or some other letter, or a short letter and number combination.

The politicians and media are never told about these reports, the Dark Rooms, or the involvement of the Feds. If somebody does come snooping around, the captain has a private talk with him and he is then shown out.

Well, you know me Bob, that’s begging me to do a little snooping. From what I can tell, only a handful of people in charge know about the Dark Room, where it is located and what it contains. Only the head honchos and guys like me who learn about it by happenstance. I get the impression every precinct or precinct headquarters has one. My debriefers told me not to think about it, much less talk about it or the Woodcarver. After my incident report, I had to sign a piece of paper that shuts you up thereafter. I was also told I did an admirable job, that strange stuff has no place in the mind of the average police officer, to forget about all of this like it never happened, and to continue to do my job. They’d take matters from here.

I hope I’m not putting myself at risk, but I thought the secret files of the Dark Room and the spooks involved are something the Lazlo Agency should know about. There’s a rumor about a few officers who went snooping into strange cases and asked too many questions about the Dark Room. Word is two ended up dead on the street and one disappeared after a nervous breakdown, but you know how rumors are. I could not verify any of this. Technically, even my knowledge of the Dark Room is hearsay. I’ve never seen it and don’t really know if it’s real or not. I plan on doing a little, careful snooping around the station house. Finding a door with no knob can’t be that difficult.

I’ll keep you posted on what I find out. Please let me know if you have heard anything like this in the past. I didn’t see anything in the Lazlo data files.

21st Century Astral Cop
Officer D.
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Post by Officer D. »

I can relate to this. Our department must have a Dark Room the size of a gymnasium! Although I have never seen it. Hmm, might be worth looking into.

Officer D.
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Post by Geronimus »

You should see New Orleans sometime... really spend some time. When somebody finds old human remains where they shouldn't be, the police are all over it. However, they don't want the Universities or Historical groups all over it, and they sure as hell don't want the folks like me, who do research into these unexplained events, getting involved. They make a press release saying that they've found "Monkey bones" or remains of a "large Primate simular to a chimpanzee". They tell the local media that it may have been a pet of a previous owner, that the house was supected as being a brothel at some point in it's history (we haven't had legal brothels since the 1920's) and that the "animal" was probably a mascot or the pet of a brothel madame, as they were known to keep exotic animals.
Sounds nice, doesn't it? Very plausible, because we all know that those whores were a strange bunch, afterall.
I suppose that there may have been some monkeys used for pets... but not that many. In order for all these remains to have been primates, there must have been a reverse "planet of the Apes" monkey apocolypse here in New Orleans.

And what about the ones that they find in the ground? Monkey bones from before the 1929 end of the legalized prostitution in New Orleans? Sure, if you tataly rule out the fact that our soil is very very wet. Almost the entirety of New Orleans is below Sea level, in fact, the highest point in this whole danmed city is approximately 4.35 feet above sea level... (here's some real irony for ya) it's the monkey hill at the Audobon Zoo over in the garden District. Also, our soil is highly acidic, that's why you can't grow indigo and other delicate crops this far down on the mighty Missisippi (But don't tell that to Anne Rice, her vampire character in Interview with the Vampire, Louis, has an indigo plantation just down river from New Orleans, but don't even get me started on her... I think she may be deliberately covering something at times).
Just some food for thought.

On a side note, I was walking with my friend, you guys may know him as ColdSteel, the other day and we found a perfectly crafted wooden stake (no kidding) lying on the sidewalk. It was totaly up to spec. Long enough to go completely through a body and into the ground, wider near the point (good penetration), slightly squared grip 2-3 inches from the top large enough to get a good hold on. Somebody got sloppy, either that or they got scared.

Happy Hunting,
There be monsters here...
Voice of Reason
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Post by Voice of Reason »


For what it is worth, I have been investigating matters involving the unexplained and bizarre for some years. I have worked with the police and I have heard rumors of the "Dark Room," but my research and experience has shown me that such stories are nothing more than a recently surfaced "urban myth." A fantasy without substance or validity concocted in these uncertain times of terrorism and fears of losing our civil liberties. Although it may seem like such a secret file or sub-agency should exist, it does not. Fact of the matter is most so-called "unexplained mysteries" are really quite explainable, and there is nothing to investigate. Please, do not let your imaginations runaway with you. Our police departments are reliable, trustworthy and dedicated to "serve and protect" us all. To imply there is a secret faction or some nefarious secret agenda with the department is to discredit and dishonor a noble profession.

As for the the Woodcarver, my own research has come across this strange and little known figure in American history. He was a serial killer credited for some rather brutal murders in the year 1957. The States of Maine, Vermont, Up-State New York, Michigan and Minnesota as well as Ontario Canada (specifically the city of Thorold near Niagra Falls, and Windsor, near the southern border of Michigan) are said to have victims of the so-called "Woodcarver serial killer." However, many of the murders attributed to this enigmatic character are questionable. Only the three of four murders in Maine and one of three in Vermont were struck down by the same man. The M.O. of the other six murders are different enough, and so geographically scattered, as to raise considerable doubt that the Woodcarver was responsible. I suspect the weird nature of the murders, evisceration with wooden knives, and the fact that the killer was never captured nor a suspect conclusively identified, has created this strangely persistent tale that the man responsible was actually a demon or a man possessed by a demon who reappears to kill again. Pure rubbish. I suspect the Nightmare on Elm Street movies and the blade tipped glove of that demonic villain have only contributed to new reports of the Woodcarver.

The Voice of Reason in an Unreasoning World
Bob Trustworthy
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Post by Bob Trustworthy »

Okay, I just read Voice of Reason's comments and I have to say that 'it' is 'pure rubbish.'

Clearly you are 'the man' yourself. You admit you've worked with the police so how can we take anything you have to say seriously. If you are an 'insider' you'd have every reason to discredit the report of police Dark Rooms.

I'd think that 21st Century Astral Cop would know, he is, or was, a police officer himself and clearly had first hand information. His problem was, he was a noble cop who tried to do the right thing and let the world know about DR-1313 reports and secret archives of files the authorities don't want us to know about and it landed him in the nuthouse. A great plan because it discredits the man and silences him at the same time.

The existence of Dark Rooms makes perfect sense to me. There's a lot of strange things going on that the Powers That Be don't want us to know about. Heaven forbid if we dare to ask questions.

I for one will be watching this website and searching the internet for more about Dark Rooms, the Woodcarver and truth.

Bob "King Kong" Trustworthy

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Voice of Reason
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Post by Voice of Reason »

Bob Trustworthy wrote:Okay, I just read Voice of Reason's comments and I have to say that 'it' is 'pure rubbish.'

Clearly you are 'the man' yourself. You admit you've worked with the police so how can we take anything you have to say seriously. If you are an 'insider' you'd have every reason to discredit the report of police Dark Rooms.

I'd think that 21st Century Astral Cop would know, he is, or was, a police officer himself and clearly had first hand information. His problem was, he was a noble cop who tried to do the right thing and let the world know about DR-1313 reports and secret archives of files the authorities don't want us to know about and it landed him in the nuthouse. A great plan because it discredits the man and silences him at the same time.

The existence of Dark Rooms makes perfect sense to me. There's a lot of strange things going on that the Powers That Be don't want us to know about. Heaven forbid if we dare to ask questions.

I for one will be watching this website and searching the internet for more about Dark Rooms, the Woodcarver and truth.

Bob "King Kong" Trustworthy

Anarchy is good, don't trust anyone over 30 or in a suit

Bob, I think your rationalizations are built on emotion and hype, choosing to believe what you find controversial rather than basing them on facts and logic.

Though I have worked with various police departments, and you might consider me an "insider" because of it, I am not "the man" nor am I trying to conceal any truths or sow disinformation. I am a professional paranormal investigator and debunker. I to seek truth, but by studying the facts without personal bias.

What I posted is the truth as I know it. If you or anyone else should uncover any facts that you'd like to share on the subject, I'd be glad to listen to them.

Voice of Reason
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Only Darkroom I'm familiar with is used to develop photographs.

On the other hand, of course the police have records that are kept secret. Some of them might be mundane, some of them might be whacked, some of them might be about the type of monster I'm going out to hunt tonight.

Whatever is in them, I'm sure the police have their reasons for keeping them quiet, just like most of us have reasons for wanting to look at them.
Last edited by Ron Caliburn on Fri Nov 26, 2010 8:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Delta Sierra
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Post by Silhouette »

Only in America would something like this be considered unplausible. If you grew up where I did, you'd believe it in a heart beat. Although to be quite honest where I'm from keeping any kind of records for more than a few months is a feat of heroic proportions.
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Post by Kolya »

And where I am from there are records from the days of the tsar and revolution still under wraps.

I have talked to some of the folks that have access to these secret papers. Let me be the one to assure you that sometimes truth is stranger than fiction. Russia is a big country with a lot of big stuff going on.
A. Pendragon
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Post by A. Pendragon »

The British SAS that I worked for had rooms like this. As a former member of the intelligence community, you would be surprised at the secrets that governments keep that I have some knowledge of.
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Post by Kolya »

Sometimes I wish I did not know the things I know. It is scarier than the enemy sometimes.
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Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

I'm sure the enemy finds some of us just as scary.
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Post by Geronimus »

They damned well better be scared.
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Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Cheers ta that G!
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Post by Smokingman »

these "Darkrooms" do not exist. Whoever "told you" of their existence lied to you.
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Post by Agent D »

Well to say that the "Dark Rooms" don't exsit is a lie,I worked as a Fed for about 5 years and my job was to go to them a retrivie all the files at a numbers of stations.But I left after seeing first had all the weird things out their , now I"m working as an investigator around the U.S. The goverment knows about the supernatural and does have agents working those cases.Yes I was a M.I.B not a freaky but a normal guy just doing what he was ordered to do.
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Only an idiot wouldn't beleive that the police have secret files.
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Post by Kolya »

I think it is safe to bet that no organisation has done more research and knows more about the paranormal than the US, UK, and Russian governments. I cannot say for sure, but I would make that bet without a doubt.

We call these dark rooms black holes--information goes in, but nothing ever comes out (not that you see anyway).
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Post by NicksMind »

If the goverment has information on so called creatures of the night or other names then why havent they started a campaign to stop these other wordly terrorists?
Nick's Mind
Kane Morrigan
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Post by Kane Morrigan »

NicksMind wrote:If the goverment has information on so called creatures of the night or other names then why havent they started a campaign to stop these other wordly terrorists?

Because they might make better allies? Or, cheap weapons to help eliminate selected targets in a conflict zone.
Last edited by Kane Morrigan on Wed Feb 16, 2005 9:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Lightning Plant
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Post by Lightning Plant »

NicksMind wrote:If the goverment has information on so called creatures of the night or other names then why havent they started a campaign to stop these other wordly terrorists?

Who's to say they haven't?
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Post by Kolya »

who's to say they can?
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Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

I beleive this falls under the things the government doesn't let us know about we were discussing elsewhere.

But the general principle is that if the government openly admits there are paranormal creatures in the world, it will cause a mass panic. Anybody who exhibits odd behavoir will be lynched and we'll end up with soemthing akin to the Salem Witch trials. So the government keeps it quiet.

The other option is that the government has been compromised and certain elements are preventing the information about supernatural beings from surfacing.
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Post by NicksMind »

Demons and Monsters do not exist!!! When I got to bed tonight I know there is nothing in the closet (besides M.J.) and nothing under the bed. I have made it my job and lifestyle to search out these occourounces that people seem to believe are Supernatural. I have never found anything but the good wholesome truth. The creaters of Scooby-Doo got it right, there is always an explanantion you just have to find it
Nick's Mind
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Post by Kolya »

NicksMind wrote:The creaters of Scooby-Doo got it right, there is always an explanantion you just have to find it
Alright, the laughter has subsided. So just rip the mask of that vampire to see that it is the crazy old man down the street?

Well, that sure is a lot easier than pumping him full of shiney bullets.

Problem solved (by a kid's cartoon).

We can all pack it up and go home now. The world is saved yet again by a talking dog!
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Post by Debunker »

We can all pack it up and go home now. The world is saved yet again by a talking dog!

And he would've gotten away with it too if hadn’t been for you meddling kids!

In many of my creature hunts this was always the inevitable outcome. People posing as monsters to get a little attention in their meaningless lives, how sad. If they would watch Scooby occasionally they would learn that you never get away with it. I don’t suffer from skepticism gang; you all suffer from lies. The proof is in the pudding Scooby gang, there aint no monsters, just weirdoes in suits.
Elliott James Tobias III
AKA: Debunker

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Post by NicksMind »

Debunker I dont think half of them even get a chance to see what is behind the mask because its like what Kolya said pump him with shiny bullets and leave him for dead.
Nick's Mind
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Post by Kolya »

NicksMind wrote:Debunker I dont think half of them even get a chance to see what is behind the mask because its like what Kolya said pump him with shiny bullets and leave him for dead.
I never said "leave". That changes everything.
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Post by NicksMind »

So you shot then wait till they die then leave?
Nick's Mind
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Post by Kolya »

NicksMind wrote:So you shot then wait till they die then leave?
Nah, shoot it, wait for it to die, pull off its mask, then leave :roll:

I probably should drop out of this conversation as I do not, in general, deal with werewolves and vampires--I have experienced neither.

I have, however, been forced to kill aliens. So it is not entirely outside the bounds to suggest that people who deal with werewolves and vampires do not simply kill the beast and move on without some further investigation.
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