One for the skeptics

General discussions of issues of the paranormal affecting our community. A place where you can ask questions, and others will offer answers.
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Ron Caliburn
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One for the skeptics

Post by Ron Caliburn »

It turns out everybody can read minds

I guess some of us are better at it than others.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
The Traveler King
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Post by The Traveler King »

Interesting article there. It might help explain how psi-mechanics can use their devices but other psychics can't.
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Amoungst other things.

I just wish I understood half of it.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
Joseph Darkhold
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Post by Joseph Darkhold »

It is very interesting...even more so, because I did understand it...
"Ex Ignorantia ad Sapientiam, e Luce ad Tenebras"
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Then can ya explain it all ta me?
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
Lucas Priest
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Post by Lucas Priest »

It could also explain the various psycological theories of the collective unconsious, where we are all connected at a low level as a species. I think what this really is, is someone along Debunker's path generating a scientific explanation for abilities we already have seen generated by induviduals.
The science of any sufficiently advanced society would appear as magic to those less developed...
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Post by Dr.JamesRasmusson »

This could explain how some people are totally inept when dealing with others (low mirror neuron count and poor social experience) while others have a significant reaction to others thoughts; high mirror neuron count and vast social experience.

I am curious to see if these mirror neurons have any effect on other "psychic" powers such as object reading or the ability to sense the supernatural. Is this the part of the brain that those with psychic powers use to react to the supernatural.

This may explain why magic and psionics do not seem strong in as lab, but seem to spark when in the presence of supernatural forces.

Do these neurons exist in what I have heard refered to as the "nega-psychic"? And if so, do the react differently. Mirroring their own disbelief into others.

I think it's time I did some of my own research in this area.
Ron Caliburn
Posts: 6915
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Location: Best if you don't know.

Post by Ron Caliburn »

You do that research and let us know how it turns out.

Just use words most of us can understand.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
The Traveler King
Posts: 250
Joined: Sun Mar 13, 2005 5:13 am

Post by The Traveler King »

Mr. Ransom wrote:Do we really want to have a scientific excuse for the so-called "Nega-Psychics?"

I thought recognizing them as ignorant fools was enough.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Debunker's evil opposite.

Perhaps this is a form of deeply rooted Panzaism coupled with latent psychic talents?
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