My first cult bust.

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My first cult bust.

Post by Koralth »

Well, I suppose this was my first actual MISSION under the Lazlo Society. :D

It was... scary as shit, let me tell you. I haven't been with the society long, and therefore haven't known any of the individuals here for long, but Ghost and I, we get along pretty well, actually, and when I heard that a friend was in trouble, I kind of snapped, and flew into sort of a freakishly calm, determined, and otherwise cold demeanor. I was all business, initially, there was no room for jokes, just a primal need to get to where Ghost was being held, and when Karlash gave me that information, I knew that I had to go. Logos tried to stop me, and I just kept on going, utterly destroying the small garden I have in my lawn, but I think everyone here knows all that already... :?

I got down to Charleston, NC, and found the winnebago that Karlash had told me via PM's to look for. By the time I got there, Shadow and his posse had beat me to it. The door of the winnebago was ripped off of it's hinges, and ghost's crew was laying about, unconscious, inside, with Karlash, also on the ground...

I apologize, dramatic monologue is not one of my strong points, but where the story will take us eventually will hopefully be more than enough to make up for my sub-par storytelling.
Last edited by Koralth on Wed May 09, 2007 4:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"God, I know you say you love all of your children equally, but you don't, do ya? I'm on to you, big guy." Dr. Percival Cox
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

You're doing fine so far.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Agreed. Keep it coming.
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Post by Koralth »

Well, Edward, GhostSpider's mage, with his extensive knowledge of magic, was able to determine that the spell used to break the bond between Karlash and GhostSpider is a powerful one, with a trackable "energy signiture". It went over my head, but somehow, he was able to make Karlash track the spell, and pull towards it. I held the blade in order to follow it to where the spell was cast, and it was very reminiscent of The Princess Bride, in which Inigo Montoya used his blade to find his comrade. I was chosen to hold the blade because I was not, and still am not in possession of any other intelligent magic items, or even any other mundane magical items... Not that, even now, magic is mundane to me. We loaded up into Shadow's vehicle, and were off. We quickly made our way to a warehouse, and after a short stakeout, saw no guards outside.

We prepared to enter the building, and as I had done at least on three other occasions, I checked myself to make sure that I had everything I would need. Looking around, I saw that many of the others on this expedition wore a grim yet confident demeanor. Not wanting to break the mood with my own, nearly crippling fear, I managed to say that I was ready to go whenever everyone else was. Shadow, wanting to lead the charge, opened the door to the warehouse.
Last edited by Koralth on Wed May 09, 2007 4:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"God, I know you say you love all of your children equally, but you don't, do ya? I'm on to you, big guy." Dr. Percival Cox
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

True courage isn't in not being afraid - for that is foolishnes.

True courage is in knowing you are afraid but doing what you need to do anyway.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

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Post by Shadowstalker »

You did fine Zack, it was a major babtisim of fire for you. In a few cases very nearly literaly. :roll:
I guess I should post a few bits here as I have a moment. I had gone as soon as I could to find Ghost and his crew, and had set things up to have some of my people meet me there, they showed up not long after I did. As Zack said he showed up a little after that, and we figured things out from there as Zack explained.
As we entered the Warehose Zack had led us to I knew we had the right place. We went in quiet and found a few hired thugs trying to ignore what was going on in the other part of the Warehouse and paying to much attention to a TV. I pulled a little trick of mine and started dealing with them, as the last one noticed his buddies were looking a little odd, Hammer came around and nailed him. The thugs were secured and gagged to keep them from alerting the Cult. but just as we finished secureing them we headr a noise from a stairwell. We had been spotted.
Last edited by Shadowstalker on Tue May 08, 2007 5:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by GhostSpider »

I agree with Shadow Zack, you did great. Also, I should tell you that Karlash senses much potential in you. He didn't say that about me. :?
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Post by The Dark Voice »

He did great?! :lol: :lol: :lol:

If by great you mean cowering in fear and hiding behind Shadowstalker, than yes he was spectacular.
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Post by Shadowstalker »

Zack did freeze up for a moment but he snapped out of it, stayed and fought. You on the other hand Voice well you ran just as fast as you could to get away. So who is the real coward voice? I think it was you. :twisted:
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Post by Koralth »

He's right, though. I was surrounded by you and your elite squad of supernatural hunters, and I... I froze up, even with all of that going for us. Of course, running away isn't as bad as running at the first sight of danger. While you ran away, using your own men as bait, I still stayed and fought, which has to count for something.

Anyway, after the guy at the top of the stairs alerted everyone to our presence, Shadow led the charge again. Throwing a flashbang into the next room, he stunned all the guards waiting to ambush us. A chanting that we heard since we got into the warehouse suddenly stopped, right after the flashbang went off, and a short moment after that, another explosion went off... And Bert wasn't even there! The explosion sounded like a huge fire that just erupted in mere moments, and with this new fiery sound came screams from past the room ahead. We charged past the stunned guards, and what I saw next left me shocked, standing there, staring at the scene before me... and even now, just thinking about it still leaves chills in my spine.
Last edited by Koralth on Tue May 08, 2007 9:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"God, I know you say you love all of your children equally, but you don't, do ya? I'm on to you, big guy." Dr. Percival Cox
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Post by GhostSpider »

It counts for alot Zack. Don't let the Voice's taunting get to you.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

You don't need me to have explosions.

Its just more fun that way.
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Post by GhostSpider »

That's true Bert, but its become a relex action for everyone to think about you whenever an explosion occurs.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

And that's how I know I'm doing my job.
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Post by Deathblaster »

You have a job? Image

As what? A DEconstruction worker? Image
Deathblaster is coming for you . . .

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