Holister innocent of murder.

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Holister innocent of murder.

Post by Koralth »

Holister had all charges dropped, but I've had a little pet project I've been working on. I found out some other things while doing the case, I might post those later, but for right now, I think I'll only state things that are directly relevant to Holister's case.

I received an anonymous phone call several days ago, while on duty. The voice on the other side of the phone said some cryptic things, and wasn't too clear on what needed to be done, but the voice said several key things: It mentioned the date December 14th, 2005, the "House on the Hill" thread, that "[t]he truth has left it's mark on the man", and the thing we've all heard so much, "[t]here were three shots fired, not just one."

I couldn't figure it out simply from this. I figured all along that the "three shots fired" were metaphorical, rather than literal. That is, until I received an e-mail containing an article from the "Bangor Cryer" newspaper that stated that the Queshawn Gibbon's (Holister's alleged victim) cousin, who was intoxicated with crack cocaine at the time, heard two shots fired when Queshawn was killed.

Now, I could have contacted tried to contact my informant at this time by responding to the e-mails, however, because she/it/he did not prompt me to, I did not want to risk upsetting the balance of informant/informee.

It turns out that the Cryer is the only new source that even made mention of Queshawn's cousin's testimony. I took the statement with a grain of salt, because the kid was intoxicated at the time, but I looked into him. Turns out the kid died recently in a gang conflict in prison, but to the day he died, he swore that he heard two gunshots. His name was Teeshawn Gibbons. At this point, I decided to contact Queshawn's parents, to see if they believed Teeshawn's story, and it turns out that they didn't believe that the boy would have ever pointed a gun at an officer in the first place. They truly don't believe what Teeshawn had to say, because they didn't like him in the first place.

I decided to contact the individual who was Holister's partner at the time, Officer Peter Williams. He arrogantly stated that he still holds to the statements that he had given several years ago, and that any further prodding or searching is totally unnecessary. He then prevented me from talking to him by having me phone tagged repeatedly, and then disconnecting me. He apparently doesn't know that these kinds of things only serve to make an investigator more persistant. Anyone who acts like that has something to hide... Further research revealed that Officer Reese, who was investigating further in the case turned up dead, shot by a sniper rifle. The murderer was later found dead by Officer Williams. There were two others who were found dead by Officer Williams at a later time.

I contacted another officer, whose name I will not disclose for his/her/it's protection, who was involved in the scene. this individual didn't think that the officer that was shot several times was shot with a mac 10, as stated in the report. This individual gave me the contact information of another individual with whom it/he/she thought I should speak.

This new individual turned out to be the informant who had called and sent me the E-mail. For the purposes of this statement, I will call him/her/it Holister Black. Some of you have already spoken with HB, or received PM's from him/her/it... And to clear up any confusion before it comes, HB is another individual, NOT any entity that originated from Holister. HB just uses Holister's account.

HB told me quite a few things. He/She/it mentioned that I needed to check the casings of the guns, to see if Holister's gun carried the type of bullet, or the casing that was used to kill Queshawn. It turns out that HB had kept quite a bit of evidence, because anything that could have been used to dispute the case was mishandled and 'lost'. HB went ahead and sent the casings and bullets that I needed. HB also located the gun that Holister carried, and sent that, too.

I have so much evidence, most of it circumstantial, that I feel that I was entitled to file all of the appropriate documentation, and to have the case re-opened. The file to re-open the case is currently being processed, and it's only a matter of time before it's blown wide open once more.

Turns out that the bullet that was found in Queshawn DOESN'T match the gun that Holister carries. *gasp* It carries not only DNA from queshawn, but also blood and bits of hair that it grabbed up when it grazed Holister's head. It can be surmised from this that not only did Ben not shoot Queshawn, when Williams shot Queshawn, he almost killed Holister.

Holister Black, if you have anything to add, feel free.
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Post by Koralth »

Oh, and Ben? If this isn't enough to get you to stop hating yourself, I have a tidbit of raw, unconfirmed info that might get you to stop torturing yourself, in all the most literal ways. Don't get me wrong, there's plenty about Evil Ben to hate, but...

I believe that Officer Williams is responsible for the death of your brother, Ted. My informant tells me that once again, Officer Williams was the first on the scene where Ted died. Not only that, but my informant found a note stating that Ted was going to give the DA some information that would help him get his job back. The same night that was written is when Ted kills himself? I don't buy it, and neither does my informant. Before you do something you might regret, Holiguard, this is something you may want to look into.
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Post by Holister »

" The kid does a good job. I can see why he wears the badge. Thanks kid, the D.A>. has reopened the case involving Benjamin Holister/Queshawn Gibbons on December 14th, 2005.

With elections right around the perverbial corner, the thought of extreme police corruption, mishandled evidence, murdered witnesses, and an innocent cop persecuted in order to hide evidence, it all boils down to Holister having his record scrubbed extra squeaky clean and a serious look into Sgt. Peter Williams.

I don't think there is enough evidence against Williams, but I am sure he will be suffering from an extreme bout of "self destructve" guilt real soon now.

You did real good kid. So good in fact I have anothet job for you if you want it.

April 15th, 2005 is the date.
You can find the crime in the Bangor P.D. Police Files. It is a cold case still. Maybe you can close it.

Good luck with that kid.

PS: Ben Holister you guilt ridden dumb ass S.O.B., you never killed anyone. So let go of the guilt and start being a cop again. Alot of good people need you.

and if you must know, it was Vicktor who killed all them folks in W.Virgina not you.

You may have shot that Shang-Li fellow, but he's still alive.

As for Sarah, that was tragic Ben, but you didn't kill her, that piece of shit Loki did.

And what about molly. That little girl needs you damn it. You are the closest thing to a father she has, and you are beating yourself up over deaths you really had nothing to do with. Now let your demons go and get back to your senses boy.

Zack, once again, great job.
Shang Li
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Post by Shang Li »

I think it might help to remind Mr. Holister that the fact he shot me himself, rather than that government project spawned obsenity that had "borrowed" his boddy without so much as a please or thank you would have. And that I probably would not have survived the shot.

In fact I seem to recall that when said obsenity threatened innocents Mr. Holister managed to at least temporarily regain controll. I have seen similar programs in my past, (Do you realy think our pilots voulunteered to be welded into their aircraft?) Few people can break a year or so's worth of "simple" psychological conditioning, much less conditioning re-enforced by surgical implantation.
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Post by GhostSpider »

Way to go Zack. You sword fighting skills might suck, but I see nothing wrong with your investigative abilities. Far better than mine. To each his own.

Kudos dude.
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Post by Koralth »

Logos was impressed when she/he/it read the story. Called me up and told me to give the quote, "You said and did something that wasn't remotely slap worthy! Good job, Zack!"

It's great that I've been able to be helpful to Holister, and perhaps others that might have had some cleanup to do in response to what Holiguard and Evil Ben were doing to eachother. The fact remains though, that this could still end up on my plate if I don't put Williams behind bars for a good long time. He's an alleged cop killer, and with me being someone that has inconvenienced him, I'm probably high on his shit list. Of course, covering my ass isn't the number one reason I'm going to continue the investigation. Doing the right thing is also pretty high up there, too. On my free time, I'm going to make sure that a conviction is the only possible outcome of any trial that happens as a result of my rigors.
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Post by Bishop »

It does my heart well to see that there are those amongst you willing to traverse the darkness to search for the light of truth.
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

C'mon Ben. Pull it together.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

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Post by The Dark Voice »

I hope he doesn't. His suffering has only whetted my master's appetite.
By the hands of you fools, my Master shall be freed.
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