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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Sixteen, Twenty, sufficient to say you kicked ass and didn't give a damn what their names were.
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Post by Holister »

Loki wrote: Mr. Dark, I would very much be interested in what you know. Name your “price” and you shall have it. I do recall seeing some school children playing in the park the other day…don’t suppose you might want to take them apart? Let me know.

"I'm too weak right now to access my own account, so I'll just hijack ol' Benny Boy's for a moment.

You sir are deranged psychopath with a mudane need for the spilling of innocent blood for attention. Like many of the other "would be" villains of the week it is a ncie show, but lacks the true heart. You sir are a despirate man who has been throwing men at problems only to see failure slapped across his face with every would be victory.

Would you like to know what true evil is sir? I'll tell you. Its reaching into a person's mind and fill that mind with mortal terror, but not killing them outright.

You see boss, half the fun is watching them suffer. Like a certain doctor who thought she could better me. Her mistake I reckon.

Death is not a message, it is an art, and human flesh is but a canvass. Mind, body, and soul, are not philosophies, but mediums for the dark artist to work wonders.

You kill sir to prove how bad you are. You are scared right now it shows even in your posts. Your fingers tremble with each type of the keys, with every click of your mouse.

You know your failures will only be tolerated for so long before you are inevitably replaced. And you know that being replaced by Ba'al is not a gold watch and hearty handshake boss, it is a fate far worse than anything that these fellas could ever come close to concocting.

You are not evil, just greedy. You are not a villain, just a pawn. Evil is staring your victim in the eye, and watching the fear so built up within them, you think they may just die from fright and ruin all your fun.

Evil is removing their tongue so that they can not scream and removing their eyelids so they can't look away as you torture their husband for a week by performing a very slow autopsy on them while he is very much alive.

Evil is keeping their traumatized minds so aware of their situation, that even as you amputate their limbs and leave them for the animals in the middle of nowhere, so that they experience every last moment. Right up until some wild dogs eat tem alive.

I won't even mention what I did to her unborn child, but
oh the stories I can tell.

You see, death should never be a punishment, it should be a release they beg for, and which you deny them. That is evil my friend. And though I have no loyalty to anyone of these detectives, if you go after the druid, I will make Ba'al's wrath, look like Sunday tea out on the viranda in mid July. That sir I guarantee.

However, I myself and not above murder for a purpose. If you want to redeem yourself in the eyes of your master, like I said, stop wasting your precious resources and focus on the matter at hand. What you seek, head to Arkham, Mass., 128 High End Drive. Slaughter the arcanist, his fiancee, and his assistant, then we will talk again.

Physician Heal Thyself!

I'm out and will be seeing ya' real soon there boss."
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Post by Koralth »

Guys? I may be in trouble. I think I'm developing sadistic tendencies, and may eventually gain desires to join Loki and co.

I brought along with me a chocolate bunny to celebrate easter today, and I ate it. I ate the head last. I even ate the ears before I ate the head itself. Now, at a glance this is nothing... But think about it. Eating the head last means the bunny suffers more. It felt everything! And I loved every second of it.

I can't do this.. That sounds like something that might be evil for Hit Squirrel. Speaking of which, I haven't had the pleasure of conversing with her... Where's your girlfriend, Bert?
"God, I know you say you love all of your children equally, but you don't, do ya? I'm on to you, big guy." Dr. Percival Cox
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Post by GhostSpider »


You are evil. :twisted:

Hey, you bring any more for the rest of us. :wink:
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Post by KonThaak »

Evil? Good? What the fuck does it matter?

Loki, Mr. Bullfrog, as far as I'm concerned, you're both as worthless as all fuck. In twenty years, noone's going to remember a damned thing about either of you. You'll vanish into obscurity. You'll both be dead by then; I personally guarantee neither of you will live to see the end of this year.

And you know the most disgusting thing? You're both so fucking obsessed with your ideals of "evil" and "hating good" and all this idealistic bullshit that you're not even living for yourselves.

Mr. Bullfrog, I had you figured all wrong. I thought you were like I was, once; stupid and overly eager for freedom.

Now I see you're just stupid and self-destructive.

You've divorced yourself from the soul, so when Ben dies, you will COMPLETELY cease to exist. the most fucking retarded thing I've ever heard of. And then you antagonize him...the biggest sign of your idiocy. Your insipid rants on the qualities of evil would cause bile to churn in my stomach--except I don't have one. And it's not even that you're promoting "evil" instead of "good"... I couldn't give a shit about that. It's the fact that you've wasted so much fucking time on stupid ideals...

I'll be the first to admit, I'm a self-serving, arrogant prick. I've been helping the Society because it takes me closer to getting my soul back. I've been helping protect Josh because if anything happens to him, something happens to my soul. You've gone out of your way to avoid giving me a good ranged shot on you; you've pissed me off by being a fucking retarded talking monkey. Everything I've done has been because I want to.

You're doing it on some stupid far-off ideal; you're going to cease existing, soon, and the ideals you fight for won't even remember you. Loki, you're no better; they're right, Ba'al and his followers will consume you, body and soul. Your ideals and the reasons for your actions won't remember you; I'll have a soul and exist no matter what.

I'll outlive you, I'll out-exist you, and I'll be doing it on my own damned merits. So fuck you both; you'll get what you deserve.

For the record, folks, Mr. Bullfrog has a Seal of Solomon on his person. It's the only thing that has kept me from getting into his subconscious, destroying Mr. Bullfrog, and taking actions from that point. Fucking coward.
I am not A bitch...I am THE bitch. And to you, I'm MS Bitch.
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Post by GhostSpider »

A Seal of Solomon. I've dealt with those before. Come to think of it, I might have one lying around...

Anyway, I've always thought that you use a seal to keep something in, not the other way around. How is it protecting him? I only ask because I happen to know a not give it away too soon.

By the way, red post KT or whoever you are, you sound evil, but I like your perspective.
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Post by Koralth »

Listen, KT, Gabe, whoever you are... I'm curious, why don't you just take this... seal, and then do your thing? That way, Ben, an innocent man, doesn't have to die. I don't want him to get out and hurt people, but I also don't want an innocent man to die needlessly when it can be averted, you know? Evil Ben said he was weak. Too weak to access his account... Which doesn't even make sense. If he's too weak to access his own account, then couldn't Ben be fighting back? You do what you have to, I'm just making casual suggestions and inquiries. BTW, that Mr. Bullfrog thing is Great! awesome nickname.

I'm too weak right now to access my own account, so I'll just hijack ol' Benny Boy's for a moment.

Yo, Evil Ben? Can't access your account so you get on Good Ben's account? what's up with that? doesn't make sense, I tell ya!

And all that stuff you said about what you like to do to people. Listen, I've worked at the station for a couple of years now, and you're not sounding too different than our weekly quota of three or four kids that insist that they'll kill and rape our family, and our little dogs too.

GhostSpider wrote:MY GOD KORALTH!!!!

You are evil. :twisted:

Hey, you bring any more for the rest of us. :wink:

You wish. 8)
"God, I know you say you love all of your children equally, but you don't, do ya? I'm on to you, big guy." Dr. Percival Cox
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Post by KonThaak »

GhostSpider wrote:A Seal of Solomon. I've dealt with those before. Come to think of it, I might have one lying around...

Anyway, I've always thought that you use a seal to keep something in, not the other way around. How is it protecting him? I only ask because I happen to know a not give it away too soon.

By the way, red post KT or whoever you are, you sound evil, but I like your perspective.

Gabriel. My name is Gabriel.

I don't give a shit how I sound.

The Seal protects him because getting caught in it sounds like about as much fun as swallowing hot razor blades. Only far more satisfying to my enemies.
I am not A bitch...I am THE bitch. And to you, I'm MS Bitch.
Jeremiah Dark
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Post by Jeremiah Dark »

" Gabe, you are nothing more than cast off left overs that think you are something more than that druid's dead weight.

The druid is a worthless pacifist who created you so that he can pass the buck on to someone else each time he had a dark impulse. How long did you have to endure that abuse, that punishment. If you think you are anything else other than a bad idea with free will, then sir, you are saddly mistaken.

You are fading away faster than the horizen at sunset.

How long before you cease to
exist and a new Gaberiel takes your place. You want a soul, that's a joke in and of itself. Neither you or that druid realizes this, but ya'll need the madness to stay sane.

Without you, the druid is dogmeat. Without him your a bad memory with a life expectancy of open mayo in the June sun.

The only difference between you and I Gabby, is that I hate Ben Holister with every damn fiber of my being. If he has to die to see my gratification forfilled, its a small price to pay.

Sure you say its self destructive, but Gabby, we were never alive to begin with.

See ya' round boss. "
"Born Of Lust; Dust To Dust. Born In Sin; Come On In."
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Post by Loki »

Who in the hell invited all the “bad guys” over. Competing to be more evil then each other, really it makes me sick.

None of you are evil, I am not evil. Only my master is evil! He is the lord of hate, master of destruction, harbinger of death! Any deed you carry out that harms or destroys, is his will!!! You, both of you “men” are nothing but extinctions of his will. When he comes through I wonder what punishment he will visit upon the both of you for being so defiant to his will.

Dark, I will give you this credit the blood of those three has been a great boon to the opening of the door.
Amat Victoria Curam=Victory favors those who take pain.
Jeremiah Dark
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Post by Jeremiah Dark »

"So all three are dead. Excellent. Three less I have to deal with now, plus that dammed Awakening spell will never be used. Too bad, huh Benny Boy. It looks like three more funerals can be attributed to you.

You are pathetic Ben Holister. Look as more of your friends and allies die. I bet that fool Carter never saw it coming. His death was worth the contents of that vault.

However, Mr. Loki, I ain't one to be liking your tone. Ba'al can pucker up and kiss my non existant, non corporeal ass.

Our buisness has been conducted, our debts are paid in full to one another. You are now on your own sir.

See ya' round boss."
"Born Of Lust; Dust To Dust. Born In Sin; Come On In."
A. Pendragon
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Post by A. Pendragon »

Hey Loki, quit sucking your masters dick, you pansy ass bitch. Why dont you come out and play?
Fear the night because the night doesn't fear YOU!!!
Something that I have learned in my life: The dead just dont stay dead.
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Post by Loki »

I did enjoy taking those lives for my master and for the benefit of those who needed the blood. Oh and the small stash of items they had in there basement puts me one step ahead of schedule.

I am not a stupid man. Of course I would stay off the radar. You won’t find me until I let you.

Dark did I hear you call for more blood? Just give me a jingle and we’ll see what I can do.
Amat Victoria Curam=Victory favors those who take pain.
Jeremiah Dark
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Post by Jeremiah Dark »

"I see you finaly learned some manners boy. That's real good, cause you got yourself one very tall tree and plenty of rope. If you want to stop them all cold, here's a morsel you may like.

Assateague, Tom's Cove.

Look for Lydia's Pride - Virginia -

BB - Omega 1-1-7 Alpha 13

Hope you have a good hacker and at least three armed men."

Se ya' later boss."
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Post by Shadowstalker »

Bert I am guessing you should get in Contact with DelCaine about this latest bit, and find out what is going on?
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Way ahead of ya.
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A. Pendragon
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Post by A. Pendragon »

I see you. I found your scrawny ass. I am coming for you.

Fear the night because the night doesn't fear YOU!!!
Something that I have learned in my life: The dead just dont stay dead.
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Post by GhostSpider »

Yeehaw. Let's mount up and get that varmint!!!!


I apologize, I've been stuck out here in the desert way too long.
Konrad Andreas is at peace. I am something new.

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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

We're in the Deserts of Nevada. Not on a Dude Ranch. *Smacks GhostSpider upside the head*
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Post by Koralth »

We could have MADE it a dude ranch... No one listens to the SUSPENDED cop though.
"God, I know you say you love all of your children equally, but you don't, do ya? I'm on to you, big guy." Dr. Percival Cox
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

If someone wants to teach riding and horsemanship next year we can :D
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Post by KonThaak »

Don't forget bronc-breaking, fence-building, horse-back herding, trough-ice-breaking (for the wintertime), barbed-wire-handling, and so on, and so on, and so on...

Sorry, my grandfather was a cowboy and a rancher.

And Koralth, wasn't your suspension supposed to be up as of this past Monday? What's up with that?
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Post by Koralth »

First off... No, I'm a proud suspended officer until this UPCOMING monday. I go in for my psycho-analytical analysis test supreme friday, and then they let me know that I'm not psycho, and that I can be a cop again. WAS going to go in tomarrow, Wednesday, for it, but I'm visiting friends in Nevada, so I had it postponed.

Second off... The thought of our own little private dude ranch in the desert... Heh... I can picture it now... Bert and stoneman in cowboy outfits. Sword master and gun master in perfect union... Androgyny and Human... Riding off into the sunset Brokeback style!

I'm not gone yet, Bert, feel free to punch good for that one. I suppose I owe Ghost a free slap too. Damn... Pretty soon I'll be covered in bruises from this little excursion just 'coz of my big mouth... And I know it's coming, too, and I'm STILL going to hit this 'submit' button despite it all.
"God, I know you say you love all of your children equally, but you don't, do ya? I'm on to you, big guy." Dr. Percival Cox
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Post by GhostSpider »

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

Koralth, do you want to make it to your psych test on friday? In one piece?

But hey, thanks for the sword master compliment. 8)

I'll hold a little back from that punch that I owe you. :wink:
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Post by Koralth »

hey hey hey! I said it about your golem, man, which means that it's only partly connected to you. You only get a slap. A manly slap.
"God, I know you say you love all of your children equally, but you don't, do ya? I'm on to you, big guy." Dr. Percival Cox
A. Pendragon
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Post by A. Pendragon »

Freaks :!:
Fear the night because the night doesn't fear YOU!!!
Something that I have learned in my life: The dead just dont stay dead.
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Post by Koralth »

Can't help it... Every time I see your sig, Pendragon, I have to youtube, "Freedom isn't Free" from Team America... I'm gonna crank it, guys. Last night at the camp, you should all know that freedom costs a buck-oh-five.
"God, I know you say you love all of your children equally, but you don't, do ya? I'm on to you, big guy." Dr. Percival Cox
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Post by Koralth »

Wait a minute... Pendragon, what happened to Loki? You were hunting him, so, how'd it go???
"God, I know you say you love all of your children equally, but you don't, do ya? I'm on to you, big guy." Dr. Percival Cox
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Koralth, I've smacked you upside the head so many times the past 4 days you're probably numb there.
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A. Pendragon
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Post by A. Pendragon »

I am still hunting Loki. I have some leads as to where he is at, but I am waiting for some further intel.
Fear the night because the night doesn't fear YOU!!!
Something that I have learned in my life: The dead just dont stay dead.
Freedom isn't as free as we have been taught!
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