Strange Fires

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Ron Caliburn
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Strange Fires

Post by Ron Caliburn »

These ones even made the big time. ... index.html ... index.html

They are strange for different reasons. The Cambodia fire was started by a "meteorite." The "meteorite" has already conveniently disappeared.

The Bande Aceh fire, so close after the tsunami? What are the odds that all the death attracted something pyrotechnic?

Where I am I can't help out, but maybe some of our Asian brethren might find something out.
Last edited by Ron Caliburn on Fri Nov 26, 2010 9:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Delta Sierra
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Post by Jimu113 »

Wonder if these were started by the same beasties one of my contacts encountered recently? (Check my "new threat" thread)
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Lore Mayfair
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Post by Lore Mayfair »

I believe you are probably dealing with some type of fire demon. However my knowledge fails me as I can not recall any off of my head.

Perhaps, and this may be good or bad news, these events could be a little more on the mortal side. I have recently come into contact with a smaller scale but similar situation here in Xander Hills. A pyro psychic with a darker outlook on life and a panchant for blood.

Hope this proves false but keep it in mind.
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Post by The_Unicorn »

Strange, the fire that started after the Tsunami seems normal as far as I can tell.....
Although it may have attracted a fire demon due to the destruction caused by the Tsunami.

As far as the meterite, I may just check that out.
Though a hot object descending into our atmosphere causing a fire doesn't seem too strange to me.
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Post by Razor »

Greeting Gentlemen, and Ladies that might read this,
I am new to the boards here, and in fact this is my first post, but this particular topic has already caught my eye. I am not aware or the fires mentioned elsewhere, but I -would- like to bring up recent events here in my native state of Texas. I am unsure if any of you are aware of current events, but on the weekend preceeding March 13, of this year, 2006, and through to mid-week a series of fires destroyed just under 1,000,000 acres of range land, destroyed homes and houses, and killed hundreds, perhaps thousands of livestock. Even more are sure to follow from their injuries, and a lack of grazing land.

Several lives were lost to these monsterous fires that raged across the area, as well as many homes, and even one or two towns. These fires moved and breathed with a life of their own, and they were very hard to kill. The National Forest service, and special units from Dallas-Ft. Worth were dispatched and even then there was difficulty, even with the National Guard lending air support.

Living in Texas, I am well-aware of the hazards and dangers of this territory, and I had seen this pattern being set up for a month or more in advance. I knew that the region was in danger, and I did what I could to try to alter the weather patterns, but despite my abilities, I could make zero progress.. even with the help of other like-minded individuals in the area. That told me that it was deliberate. I can almost unfailingly call in a weather system within 12 to 48 hours, and I tried for four weeks straight with no sucess.

So, the day came, and the fires raged. This thing they thought they had contained and beat many times, and it would die away to almost nothing, then when they relaxed and let up, it would leap back and roar to life with a vengeance and make sprints of territory it burned. It moved between 30mph and 50mph with flames 20 to 30 feet high.. quite powerful for a simple grass fire. It had flame fronts 50 miles long.

With the ferocity and power of this fire, I am more than certain that it was empowered by some one of dark intent in the region. My best guess is someone in Amarillo. At any rate.. the area I live in has a very strong nexus point, and this area has always been a center for paranormal activity... even dating back to the days of the Native American. There is a Native American burial ground only a mile or so from town. This entire area was once consiered sacred or holy ground, and a place for spirits. It still is, from what I have encountered.

Due to the nexus in the area, and the burial ground, this place has been shielded and sanctified. Tornados dont touch down here. Wildfires don't burn here. We don't flood. We don't have any kind of natural disaster here.

Point and case... The fires from the East Amarillo Complex were visible on the horizon only a couple of miles away, in the mesas nearby. You could see the flames from the center of town, but once they got down to where the shield was, they stopped, and then fizzled and died. The firefighters had been unable to stop the fires, and they had been jumping fire lines and even jumped the river more than once. I know that with the river flowing through this region, the shield is probably water-based, which explains why the fire died so readily.

I do know that when I first heard of the fire, and then later saw it, both times I felt nothing but pure evil and threat behind it. Then, it dimmed considerably, because I was mentally prepared. I kept a vigil for three days, waiting to see if I would have to move, considering my town was on evac watch, but noone had to move.

That being said, I don't know how you ladies and gentlemen feel about this particular post, but I would like your thoughts, and insights into it.
Celeste Darken
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Post by Celeste Darken »

Do not drop your vigilance, no matter what. And do not trust the “sanctified” land completely to keep the fire at bay. If this "holy circle" was brought about by magic, my guess is it can be undone by it as well. If the fire wouldn’t even die with a downpour, I am guessing the power behind it is in the extreme. Be cautious and ready.

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Post by Razor »

It did eventually die, after the circle of people I work with, invoked our abilities, and put it down with three days of rain that turned into snow. The fires were not just isolated around the town I live in, so the entire area had to be blanketed, and made sure that nothing could possibly burn.

However, I do not think this incident is isolated. There has not been any rain since, and there has been constant wind. It seems that this place is being dried out once again to prepare the area to be another tinder box of fuel.

As always, I will be ever vigilant. I never rely on things that I have not put into place myself. The shields may keep natural disasters out, and some of the more... ecclectic entities out, but things do come through.

Thank you for your response, Celeste.
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The Watcher In Shadows
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Post by The Watcher In Shadows »

I would suggest doing some research on the area's history. try to find out if such a thing has happened before and if it has, if anyone as found resopnsible. I would also suggest going out and looking for more signs of the presence you sensed, to see if you can locate the source.

Be cautious and discreet.
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Post by Razor »

Perhaps you have a point there, but considering I dont have a vehicle, it would be hard to get to the locations I need to. This brings up the question of any Lazlo Agents in the area or other investigators that might be able to help me, especially in the Amarillo area.
Secrets and secrets, truth and lies, but which is which? Not knowing is the way to die.
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