
General discussions of issues of the paranormal affecting our community. A place where you can ask questions, and others will offer answers.
Elizabeth D. Anderson
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Post by Elizabeth D. Anderson »

My name is Elizabeth D. Anderson. I'm a Corporal of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police - Division R, or, since Arden has let the cat out the bag on that, RCX. I am also a trained medical doctor, specializing in forensic pathology.

I used to be a dis-believer. Ten years ago, I was an RCMP Constable until I was asked by a friend to help him out up in a northern Ontario town called RavenRoost. My life has never been the same since.

Suffice to say that over the years I have witnessed things that I can not deny... terrible things that haunt me to this day, some of which my partner, Father Arden Ghostwood, has mentioned on this forum. Specifically, I have done extensive reseach and had multiple encounters with Vampires and Werewolves. The town of RavenRoost was infested with them. I spent years trying to fit scientific reason around what I was experiencing, attributing vampiric and lycanthropic behaviours to such things as Porphyria, Hypertrichosis, PCP, Anemia, Allergies and any number of other excuses.

In the end, I was forced to accept that these things are real.

I have examined physical samples of a compound called Lycanthrium that cauases the transformation of man into monster; experienced first hand such transformations, watched friends turn into animalistic terrors that left us no choice but to exterminate them. I have felt the cold, dead lips of a vampire upon my flesh, felt the piercing pain and the fear, underlayed by the almost sexual rapture of being fed on... I still attend my therapy sessions on a regular basis as a result.

Believe me when I say that I have seen the horror that man is capable of enacting upon man; I have no need to invent monsters to allay my fears of what humankind is capable of, I see it every day. Yet the monsters are still real. I see them, or feel them, on a regular basis now too.

Something has changed in me, recently. I don't know why, except to say that maybe it's God's will that I should have these... abilities. This may sound strange, and I know some people have a hard time reconciling the idea of God and His influence with the paranormal and supernatural, but I was visited by an Angellic being in a dream. Dreams in RavenRoost are always powerful, and often more than just dreams. In this dream, the Angellic form was floating at the end of my bed, and lines of blue energy were radiating out from my body, and it was like a switch was flicked, and I could suddenly see and perceive things around me that I never could before. When I awoke, these abilities continued. It has been quite difficult to deal with. I have felt overwhelmingly ill in the presence of supernatural creatures, have heard voices that shouldn't be there, seen apparitions at hospital bedsides... it is beginning to take a heavy toll on my psyche.

I'm not quite sure what to do. I have never wanted or asked for such power, and I find the idea that God has, for whatever reason, his attention on me extremely disturbing.

Any advice would be welcome.
I have seen things that I cannot deny...
Lightning Plant
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Post by Lightning Plant »

First, hello. I've never thought of these abilities as being divine in nature. Personally, I agree with Victor Lazlo, in that human psychics are more like human antibodies, keeping everyone safe from the inhuman.

EDIT: It's also nice to have a real scientist who believes. Maybe you can convince the skeptics... but I doubt it.
Elizabeth D. Anderson
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Location: Ravenroost, Ontario, Canada

Post by Elizabeth D. Anderson »

Lightning Plant wrote:First, hello. I've never thought of these abilities as being divine in nature. Personally, I agree with Victor Lazlo, in that human psychics are more like human antibodies, keeping everyone safe from the inhuman.

They may be what you term as psychic, I don't know, but I have a strong sense that these abilities are from God, or that God has somehow allowed me to access them, when before I could not. Regardless, it seems I have little control over them, and they come and go wihtout warning. It has been very disturbing.

Lightning Plant wrote: It's also nice to have a real scientist who believes. Maybe you can convince the skeptics... but I doubt it.

As a former skeptic, I know how hard it is to believe, but I would be dead right now if I hadn't accepted what I could no longer deny. Each person has to come to their own understanding, however. No one can force anyone else to believe or dis-believe in anything they don't want to. All I know is that these creatures exist, and it's my job to protect us from them.
I have seen things that I cannot deny...
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Welcome to the society.

Do't spend too much time learnin' about how those things live that you forget to make sure they die.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
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Re: Hello

Post by NicksMind »

Elizabeth D. Anderson wrote:I used to be a dis-believer. Ten years ago, I was an RCMP Constable until I was asked by a friend to help him out up in a northern Ontario town called RavenRoost. My life has never been the same since.

I have to applause the person who turned you into one of the propagandists. They obviously did thier homework. I am disapointed though that you being an upstanding citizen of Canada was so easily manipulated into going against what you used to believe.
Nick's Mind
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

It was simple, show a person the truth enough times, they'll either start believing, or go insane.

We're all hoping that you'll someday see the light Nick, but we're worried you're going to have to be institutionalized first.
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Delta Sierra
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Post by NicksMind »

Im surprised that you have escaped the white padded cell probably dozens of times.
Nick's Mind
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

I did my time and was released as being certifiably sane.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
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Post by NicksMind »

You must be kidding but that is the closest thing to the truth you have ever said.
Nick's Mind
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

It's true. A while back I got into a situation that my Lawyer could only get me out of by having me sent to a mental institution. After a basic treatment regiment they decided I was safe to release.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
Elizabeth D. Anderson
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Re: Hello

Post by Elizabeth D. Anderson »

NicksMind wrote:I have to applause the person who turned you into one of the propagandists. They obviously did thier homework. I am disapointed though that you being an upstanding citizen of Canada was so easily manipulated into going against what you used to believe.

I haven't gone against what I used to believe, I have accepted what science has proven to be true. Nor have I become a propagandist, sir. I did not wake up one morning, suddenly believing in everything paranormal. I still demand proof of what I am seeing / experiencing. But when that proof stares me in the face, I refuse to deny it simply to hold to a belief that is obviously not complete. If one purports to base one's facts in science, then one must accept what those facts reveal.

I respect your viewpoint, and can understand where you are coming from, but I have seen too much to turn a blind eye to the reality of the paranormal. To imply that there is nothing out there greater than ourselves, that we can explain everything, is the greatest of ignorances.
I have seen things that I cannot deny...
Elizabeth D. Anderson
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Post by Elizabeth D. Anderson »

Ron Caliburn wrote:Welcome to the society.

Do't spend too much time learnin' about how those things live that you forget to make sure they die.

Ah, but to understand one's enemy is to have power over it. If it were not for researchers, who could have told you that silver hurts a werewolf? Or that sunlight can kill a vampire? Without dedicated scientists who, over the centuries, have documented and studied these creatures, we would have no knowledge with which to fight such things. Science is the tool that provides us with the weapons to fight the supernatural.

That, and it's just fascinating work.
I have seen things that I cannot deny...
Elizabeth D. Anderson
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Post by Elizabeth D. Anderson »

Ron Caliburn wrote:It was simple, show a person the truth enough times, they'll either start believing, or go insane.

Sometimes both.
I have seen things that I cannot deny...
Joseph Darkhold
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Post by Joseph Darkhold »

I agree to a certain point that "Knowledge is Power", but don't forget that the person who discovered that silver could kill a werewolf had to kill one to figure it out. You should never get too caught up in your research that you forget to protect yourself, but if you prefer not to do the killing yourself then thats alright, because Ron and I will be perfectly willing to do it for you. :wink:

That having been said, welcome to the society and good luck
Joseph Darkhold
"Ex Ignorantia ad Sapientiam, e Luce ad Tenebras"
Elizabeth D. Anderson
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Location: Ravenroost, Ontario, Canada

Post by Elizabeth D. Anderson »

Joseph Darkhold wrote:I agree to a certain point that "Knowledge is Power", but don't forget that the person who discovered that silver could kill a werewolf had to kill one to figure it out. You should never get too caught up in your research that you forget to protect yourself, but if you prefer not to do the killing yourself then thats alright, because Ron and I will be perfectly willing to do it for you. :wink:

That having been said, welcome to the society and good luck
Joseph Darkhold

Thank you for the welcome. And you don't need to worry. I'm perfectly willing and capable of killing first, asking questions later. A balance of both seems to work well. My life or the life of my partner or fellow officers is not worth a vial of some unknown substance, if you get me.
I have seen things that I cannot deny...
Brother Hotep
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Post by Brother Hotep »

I don't know why people assume that the only way people have to deal with the supernatural is killing them, Or sending them back into hell or what ever they came from.. I Generally think reforming them is the best option we have against the weird things that generally plague the world...
and .. Elizabeth, .. are there any Weremoose in Canada?
" I wanna live, I wanna Love, It's a long hard road out of hell. I want to Live Forever, Forever will always Be... "
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

I don't kill things just because they aren't normal, I kill things because theya re a threat. If it's normal and a threat, I'll take care of it. If its supernatural and not a threat, I'll pass it off to one of my touchy-feely companions who's better at negotiating that sort of thing.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
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Post by Kolya »

If reforming is the best option, then the problem is that the best option is not always available.

But the deeper problem is that it is hard to play god. You try to reform someone/thing who is not interested in being reformed and you find out that reform might not be the best option.
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Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

I know what I can and can't do. I'm good at tracking and killing these creepies. So if killin' aint the best way,y ou best let me know first, 'cause it's all I'm good at.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
Elizabeth D. Anderson
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Post by Elizabeth D. Anderson »

Brother Hotep wrote:I don't know why people assume that the only way people have to deal with the supernatural is killing them, Or sending them back into hell or what ever they came from.. I Generally think reforming them is the best option we have against the weird things that generally plague the world...
and .. Elizabeth, .. are there any Weremoose in Canada?

In my experience, the number of times a 'supernatural' creature can be reformed is extremely rare. I have met one person in passing who was apparently a vampire but who was still a functioning, contributing member of the APTF, but i did not spend any more time with her than I had to. I do have a friend who is currently controlling a lycanthropic infection using an inhibitor, and he has not become a danger to anyone, and so I guess I can't really say that he has been reformed in anyway. Other than that, though, I have found that often the only way to prevent the loss of life has been to use lethal force.

As for weremoose, I personally have not encountered a weremoose, although I see no reason why such a creature couldn't exist. Nanook, a close friend who has had confrontation with several werewolves, might have had some experience with them. I'll ask him and pass on any information I can find.
I have seen things that I cannot deny...
Posts: 23
Joined: Sat Feb 26, 2005 9:18 pm

Question for Elizabeth

Post by Jimu113 »

Just wondering if you've heard any Wendigo reports lately (and, no, not that laughable critter from the comics either)?
Son, I've seen more dead bodies than you've had TV dinners-Carl Kolchak, the Night Stalker
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Question for Elizabeth

Post by Jimu113 »

Just wondering if you've heard any Wendigo reports lately (and, no, not that laughable critter from the comics either)?
Son, I've seen more dead bodies than you've had TV dinners-Carl Kolchak, the Night Stalker
Brother Hotep
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Post by Brother Hotep »

Hey that laughable figure from the comics is at least the correct legend on the wendigo....
" I wanna live, I wanna Love, It's a long hard road out of hell. I want to Live Forever, Forever will always Be... "
Brother Hotep
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Post by Brother Hotep »

as for reforming the monsters.. I've heard Ancient chinese alchemists have been successful for doing that, but I don't believe such methods are available to people in the modern world.. as we've yet to run across a verifiable alchemist or chinese demon, and not just some crackpot spiritualists like the dahli llama or the leader of the Falun Gong... (Arsenic poisoning disguised as Dim mak, indeed! ... )
" I wanna live, I wanna Love, It's a long hard road out of hell. I want to Live Forever, Forever will always Be... "
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Elizabeth D. Anderson wrote:Thank you for the welcome. And you don't need to worry. I'm perfectly willing and capable of killing first, asking questions later. A balance of both seems to work well. My life or the life of my partner or fellow officers is not worth a vial of some unknown substance, if you get me.

It's nice that you care for your team, but so far I don't get much of a feeling that you extend the same compassion to the average citizen that you do to a werewolf.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
Elizabeth D. Anderson
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Location: Ravenroost, Ontario, Canada

Post by Elizabeth D. Anderson »

Ron Caliburn wrote:
It's nice that you care for your team, but so far I don't get much of a feeling that you extend the same compassion to the average citizen that you do to a werewolf.

Excuse me? Just because I'm don't go in with my 'six shooters' blazing by no means suggests that I do not 'extend the same compassion' to the citizens I am sworn to protect! What I and my fellow officers have been through in the defence of the 'average citizen' in the last year alone is probably more than you'll see in your lifetime. We are on the front line, sacrificing our lives to protect the innocents of the world. So sue me if I show a little concern for the men and women who have dedicated their lives to keeping these creatures at bay, so the rest of you can live your happy, blissfully ignorant lives! I'm talking about living this day in, day out, knowing that there is no one else between the 'average citizen' and the darkness but us. How dare you imply that I don't care about anyone else? How many innocents have you endangered with your 'shoot first' mentality? Because it'll happen sooner or later, and God help you, Mr. Caliburn, if it's someone you care about! As I have stated in other messages, sir, no loss of human life is acceptable. I stand by that. But some day, Mr. Caliburn, you are going to have to wake up and realize that your narrow-minded view and a pull of the trigger will not solve all the world's problems.
I have seen things that I cannot deny...
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Post by Kolya »

Go stand in the snow or stand in a vat of ice water and cool down. We are all on the same side, right?
С волками жить, по-волчьи выть.
Elizabeth D. Anderson
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Location: Ravenroost, Ontario, Canada

Post by Elizabeth D. Anderson »

Kolya wrote:Go stand in the snow or stand in a vat of ice water and cool down. We are all on the same side, right?

Are we? Sometimes I wonder. The truth is, we all know very little about one another, other than what we let everyone here see.

That being said, I am perfectly calm. But please don't ask me to stand by while my morales are being questioned without saying anything. I have given up a hell of a lot over the last ten years protecting people from the unknown, enough not to need someone to come along and suggest I don't care about the innocents I fight to protect every day.
I have seen things that I cannot deny...
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Location: Russia

Post by Kolya »

Elizabeth D. Anderson wrote:
Kolya wrote:Go stand in the snow or stand in a vat of ice water and cool down. We are all on the same side, right?

Are we? Sometimes I wonder. The truth is, we all know very little about one another, other than what we let everyone here see.

That being said, I am perfectly calm. But please don't ask me to stand by while my morales are being questioned without saying anything. I have given up a hell of a lot over the last ten years protecting people from the unknown, enough not to need someone to come along and suggest I don't care about the innocents I fight to protect every day.
Well, I was speaking to both of you.

He made assumptions. You made assumptions.
С волками жить, по-волчьи выть.
Lightning Plant
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Post by Lightning Plant »

Kolya wrote:
Elizabeth D. Anderson wrote:
Kolya wrote:Go stand in the snow or stand in a vat of ice water and cool down. We are all on the same side, right?

Are we? Sometimes I wonder. The truth is, we all know very little about one another, other than what we let everyone here see.

That being said, I am perfectly calm. But please don't ask me to stand by while my morales are being questioned without saying anything. I have given up a hell of a lot over the last ten years protecting people from the unknown, enough not to need someone to come along and suggest I don't care about the innocents I fight to protect every day.
Well, I was speaking to both of you.

He made assumptions. You made assumptions.

Remember, when you make assumptions, you make an ass out of you and mumptions.
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